1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

I'm soooooooo glad to hear it went well Toots! I feel so relieved for you! You better be :sex: a ton!!!! This is your month babe!!!

No new scan pics till the 17th but here are 2 bump pics I took yesterday @ 19wks!
Photo 125.jpgPhoto 126.jpg
Wow!!!! That is so gorgeous, you look lovely Hun! Have you got an active one in there? Can't wait to hear whether you're having a boy or girl:happydance:.
Are you little ones looking forward to the new arrival? How is life with your mother in law?:hugs::hugs:
Toots thats great news, i hope you are not reading this and are in bed... !

hi everyone,
sorry this is a short post, am knackered and off to bed
hope everyone is ok
Hi All

Oh Jojo just precious ur bump is one amazing bump, I didn't take a photo of it as I only had my iphone and my DS likes to play games on it he would have shown his dad mummy like a princess so thought better not I am going for another fitting with my mum and sister so will get one then for u guys its so exciting,.... Well I am due to ovulate next tues/wed so have to behave this wknd typical eh really wanna just see what happens but ds would be gutted if we miss the hols so looks like I'm having a sex free valentines lol..,

Yeah Duck hope u are feeling better doll that u had a flying visit big hugs xx

Lou Lou so good it wasn't that bad and just u do as ur told and bd non stop please ha ha so chuffed u heard it out of the dr's mouth about the procedure leading to pg. I know it helps hearing it on here from us but to hear it from dr is wow isn't it xx

Nand how u feeling honey I can't believe how far on u are now it is fantastic xxx
hi ladies sorry im not on here very often but dont want to keep going on while waiting for my bfp plus dont want get in the way of you ladies talking to each other as you seem to know alot about each other and have gone through alot togetha for me to just pop up in the middle of it but just wanting to keep you posted from time to time with talking to a few of you over the last few months :) glad to see your all doing ok,toots im happy that everything is fine for you and that today went well,starchase bet your dress is stunning,bet everything seems more real for you now as that was what got me excited because you know what your dress is like and its makes planning everything to go with it more fun,
jojo im loving the bump pics,i really miss mine even though in past pregnancys i start moaning about it in the last ten weeks but im only a size 8 and have carried a 8lb 2oz baby and a 8lb 6 oz baby,i was told if i had another it would be around the 9lb weight but im happy with that when it finally happens lol,
well i will be 10dpo tomoz so will be testing but i dont think this is my month as i had a few sharp pains at 7dpo and extra cm on 7 n 8dpo but nothing since,i have got a new love with oranges which ive not eaten in over 2 yrs but was hit with a sickness bug last wkend so thinking my body needs it,hope any ladies waiting for a :bfp: get one soon and baby :dust: to all x x
hey toots glad it all went well and you better get down to business now that you have had a spring clean!!!
Star hun im doing good, mood swings are approx every 30 mins which is an improvement. have you set the date for your wedding? have you been watching my big fat gypsy wedding.... thats the way to go!!!!
jojo you are blossoming. you must be excited about your gender scan. i got dreadful sinusitus with ds ended up crying at the drs begging them to give me something.
annie and wishing it aint over til the witch arrives so dont give up, sometimes no symptoms is a symptom if you know what i mean.
I agree with Nand, Annie and wishing. The month I got my BFp was the month I had the least symptoms.

Nand, are you going to find out what team your on? I bet your getting really excited! Your getting close! Do you have a nursery theme?

Toots, hope you and OH were very busy last night and this morning :winkwink: Yesterday was a pretty active day for the baby. It still doesn't always feel like baby movements. Most of them feel like flutters, bubbles and tightning. But usually I get a couple def kicks a day. Last night my DH was talking to my belly for the 1st time since I got pregnant. It all freaks him out. He never felt my son kick when I was pregnant with him, he stayed away from my belly as much as possible. With my DD, he felt her maybe 3 times but he did talk to her thru my belly, but it wasn't till the end of the pregnancy. This time he has touched my belly but if he thinks for any reason he might feel it kick he won't go near me. He's a wimp! :haha: The kids can't wait! My DD is still to young to understand what is going to hapen but she loves touching my belly and she sings to my belly button and she pretends she has a baby in her belly too. My son totally understands what is happening and he is really so excited. He remembers what happened when his sister came so he's pretty ready. He loves touching my belly and we sit at night together talking about what its gonna be like to hold the baby, how he's gonna help and he helped us pick out names. He is pretty convinced its a boy which is making him even more excited because he has to be his little sisters play mate and he's pretty tired of playing princesses! :rofl:

Star, I think it will be just find to get in a little :sex: session for V-Day! It must be so exciting to be planning your wedding. Hubby and I didn't ave a lot of money when we got married and I was pregnant with my 2nd baby so we went to the courts and got married and friends came with us to eat and we all had a nice dinner. One day I will get my wedding!:haha:

