Hey TOots, just popped in and saw your post about the Clomid. My boss is on it now. She says that it makes you a hormonal crazy person! I've also done research for her on it and it tends to dry up CM so a lot of dr. don't want to put some women on it. I've never hear it used to help with spotting, my boss is on it to make sure there is an egg there when they do the IUI. Both her and her hubby checked out fine as well when they went to get checked. They had an IUI done last month but w/o the clomid to see what happens and it was unsuccessful. But the dr told her it could take up to 6 IUI before they get their BFP! So, love hang in there because there so so many options out there for you to try! and I use to take a weight loss pill that had a certain herb in it ( I can't remember the name now) that made a lot of women spot thru out their whole cycle. So I know its possible. Been super tired again today. also had a dizzy spell last night and a couple this morning. These cramps are really starting to worry me. It on both sides now and its almost like AF cramps/O cramps/ and like Ive been doing crunches for a year! But they have waves of being really strong and very uncomfortable. Skin still really oily and peeing like crazy! I don't know if I told you guys or another thread but last night I got really
on the drive to dinner with heartburn at the same time, and then had to pee 4 times just in the hour of being there! I peed when we got there, 2x during the meal and as we were leaving had to go again! And its not just like, oh, better go to the potty before we leave... its like no one better get in my way cause I'm about to pee myself!!! No bladder control what so ever! I'm thinking maybe because I'm going to the gym and drinking so much green tea and water that my body is releasing alot of built up water retention that I've been holding on too. I got 2 BFN now and even though its early I just don't feel preggo. Even with all the symptoms.
Can't remember which lady said she's been clumsy (sorry
) but when I was preggo with the twins I was constantly dropping stuff, forgetting stuff, tripping. My family joked I need pads all over to protect the babies!
Well, better get back to "work". Gotta get the kids ready to leave soon!