1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

HOw can you possibly wait TOOTS!!!!! :test: I can understand that you want to be cautious and not get your hopes up but knowing myself, the no AF,unusual CM, and the prediction! I would be buy a butt load of cheaply tests and a couple FRER! OOOHHHHHH! I really don't want to get you to excited because the last thing I want is for you to be disappointed but I just want to see you :bfp: so flipping bad luv!

Well for me I'm doing ok. Can't believe my baby is already an onion! :haha: I'm feeling pretty good for the most part. My boobies are getting kinda big which I am overly ecstatic about! My 1st pregnancy with my son my bbs didn't get huge like everyone told me they would but once he was born and the milk came in then they got hard and looked like torpedo's!! But with my DD they didn't get bigger at all!!! Even when the milk came in. But now they are getting very veiny and swollen looking. YEA! Well, not about the veiny part. That is just another reason I am convinced this baby is gonna be a boy! I'm still super busy. MIL still here but its getting easier with her around. My hubby had to go back out of town for another wk for work so because she's here its easier for me to take my son to school and things.

Well, I hope the rest of you ladies are feeling well. When is everyone else testing???
:haha: an onion in the oven:haha:. I'm glad to hear you're feeling well Jojo, has the :sick: feeling gone completely now? Do you have any more scans or have you had them all now?
It's now 2pm here and still no sign of af! Don't know what's going but it's driving me nuts:wacko:. I did a test last night but got a bfn so if af doesn't show up over the weekend I'll do another test. I'm hoping and praying af stays away. Im trying so hard to stay calm but I'm not doing a v good job of it!
How's everybody else doing?
The :sick: feeling is gone for the most part. Some mornings I get a little queezy and some smells trigger me to get sick but over all pretty good. I'm hoping it stays away too babe!!!
we had a really long talk last night and i think we gonna try this month and if i dont get preg then we are gonna hold off untill may ...
Hello ladies

Lou Lou ha ha I love it hope thats me next week ha ha just realised today that Af due Tues boy that was a quick month it has sped past.. fantastic news that u are feeling better jojo

Annie good news try so hard not to become consumed by it and guaranteed it will work xxxxxx
Hi ladies, I've just done a test with fmu and it was bfn. I'm cd27 (normally have 25 day cycle) and have got absolutely no sign that af is going to show. This is a very strange one:wacko:
How's everybody else?
hi guys,
sorry i havent been on - i was away with work all week and no computer
well i am cramping a lots and have bad nausea, have lost 5 lbs this week as cant eat much - am drinking lots and trying to eat veg and protein.
i am scared about the cramping and dont know if it is normal to go on this long and to be this constant but i have had no bleeding and still getting positive pregnancy tests

star, toots, fx'd for you
jojo - cool bump
annie - hope you sorted things out

my main symptoms before my BFP were less than i normally get for AF - a constant thirst that i couldnt quench, cramping from ovulation, thrush and i had such bad "period pains" i lay in bed for 2 days nearly in tears with a pad on and then just for a joke did a FRER on day AF was due and an instant positive, but i have NEVER felt more like i was going to get my period, and still do

its early days yet though
Hey duck, glad to hear you're well Hun. Have you asked on the first tri about the cramping? I'm sure it must be normal cos things are moving about inside to accommodate bubba. Keep us up to date:thumbup:
I've done another test this afternoon and that was bfn as well. I think I'll have to face facts that I'm on some sort of weird longer cycle.
Hi ladies, it's cd 29 today and I've started spotting:cry:. Af is never this late so I think my body has been playing a v nasty trick on me. I shouldn't have got excited cos I was getting bfn on the tests but I thought maybe I would be one of those women who take a few days after af is due to get the bfp. I guess I'll just look forward to my hospital appointment next month.
How's everybody doing today?
hi ladies hope your all ok,i just thought id let you know withnot being on the thread for a while that im still ttc and now on my 6th month,i should be ovulating around now but dont think i will as im on cd14 of a 28 day cycle and still not got ewcm and still having brown /red cm from af which isnt normal for me but my cervix is high,soft and open i think,ive had no cramps or bkache too which i would usually get when releasing the egg :(,how long have you ladies been ttc for who havent had there bfp yet or including mc but still trying as i had a chemical in october which i think was due to my body not recovering properly from coming off my pill but still here since even though i heard its meant to be easyier to get pregnant after these x x
Hello ladies

well AF got me cd25 can u believe it??? never ever been a day below cd 29 think u stole my days Lou lol.... one over one under oh well on to the next hoping this is my body sorting its self out after m/c who knows I'm doing ok thou :) nice to see u back wishing we are all still here

