1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

I'm sorry it's messed you up Hun!!! :hugs:
Will you be telling the DR you took Soy?

Hearing so many success stories when your desperate for a baby can be dangerous sometimes without knowing exactly what we put in our bodies. I know I would do anything to get a Baby!

It's so scary!!!

I know just spoke to a girl 2 mins ago and she said she has to take clomid and they put her on the lowest dose she ended up with 3 cysts and a BFP that didn't show up until a week after AF, crazy just goes to show that all of our bodies are different I just want to get the control back and know what is happening with my own body...

I'll certainly not be taking anything supplement wise again just try the natural way only, I have never wanted a scan this badly though its awful

Hi ladies. Well today has been another crazy day in the life of JoJo!!! This morning while getting ready for my OB appt I realized I have lost my drivers license! The appt went well although they couldn't find a heart beat which worries me but the Dr said that its normal because Its still early. They have decided that when I go to my appt @ 12wks if they hear a heartbeat then I wont get another scan till 20wks. Then another one @ 28wks and 32 wks to make sure the baby is growing because both my other babies were small. @ 16 wks they are also gonna start me on 1 shot of progesterone each week till birth to try and prevent preterm labor which happened with both of my other babies as well. When I got home I was informed that my BIL,SIL,21 yr old Nephew and 5 yr old niece will be showing up to my already filled to capacity home @ 7:00pm tomorrow from Boston! UUUUUHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!! I'm soooo tired and stressed already and now have less than 24hrs to literally rearrange my home around for people to be able to just walk around! Not to mention that my MIL has turned me into her personal maid and nurse. She's messy and sick and my husband actually had the nerve to wake me up @ 2:00am in the morning and said " Can you go give my mom her meds?" And today said " The house is gonna be really full this weekend you want to go stay at your Aunt's house?" Are you freaking kidding me!!! I have made her Dr appts, give her meds, give her her shots, cook for her,do her laundry etc!!! I'm stressed out to no end!!! Thanks for listening ladies! Can't wait to take a hot shower and go lay down in my room!

Star & Beth .sorry to hear about your BFN! Keep trying ladies!

Star, what's going on with your health? What's the update?

Beth, have you ever gone this long without spotting?

Toot! My Love!!!! How you doing hunni!! Wish I had some snow to play in!

Talk to you soon ladies!
Hey jojo

Pain still there don't have a clue what it is no AF for me today gonna test every 2nd day from tomorrow until she does or BFP turns up then I can get a scan to see whats going on... giving up the will....

U must be knackered honey.. I really don't know how u do it! u need to look after urself and plz enjoy ur bath am away 2 lie down and hopefully see what tomorrow brings maybe the A&E lol... at least I'm laughing bout it now

jojo u forgot about me scroll threw i asked u a question go back a page about yellow cm
Sorry ANnie! Hard to keep up with everything! My yellow cm was only one day and it was around 9-10dpo. I didn't touch it but if you had that with the other symptoms you've had sounds like this might be your month!
Its okie jojo i understand.. i hope its my month.. like i said one day i feel its my month next min i feel out.. my breast are still achy and im due for aunt flo tommorrow.. on my way to town tonight and my lower back started aching,.. Im not sure what is goin on ill let yall no tom ladies..

Good night and best wishes
Morning everyone

I didn't test this morning!!! Didn't want to see another BFN. I'm starting to doubt I've even ovulated now!
Like Ive said b4 I usually start spotting by 7DPO and by 11DPO AF is usually here.

I'm 12DPO today. I will test tomorrow ready for our 6month wedding anniversary on Sunday.

How r u feeling this morning Fee? Are you gonna make another app with the dr?

Jojo I don't know how u do it. Make sure you don't overdo it tho!!!!

Annie I hope Af stays away!

When's your next app Lou?

Morning all, my blood test is at 12.10 today and I'm looking forward to getting it out of the way. Once that's done I've got nothing to worry about until the new year when results come back. I'm cd18 today and so far haven't had any spotting, I'm sure I've been stressing myself out in previous cycles and that's whats been causing it. I've abandoned all vits except my pregnancy multi vit and dissolvable vit c with zinc, I just wanted a complete break from the whole thing!
Beth, still no spotting! I hope you get your bfp tomorrow Hun. Anything nice planned for your anniversary?
Star, how are you feeling today? How awful that the soy has done this to you!
Jojo, OMG you're a woman of limitless energy! I do not know how you are doing it Hun. I hope somebody is looking out for you cos you need a bit of tlc aswell!
good morning ladies... toots thats sound great..
Beth when u testing?

And i just woke up and my breast are throbbing.... and no AF..

i dunno though i didnt test i wanted to wait till monday.. i should have tested..
How did the blood test go Lou?

Can you hold your wee and not drink much for 4hours then test Annie?
Or wait to test FMU tomorrow?

Blood test was fine thanks Beth. I'm developing a lovely bruise where she took it from my arm, some nurses are better than others and the one today was rather heavy handed!
How's everybody doing? Any plans for the weekend?
Glad it went ok. Some nurses don't care do they just push it in and take your blood :(

Boobs are still sore to the touch but other than that nothing to report.

As long as the snow stays away DH and I are going to catch up with some friends in the evening and I will be cleaning in the day ready to put the Xmas tree and decorations up :)

What about you?

i think im gonna wait till tommorrow... ii ovulated on the 19th so am i late yet are not yet?

i hate that toots i hurts
ladies im really freaking out all my symptoms have disappeared this am i have a few cramps and sore boobs but that all disappeared and i feel great and no sign of af but i dont have no sign of a baby either what is the deal?
i have been craving and drinking strawberry milk since sunday and havent stopped drinking it since sunday
ladies i need yalls help.. i been cramping today it feels like af is coming i was due for her today but no show as of now... well when i wiped after i peed i have a whiteish discharge that was kinda stretchy.. do yall no if thats a good sign are af is arriving

i take that back ladies its really dry down there hardly any if i find a piece here and there but that is looking really hard... so is being dry a good sign of no af showing?
i have been researching if im suppose to be wet are dry before af and everyone is different?? JOJO i had all that discharge and then today the day im suppose to start it dries up cramps nausea mild headaches .. but i thoought i need and increase in CM as a good sign... helpp

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