1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Morning wishing, I'm so sorry u are going through this it brings back horrendous memories for me.. And no one should have to go through that fx'd everything ok but as u are more than aware this is how mine happened :( sorry to say it but I know u guys would always be honest with me can u go to the early conception unit or emergency room and ask fir blood test that's what I did and they were lovely u can't just wait it out limbo is not healthy big hugs ever honey have u done a FRER?? I stuck to the sane brand and then wanted to see the words pregnant that's how I found out I don't recognise the make u have used

i know what ur saying star as this is what happened last month too,im a little confused too as i did a test friday after 2 cups of tea and a can of pop and had a wee 3 times all in a space of an hour and then did the test and it was darker and came up quicker than fmu did,is that also possible,il stay in limbo till friday as im not ready for the bad news just yet if it wer to be then will test n see how it goes unless i bleed before hand x x x
FX for you wishing! When should AF be due?

How r things with u Fee? R u symptom spotting at all?

Everyone else ok?

hi beth af is now a week and one day late,ive got a little hope as the test i used is called answer and only works from the day af is due and when reading up on it because it didnt tell me on the box or leaflet is that it measures from 100mlu so the fact its picking it up is good right as with my m/c last month a 40mlu test only just picked it up at 4 wks 6 days and this answer test picked it up at 5 wks spot on so my hormones have doubled more this time round,i just hope im not clinging on to just hope but its hard not to x x
Hey wishing

I am loving ur PMA I really am that is good about the 100mlu like u say and it is still picking it up I had a FRER so I knew there was no hope as the first FRER was so dark and obvious and the last one I did was so pale

big hugs and I am thinking about you loads XXxx

Hey Beth woke up this morning and realised I am on 11-12 DPO didn't even realise I am so happy no pain there anymore but last night at my friends wedding I was doing our traditional scottish dancing and when I finished the cramp on my ovart was obvious I hope I haven't dislodged any beanie attempting to hang on for dear life daft I know but I cant ignore scottish music and I just spin and spin till I'm dizzy love it xxx
haha star as long as you had a good night thats all that matteres and im sure if the beanie is there it still will be :),how good is it that its flown for you,think it makes the tww so much easyier,im a little more hopefull as the blue tests were 20mlu and the pink ones were 100mlu so we will just see,when is af due n if she doesnt arrive when will you be testing,cant wait see how it all turns out x x x
Oh my goodness Wishing its due tues-wed... :) thats crazy!!!! oh well will know sooner or later xx

1. bfp crazy sticky for 8 weeks before settle at scan
2. AF craziness as enter another 4 WW....

I am praying and hoping for the stickyest beanie for u xxxxxx
awww star ive got my fingers crossed for you too,we only want stickys from now on :) and tues/wed will soon be here :),my sickness is getting worse each n everyday which im telling myself is a good sign and to chill out haha plus my jeans are getting tight on me now too x x x
Wishing, I'm so sorry hunni you are going thru all this. Have you tested again or are you just going to wait till AF doesn't show up? Sickness getting worse and bloating is a great sign. That didn't happen last time did it?

Star, I think a little dancing aint gonna hurt lil bean! If anything all the happy feelings with having fun is probably great for your body. Give it a bit more energy to get beanie stickin!

How's everyone else doing ladies?

Well, this weekend was very stressful for me. Had a big scare with the baby. I'm pretty sure everyone knows that my 1st 2 babies were born pre-term and I'm getting shots every week to prevent that this time and being watched very close. Well, all day Fri I was getting Braxton Hicks and Fri night while out to dinner the Braxton Hicks started to become, I wouldn't say painful just uncomfortable. In the middle of the night I had to get up and pee and when I stood up I leaked a little. I thought I just peeded myself ( yet again :shy:) and went back to sleep. Well, Sat morning my back was killing me, was very sore inside and crampy like I had my AF. I went to an outgrown sale to buy baby stuff and was leaking the whole time. I kept going to the bathroom checking because it felt just like when you get your AF. THe fluid was clear, very watery, no smell. I got home and called the Dr because this is exactly what happened when my water was leaking with my DD. Of course they brought me right in. I thought they would say its just watery discharge and tell me I'm too worried and send me home. Not so lucky. Got to the hospital and they checked the fluid to a testing strip and the nurse said "oh, let me go get the Dr." The Dr cam in right away and and checked me with the speculum, and said she saw lots of mucus and took a sample to put under a microscope. Then she tested the fluid again and the strip turned positive for amniotic fluid! My heart stopped! The hospital staff went into full gear! They ordered an emergency scan to check the babies fluid, and the Dr. said that blood can turn the strip positive as well so went to go check it out. They said if my water was leaking I'd have to stay in the hospital till my due date or till my body just wasn't a good environment for the baby anymore. I wasn;t having true contractions so they were happy about. They just kept telling me, "Hunni, if you have to have the baby right now, you know that's not good right. Even though the baby is Viable, he's just now viable and there is only a 40% chance that he'll survive." I got the scan and there was a very good amount of fluid! He was moving around and is 2.2lbs and measuring 2 wks ahead of what I am. The Dr said it wasn't my water leaking its my mucus plug becoming loose. Typically, its not suppose to come loose till a couple days-weeks of the baby being born. That's why she saw the blood and mucus. Because the plug is still so high, with the heat of my body by the time it gets to wear its coming out its very thin. They gave me 2 shots of steroids to open up his lungs in case I do go into labor, it will give him a better chance of making it. So much stress, so much worry. I just wanted this baby to be a healthy normal pregnancy. Def looks like this will be my last baby.:cry: My body just isn't built to have babies and its not far to put my body, the baby and the everyone else thru all of this!:cry: All my life my dream was to be a mom and I have 2 beautiful babies and one on the way. Seeing there little faces is worth all of this and I would do it again in a second. Sorry so long ladies!:shy: Here's the ultra sound pics I got from Sat. Next scan is Apr 13th if he stays put!

