1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

im feeling alot beta thankyou toots,the cramping has stopped so only had a day of it on and off yesterday n last night was at its worst but bleeding is still heavy,im taking my daughter to a play factory today with her friend n her mum who is a midwife so im sure she may explain where she thinks i may be with all this,im just going try relax till i retest and then see where il be going from there x x
That will be nice to get some advice and info from a professional. Hopefully talking to her will put your mind at rest. Let us know what she says.
Morning ladies.

Duck and Wishing I hope you guys are feeling ok today. I thought about you guys all night last night. My heart goes out to you!

Toots, how you feeling hunni? Have you tested again yet?

Star, bet you've been busy planning the wedding!

Beth, how you doing luv?

I have a pretty bad cold! This sucks! I feel like crap! Today is def gonna be a pajama day!
Hi Jojo, treat yourself to something nice and fattening that'll sort you out! A pj day sounds a good idea:thumbup:
I've been quite crampy today and I've noticed definate cramps around my pubic bone which is odd. No change as yet to my boobs though.
Oh said that if I'm not pregnant after all the symptoms that I've been telling him about then he will officially declare me nuts!:haha:
Sending u lots of hugs wishing!

Oh Jojo PJ day is just the thing u need when ur full of cold. Mine is clearing up now. I had my pj day on Saturday!

Toots it's all sounding really good. When u gonna test?

Anyone heard off Duck? I hope she's ok!

I'm still waiting for a positive OPK. I'm CD20 today didn't OV until CD24 last time. So we will see.

hi ladies well i had a good chat with her and she says its very unlikely i can be pregnant still with me loosing clots,had bad crampin and bleeding getting more and more heavy as the clots is the linging of the womb coming away,she has said that i could give meself a few days retest and get myself in with the doctor to see if he will refer me to get tests done to see whats causing them,im maybe thinking of having a brake for a month and try get things sorted before getting pregnant again as i cant go through all this again unless i get told everything seems normal and that ive just not had alot of luck laterly,ive got it in my head now though that im not pregnant so already getting over it,if by some miracle i was to be pregnant still then its a very big bonus but if not then we will see what happens when i go see my doctor which may be on thurday as oh will be off work so can have the kids for me while i go,
hope ur feeling beta soon jojo
and good luck with testing toots,
hope ur ovulating soon beth so you can start the 2ww,
how are you doing star and i also hope duck is ok too x x
I think you definitely need to see a doc wishing, you need to know what's going on. Maybe a little break will do you good as it'll allow you to heal and recharge your batteries.
Hey Beth, how are you feeling about this cycle? Are you going to give it a good go or just take a more laid back approach?
Haven't heard from duck. Hopefully everything is ok and she just muddled up her dates.
My cramping is really noticeable this afternoon so I'm going to the £ shop after work to buy some cheap tests. They are probably a waste of money but I can't justify keep paying out for decent tests:wacko:. I'll treat myself to a digi one if I get a positive on the cheapy!! Oh yeah and my boobs are tingly and I'm not poking them!!:haha:
tested tonight and all hope has gone with a bfn test,gutted but expected it,well ive got my 2 babys already to look after and spoil and should be very gratefull for that cause they are my world x x
i phoned NHS direct yesterday and the emergency doctor phoned me and told me to see my GP first thing to get an EPU referral.
I went to see her at 8.30 today and she said she would refer me to have a scan in 10 days. She said that she wasnt prepared to accept that i ovulated late and that she didnt trust ovulation tests, and would go on my last period date which was 100% on 28th Dec 2010, she said in that case, it doesnt look good, did i want to talk about my options - d & c etc.
I said, no, i just want a 2nd scan, confirmation and bloods ?
she said there is no point but she would fax EPU and they would call me.
I phoned EPU at 4pm and she hadnt sent the fax - doctors closed at 1pm today.......

she also said i needed to get on with it, keep busy and if i got upset i was going to definitely cause a miscarriage. I am writing this like she was a bitch, but she wasnt she was lovely just not helpful.

i just need answers and am so fed up of everyone (drs, family etc ) saying, be patient, time will tell. i know this but it doesnt bloody help. my DH asked if i wanted to take the week off but i can't , i will need annual leave to deal with this if it is confirmed as a mc.

Wishing, i am thinking of you ...
hope everyone else ok
Oh Duck that has made me angry.... sorry but rarrrrrr there is nothing worse than an unhelpful professional, bloody idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had one stupid nurse telling me that I couldn't read a pregnancy test and that I was never pg it took all of my might not o bite but dh just turned to her and said yeah totally agree with you we read 6 pg tests wrong how silly are we lol.... :)

So what do they want you to do?? Just wait?? This is bizarre go to a&e now say that you have been cramping and they will put u to epu the next day as an emergency case it is why we pay national insurance oh I'm really angry sorry....

I hate it when people get treated like this, can u phone and get second opinion tomorrow don't take this from anyone!!

Biggest hugs coming to u honey xxxxxxxxxxx

Wishing I have massive hugs for u too honey can't believe this is happening tell u we are all bloody tough cookies on this thread definately sent to try us eh..., having time out has really helped me try and get things back into perspective my dr told me that 75% of all pg's end in m/c that is purely because most women just have a late perioid but if u are trying we stupidly test test test,... I am the world's worst as u will all remember hence why next time I am going to test at 2 weeks late and then go for early scan!! Try and have some quiet time and some hot baths sort ur head out xxxxxxx

Toots bet ur getting excited did u manage to get cheap tests?? oh is so funny and yes we all should be committed ha ha NUTS NUTS NUTS the lot of us ha ha

Jojo so glad u are feeling better, wedding planning galore its great fun xxx

Beth how are u honey are u having twinges yet or any faint lines appearing gonna be soon whoo hoo xxxxx

Wishing, when do you plan to see the doc to find out what's going on?
Duck, I'm so sorry to hear what's going on with you. It sounds as if you're being messed around and just expected to live in limbo. It's v unfair the way you are being treated. It's all v well for the doc to say don't stress but that's easier said than done! Keep us informed of what's going on Hun.
Beth, have you ovulated yet?
Jojo, how's the cold? Did a pj day help?
Fee, how's you Hun?

