1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

ty u .. im doing good just wondering if i ovulated lol.... hahaha.. alot of clear slimmy cm on TP but it could be sperm from last night..
Morning :)

Thanx Annie. Hope u catch that eggie too!
Thanx Lou ive missed u all and been thinking of u all! Its great to be bk! How did your hospital app go? Whats the next step for you?

Well AF eventually turned up yesterday :)
The Met really upset my stomach yesterday but I expected that. As long as it works I don't care.

Morning Beth, how are you today? hopefully your cycle will now get back on track. Will you be taking the soy again eventually?
My appointment isn't until next Thursday. Unfortunately I had to delay it as I couldn't get time off work. The closer it's getting the more worried I am!
I'm ok thanx Lou. Yeah I'm thinking of taking Soy right away. If I do i will be starting it tomorrow.
Oh that's a shame u couldn't get the time off, at least it's only a week away now. Have they said what they will be doing/discussing?

They are going to put dye in to see if I have any blockages etc in my tubes. I'm really not looking forward to it at all. Some ladies on here found it just a little uncomfortable whilst others found it slightly worse so I guess I'll find out next week. We haven't had oh sample results or my blood ones yet as we thought we'd wait to discuss everything properly with the specialist. In some ways I really want to know the results but then I think if there's a prob then we'll just worry about it so best wait to speak to the professionals. We were discussing it last night and oh has said that if he has major problems with his :spermy: then he would rather we kept it just between the two of us. Luckily none of our families know we're ttc or having tests etc, as far as they are concerned we don't want kids! I think if they are going to find problems then I'd rather it be me cos I don't think oh would handle it as well.
hi everyone,
how are we all today ?
Beth, its really good to see you back, was worried about you xxx
i am 6 weeks tomorrow and feeling very tired and sick - have been coming home and going to bed most nights.
i have booked in for a private scan on 19th feb - will be 7 + 6 as need some reassurance about all of this, i am feeling so scared and anxious I find myself crying sometimes.
anyway, i am not moaning as this is all i ever wanted, i just didnt think it would all be so frightening and overwhelming.
have a good weekend everyone
Hey ducktales

Try not to worry honey u have all the time in the world for that
So my mum says anyway she still worries about me tears are normal
Ur hormones are all over the place keeping that bubba growing.... I'll be
Fine we have had some bad luck on this thread but u are third time lucky
And I know everything will be fine x x

Hey Beth so good to see u back and thank goodness everything returning to
Normal body wise I must hav been beside urself looking for AF u just get to the
Point where u are wishing for it to come x x

I'm so excited about ur tests lou bet u just want them over and done with too poor
Dh I feel heart sorry for them we have each other nut I can't see them discussing sperm in the pub can u?

Well we have decided not to try this month we booked our summer holiday well October really and we'd hav to cancel if I fell this month so going to start again in march my little one so excited about holiday cos four families going all his friends don't won't him resenting his future bro or sister lol decisions decisions... Been to see 3 venues now nothing I like so going to see another 2 next sat oh and dress shopping on Tuesday night it's becoming real now that's for sure

How long will it take for you to get your results Lou?
I don't think men handle things as well as us! Will be thinking of you on Thursday, I'm sure it won't be too bad.

Duck I'm glad everything is going well! Plenty of rest for you! I can understand u needing the reassurance. Im sure everything will be fine!

Holiday sounds lovely fee, where are u going? It's nice that your going with some other families! I'm sure your son will have a ball!

Wedding plans are so exciting! Do u have a date in mind?
It does become very real once you start looking for the dress! I put it off for months because that part of the planning scared me the most, but it's the part I enjoyed the most once I took the plunge!!!

AF has been so heavy but I read that's normal after MC. It's slowing down now tho. I started taking Soy two nights ago. I'm not eating after taking the Met so it hasn't been upsetting my stomach which is good!

I must admit I'm petrified of trying again!!!

Hey Beth

We are heading to turkey on the 3rd October really am looking forward to it although hopefully I will be very fat and uncomfortable ha ha boy that sounds like a real treat doesn't it ha ha at least I won't be at the gym running my ass off I'll be at the all inclusive buffet everynight pigging out instead ha ha

We are hoping for a warm wedding so gonna go for may - aug 2011 depending on availability, try and get a dry day would be good.... One of my BF decided last year that she wanted her own business in hiring out designer wedding dresses well she didn't see it through and has got left with 10 brand new dresses which she has decided to sell, I am getting first refusal.... I would not be buying or looking just now if it wasn't for her so I'm trying to get excited and not freak out because it is genuinely the scariest bit ever especially as i could have my dress but no venue ha ha totally sounds like me though xx

I bled really bad after the m/c but it sort of just stops really weird it didn't tale off like AF does it was really bad then non exsistant quite weird really?? I know what you mean dh and I have decided never to use FRER or any type of tests again I am going to wait until I am 2 weeks late and then buy a test, the midwife beside me said once I get my positive 2 weeks late she will scan me for heart beat thats the way I want to do it ( I know its easy to say just now but to be honest really do think I will stick to it, don't want to know for 2 weeks waiting for 6 week mark.)

