1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

hi Beth am going to hold out until tomorrow morning - will buy an FRER today.
hi - no went to Morrisons and they dont sell it....
however think i am out, have wiped a bit of brown/ yellow TMI and this is normally how AF starts for me, plus i just dont feel preggers, maybe the MC has messed me up, but i should be getting bfp's by now if i am going to get one.
am not going to test again unless this pre AF stuff stops
bugger !
AF got me, oh well, at least I know what is going on now
Frustrated but not gutted, roll on new cycle
Hi girls, how's everybody doing? Did you all have a nice Easter weekend? Another long weekend coming up:happydance:.
Sorry to hear af got you duck but keep the pma up:thumbup:

Well I've been checking through my fertility app on my phone and have realised that we're into our 24th month of ttc, how depressing is that!! We were also NTNP before that so it's not very positive is it:dohh:
I'm cd15 today and I'm guessing that I might be 2-4dpo. I know it's a little to early for symptom spotting but I have got quite strong af type pains today and also my (.)(.) feel slightly fully. I don't know why I put myself through symptom spotting every month cos if I was going to get pregnant natually you'd think I'd have managed it after all this time:dohh:
Have you got any symptoms yet Beth?
awww im so sorry af got you duck you sounded so good,
toots you defo have plenty of pma and thats why every month you symptom spot and why not as thats what will get us our dream in time :),
how are you feeling star not long till ur next scan is it :),
how is everyone else,

well im feeling sorry for myself at the mo as went the dentist again with an abscess thinking they would give me antibiotics which you can have while pregnant but no instead ive had the tooth taken out so feeling so ill from it for some reason,apart from that alls going great :) x x
morning all, how is everyone ?

quick question that you might be able to assist with.
My AF is normally light and not so painful.
My first AF after my MC/ ERPC was the same as this, but this 2nd one is hideous
It is the heaviest it has ever been in my life and the pains and awful - it feels like when i was 15 again and the doctor had to put me on BC to stop me fainting and being sick - did anyone else have this experience after mc or birth.
I hope it wont be the same every month...
Hi everyone.
Im still waiting on a pisitive opk.
Loving your pisitivity Lou!! Keep it up! And symptom spot away.

Mine have been heavier and more painful duck!

Not sure if it's normal or not. I assumed that it helping to make the lining of my womb better.

How's everyone else? Is anybody celebrating the Royal Wedding? DH is working but I'm going to a BBQ. I'm not that bothered about the royal family it's just a'n excuse for a get together and knees up!!!

Hi all

Duck that is a good sign having a good clear out ready for implantation next cycle :) xx

Beth, Duck & Toots ur PMA is brilliant and its really gonna happen for all of u I know it xx

Wishing Scan on Monday not long now urs is Tuesday isn't it...

Sorry I haven't been on I have really bad M/S so pretty much feeling rank all the time yep not just in the morning I am the lucky one seems to hit 2.30pm - 8pm then light tea then bed ha ha still smiling thou xx

Jojo is wee man still behaving and still where he should be?? thinking about u xxx

Nand how are u hope ur not as uncomfortable as u were xx

Hi everyone else Xxxx
duck it defo sounds like ur system is clearing out properly as i had 2 aflike that after my oct m/c but i think thats what help it stick this time with m/c in feb to be pregnant 4 weeks later so good luck for ur next ovulation,fingers crossed all the way,
beth when are you expecting to ovulate and are you bding just incase or waiting,
awww star let us know how you get on and sorry about the ms mine lasts all day but its more like a niggling feeling than actually being sick,i do have a pinching pain to the right of my belly botton which seems to hurt more when i turn or bend over so dont know what that is,im not having another scan now till im 12 wks with baby looking so strong at my last one,i kinda wish i was though cause i cant stop worrying that something is wrong or will be,o well 3 n half wks n il be 12 wks so not long and hopefully i can finally relax :) x x x x
Right of the belly button is exactly where u should find the heartbeat if u use a doppler I'm guessing its just ligament stretching for the placenta ohhhh exciting I'm looking fwd to monday now just wanna see everything again can't believe how bad I feel lol :) I'm such a b***h aswell oh my god I will be lucky if I have a wedding never mind a daddy in Nov ha ha poor man can't help it thou its awful xx
oooo thats sounds good then so should help stop me worrying :),dont worry about being a b***h too as im being a mega one too,my dd came out of school with no coat or cardigan as she said they had gone missing and marched her back in school and went mad because its always happening but think the teachers were shocked by the way i was but some other child had them both on so luckily got them back before she went home and then i had to say sorry to the teachers and blame it on my hormones lololol plus me and oh havent really got on since my bfp but thats also down to me not wanting sex and him wanting it like mad haha,uv got such a good yr with ur wedding and then ur little bean arriving :),so happy for you x x x
Hey everyone happy may day wknd another beautiful day here sorry not been on my bf had her baby girl on Thursday morning so been on auntie alert she is gorgeous 6lb 9 and she is tiny called Indy so happy for them all her family now complete she was trying 4 yrs and then was being made to do ivf she first fell and now she has 3 under 3 it's crazy how spiteful people can be and how quickly people forget the heartbreak she went through getting them all

Morale of the stories ladies never ever give up her babies are just beautiful


Wondering if jojo wee man here?? X
morning everyone
i was wondering the same about jojo havent heard from her for a while....
Hiya Ladies

Well OH and I just had an amazing scan it was great he was so emotional I am on :cloud9: the babies heartbeat was so bright and obvious and measurements are bang on 8wks and 3 days exactly what ovulation should have been I am delighted...

I have to wait for my 12wk scan apt as they can't do it at my local midwife unit because of the new downs screening and measuring the babies fluid at the neck? So will get it through the post

My official due date is 9 dec but baby will be here 21-28 October by c-section so excited



oh star that is wonderful news.

how come they did a scan on a bank holiday ?
oh i just saw you are in Scotland and don't think it is a bank holiday there ?

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