1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

duck still having symptoms is a good sign, glad to hear epu is looking after you!
toots i was going down the iui route before i fell with ds, i think the threat of iui shocked my body into getting pregnant. I saw one born every minute, where do they find these people, i have to say it still hurts when people just fall pregnant at the drop of a hat, they know none of the heartache of af arriving month after month, wouldnt it be lovely to be so blase and confident in your own body!!! (Having said that i dont wish ttc for a long time on anyone) but hopefully your wait is over xxx
Duck I'm glad EPU are seeing you Friday, I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!

Lou...you saw a faint second line that's great!!! When will u be testing again? Hope the spotting goes and u do have a sticky little bean!!! I agree with Nand, get the ball rolling with iui and keep trying in-between :)

I have been watching one born every minute. It's great! I hope I'm not as bad as some of those women. They have some right characters on there.

LOL at fee screaming on the train!!!

Hows things wishing? Thinking of you!

OPKs get on my nerves but they have worked for me in the past, it's just my stupid body takes so long to OV! It was darker again yesterday so maybe I'll get a + today. I've been jumping dh and following smep! Missed a couple when I was ill at the weekend tho.

Morning all, how's everybody today?
Beth, Get as much :sex: done as poss girl! I've given up using opk for the moment, I found the whole thing a pain in the afar really. But I do have a pretty short cycle so there's not much space for ovulation to move around to much.
Fee, how was the train journey?
Duck, I'm so pleased to hear your still getting symptoms and I do hope that's a positive sign. I'll be thinking of you on friday:hugs:
Wishing, how are you feeling?
Nand, I agree with you, where the hell do they find these people for the programme. I was just gob smacked about the 17 year old girl, she was more worried about herself than her new born baby!

I've got nasty af cramps and I'm still spotting so I think I'm probably out. I'm going to ring the hospital in the next few days to confirm we want iui. I'm not sure what the waiting list is so I'll take all your advice and just keep trying while we wait for appointment. I've also heard really positive things about acupuncture so I've found a clinic near me and I'm going to try that as well.
hi everyone how are you all,toots has the spotting stopped,i hope so :),im doing beta now than i was yesterday but it was my first day on my own as oh had go bk work and i sat and thought about it and i just broke down but today im feeling possitive that it will happen when the time is right,ive read up on how known it is to have early m/c and ladies ttc notice them the most instead of thinking its just a late af so going leave the doctors as i dont think they will do anything for me with them being so early,im going to do what star is doing and not test again till im at least a wk or 2 late for af,im not even going to calculate where i am in my cycle as it should be completerly stress free then,
ducks hope eveything gets sorted soon for you and please let us know how ur scan goes and big :hugs: :hugs: to you hun x x x x
Morning wishing, perhaps you needed a bit of time alone to think and to really have a good cry. It sounds a good idea to just stop monitoring your cycle and just ttc in a stress free way. How is your oh now about trying for another baby?
I'm 99% sure that this spotting is the start of af. Im gutted but you'd think I'd be used to it by now! 2 years and not once have I ever had a hint of a bfp. Don't you just sometimes think you're being punished or tested in some way!
Duck, I'm so glad to hear your still in the running!!! I'm really hoping for a great scan on Fri!
Wishing, you do what works for you and we'll be behind you all the way!
Beth, hope you get your +OPK today and have fun :sex:
Toots, I'm still holding out hope for you luv! Remember how much I bled in the begining? Until you have a fun flow I'm saying this is your month! Are you going to try and test again?
I do love watching that show! Did you see the one ( it might have been the one with the teens) where the 2 women did IVF on 2 different days with 2 different donors and fell pregnant with one white baby and one black baby? They are gonna have lots of explaining to do! I would be so scared to do anything like that by myself in my home! It was on here again last night but its on so late at night that I watch it the next day on tape when the kids take a nap. The women who her baby girl was born not breathing was so hard for me to watch. THat os exactly what happened when I had my son. Well, not the shoulder part, he came out fine, he just wasn't breathig. I remember him coming out, and it was silent. THen I remember hearing an alarm going off in the hospital and the nurse screaming I NEED HELP IN HERE!! THen a flood of dr's came rushing in and all youcould here is whispers and machines. I never got to here him cry because they rushed him off. But it was such a different experince going thru it and then to see it again and see what really is going on is crazy! Can't wait to see it again today!
Jojo that must have been so frightening having that happen when your son was born! Was he kept in hospital for long afterwards or was he ok straight away once they got him breathing?
I love the fact that you girls have been so positive for me and such a great support. I was so sure it was my month but I haven't had full flow yet, no doubt that'll come tomorrow!
My oh has been a bit funny with me which is most unlike him. I told him while he was at work yesterday that I think we're out of the running this month and he got really funny and said he didn't want to talk about it even though he could tell I was upset. He hasn't mentioned it since and I haven't even had a hug or a sympathetic word from him. He's never like that so I don't know why this month is any different to all the other many, many months gone by.
Maybe he's finally fed up with me building him up ever month with my symptoms only to let him down ever time.
I totally hate my body at the moment! I don't understand how everything can be working right but just can't get pregnant. It just doesn't make sense:shrug:
oh toots, your oh is as gutted as you,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you both, I spotted with ds was sure af was on its way so dont give up yet. I do know what you mean about hating your body, people kept telling me after i had dd that my body knew what to do and i'd be pregnant in no time but 2.5 years and 8 rounds of clomid my body was still none the bloody wiser, then we gave up as iui was on the cards and lo and behold i was suddenly preg, its so hard when your body doesnt do what it is meant to do. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

jojos that must have been terrifying what happened with your son, its every mums worst nightmare but thankfully expert help was on hand.