Hi Lou

I am doing good thanks how are you bet u are looling forward to ur apt not long now 2 more sleeps lol... My BF had the dye done and she said it was fine no where near as bad as she was thinking and she fell pg the very next month after having it done so fx'd honey, I think I just got my wedding fress I am delighted it is amazing.... whoo hoo

hey ladies.. i have no idea where i am in my cycle.. opps dont even no if the MET made me O are not this month.. anyways..

Beth-- i take my met in the morning two a day 1000mg and i dont eat afterward bc im not hunger.. but i eat supper an usually a small lunch and thats it.. it does give heartburn as well.. but i go the 28th and see what is my next step so im ready!!
Hi ladies, tomorrows test is creeping up! I'm a mixture of nervous and excited cos although it's not going to be pleasant at least I'll finally find out what's going on down there! I've read posts from some ladies saying the procedure was fine and others saying it's really horrible. I guess I'll find out! I did some research online and it's surprising the amount of ladies that get a bfp after getting it done so I'm really hopeful about that. Gail did predict a bfp this month so here's hoping:happydance:. Do you think I would still ovulate if I had any form of blockage in my tubes? I'll update you all tomorrow:thumbup:
Fee, is your dress totally fabulous! I bet you can't wait for your big day Hun.
Beth, how's you? How is your mum doing now?
Annie, at least if you've lost track of your cycle you won't really know when you're in the tww so you won't go crazy looking for symptoms.
Jojo, hope you and bubba are keeping well. Anything new going on?
I've just noticed that we are in 'groups and discussions' when did we move from the tww forum:shrug:.
lol that is so funny,.. we have been bumped from 2ww i guess we had too many 2ww's between us duh...
I absolutely love my dress it's gorgeous so much fun, u will be fine tomorrow can't wait to hear what they say and I defo think u will release an egg oh and spermie time whoo hoo xxxxxx
haha thats true... im on a new forum been there about 3 months and i just told them they never talk to me anymore and i need to find i new one ... hahaha...
last night i layin in bed at 230am bc i couldnt sleep and i got a nevroves tinglin feeling come over me than it left.. my thoart hurts and my ear hurts.. not bad but mild i guess im getting sick plus im crampin so i guess im gonna start my period as well ..
Thanks girls:kiss:. I'm sure it won't be as bad as I'm imagining. Hopefully it'll give my tubes a flush through:thumbup:. With any luck I won't be to sore so I can get right back to dtd!! Gotta catch that eggy:happydance:
Later this afternoon we've also got to take one of our cats to the vet cos she's all of a sudden gone bald on her back legs and she's nibbling away making herself sore. Poor luv must have been bitten by something.
How's everybody doing today? It's peeing down here!
GOod morning ladies!

Toots, GL hunni! I know 2 women who had the same procedure and they both got [regnant VERY soon after! I also heard that its not that bad. I can't wait for you to join me as a bump buddy!
Star, haven't had a chance to look back at past posts but I'm hoping you posted a pic of your wedding dress so I can see it! How is TTC going for you?
Beth, how are you doing love?
Annie, hope you feel better love. I think I'm coming down with something too. Sinus pain and sore throat!
How are you doing Duck?

Well, for me and my #3 we are doing well. Having lots of problems wth headaches and migraines. Had them before but with the extra hormones with being pregnant and the double extra whammy of having to get hormone shots every wk on top of that it makes them worse. Last week had a migraine for THE WHOLE WEEK! Hubby has been having to be out of town lately for work so its only me taking care of all the kids and his mom plus all the preggo stuff so its been hard. Trying not to go crazy because I am really praying I can keep this baby inside me at least 38 wks! I've never gotten that far. If heartburn really is the baby growing hair this kid is gonna come out looking like a monkey!! I have been eating tums like their going out of style! Its so crazy because that is one of my 1st symptoms at like 4dpo and it hasn't stopped since! :wacko: I've been feeling the baby a bit more, and every morning I wake up and feel bigger. Its getting tough bending down and getting off the couch now. This weekend a lady at the store asked how far along I am and it was the 1st time someone commented on me being pregnant in public so guess I'm really starting to look the part and not just extra fat! We find out what sex the baby is on the 17th so only a week to go. I can't wait!
Can't wait to hear how you ladies are doing! So, who's testing next? Who's coming to join me!!!

COME ON :bfp::bfp:bfp:bfp:bfp::af::af:af::af::bfp:bfp::bfp:!!!
Good evening girls, Procedure went well:thumbup: It was nowhere near as bad as I thought. The dye shot up my left tube, which is completely clear, so the couldnt really see the other one but they were happy there was no probs:thumbup:. Oh sperm results are normal and my bloods show I'm ovulating and have no nasty diseases! We have been offered iui cos we've been ttc for 2yrs+ and got nowhere. The nurse advised us to go away and :sex: every other day from today! She said its common for couples to conceive after this procedure, if we don't then we'll begin iui. One thing that did show on the camara is that there was a bulge on my ovary which was an egg, I'm thinking I'm about to ovulate. Jojo Hunni I'm going to be a bump bud if it kills me:haha:. The nurses were so lovely and it was a positive experience:thumbup:
Thank you so much for wishing me luck and thinking of me:kiss:
Beth, How are you hun?
Fee, I'd also love to see the dress!
Jojo, I'm so pleased to hear from you. Missed you:hugs:. The migraines must be awful, my oh suffers from them so I know how horrible they are. It'll be worth it in the end:thumbup:. Any new scan pics or bump pics to show?

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