1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Hey Jojo, glad to hear you're doing well. A holiday at the beach sounds lovely. I hope you have loads of fun and the weather is good for you:thumbup:
I've been looking at info online about iui and the success rate isn't great. I would imagine it'll bugger up my system cos I'll have to take meds to stop my natural ovulation and if it doesn't work then I could spend months trying to get my cycle back on track. I do have to make a decision cos I'm 33 now and the older I get the less likely I'll get medical help. It's such a nightmare! All of our test results were fine, there's nothing wrong with either of us. The specialist thought that maybe I'm hostile in some way, either hostile cm or my immune system goes into overdrive and attacks sperm. I am completely fed up with this whole ttc business to be honest and I suppose if I'm meant to become a mummy then I will. See if I'm still saying that after 27 more months!:haha:
Don't give up now luv! You've worked so hard! Everyone I know that has had an IuI has had great results the 1st or 2nd time around. I know 4 couples and all are like you. Fine test results ( nothing wrong with either partner) and 2 couples got bfp on 1st try and 2 couple on 2nd try and the one couple got twins on 2nd try. I didnt realize you had to take meds to stop anything. Do you think you'll ever try it? Is there anything else they can try?
hi ladies just a quick message as im on my mobile while shopping but baby is healthy n doing great n we are on team :pink:,we are over the moon and cant wipe the smile off my face x x
That's excellent news

Jojo, it's good to hear some real success stories. I don't know anybody that's had iui so I'm just going on what I read online. I think it is probably something that's in our future cos I wouldn't want to get old and be saying 'I wish I'd tried iui'. From what I gather from the info we were given at the hospital, I have to inject myself daily to halt my own natural ovulation so that they can intervene and know exactly when an egg will be released so that the sperm are put in at the right time. It's all so complicated! I think we would be allowed 4-5 iui and 1 ivf under the nhs here.
CONGRATS ON YOUR BABY GIRL!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Thats so exciting!!!!!!!! Cant wait to see pics!
Toots. That's so differnet from here. NOne of my friends had to give them selves injections?
hi jojo - beach sounds fab
wishing - yay for a girl
nands & star how are you ?
Toots - i don't know anything about IUI but what about the theory that people only tend to talk about things that are bad - bad restaurant reviews, bad customer service, but rarely tell people when things went well - well thats what i think about online things - tell me to shut up as I don't know what I am talking about. I think you are so strong and determined and you deserve that BFP ASAP and you will definitely get it.
I took Soy the month I got my BFP - i know it ended in MC but I am not linking the two. It didnt mess up my cycles then, so am praying it doesnt this time
Jojo - the only way i can get referred to a specialist is by my doctor and they do not refer you here until you have been trying for 1 year minimum - as I got a BFP in Jan, I have to wait a year again, even though it took 9 months to get that BFP. My doctor has already told me it is fairly common to TTC to take 2 years and that i needed to learn patience.
If we paid privately it would cost thousands, which we dont have. I think if nothing happens in the next 6 months, then I might pay for basic blood tests etc
but i am going to remain positive
The whole daily injection thing is slightly off putting jojo! Perhaps specialists have different opinions on the iui process or each individual case is treated according to their needs:shrug:. To be honest I was never given much of an answer as to why I wasn't conceiving naturally. Just got told that I 'may' be hostile. From what I've read myself that means either cm that isnt helpful to the sperm or my immune system goes into overdrive and attacks the sperm. There could very well be a war going on inside everytime we dtd:haha: One good thing I noticed since taking the royal jelly is that I only generally having spotting a day at the most before af so my lp has increased:thumbup:. I'll keep plodding along for the moment and maybe I'll surprise you one day by announcing a BFP! Stranger things have happened I guess:haha:
I noticed your ticker saying Jadiel is over a month old now, I can't believe how fast time goes by:wacko:
Duck, thats a positive way at looking at the info online:thumbup:. You are so right that you never read the positives! It's so unfair that you can't seak help from the doc for another year. Keep positive though and I'm absolutely sure you'll get your bfp:hugs:
wishing - my mother in law is called Laila and I love that name
oh and I took Soy Isoflavones CD3-7 which i did when i got my BFP last time
heres to hoping
This month we are NOT OPK'ing just DTD every other day.....
hi ladies sorry ive not been around but its been a busy wk since we found out what team we are on n then my dd turns 5 tuesday n had to do a party for her n 30 friends yesterday,god its killed me,ive also gone allergic to oh for some strange reason,if he kisses me i get covered in a burning/itching rash all over my face n it just wont go,had it for 48 hours now hahaha,thankyou for all the congratulations,its nice to see someone is happy for us,ive had alot of shit with ohs sil as she is very jelouse,she told her sil my babys name before we found out the sex so she tried steel it n the moment i put on facebook we were having a girl called laila mai she got shitty and started telling everyone i stole it off her even though the day of my scan she had said she didnt have any names,my ohs sil is in on it i think and anything we have brought ie sola buggy and the name this girl has gone n brought the same n saying im copying her,grrrrrrrrrrrrr i havent even had a congrats off her,honestly why cant people grow up,they can keep on with it as ive heard off a friend that they are doing it to make me look silly n jelouse but its them that does not me n what do i honestly have to be jelouse of as i have 2 amazing kids n laila on the way and a oh that is brill,anyway rant over hahaha,how are you all doing and toots i have everything crossed for you and the other ladies we need bfps of you all,how are the babys doing too and has anyone heard off star she hasnt been around in a while x x x
wishing congrats on team pink, hope all is well apart from the rash, there are some dopey idiots in this world dont let them get to you, xx
hows everyone else? life here is very busy, finnian is thriving despite his reflux, god bless gaviscon. hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all

