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1 or 2 DPO, testing around April 25th - buddies wanted!

I just found out this morning that a really good friend of mine is expecting. Of course, I'm so happy for her!!

I feel selfish, but it made me a little sad too. We had a chemical in early March and since then it's made watching others around me get pregnant, even good friends, a little hard. I really am happy for her though, I just wish I could join her!
Hugs! It's bottersweet. When I lost mine, literally the next week I had two friends announce they were expecting with the same month edd as me. I was happy for them, but crushed. One does not post much, but the other is constantly posting pictures of her belly. It doesn't help that she's a pregnancy unicorn. Looks gorgeous with her belly, not too many symptoms. Happy but envious

Tested anyway. Was nauseated mildly the moment I got up which is what typically happens for me, but it is much milder. So maybe my little bean is just low on hcg. Idk. More bfns. Out of frers, but have the gold digital and the rapid response and all the 88c.

In before math rant. If I implanted Sunday and an still testing neg on frer I would have implanted with 1 hcg. Maybe 2. So if that is true... I shouldn't test pos until tomorrow or Saturday on frer. But I'm out of frers lol ugh the great debate to buy more or not to buy more
Hey ladies, it's nice to come online and have plenty of news to catch up on!
Congratulations to thise who had there bfps (sorry I can't remember all of your names :/ )

6dpo and not a lot to report. Still been having random twinges on the left side of my pelvis/abdomen. Had lots yesterday evening/night and a few this morning. Feel a bit sad and down today. Not sure why? Hoping it's a good sign otherwise it probably means it's PMS. I'm not sure when to test. In a way I want to wait until AF is due on the 30th so there should be an unmistakeable line if I'm pg and not have to guess at whether it's line/evap/indent etc. But I have loads of tests! So kinda want to test sooner too. Sigh. Feel so meh.
Lilmiss.. For some reason I too am feeling a bit sad and down today.. I don't have an explanation for it as I should be happy!! I have a lot to do today and don't feel like doing any of it!! MEH! Bring on Friday, which is when I'll probably start my testing frenzy.. ok *Maybe* tomorrow at 6dpo ;)
If being down is a sign of good things count me in! I'm happy for everyone that's gotten positive tests this month, but at the same time I'm ready to just crawl under my desk and poke anyone that tries to find me with a really pointy stick.
Hang in there ladies! Its so hard to see those pregnancy announcements!
I, too, just had another coworker announce she is pregnant yesterday. (I know she had a mc in December so I should be happy for her but it still stings a little.)
Congrats mommy and I hope you line gets darker Sarah!

I totally felt so down until about day 7, which is when I felt like I "knew" - I can't remember who said they're 7 dpo and feel pregnant, but I understand! I felt the same way! I think part of my symptoms is definitely hormones behaving in a weird way - I'm almost complacent. Usually just the thought of certain things would get my balling my eyes out, but lately nothing, and then other things are making me cry and cry lol.

Dobby with your slight shift - I had the same, a small dip and my temp just went back up to what it was before the dip, not a huge spike, so don't fret!

I'm so sorry for the losses that have been discussed on here. I absolutely can't imagine. Our system in Canada is making me especially nervous, as we don't get an ultrasound until around 20 weeks!! I don't know how I'll possibly wait that long to know everything is ok, and I'm lost as to what to do in the mean time to know everything is ok! I think I'm going to go to a walk in after my missed period and get a blood test, I've scheduled a paid heartbeat session at 8 weeks (which I've told myself not to panic if we don't hear anything because I've heard it's not uncommon to not hear anything until later), but how will I know if anything is going on otherwise? I don't want to stress about it, and amazingly those complacent feelings are contributing to me not actually stressing about it like I imagined I would, more thinking through the logistics.

Rant over. I hope to see a lot of BFPs throughout the rest of the week!!
I am also feeling down today. Let's hope it's a good sign for us all x
Congrats mommy . Our system in Canada is making me especially nervous, as we don't get an ultrasound until around 20 weeks!! I don't know how I'll possibly wait that long to know everything is ok, and I'm lost as to what to do in the mean time to know everything is ok! I think I'm going to go to a walk in after my missed period and get a blood test, I've scheduled a paid heartbeat session at 8 weeks (which I've told myself not to panic if we don't hear anything because I've heard it's not uncommon to not hear anything until later), but how will I know if anything is going on otherwise? I don't want to stress about it, and amazingly those complacent feelings are contributing to me not actually stressing about it like I imagined I would, more thinking through the logistics.

Rant over. I hope to see a lot of BFPs throughout the rest of the week!!
Hi Emmy!
I'm in Ontario and my Doctor scheduled the blood work at 6 wks and a viability ultra sound at 8. Ask for it!
Only symptom I have at the minute is cm and achey boobs and shooting pains in them oh and bloating..I'm due any time now but its worked out at tomorrow. Hoping for my bfp
If being down is a sign of good things count me in! I'm happy for everyone that's gotten positive tests this month, but at the same time I'm ready to just crawl under my desk and poke anyone that tries to find me with a really pointy stick.

Oh my gosh, me too! Feeling really down today :(
Dobby- try and stay positive. You're not out until AF shows up
Well I've got a headache, never get a headache... had one all the time in first tri with DD.. Also pain in my left boob and I'm so incredibly tired... I just feel run down today, like I'm coming down with something! Maybe I'll take a nap when DD does later!
11dpo today and temp is still high. I am officially late but won't to hold off until Friday or Saturday to test again since I'll be closer to 14dpo.

Glad to hear about a new bfp! And that those pregnant are doing okay although anxious for the first appointment.

Those still waiting for their bfp I feel your pain. I'm so anxious I can hardly stand it! I know more pregnant people now than ever in my life! It's kind of a running joke between my husband and I. Last night we ran into an old classmate of my husband's who has a drug problem and he got another rando pregnant. Ugh! So jealous it's not fair!
Cornfield - thanks! The soonest my doc could get me in was 7 weeks for a blood test and I couldn't because of my work without telling them I'm pregnant! So between the docs schedule and mine I'll be almost 9 weeks ��. So I think I'll go to a walk in at least for blood work, tell my work after I tell my family, and then when I have my Drs appt I'll set up my OB appointments ASAP. I know my work will be accommodating once they know, but it's just so early to tell them in order to see the doc!

Everyone's symptoms are sounding promising!! Looking forward to the next few days!
Hi everyone!!
Just a quick update as I'm off to work in a minute - did a test today and it was bfn. Pretty sure AF due tomorrow or Saturday, so pretty sure I'm out this cycle. Will keep you posted!
Good luck to everyone out there, keep up the positive thinking, it will happen!! :thumbup:
Kinda nice to know I'm not the only one feeling a bit meh today! Mood has lifted a bit but feeling absolutely shattered instead! LO has slept through for 3 nights in a row so it could just be my body adjusting to the extra sleep!

@Pink we're pretty much the same dpo! I'm trying my hardesr to hold out testing till 25th when I'll be 9dpo. I don't see much point wasting tests before then as I only have a couple of ic's left and I'm not sure I even trust them in all honesty.
9dpo here.... no symptoms really except for some loose stools -sorry tmi- cm is pretty dry ... which what i have read, means im most likely out.... but fx for all!
Thanks Army and Emmy and whoever else gave kind words! Sorry, was on my phone.

I just don't feel pregnant anymore. I'm usually so clearly pregnant (been preggers three times). There are symptoms, but I don't. I'm with everyone. It's a meh day. And it's Earth Day! I effing LOVE Earth Day. Sigh. I just want to go home and cuddle with my dogs and pee on some more cheapies and get more BFNs. "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results."

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