1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

hey wishing so glad to hear you are doing well in a preggers sort of way!!!! I havent let oh near me since i got my bfp so the poor man is climbing the walls!

jojos sending you lots of hugs but it wont be long before you have another person to look after. xxxxxx

beth maybe you are about to ov.

toots star and duck how are you girls today???

All ok this end, 30weeks today cant quite get my head around it. was looking at baby stuff today and kept picking up boy stuff so i wonder...........
Nand, do you have names picked out for each team? I feel the same way. It feels all so unreal! Even though I feel him moving around all the time and I have a big ole bump It just doesn't feel like its real!
yes got names if its a girl it will be meadhbh (pronounced mave) or mairead, if its a boy it will be finnian, im irish so am going with traditional names, my other two are called niamh (pronounced neeve) and oisin (pronounced usheen). Have you got any names picked yet? What are your other babies called? I still cant believe i have a baby in my tummy even though i look like i have a ball shoved up my jumper, and its such a wriggler its boney little legs are starting to hurt from the inside and its bum is stuck under my ribs the whole time, not complaining......much, lol
THose are great names! My son is named Jonathan ( we couldn't come up with a middle name for him), our daughters name is Jiselle DeAliz (pronounced Day-Alease), and this baby will be named Jadiel Xavier ( pronounced Jah-Dee-el) My husband is from Puerto Rico and our 1st 2 kids we agreed because we live in the states we would pick hispanic names but that were "americanized". But he really wanted to have a true ethnic name. Since this will probably be our last baby I agreed. I love the name too just a little worried about how people are going to pronounce it in english.

First of all CONGRATS wishing on giving up smoking well done!!! whoo hoo I can totally see ur smile whilst u are typing the messages as well love the PMA give me some ha ha

Well today is 7-8DPO I've had cramping but it settled down today which is great news during m/c cycle the ovulation pain struck me then from 3 dpo it kicked in hard and really caused me concern so happier it has stopped fx'd

gotta run have apt but will be back later promise xxxxx
Hi girls, missed me?:haha:. I haven't been on lately cos I've used all my internet allowance on my iphone and won't get any more till 4th april! I daren't use it without wifi cos it'll be expensive! Unfortunately we don't have wifi at work and I'm really missing not being able to come on and chat during the day, work is soooo boring at the moment as well so I'm tearing my hair out with boredom!
How's everybody doing? Looking forward to the weekend?
Oh and I are going to torture ourselves for one more cycle and ttc on our own. We're both convinced its a waste of time but at least we can say we tried. I was reading the info from the hospital and it would appear I probably have either a hostile environment or hostile cm, I'm betting I've got both:haha:. If thats the case then iui will by-pass all that rubbish and plonk the :spermy: in the right place so all my angry bits don't start attacking them! How'd of thought ttc was so damn glamourous!:haha:. We will pretty much be able to start iui treatment straight away so I'll arrange an appointment once I'm in my 2ww so we can start next cycle. I'm not happy about it cos it seems unnatural but I won't us to have our v own bubba.
:hugs: to you all:hugs:
couple of spelling mistakes there:dohh: that'll teach me for trying to multi task!:haha:
We did miss ya Toots. I was getting a bit worried! I think you plan sounds GREAT! So, how soon would you be able to actually start the IUI?
Nand I love the babies names they are amazing x

Jojo big hugs don't mean to sound harsh but life will return to normal quickly after she leaves and then you can get Mr mans baby stuff reading whoo hoo won't be long now.. she will get to see the baby soon enough and I really think you need and deserve time for urself right now to get ready for the arrival x

Beth wow ur body really not being nice to you but you could be ovulating twice this month get bding!!! fx'd....

Lou we love you and we wish u loads and loads
Evening ladies.

Hope your all well!

Nand- beautiful names uv chosen. Maybe ur instincts are telling u it's a boy???

Jojo- soz to hear ur feeling so sad about ur MIL moving out. I'm sure u will have plenty to keep u busy tho. She knows u DH and the childen love her dearly!

Wishing- yay for all the unpleasant but wonderful things about pregnancy!!!!

Lou- crossing my fingers ur body bucks up it's ideas and gives u a really good chance at a eau natural BFP.

Fee-all sounding very good. U tempted to test yet?

