1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Sorry I've been missing girls. 3 kids is a lot of work! Jadiel is doing good now but since he's been home its been crazy. He was always screaming and crying in pain, throwing up alot and was pooping every 1/2 hour to the point his bum was bleeding. Took him to the Dr every other day. At 1st they thought his belly was still a little immature to tolerate the milk so put him on a different formula ( I was breast feeding and supplementing him with formula) then when that didn't work took him of milk completely and changed him to soy so I had to stop breastfeeding. Then that didn't work so we tried meds for acid reflux and put him back to the gentle formula because soy was making him extremely constipated and adding to te discomfort and pain. He's been on meds for 3 days now and its like a different child! From the day he came home until yesterday he literally slept maybe 2 hrs a day and the rest he would scream. So I have slept maybe a full 24 hrs in the last 2 1/2 weeks. He's been sleeping thru yesterday and today. Poor baby. But seems everything is working out. I'm pretty much working on fumes right now because I have the other kids to take care of and only took a week off work. I have been having tons of panic attacks and been really depressed but i think its just lack of sleep and stress. You don;t feel yourself after having a baby anyway for awhile but with no sleep, not being able to clean the house properly etc. Its been hard. DH has been trying so hard to help but he can only do so much. My boss who was pregnant with twins had her babies 3 days after I had Jadiel so my support system has been pretty busy herself. But even with all that I am soooooooooooooooo in love with my little man. I feel so blessed. so, enough about me! How are all you ladies doing?

Wishing and star, how are you feeling? Do we know if were having :pink: or :blue: ??

Toots how are you doing luv? Did you ever go to those appts at the Dr?

Duck and Beth how is everything coming along with you ladies?

Nand, how is your little man doing??




Jojo sending u massive hugs and oh by the way the photo of ur three beautiful cherubs should be framed and put on the wall an amazing picture :) I find out a week on monday in the UK we don't find out till 20 wks so unfair dying to know now still convinced its a wee girl ha ha I genuinely won't be dissappointed though just as long as this wee one is a healthy wee thing really don't wanna deal with another DS illness it was mega stressful xxxx

Duck so glad ur holiday was good and u get mega bding done good girl fx'd for u its hilarious I always used to syke myself up for things like pg friends visiting and you know what when I had my miscarriage my BF fell pg and came to tell me I was delighted for her if I had received a text probably would have cried but seeing ur friends happy in front of u makes it so much easier big hugs but u'll do great xxxx

Hey Lou well I sold my T in the park ticket as didn't feel brave enough after Kings of Leon concert it was a bit too crazy for pg people didn't like getting bumped into...., my friends have a coach going down on sat and they are all so excited, I am taking hers and my ds to Roary Racing car should be quite good what are you up to it

star glad all is ok and what a shame about ur toe lol,you must of hit it hard for it to still hurt,wohoo,not long till ur scan im so excited to hear what ur having,are you still craving certain foods,
duck i agree with star you may be suprised how you will be and you neva know you could be joining her especially after the extra bding lol,hope you had such a great holiday though and it help you relax a little,
toots hope ur ok have you been up to anything nice,
jojo ur photo of all 3 kids is loverly i so wana get one like that when this little one is here,sorry about the bad time uv had with ur little man and i do hope he is defo on the mend as there is nothing worse is there and well done on keep going with so little sleep your defo super mum lol,
my scan is 12 days away falling on 20th july,i also think girl like star but just need be told im right now haha,bump is very active and oh has got to feel his/her little kicks and the heartburn has kicked in already too,im really tired and no matter how much sleep i get its not enough lol x x
Hi girls:hi:
How is everybody today?
Jojo, the pics of your little man are adorable!
Nothing much going on with me at the moment. I'm only 5dpo and the time is really dragging. I hate the 2ww!:wacko:
hi toots glad ur doing good and at least ur almosthalf way through ur 2ww so got everything crossed for you,
im good oh n dd have both felt bump kicking now and we find out what team we are on a wk today so very excited but from my scan pic the votes are almost all towards a girlie :),please keep us updated as cant wait see how you get on :hugs: x
Hey wishing, I cant believe how fast time has gone and it's nearly time to find out what team you're on! Bet you can't wait to find out:happydance:
i know toots,i feel like its gone slow now cause i really wana know the sex of baby but when i proper think of it im half way through my pregnancy come monday n i think where has time gone,i am stupidly excited to the point i aint sleeping hahahaha,star finds out monday i think so will know what team she is on first,
hows the trying going and are you doing anything to try help pass time,i so hope you join us soon n get ur 2012 baby :hugs: x x x
It's an exciting time coming up:happydance: what will you girls be having!!
I used opk this cycle so at least I know exactly when I ovulated. I've tried taking royal jelly this time as I've read good things about it. For some reason the 2ww is reallllllllly hard this time, the days are dragging so much! I've not got anything much in the way of symptoms, I'd kill to feel sick or have painful boobs at the moment:rofl:
i have a feeling we will both be having girls as nand n jo had boys,
awww i just wana give you a big :hugs: toots as i honestly dont know how id cope ttc still,its such hard work isnt it and very stressing,ive just read through loads of this thread from months ago n really got to me,we are all going through a rollercoaster of a ride together for so long now,i cant wait for us all be pregnant :) x x x
hi everyone,
just wanted to stop by and say Hi
AF got me again today
I am having a hard time at the moment and so sick of TTC
Am going out to get royally drunk and celebrate my 30th birthday
hope everyone is ok
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUCK!:cake::cake::wine::wine::wohoo::wohoo:
I'm totally understand how you're feeling, I'm sick to death of the whole thing!:haha:. We have to stay strong and we'll get there in the end:hugs:
hi everyone,
just wanted to stop by and say Hi
AF got me again today
I am having a hard time at the moment and so sick of TTC
Am going out to get royally drunk and celebrate my 30th birthday
hope everyone is ok
im so sorry hun big :hugs: but a big happy birthday to yo,hope you have a brill night x x
:happydance: good luck with ur scan tomoz star and please let us all know how you get on,looking at ur 12wk scan again im thinking :pink: x x x
HI ladies. Just checking in to see how everyone are doing.

