Good Afternoon ladies!
@ Kerry, I have also heard the dizziness and being faint is a good sign as well. I heard in the old days if a woman felt dizzy or fainted her diagnoses would almost always be pregnancy!
@ Caz don't count yourself out just yet. A lot of times preggo symptoms come in waves as the hormones rise and fall so your not out till AF shows up and that's just not going to happen this month!
Well, as of lunch time, I have been able to hold it together and keep my emotions in check. Almost lost it a few times but not spazzing out, just yet! My bbs are killing me though. From just under my armpit and to my nipps. Nipps aren't sore just extra sensitive and almost have a burning sensation. Was playing on the computer with my DD and she was leaning back on my chest and it was so uncomfortable and actually hurt. Hunger has seemed to settle down but really
today. Could be all the crying I've been doing I suppose, kinda wears you out. Everyone around me is convinced this is my month but I'm so scared that they are putting it all in my head and I am convincing my self into it and my body is acting accordingly. My temps dropped just a little yesterday and went back up today. Could it have been implantation? ANyone else temping or know about this kind of thing?
I have a question ladies... I know that its possible to have symptoms pretty early in a pregnancy. But, is it really possible to have symptoms before implantation has occurred? A HPT won't show a bfp until after. Isn't HGC a type of hormone? Isn't the presence of HGC trigger your body to increase other hormones and then your body shows symptoms? I've tried to look it up but its all in Dr terms.