Well, I had some more almost EWCM today, much less creamy and clearer!
I have no idea if I'm gonna OV, I'm taking it easy and see what happens.
I took a smaller dosage of soy this time so it can't have wrked.
I'm gonna stick to the AC, I've read a lot about stopping it at OV but then I found that a few women took it through the first trimester and had successful pregnancies. They had previously m/c. I'm hoping my PMA helps :)

good morning ladies
nando- i wouldnt let my oh near me if i didnt feel i have to as i turned him down a few times before n he get very wound up with me n says that he feels used now im preg,i dont mind bding him i was just worried i would m/c the moment i do but so far not one little spot of blood so im feeling more n more possitive :),how are you feeling x x

star-thankyou i think my body is helpping me as usually i find it very hard and even though i would love just one last drag i think of my little bean and my body does the rest,i have got through a bag full of lollies though too but if it works im happy:)ur sounding good urself for dpo you are,my pain stayed from early on with my m/cs but with this one it went from ov to at least 6-8dpo and some days it would just be achy boobs or cravings not actuale stomach cramps so i have everything crossed for you that ul be joining me in 1st tri closely followed by everyone else :) x x

toots-bet ur so lost its untrue,i cant go one day without my lappy haha but im lucky too as i have unlimited internet access on my phone too lol,are you going start resting up ready for ovulation wk or do you keep urself busy x x

jojo-how are you feeling today,hope ur feeling a bit beta about your mil moving back to her house,bet ur going be so busy now with getting house sorted and are you one of those mummys that washes all baby clothes n stuff n then irons them ready for ther arrival :) x x

beth- i really hope ur ovulating and you soon get ur wish,my ewcm neva went very clear always was a little creamy so wouldnt worry to much about the colour as long as its stretchy,how are you other than that :),i really hope you star n toots join me soon as im feeling a little lonely in the 1st tri so sending loads n loads n loads of baby :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: ur way :) x x x
well ladies today is 9-10 dpo and i feel starving all the time and sick almost like I am nervous or something!! Who knows not tempted yet to test gonna be 12th April ha ha yeah right like I can hold out that long!!

Have a lovely wknd ladies my friend gets married tomorrow should be a good day xxx

Beth PMA all the way xxx

Wishing can't wait to join u xxx
morning ladies well i woke with excitment that id made it to 5wks and then decided test so i could have a loverly line, big mistake as its ever so faint and i just thought it would be a hell of alot darker than what it is so whats going on i dont have a clue :(,it does show within one min but just doesnt get darker,i used a answer test too if anyone knows what they are like,ive changed my pic from todays test and im sure you will all agree you cant tell its a bfp :( x x

Try not to worry wishing, apparently the darkness of the line varies depending how concentrated your urine is and if you didn't use the same test as last time I wouldn't compare them anyway.
I have no experience with answer hpts, they look a bit like FRER don't they? I have to say I'm not a massive fan of them!

Have u tried a digi with conception indicator? It's lovely to see the words and the so many weeks! I did those to see my progression.

I still have no af but like I said just waiting it out! If still nothing in a fortnight I'll test again, unless I have some serious symptoms going on (doubt it)! I'm still taking the met and AC, vit b complex!

My best friend gave birth to a baby girl yesterday morning 3weeks early. They are both doing well and can't wait to see them!!!

thankyou beth,it was done with fmu and the pos line is thicker but lighter than the test line,ive not used them before and im also going sit it out now as testing really does make you worry more,i would love to use a digi test but oh sees them as a waste of money but may try talk him into it or just get myself in the docs,i hope things sort themselfs out for you too soon,i think the waiting game is worse than anything else when ttc neva mind having extra time to deal with,have you got anything nice planned for this wkend x x
hi wishing, i didnt get darker until about 6 weeks - i went from 1-2 weeks on a digi straight to 3+ weeks at 6 weeks ish. I wouldnt worry about it hun, I'm sure all ok.

Sorry havent been on for a bit, have had a stressful case at court this week and not getting in until 8pm and in bed by 9 !!

Star - might of missed it but how did your meeting go about that job ?
Beth - fx'd for you - lots of BD'ing !
Nands - wow 68 days to go !!! love the names you have chosed
Toots - fx'd this month for you
Jojo - isnt it funny how you dreaded her arriving and now it is the opposite, i think you will soon get used to it being back to normal and probably have a much stronger relationship with her than before, which is fab. love the names too.
my parents live in spain and the flight is nearly 3 hours too, plus all the messing around at the airport, so know where you are coming from with that.

well good news, i got my AF today - 27 days after ERPC.
I am in total agony, but at least my cycle starts again......

on the down side TMI husband is gutted as had promised him some lots of BD'ing this weekend, which will be the first proper time since the MC - oh well, he will be getting an awful lot of practice when AF is gone !!!!!
Morning everyone.

Everyone remembered the clicks have gone forward? Lost a'n hours sleep and on top of that was still awake at 6am this morning. I've had 3hours sleep thanx to DH waking me for nookie.

Good news on the AF Duck, even tho DH is gutted I'm sure he's happy your cycle is coming back!

I got a load of watery cm yesterday so we BD last night and again this morning. I felt some twinges on my right hip so I'm hoping that was OV pain!!! I'm relying on what my body is telling me so I dunno if I'm right or wrong! At least the opks give u the back up to everything u feel or see but I'm out on my own. Lol

here ladies are pics of my tests yesterday,what do you think,they are light so was worried but then my boobs still hurt and im feeling sick this morning more than i have so far x x x



now these are my tests from monday the day i got my bfp,i really dont think its looking good but we will see,at least i know how put pics on now lol,how is everyone else doing x x x



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