wishing it takes time to come to terms with what happened, give yourself the time you need to heal. dont try to rush yourself into feeling better! and cry as much as you need, nothing better than a bloody good cry. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks nand. I'm just feeling a bit crappy this afternoon. The more I think about the way oh has behaved then the more annoyed I get! Trouble is that's when problems start if you can't or won't talk about it together. He changed the subject to golf!!! What a cock!!!! I can barely be bothered to talk to him at the moment, dickhead!
It's unbelievable to think that you conceived naturally then required clomid etc, why do our bodies do it to us?! I'll take a bit of comfort from your experience nand cos it proves good things happen in the end:thumbup:
Oh toots u crack me up and oh my god u are gonna get me committed lol.., sitting in a restaurant eating my tea all alone and oh yes u just wrote the word COCK!!!!! and I am actually laughing out loud and people are staring at me lol.,,... TWO days running ha ha oh me I actually have to stop laughing this is too funny!!!

Poop about the spotting hopefully it will stop if not we will try try again ha ha I genuinely think that oh though tu had it mastered this month and the bloody psychics don't help I should know think I should have been pg 3x over now by my psychic readings its all part of the fun though eh challenge of having bambinos!! I agree lou u need to get on the list but keep trying see what happens.... if AF comes I think this next cycle will be ur fertile one after the procedure and ur body just getting ready for it this month :)

Jojo the more I find out about ur ds the more freaked out I get my ds is so very similar with their illnesses and ds was the same he stopped breathing when he was born and had to be resusitated and it was nurses and dr's screaming everywhere, funny how their illnesses are so rare yet I find u on here must be fate baby doll....

Duck keep us posted I have absolutely everything crossed for u honey xxxx

Wishing baby doll how are u?? that is exactly what I did I spent the day alone to get my head around it and all I did was watch true movies and cry sounds silly but it really does help I genuinely will never use an early test again if its a true BFP it will still be there at 2 week late xxx

Beth good girl how u getting on with the aspirin I was going to try it but wasn't sure how much or what I was using it for?? xx

Well are u ready dress shopping disaster the one I went for cant be altered so I had to get a brand new one but it is lovely so deposit is paid and I am mega excited again whoo hoo still haven't made a decision on new job yet?? so very confused on what to do want a baby so bad but don't know if that can happen when i'm stressed with my work.... I agree why oh why do these trolups fall pg so easy... boo hoo ha ha

How are u feeling Nando bet ur getting so very excited now can't wait to see babba photos scans are great but actual real life photos are so much better

Oh fee come and live near me, I could do with a mate like you! You made me totally crack up and oh had to asked what the hell I'm reading! I re-read my post and looking back it is funny. Cock:dohh:
How are you? What you up to?
Oh my goodness it is so childish but I am still laughing just quality best giggle ever what did oh say!!! I am sitting in hotel room now so can laugh out loud as much as I like hee hee xxxxx
Oh thinks we're completely nuts!!! He's probably right:haha:
He does often ask what the hell we all find to talk about all day every day:haha:
hahaha toots thats the first time ive properly laughed all week,i love how you really speak your mind when your oh has drove you mad lol,i know how ur feeling though as my oh is being a dick about everything for the last few days and when trying to talk to him he changes the subject but when he finds out his mum rang me to see how i was and that i had broke down in tears and opened up to her he hit the roof with me and said why havent you said this to me,my response was well if you didnt have your head up your own bkside i would of but you change the subject so im lucky ur mum has time to see how i am haha,well still he hasnt spoken about it so ive decided to take advantage of the situation lol,he hasnt said what he wants to do so im not going mention it again,im off out sat night with a friend so can have a little fun and not going back on my pill n keep trying but without him knowing hehe,he hasnt said he wants me go back on the pill yet you see so im not going behind his back but im just not giving him the chance to tell me to lol,i ready to give it one more shot and if i think i may be i wont test or tell him till about 2 weeks after af would be due,it will prob take a few months anyway as last time it was 4 months so without calculating where i am or anything it may be easyier and defo not stressfull :) x x x
Men!!!!! Omg they really are a pain in the arse!:haha:
Thankfully you had his mum to speak to cos keeping it all inside will drive you mad. Stick with us wishing cos you'll sure have as much support as you need and a damn good laugh as well!
My dad just skyped me I am so very excited he lives in New Zealand and I couldn't get a hold of him so very very chuffed xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Glad we could be of service wishing anytime Lou think we should go into stand up ha ha xxxxx

How can I be offline on post above and online on this post ha ha FREAKY!!!! I swear I haven't had a drink tonight just got the giggles xxx
The Internet has it's faults but it's things like that fee that make it totally worthwhile:thumbup:
I know I have been beside myself phone lines are just toned out,.... its not been fun but he is absolutely fine and dandy which is great news xxx
Ladies I have to say If I was rich or ever get rich :winkwink: I would def have to have all of us get together! Its amazing how I can feel so close to women all over the world that I've never met!

Toots, men are big,giant,insensitive COCKS! Its so hard when your going thru so many feelings and its like they have had a complete lobotomy! How can they not see how bad its hurting us and not be able to formulate even a couple of kind words!?!?!?!?! Not to take his side,especially because I don't know him but maybe he is really upset to and his way of dealing with it is not to talk about it? I mean he could just be a complete ass like my husband :haha: I really hope that this spotting stops babe. But if not, IUI isn't horrible. All of this will make the moment that you finally get to hold that beautiful baby even more special. :hugs:

Star, sooo happy to hear your dad is ok. I can't imagine having to hold my breath until I could talk to a family member not knowing. And I agree about our kids! I've never met anyone that could say I understand what your going thru. Everyone just thinks I'm a complete quack with him. Every unusual breath he takes or when his eyes don't look right I start freaking out. So, what does the new dress look like?

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