Duck, how you feeling? Are you :sick:
Afternoon ladies,
Jojo, its so cute how your kids are looking forward to the new arrival. How long now till you find out if its a :blue: or :pink:
Nand, I love the idea of the spring clean, sounds much nicer:haha: How are you today?
Wishing, Did you :test:. Whats the verdict?
Duck, lovely to hear from you. Hows pregnancy treating you? How far along are you now, have you had a scan?
Fee, Can't wait to see the dress! Has it got flashing lights or butterflys flapping their wings attached:rofl:
Beth, how are you doing? Did you go back on the soy?
Oh and I dtd last night so the ball is rolling! We were advised to dtd every other day for the next week so thats the plan:thumbup:. If I can encourage oh to 'perform' a few more times than that I will:haha:. I'm feeling achy today around my hips and the tops of my legs, not really where I expected to feel it:shrug:, thought it would have been more sore in my lower stomach but thats fine. Gail predicted a :bfp: this cycle and I'm going to bloody well prove her right:haha:
That's right Toots! You prove her right!!!!!

I find out on the 17th!
well it was a bfn and think it will stay that way if im honest so feeling a little low but going have a takeaway and chillout with oh while the kids are in bed x x
Hey everyone

Fofr all my British friends I am going to star on gypsy wedding lol just u wait those dresses were just emmmm well precious ha ha oh Jojo u really need to see this programme we have at the moment it is hilariously funny...

I couldn't afford a gypsy wedding if I sold my house crazy money... Wishing less of that nonsense u are one of us and we love it when ur here, 10dpo thats nothing!!! ha ha chin up doll remember we are all in it for the long haul... Tonight is take away night in my house too just waiting for dh to arrive with Indian Mmmmmm so fine.. We are going to see 2 venues tomorrow so hopefully it it booked I want may-aug next year so will see what they have availability wise, Jojo ur wedding sounded lovely proper Sex and the city wedding MWah xx

Lou pain probably from the pressure of the scanner and the position u were in, it will soon settle down no slacking get back to it ha ha

I'd love to know how they afford the weddings! Did you see the one with the helicopter?!
We had takeaway last night cos I couldn't be arsed to cook after all that probbing:haha:.
I know bloody helicopters and £200K dresses my goodness I guess that is because they don't pay council tax lol :) Indian was amazing xx
yeah toots im only 10dpo so there is still hope but its slowly fading,i have got really achy boobs today and had bad bloating for the last 2 days and the bloating use to be my old pre af symptoms before i had my chemical pregnancy which ive not since then untill now but the painfully achy boobs which arnt normal x x
toots those pains are just your body gearing up to get that eggie, get bd'ing have the little buggers queueing up!
jojos im staying team yellow, i have my girl and i have my boy, this one is the icing on the cake. my little girl talks to baby and sings to it and it tends to start moving when she does but i think thats more the decibels than dulcet tones! she was fab when ds was born and wants a baby sister. Ds on the other hand just wallops my belly and doesnt have a clue, he is only 1 though.
wishing 10dpo is still in the running so dont give up and lots of ladies have af symptoms and get their bfp.
star you so have to go with a lit up dress just make sure you got the fire extinguisher on hand, do you have a bevvy of scantily clad, spray tanned 6 year olds who can gyrate like beyonce for your entourage????
Hi everyone, how are you today ?
JoJo - great bump - wow!:thumbup::thumbup:
Toots - hope the sinusitus has calmed down - i always get it and find it a nightmare
Wishing4baby - 10dpo is early fx'd for you :dust:
Toots :dust::sex:!
Annie and Beth how are you ???
Nands - how are you feeling ?

I am ok, not being sick but BB's are killing me and nauseous most of the time.
I have a private scan next Sat which i can't wait for, will be 7 + 6 so hoping to see / hear a heartbeat
I am still anxious and praying everything ok

Am watching One Born Every Minute at the moment and keep crying like a baby !!!
and Star, hope the plans are coming on - sorry, i pressed send before sending !!
I LOVE my big fat Gypsy wedding - i think you should get a dress all lit up and pink..... !!
Hey duck, glad to hear you're doing well:thumbup:. Bet you're so excited about the scan:baby:. Will we get to see a pic?
How's everybody else doing? Hope you're all having a nice weekend.
My lower stomach is killing me after that bloody procedure! It's not as bad as last night but it's a really annoying af type pain. It certainly doesn't make we want to :sex: tonight but it's tough titties!:haha:
Go lou go.... ha ha that is my attempt as a cheerleader lol :)

Provisionally booked 5th may 2012 for my dream wedding location so excited whoo hoo I'm afraid my dress is not pink nor could I get moving butterflies but hey at least I don't need to arm my bridesmaids with fire extinguishers for too funny

How are we all doing, lou did u get my reply I can't see it in my sent items!! It was huge and funny


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