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1 or 2 DPO, testing around April 25th - buddies wanted!

Pink/Onetube/Flarmy - thanks for the support. Hopefully we will all make our bfps soon. Not that it will reduce all of our losses any but it will help in moving forward.

Kh - Congratulations . Love the tests.

Afm - this morning I stocked up on frers. I wish that I could happily wait until af doesn't show still.
Then just before lunch I had abdomen pains and tingling pains for a couple of minutes. My hopeful side is wanting it to implantation. I'm 6dpo.
Then this afternoon I'm so angry. OMG. I'm just angry at stupid little things. Mean horrible angry words are just bubbling aroun. I had an outburst at my dh. Poor hubby. I'm a bit embarrassed but I just couldn't stop myself. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I think I need to forget about ttc a bit. it becomes all consuming when you just want it to happen right now.
Hugs Spuds. I feel you. SO hurt his back, so I had every intention of doting on him today. But I was just so mopey and angry! He was like, "Why are you so depressed?" and then I snapped at him for caring. It was bad. Poor guy. Can't walk and here I am yelling at him for no reason. :cry:
Congrats KH

Spud, I'm sorry about your loss.. I had two early miscarriages and one MMC at 10 weeks.. after seeing a baby with a heartbeat at 7 weeks.. most devestating thing I've ever gone through, nearly wrecked me whole world and my marriage, but we came through it and are stronger than ever, but it's still super painful!!!


I'm sorry for your loss too Pink. Big hugs for you too. We saw a heartbeat at 6 weeks then seeing a lifeless formed baby at 12 weeks was awful. That moment is etched into my memory forever. I'm glad you and dh have emerged stronger.
I went through the same ladies. Heart beat at 7w1d then no heartbeat at 12 weeks. The most heartbreaking thing ever. Just hope this is it. I couldn't go through that again. X we are all here for u ladies xx

Big hugs again Onetube. Hopefully we will get sticky beans soon. x x x
Hi everyone,

Spud, Flarmy and Pink, so sorry to hear of the heartbreak you have all been through. One of my best friends rung me after her 12 week scan and found out she had had a MMC too. Was awful hearing the hurt and emotion in her voice. Got everything crossed for you to get your BFPs soon and that they stick!!
Congrats KH!! Wonderful news for you!
afm: cramping seems to have gone today and don't seem to have very much CM at all. Totally expecting AF to show up in next two days!
Good luck to everyone!
Dobby - maybe it's a symptom tee hee. Actually in all seriousness it's been a symptom of mine before. I really think this month I will get my bfp. However I hate to admit it because if I'm wrong I'll be so disappointed. However, I'll be disappointed anyway af arrives.

Jesselax - sorry to hear about your friend. I think mmc are more common than we realise because noone really talks about them.
Hi I'm due to test tomorrow if my af don't come before hand, I tested with 3 pregnancy tests which showed really faint lines. Not sure if they we're Evaps or not. Tested yesterday at 14dpo and bfn on a clear blue digital. I'm due on my period anytime from today and tomorrow xx
Morning all,
Well my symptoms were spot on I got a faint bfp this morning, I'm off To getbaby aspirin this morning and fxd we will get our rainbow x
So I'm 7dpo. Took a test... Nothing... Strangely feel pregnant.. Ill just wait a knew more days x


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Hi everyone! I think I'm 1dpo. But not sure? I got off the implant on the 7th and we BD. AF arrived the next day and finished on the 13th. I didn't use OPKs just attempted to track CM. On CD11-14 I had watery cm internally and I was supposed to O today (CD22) but I now have creamy, milky type CM that maybe stretches about a centimetre so maybe I O'd early? I have no clue. We BD on CD7, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14. Now today I have a headache and slight bloating. Obviously to early to feel anything and it's my first month so I doubt it. Just confused!!
Mummy3 - congratulations :) how many dpo are you (as in what dpo did you get your bfp).

Onetube - what makes you feel pregnant? I'm convinced I'm pregnant too. My stomach has felt heavy since o. I have lots of cm and I'm tired and grumpy. Lol. 7dpo is early yet but poas is so addictive.

Sarah - welcome and good luck this cycle .
Oh just realised I said I was meant to O on CD22.. I meant 15.. But today is the 22nd haha. Oops
Mummy3 - congratulations :) how many dpo are you (as in what dpo did you get your bfp).

Onetube - what makes you feel pregnant? I'm convinced I'm pregnant too. My stomach has felt heavy since o. I have lots of cm and I'm tired and grumpy. Lol. 7dpo is early yet but poas is so addictive.

Sarah - welcome and good luck this cycle .

CD25 16DPO xx
Spud, I was told it may come up bfp 2 days after implantation. But that's no the case, unfortunately.

Lower ab feels hard,
Lots of cm and I mean lots
Cp high and closed
Very moody
Warm feet (dead give away for me as I've had warm feet with all my pregnancies they're usually like ice)
I'm 5 dpo today and had a big temp drop .. 97.7, implantation?! Hopefully.. Last night/today I've had sharp to dull pains in my cervix, and I'm having cramps/warm tingling full feeling uterus and stuffy nose.. also some ovary pain! I will test in two days if my temp goes back up!!! I'm still not sure how long my LP will be this cycle!
Goodmorning all :coffee: Trying to get ready for work Yawn....

Dobby..I've been a real B##$! lately too! And very tired, and gassy...hoping that it's a sign. I also noticed I still have a bit of colostrum in my breast..don't know if that could be left over from miscarriage back in January. Any thoughts on that? I was sure it had completely gone away.

Spud...fingers crossed for you! I would be so happy for you if this is your month :flower:

Mummy3 so happy for you! Sending positive thoughts your way :hugs:

I am currently 9dpo and am getting the itch to test. I'm working the next three days and then our bathroom is being renovated on the weekend...so that might keep me from testing early. Hope you all have a great Wednesday!
Cornfield omg I have had the exact same! Itchy with some colostrum. Please let me know if you get any answers! Xx
Welcome to our new ladies!

Corn, sorry but I don't have any insight into that. :( I wasn't producing c yet. I was only about 6 weeks. Hopefully it's a good sign!

My temp only rose .05 of a degree. Started to get disheartened. I feel like the charts I have seen shot back up after implantation. I don't even want to test this morning now.

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