Duck hope u are feeling better honey, hope its just a bug making u feel crappy and then u'll move on to happy healty 9 months ha ha xxx
Evening fee, I reckon I must have stole your days:haha:, I have never had a cycle this long before. If anything I tend to be shorter than 25 days some months. I can't explain what's gone on with me:wacko:. It's all sent to try us!
Did you have a nice weekend?
hi girls sorry i havent been on for so long but i thought that the thread had quietly finished. How is everyone?
Firstly so sorry for your loss starchase, hope you are ok.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
congrats on your bfp duck, dont worry about the cramping i had it almost constantly til 10 or 12 weeks.
jojos you have an amazing bump far more impressive than mine! hope all is going well for you. Have you felt any movement yet?
Toots how are you? I wrote on another thread you are on. xx
annie, sorry you and dh arent getting on, ttc puts so much pressure on relationships but the end reward is worth it.
Frankie, how are you doing?
All is good here, cant believe im over half way, had my 20week scan and saw my very lazy baby, slept most of the time, now it is a 24hr party babba. have to go back for another scan at 32 weeks as my placenta is covering my cervix and they want to see if it has moved, but apart from being kicked senseless (oh and wind and constipation and heartburn)we are doing great, the being kicked senseless is the good bit.
Glad to see you girls are still here next time i might try going past page 1 on tww!!!!!!!
Hey nand, I saw your post on the other thread. So nice to hear you're well and dandy. It was a bit quiet on here over Xmas but we're back in business now:thumbup:. Have you been watching one born every minute? I saw a lady delivering in the birthing pool which could be an interesting way to give birth but I guess it depends how long you get stuck in there cos you could end up like a prune!
yes i watched it last night and there is nothing natural about something that big coming out of something that small!!!! i have to say that the birthing pool thing is not for me, all those bits floating round you, can you imagine first pic with with baby and you look like a wizened old crone! and i swear if oh ever tried to get in there with me id drown him or at least let one go when he was least expecting it!
It's actually quite gross when you think of it like that isn't it! Soaking away with bits of god knows what!
It is amazing to think that babies are squeezed out of such a small hole. My brothers partner gave birth to their daughter a couple of weeks ago and she ended up having to have a c-section, the baby was 9lb 8oz.!!
hi ladies just thought id let you know that i had a water birth with my son and if im honest felt the same way you did before as im not a bath lover either n the thought of siting in dirty water put me off more but i wanted an epidural with my son but was too far gone so the midwife asked me to try a water birth and it has changed my view completerly,i coped with the pain so much more easily and he came out with 2 pushes and i delivered him myself as the midwifes wernt ready for him with him coming so quick and to this day i cant remember what the water was like as its the last thing on your mind so id defo opt for one again,the only downside to me was the water didnt feel warm enough for my liking as it has to be a certain temp for the baby and so i was freezing after for a good hour or so but still not enough to put me off it,the best way to be when it comes to doing your birth plan is to be open to all options as you just dont know what you will be like and the midwifes will try stick to what youve wrote down,so if youve put you dont want an epidural they will do all they can to talk you out of it even though you now want one,ive had 2 kids and two completerly different labours,i had every pain relief going with my daughter and just gas n air with my son but all i can say is you will be fine when the day comes to it and you will be shocked how your body copes with the demand of getting the baby out and i think alot of the women on one born every minute are a little over the top,maybe cause the cameras are there but i really dont think its as bad as it looks like when you watch them,id defo say concentrate on the women which seem more chilled n just coping n getting on with it as i think it is more like that :) x x x
Hi ladies.

Sorry I've been a bit of a stranger just felt like I needed a break from everything since the MC. Hope ur all well.

I haven't read back over previous posts just the few above.
Congratulations Duck!!! Really pleased for you! How far along are you?

I'm still waiting for AF since my MC, been over 6weeks. I've started taking AC to try to bring AF on.
Went to the doctor today and he has ptescribed me Metaformin for my PCOS.

Love to you all

beth im on 1000mg a day of metforphin and it has helped me out so much!!!!! i get a period every 28 days... and i no i ovulated last month... we have been DTD every other day and im do to O tom.. But i have white kinda stretchy CM but it could be sperm from last night.... anyways the metforphin did make me sick to my stomach for a while and it gave me diarrhea sorry tmi... but it gets better over time.. Good luck beth.... i hope i catch that eggie this month..
:kiss: lovely to hear from you Beth, we've missed you Hun. I hope the meds can get your cycle back on track. Hope you come back on here soon:hugs:
Annie, good luck catching the eggy this month:thumbup:
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