ohh jojos you dont have things easy do you, i read somewhere that the mucous plug can replenish itself. everyday that he is in there he is getting stronger and measuring 2 weeks ahead is a good thing, fingers x'd all goes well, xxxxxxx

star hun when u gonna test????

beth do you think you have just ov then? your body needs a good telling off for being so confusing.

wishing hun preg tests only tells you you are preg not how preg you are. i did loads of tests with wee from different times of day and they were all different shades, try not to worry hun,

toots how are you today???
Hey ladies

Jojo my cousins wife had both her babies at 26weeks!!!! Scary but they are both healthy beautiful little girls the first time it happened it was crazy and Helena was only 2lb 8 tiny tiny the dr said it was a freak accident and wouldn't happen again however she then fell pregnant 3 yrs later and athena was born 2lb 2 at 26 weeks shabana has stopped having babies now due to the stress and the chances of it happening for a third time

Try not to worry and remember the moment you get steroids in to your system his wee lungs will open right up helena had no steroids but athena managed to get 2 doses now u need to relax honey and get ur feet up as much as possible

Big hugs and ur scans are just beautiful

Nand I cheekily tested yesterday wished I hadn't the moment I did but hey had to read it cause it was there screaming at me ITS BEEN TWO MINS READ ME READ ME!!!!! well there was a faint smudge there??? Wouldn't get excited as I'm still trying to convince myself it is not an evap surely if it was a viable pg it would be a line at 10-11dpo?? or am I freaking out for no reason

And here comes the freak out shocking eh..... well today the cramping has started again on the left side :( oh this is nuts!!!!!!

star hun i dont think i would have had a line at 10-11dpo and i had cramping up until 11dpo then it stopped for a day and then 12dpo started up again, oooooh this is hopeful. what test did you use? my ic at 12dpo was barely there! 13dpo had a good bfp so a few days makes a huge difference!

jojos your scan pics are lovely and star is right lots of babies born at 26 weeks are fine and you have the experts looking after you xxxxxxxxxx
OMG Star!!! Looks like a BFP to me!!!! When are you gonna test again?
Thanks ladies for the kind words. Hell, it aint easy to get pregnant and once you do it don't get any easier! Star, it makes me feel so much more confident hearing about those 2 little angel babies being so healthy! It is scary but I'm holding on to a bunch of PMA!!!
hi jojo no last time i had no sickness feelings at all and only bloated at night,im so sorry about the stress ur under at the mo and i have everything crossed that ur little man will stay put a little bit longer but if not im sure he will be fine :hugs: x x x

star if you ask me that is a bfp,when will you retest,so hope your joining me :)

nand how are you,well im going test friday again n see what it looks like n then get in with my doctor a week today and il go from there,i know everything is ok at the mo because i dont feel well and not having alot of cramping like i did last time its just bloating to the point i have had 4 mums ask me today if im expecting because how big my belly is,will uploads a pic now i know how to do it hehe x x x x
well been looking on the internet again because i had a nagging feeling still about why it was faint and finally found a pic of the tests i used at the wkend on a proper chemist site and all the details as there are a few answer tests on the market and the ones i used were defo 100miu so im now over the moon cause to me i think its great as iive only eva used the most sensitive ones,i really do think i have a sticky bean and i have a feeling its a boy lol x x x
Oh that is great news Wishing so happy for u, gonna test again everyday now to see if it darkens up I really hoope so Xxx

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