Goodmorning everyone!
How's everyone feeling this morning? Any new symptoms?
You know Nand & Toots there are lots of women who get their
the months they don't expect it or have no symptoms.My cousin never had any symptoms of being preggo. Not before or after she found out. Really the baby didn't even move a lot,no cravings,no sick belly, no heart burn, nothing! So keep thinking positive!
I on the other hand have heavy & sensitive bbs,stuffy nose,not having to pee more just feel like when I have to go, I HAVE TO GO! Almost need a panty liner cause I feel like bladder can't hold it. Also feel like I have a bladder infection cause I have to go so bad, run crosslegs to the bathroom, get there and I feel like I can't empty it (tmi
) Had a headache last night and again this morning and still crampy. So, if bladder thing continues will go to the Dr because I am prone to UTI/Bladder/Kidney infections. However, I had this same "bladder infection" symptom when I was preggo with my son and didn't even know it was a symptom until my mom told me that. Crampiness is making me a little worried though. I thought it would be gone by now so I guess we shall see. Anyone else cramping? The one thing I have noticed is that I'm an emotional,moody,mess that will explode in a rage of emotion from crying,laughter,or complete hate and anger in the matter of a second!! I'm aggravated and irritated with everything and everyone! Seriously ladies, I'm even irritated with myself! I just want to go into a dark, quite, room, alone for until this feeling passes!! Don't get me wrong, I love my family and love my kids more than anything or word can even explain. But, I just feel like my body is taking over! For example : The family went out to eat last night and the waitress lip gloss was pissing me off so bad I wanted to get a napkin and wipe it off myself! The way she talked, she was chewing gum while she was taking our order, I felt like she was rushing us and I swear she was giving me dirty looks. When my hubby would see her coming to the table he would say "Were good, thanks." Before she even got to us because he said he thought I was gonna get up and rip her head off. I would NEVER do anything like that but really that's how I felt, really for no reason.My hubby said on the way home maybe I should do a HPT earlier than we talked about.LOL! Sorry to rant but need to get it out somehow. Thanks for listening ladies!