1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Hiya all I was feeling so positive yesterday had really sore heavy full BB's and just didnt feel right but today I feel normal BB's are a lot less painful so I'm kinda thinking AF may be on the way but fingers crossed not!

Just to let u know Boots have FRER's at BOGOF so its £10.49 for 4 tests of £7 is for 2.

Baby dust to all xx
Hiya all I was feeling so positive yesterday had really sore heavy full BB's and just didnt feel right but today I feel normal BB's are a lot less painful so I'm kinda thinking AF may be on the way but fingers crossed not!

Just to let u know Boots have FRER's at BOGOF so its £10.49 for 4 tests of £7 is for 2.

Baby dust to all xx

thats suppose to say or £7 ish for 2:haha:
Good Afternoon ladies!

@ Kerry, I have also heard the dizziness and being faint is a good sign as well. I heard in the old days if a woman felt dizzy or fainted her diagnoses would almost always be pregnancy! :thumbup:

@ Caz don't count yourself out just yet. A lot of times preggo symptoms come in waves as the hormones rise and fall so your not out till AF shows up and that's just not going to happen this month!:winkwink:

Well, as of lunch time, I have been able to hold it together and keep my emotions in check. Almost lost it a few times but not spazzing out, just yet! My bbs are killing me though. From just under my armpit and to my nipps. Nipps aren't sore just extra sensitive and almost have a burning sensation. Was playing on the computer with my DD and she was leaning back on my chest and it was so uncomfortable and actually hurt. Hunger has seemed to settle down but really :sleep: today. Could be all the crying I've been doing I suppose, kinda wears you out. Everyone around me is convinced this is my month but I'm so scared that they are putting it all in my head and I am convincing my self into it and my body is acting accordingly. My temps dropped just a little yesterday and went back up today. Could it have been implantation? ANyone else temping or know about this kind of thing?

I have a question ladies... I know that its possible to have symptoms pretty early in a pregnancy. But, is it really possible to have symptoms before implantation has occurred? A HPT won't show a bfp until after. Isn't HGC a type of hormone? Isn't the presence of HGC trigger your body to increase other hormones and then your body shows symptoms? I've tried to look it up but its all in Dr terms. :shrug:
hi jojos you produce early pregnancy factor which they think can cause symptoms, it sort of makes sense coz embryo is alien and your body would attack it if there wasnt something to stop it, can you post your chart, i can give an inexpert opinion.
Good Afternoon ladies!

@ Kerry, I have also heard the dizziness and being faint is a good sign as well. I heard in the old days if a woman felt dizzy or fainted her diagnoses would almost always be pregnancy! :thumbup:

@ Caz don't count yourself out just yet. A lot of times preggo symptoms come in waves as the hormones rise and fall so your not out till AF shows up and that's just not going to happen this month!:winkwink:

Well, as of lunch time, I have been able to hold it together and keep my emotions in check. Almost lost it a few times but not spazzing out, just yet! My bbs are killing me though. From just under my armpit and to my nipps. Nipps aren't sore just extra sensitive and almost have a burning sensation. Was playing on the computer with my DD and she was leaning back on my chest and it was so uncomfortable and actually hurt. Hunger has seemed to settle down but really :sleep: today. Could be all the crying I've been doing I suppose, kinda wears you out. Everyone around me is convinced this is my month but I'm so scared that they are putting it all in my head and I am convincing my self into it and my body is acting accordingly. My temps dropped just a little yesterday and went back up today. Could it have been implantation? ANyone else temping or know about this kind of thing?

I have a question ladies... I know that its possible to have symptoms pretty early in a pregnancy. But, is it really possible to have symptoms before implantation has occurred? A HPT won't show a bfp until after. Isn't HGC a type of hormone? Isn't the presence of HGC trigger your body to increase other hormones and then your body shows symptoms? I've tried to look it up but its all in Dr terms. :shrug:

I dont want to get your hopes up but you REALLY sound pregnant to me!!
Also, it is completely possible to feel signs already because even before implantation when the egg is fertilized you have a lot of progesterone ! So that is what is making us feel like crap and have symptoms even before implantation! =)
hi jojos you produce early pregnancy factor which they think can cause symptoms, it sort of makes sense coz embryo is alien and your body would attack it if there wasnt something to stop it, can you post your chart, i can give an inexpert opinion.

I chart on Fertilty Friend and the link to my chart is in my siggy. Please feel free to take a look.
@ KylarsMom, I really hope your right!! I'm not sure if you looked at all my symptoms but really the only one I don't have right now is nauseousness or heart burn. I REALLY want to test now but I know even if I am preggo its to early yet... Right? Do you ladies think I should just give in and test or wait a little bit more. I was planning to test starting on Fri morning which would be 8 dpo. What do you think?:shrug:
@ KylarsMom, I really hope your right!! I'm not sure if you looked at all my symptoms but really the only one I don't have right now is nauseousness or heart burn. I REALLY want to test now but I know even if I am preggo its to early yet... Right? Do you ladies think I should just give in and test or wait a little bit more. I was planning to test starting on Fri morning which would be 8 dpo. What do you think?:shrug:

Ive actually read a lot of your posts, you have a lot of the same symptoms as me but i think yours are even stronger!! i dont have all the emotions!! i tested today at 7 dpo and BFN, but im not discouraged i know it was super early. i am testing again on sunday. we are really close to each other! you can go ahead and test but prepare for BFN this early... its so hard to wait, thats why i gave in!!
@ KylarsMom, I really hope your right!! I'm not sure if you looked at all my symptoms but really the only one I don't have right now is nauseousness or heart burn. I REALLY want to test now but I know even if I am preggo its to early yet... Right? Do you ladies think I should just give in and test or wait a little bit more. I was planning to test starting on Fri morning which would be 8 dpo. What do you think?:shrug:

Ive actually read a lot of your posts, you have a lot of the same symptoms as me but i think yours are even stronger!! i dont have all the emotions!! i tested today at 7 dpo and BFN, but im not discouraged i know it was super early. i am testing again on sunday. we are really close to each other! you can go ahead and test but prepare for BFN this early... its so hard to wait, thats why i gave in!!

Your having the same symptoms? How early did you get a bfp with your son? I don't remember with my son but know it was before my AF and with my daughter I was 9dpo but I was twins then so I don't know if maybe that's why. Part of me thinks if I see a bfn then I'll be able to hold out a couple days and not be so obsessed with it. But the other half thinks I won't believe it and test like every 10 mins until my AF is due and :cry: each time it comes out bfn!! :haha: I have a thing about starting something on an odd number day so since tomorrow will be 7 dpo I think that might help me at least avoid testing till Fri.
it did help me taking one today, bc if i hadnt i would want to take one tomorrow, but i feel confident that since it was bfn today that i can hold out 4 more days til sunday! so id say take one!! and if u conceived twins before u could possibly do it again! which would possibly make your symptoms stronger and you could see results earlier, ive heard anyway... dont know for sure!

Well with my son, we were not ttc just yet, but i had only been off my bc for 2 weeks when i actually got pregnant. i had all the same symptoms as i do now when i was pregnant with him, although i was not in the tww group then bc i didnt realize i could be pregnant until my af was a day late and ijust took a test for the heck of it and to my shock it was a bfp! i just feel like i usually do the day before my period, but worse, the abdominal pain and breast pain is tremendous! gets worse at night though.. dont know why! i remember that with my son i kept thinking i was going to start my period soon since i felt that way but right around the time i was supposed to get af i was spotting and thought it was my af, lol. so i think im still pretty early now compared to how it was with my son. i cant sleep at night, either and the creamy cm is present too.
I tested when I got in from work girls :dohh: and guess what bfn. I've got to learn some self control:headspin: I'm going to blame the stinking cold I've got!:haha:
Hope everyones doing ok:hugs:
dont despair toots the poor little embie is probably trying to find its way, and obviously the cold makes us women crazy. my mission tomorrow is to stop playing with my boobs and see if they are genuinely tender or if i have just poked them a little too much.
dont despair toots the poor little embie is probably trying to find its way, and obviously the cold makes us women crazy. my mission tomorrow is to stop playing with my boobs and see if they are genuinely tender or if i have just poked them a little too much.

So my swirling dizziness, pain on the left and other things are still here. I keep waking up around 5am too!

My question is, when are people testing. I had plannef on Sunday 12 DPO but the dizziness us so extreme. Dh and I agreed to test Friday evening 10DPO then again on Sunday.
Hi ladies.

I'm 7 DPO today. I've had sore boobs since around 3DPO. But my nipples are constantly errect, hard and very sore!!!

Anyone else experienced this?
Hey nand01 I'm the same, haven't left my boobies alone for days! I'm constantly flashing my OH asking if they look any bigger or can he see any veins! I reckon he's fed up with seeing them!
Anyone got any other symptoms today?
kerrygold did you read a thread where someone got a faint bfp at about 6dpo? Im not suggesting you test or anything coz that must be a real exception but your symptoms sound very promising! I wont test til af is due which is 28th

beth welshy i had porn star nipples with ds, its a definite symptom, do you chart?

toots I want an emoticon of a smiley flashing its boobs, have left mine alone so far but I sort of am aware of them, theyre not sore but they are just there if you no what i mean! The nips felt hot last night but that could have been me poking them, I dont flash to oh as it would give him ideas and im still worn out from the marathon sessions around ov :shock: I woke up last night and was absolutely bursting for wee which is unusual as normaly i would want a wee no urgency, I dont no if that is a symptom but it was certainly odd. Im as irritable as a bag of weasels today but that could be pms. on a more positive note i had a temp rise today.

jojosmami how are you today? i looked at your chart and that could be an implantation dip. are they still rising?

best of :dust: to us
Thanx NandO1. No i dont chart unfortunatly.
I've also just noticed that i have white nodules under the skin of my nipples like milk is there
Whats that all about?

Thanx xxx
they produce a greasy substance to prepare for breastfeeding so that is a good sign unfortunately mine never went away from ds so cant pin my hopes on that. it does sound good hun when you gonna test?
Wasn't planning on testing till 14DPO.
I'm in a public car park at the moment and I really want to inspect my boobs!! Think I'll wait incase I get arrested for indecent exposure!


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