I hope it's ok to mention testing at the moment considering what duck and wishing are going through.
I decided to test when I got in from work yesterday. Id bought some cheap tests from the £ shop. Well after a couple of mins I'm convinced I could see the faintest of lines. I had to hold the test in various ways shining light on it though:haha:. I left it on the side and went back after roughly 30 mins and there was a line there, really really faint but I didn't have to twist around etc to see it. So I decided to test with fmu today, I used a sainsburys early response (blue dye) and got a bfn. Maybe I shouldn't have paid attention to the cheap test after such a long time after taking the test. I'm still really crampy but haven't really got any other symptoms at the moment.
Oh Duck I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's so unfair that your left in limbo.
Can't believe she didn't even fax the EPU for you to get an app.
Try to stay positive there is hope! Fx baby Ducktales is just a little smaller.

Wishing how are you feeling?

Lou any news?
Fee how are your wedding plans coming along? When will u be bk on the ttc bus?

Jojo are u better?

Still bloody waiting for a positive OPK. Ive been getting lines all along but not as dark as the control. Yesterdays was slightly darker and appeared much faster so fingers crossed it turns soon!!! I've been having a few niggles on both sides. Right has been more niggly tho. I've started taking low dose Aspirin (75mg).
I think I'd probably rattle if you shook me! Lol

Morning ladies, wishing sending you lots of hugs xxxx hope your friend can give you some advice or answers.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
duck Ive read loads of posts where they haven't seen anything on scans and go back a few days later bubs is there waving at them so dont give up hope. I would def go to an epu though, dont say anything about the private scan and tell them you have been spotting, its amazing the difference a few days can make.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Jojos hun you are having a rough time with illnesses but at least its you and not bubs if you know what i mean xxx
oh toots it all sound very promising, I had the exact same thing on my ic, i still have the test and the line is still there 5 months down the line, feint but there! i think sainsbury tests are at least 25 if not 50miu so you most prob would get a bfn, get a superdrug one hun they are about 15miu. Fingers x'd and baby dust and lots of it.

beth hope you get your pos opk, but hope you are jumping on oh every chance you get!!!
star, how are you hun, hows the wedding plans going? what theme are you going with, little mermaid or cinderella?:haha::haha::haha:
Wishing, I just feel so horrible for you hunni. :hugs: I'm sending my love out to you!
Duck, I agree with Nand! I would be throwing a fit till I got my answers. Don't they have any idea how horrible not know is?
Beth, I hated using the OPK! I never got a real positive test and I only used it for 2 cycles. The only reason I used them the second month was because it help with my POAS addiction! :haha:
Star, have you decided on colors for the wedding? Are you actively TTC?

Toots, remember how faint my 1st BFP was on my cheap test? THen it disappeared completely! so, I would just keep on testing hunni! :dust::dust: This is gonna be your month!!!!
Oh my god oh my god lou did I just read what I think I did sorry girls will go back and read the other posts just read lou's and screamed out loud oh and by the way I am on a train!!!!! Lol oh honey fantastic news whoo hoo can't wait to see it get darker there is nothing that can cause pink line no matter how faint other than hsg I think u have bloody done it doll I am grinning from ear to ear

Blue dyes suck go get frer
It certainly got me excited as well Fee but I think the bloody test was messing me around](*,). I've started vv lightly spotting this evening so I think I'm out this month. I can't believe your screaching out loud on a train you nut:haha::haha:
Advice/opinion please hun, shall we continue for a few more months or do you think I should start making arrangments to start iui as the hospital have suggested?
Are you travelling away or going home?
dont give up yet hun i spotted with ds thought i was getting af, but if af does arrive i would start the ball rolling with iui as it could take a while to get the procedure and keep trying in the mean time! nothing to lose and if you dont need it, which hopefully you dont. that way its win/win but still keeping fingers x'd for this month xxx
Thanks Nand. That was kind of what I was thinking, I'm just a little aprehensive about starting the iui. Af is due fully on thursady so I'll try and stay positive till then:wacko:
I'm just watching one born every minute that i taped last night. did any of you see it? The 17 year old girl and unemployed 21 year old boyfriend, been together a month then broke up, got back together cos she's pregnant:wacko: Theres a nice stable relationship to have a baby! Pregnant after one month! Do I should like a bitter old woman:haha:
Toots- im excited !!! of course you can mention testing, because if this is not my time, I am going to be on here daily symptom spotting etc !!!!

the epu called me today and said they couldnt believe the GP hadnt sent me for bloods and asked me to come in tomorrow for a scan - i have put it off till friday as want to give it 7 days between scans, or i fear i could be left in limbo all over again.
On a positive note I still have many symptoms, sore breasts, headaches, tiredness, hunger, cramping, though my nausea isnt so bad now - but it was only really bad for a couple of weeks anyway.

everything is crossed for good news and we are being really positive, at least because we spent all weekend crying, i feel i have the strength to be brave if it is bad news

hi everyone else, hope all is well


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