1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

congrats duck im happy for u boo... how is everyone eles... and where is beth?
hey annie, hows you? I hope Beth is ok cos she hasn't been on for quite a while.
toots im doing good.. still not trying though but im a 28 day cycle now thanks to metforphin and i did O last month he only cums in me when he wants :( i dunno any more any advice girls?
Hi there

I am doing good... sounds weird to say it but I genuinely am :) Jojo come back thank u but there is no need to stalk from a far I really wanna see an update bump picture I'm sure we are well overdue one of those xx

How are u and bubba feeling??

Lou I am so excited for ur appointment this is going to be a brilliant appointment I just know it, Duck how feeling honey

I'm glad you're feeling good fee. It's a shame that Jojo feels she has to stay away a while isn't as we've been together on here for ages. Af is due tomorrow and I've not had a symptom during the 2ww except last night I had a real pinching near to my right hip bone. Don't know what it was but I'm not getting my hopes up!
What's been going on with you?
16 wks!
Photo 117.jpg

Photo 124.jpg

Thank you so much guys for being so great. I'm doing well. Went for my 16 wk check yesterday and it went well. Was having couple of contractions on Monday and of course I was freaking out! This is the point when I started my pre-term labor so I was thinking the worst. But Dr. checked and my cervix is still closed ( thank God)! Got my 1st 17 HP shot yesterday too.

Duck how you doing?

Toots, what an exciting reading! Maybe all you need is a quick flush and it will be your turn for a :bfp:

Star how you doing?
That's a gorgeous bump Jojo! I'm so glad to hear things are going well. Are you still ridicuously busy?
Af is due tomorrow and so far I've had no spotting but I've also had no symptoms during the 2ww. But last night I had a sharp pinching sort of pain around my right hip bone and today I've noticed the same pain but around my left bone. It's probably nothing but I guess there is always a chance especially after my Jenny prediction. How weird would it be if the prediction was right!
wow how cute the bump is awe shy.. im worried about beth wtf???????
I think after her miscarriage she wanted to take a while away from here to get her head together. The poor luv, I do hope she is keeping ok.
How's things with you Annie?
Hello lovely ladies

Beautiful bump :) so can't wait for the 20 week scan love living this through u honey, I've got a stinking cold today freezing, snotty and really sore ovaries when I cough or sneeze but hey ho its all good ha ha, this month very weird em... no idea what dpo I am no idea of symptoms and eh AF due monday ish ha ha never thought I'd be able to say any of that lol

Loving the no stress way of thinking..., Lou u sound great and may I say totally refreshed, it's great isn't it :)

Beth was in touch with me after m/c and Lou's is so right she is ok, she just wants some time to get her head together and then she'll come back when she is ready... I miss her too

Hey star, it is a great feeling to not be totally consumed by symptoms and ovulation etc! You sound as though you're doing ok and I'm so pleased about that Hun.
thanks ladies!

Toots, it wouldn't be weired, it would be WONDERFUL!!! I have everything in body crossed for you, and the rest of the ladies! And I can't wait for my 20 wk scan either! I and my whole family is convinced its a boy and we are already calling my bump by "his" name, and my kids are talking about their new brother! It feels like its going both slow and fast at the same time :wacko:

Everyone I know Toots including myself say that its the month you don't have a ton of symptoms and you think its not your month that you get your :bfp:
Star and TOots, how are your OH doing with all this?
Hi girls, hows everybody today?
Well it's midday and still no sign of af. I'm amazingly calm as I'm sure it'll rear it's ugly head before the day is out! I had some weird pinching yesterday and a bit today but nothing else. I would normally have been spotting a few days ago but that's not happened either. I guess it's a case of being patient and see what happens.
Well, I'm freakin out more than you then!! Do you think this could be it? I'm sure you've told me but have you gotten any results from the hospital yet? Have they found any reason as to why your having trouble?
Hey Jojo, how's you and bubba today?
We have an appointment on 10th feb for ultrasound and will get results of the various tests then. I've got mild af type cramps at the moment but still no spotting just small amounts of White liquid type cm. I don't know what to think cos the cramps could mean af will come this evening or tomorrow. I did a sneaky test last night but it was bfn so that has calmed me down somewhat.
Maybe I'll test at the weekend if af doesn't show.
It must be so hard having to wait so long for results. Have you ever had that kind of Cm before your AF? is your ticker right about you being 11dpo? It night still be a bit early to get a BFP. I got a bfn @ 11dpo and got my vvvvvvvvvvv faint BFP on 12 dpo. Maybe wait a couple days and test again if she doesn't show up. But, I really don't know how you can wait. I'm 17 wks and have taken a couple more tests just to see that BFP:wacko: So, I'm holding out for you! :af::af::af: Are you having any other symtpoms?
I'm not entirely sure when I ovulated:dohh:. Ive not noticed anything out of the ordinary going on but the cm this morning is definately unusual. I guess af could be running late and arrive tomorrow so I'll stay calm and carry on:haha:. I've been really relaxed about the whole ttc thing as the hospital are running tests so I've not really been paying much attention to symptoms. You'll be able to knock me down with a feather if I end up with a bfp!
im doing ok i guess. the metforphin is working correctly an i ovulated last month and i had a period 28 days so im excited about that. but me and dh are not doing good at all.. he came in me but i am on my period my period last 7 days... is that ok is a 28 day cycle...

anyways we are gonna have a talk tonight bc we need to be on the same page are go our separate ways.. :(
I'm sorry to hear that Annie. I hope you can both work things out Hun
Morning ladies, how's everybody today?
Still no sign of af, should have been due yesterday (my ticker is behind) I'm not feeling any signs that it's on the way at the moment. Fingers crossed! I'll see how I go but maybe I'll test over the weekend (if I last that long:haha:)

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