Sorry I've been missing in action my god have I been Ill still suffering now had a really bad virus can't keep my eyes open nor food or drink down plus bad stomach other end sorry tmi but so bad dr been threatenin hospital as I'm dehydrated baby moving lots now so know she is safe just bit worried about me if I'm honest,...

Well scan was amazing right all along :pink: we are delighted I managed to go to next and mothercare bought some pink we are overwhelmed I then got home and when I woke up that's when virus struck!!!

Wishing whoo hoo we knew it didn't we amazing two boys and two girls such good news xx

Toots come on honey u still gotta try the aspirin go for it, there will be ababy for u both I know it xx

Duck happy happy birthday glad u had a great night sorry bout AF xx

Jojo and Nando mwah xxxx
Lovely to hear from you fee. So sorry that you're feeling so awful:hugs: it sounds like you're having a bloody terrible time! Get well soon. Congrats on team :pink:, bet you're over the moon.
Nand, glad to hear little one is thriving. How's you?
Wishing, just ignore her! I can't stand bitter people like that! Everything is going well for you and you're happy, that's all that counts:thumbup:
Jojo, how are you doing?
Beth, I hope everything is ok and you come back soon Hun.
Duck, anything new going on with you?
Hey tootie pie

Managing to stay awake right now so taking that as a good sign there are some nasty virus's flying round up here praying thats all it is and not the placenta under stress the scan seemed fine so fx'd everything is alright xxx

Wishing ur name is gorgeous totally agree with toots F*** her sorry but bitterness and jealousy winds me up Xxxx
hi everyone,
star sorry you are not well, hope you feel better soon
wishing, nand and jojo - hiya
toots - im ok thanks, i am not using OPK;s this month as I am sick of the pressure and the rows around O time
we are moving house in 3 weeks having just bought a house, stress stress stress !
Hi there

Well went to midwife again this avo I have urine infection and a virus hence feeling so bad gotta wait two days to get anti biotics which are suitable for my bug plus side heard her heart beat for the first time made me feel better still struggling but glad they found something cos now I can relax about placenta giving up

thankyou ladies i try rise above it but sometimes it makes my blood boil especialy when i have to be nice to her face for ohs sake even though i know what a bitch she is being,
star congrats on team :pink: yaaaay have you been able to shop for her and any names yet,sorry ur feeling so awfull too and i hope these tablets get you back on track as i bet its hard when you got ur ds look after too,
toots how are you feeling,
duck i feel sorry for you knowing how stressfull moving can be but at least it will be worth it once settled in ur new home,hopefully a unwatched cycle may get ur bfp for you,
nand gaviscon is brill isnt it as my dd had that for the same reason as finnian,is it making a huge change for him as it stopped my dds completerly n it settle itself once on solids,how are you feeling though and is he good at night x x
oh star you poor thing you sound like you are having a terrible time, i hope you feel better soon, congrats on team pink about 2 boys and 2 girls from this thread, not bad going.
duck i dont envy you moving its the shittiest time, but once you are settled it'll be fab, i hope the more relaxed approach helps, i had given up with ds1 and thats when it happened with him.
wishing how are you hun? gaviscon is a godsend, he is alot more settled, he sleeps from about 9pm til between 4am and 5 so its not too bad, he still has some bad days but nothing like what he was. he gets his 1st set of jabs on wed and boy am i glad as it means he can have calpol, i already have a supply in, he has doubled his birth weight in 8 weeks as his tummy made him want to drink constantly and was having 12 bottles a day, hopefully the weight gain will slow down now otherwise i'll need a crane to lift him!!!!!!!!!! apart from that i feel great, am back in an 8 but with slight overhang but not bad for 8 weeks post birth.
jojos hows you and your little man?
toots how are you hun? have you tried preseed? if you are hostile maybe it could help, maybe combine it with guaifeneisen to dry up the natural cm. xx

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