Wishing and Star good louck on finding out what team your on. Its sooooooooooo exciting!!!

Duck, so sorry about AF hunni. How long have you been TTC?

Toots, I don't know if I just missed it or not but did you decide not to go to the DR for help?

Beth how are you hunni?
Hey Jojo, how's everything with you and your little man?
I still haven't been back to the hospital to start iui. I'm really not sure if I'm ready to go down that route and the success rate isn't very good. It is a complete nightmare really, I'm starting to resign myself to the fact that I may never become a mum:cry:. We'll keep trying for the time being and then a decision will have to be made I think.
Duck, how was your night out? Did you get vvv drunk?!:bunny::wine::beer:
Fee, good luck with the scan today. Can't wait to find out which team you're on.
Wishing, when's your scan? It's pretty soon isn't it.
Beth, I really hope you're ok Hun :hugs:
hey jojo how are you and ur family and has ur little man settled now,
toots one way or another you will become a mummy im sure of it and i know that probs doesnt mean much coming from me as i cant understand how hard it is for you and ur oh as i haventhad to go through what you are and i wish there was something we could do to make ur wish come true soon,bug big :hugs: x x x x
my scan is wednesday morning so will let you know as soon as i get in from going shopping as im getting ready to empty ohs wallet,he really wont know whats hit him lol x x x
Fee, how did you get on with your scan? :blue: or :pink: :happydance::crib:
Good luck with your scan tomorrow wishing. Let us know how you get on :happydance:
how is everyone
well i didnt get too drunk on saturday night (my birthday) but i did go clubbing until 5am !!!
I have been TTC for 1 year and 3 months and in that time have had 1 mc, in Feb.
I am taking Soy Isoflavones this cycle, which is what i took the one time i got my BFP - i am worried that this caused the MC but it probably didnt so I am taking 160mg, CD3-7.
Toots - how are you getting on, not long now till testing ?
Hey duck, clubbing till 5am!! I'd have been dead on my feet!
Is soy taken by ladies that don't ovulate? I do think you have to be careful taking any tablets, even if they are natural. I've read on some threads that soy really buggered up some people's cycles. I hope it works for you though hun.
Next month for me will be 28 months. Bloody depressing isn't it! Never thought I'd develop into a long term ttc'er!:dohh:. Af is due today and spotting has started so Im out this cycle.
HEy ladies.

Toots, I don't know how you have held out this long and not done the IuI yet. Didn't the tests you have done find that you and hubby are both are ok? YOu really r the strongest person Ive ever "met"! You have the patients of a saint! Bu don't you worry. Ur time will come.

Duck, have you ever thought about looking into going to a specialist just to get checked out atleast? Club till 5am? Whoa! I haven't done that in years!!! Good for you! Bet you had a tons of fun.

Wishing, hope you found out what team you on!! Can't wait for pics and to know!!! SO excited!

Star, how about you?

Nand hows the baby?

Beth how are you luv?

As for me we are doing ok. Just trying to get use to everything still. Baby is doing better on the meds. Still fussy but not as much. Still not doing great at night but not horrible. Getting ready to go on holiday in 2 wks so can't wait! Going to the beach! Get to stay with lots of family and that means lots of hands to help with the baby. I'm really excited to get to spend some one on one time with the older kids. Been trying hard to do that each day at home but its not good quality time. This will be great for all of us!

Sending lots of dust!!!!

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