1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hi wannab how frustrating! How long is your cycle usually. I do remember when I stopped the pill earlier this year my cycles all of a sudden went wack. Before when I stopped to ttc ds they had gone back to regular 28day cycles but then since this time I've had my longest cycle at 31 days and shortest at 25. So every month I alternate now..one month is long one is shorter...it's crazy but I'm aware now. Maybe your body is just adjusting to going off the pill or your cycles have somehow changed. Or of course you are indeed preggers and the silly cbd couldn't pick it up! !! :)

Thanks love. As you can see from my post right above yours, AF reared her ugly face. UGH.

Maybe it wasn't actually late and just a confusing cycle like you say. How the heck am I supposed to know if I am actually late?? Makes me crazy!

Here is my rant of the day: (I was looking at the gallery of preg tests on countowntopregnancy - bad idea I know.)
1. I hate it when people post photos of OBVIOUSLY positive tests saying, what do you think? Is it positive?? If you have 2 blatant lines it is obviously positive. UGH. (Wow I think I'm really PMSing now!! Yikes!)
2. When people post photos that are so blurry or so dark that you would not be able to possibly even see a second line if it WAS there. Makes. me. crazy.

I am really not an angry person.. I am apparently just very irritable right now!!!

I love the rant and quite agree! It's annoying! Don't feel bad about ranting...I don't think you're an angry person. This is what we are all here for...to be supportive and offer support for all our ups and downs. If we stick together like we have been, you will probably hear me go off a few times. haha!

As for the cycle thing, mine has been kind of alternating too. It's been 32 days, then 28, then 33...so we'll see what happens this month. I wish I could quit temping but I have a Ob/gyn appt. on Jan. 8th and want to give her as much information as possible. Otherwise, I would totally take a break from everything this month and just see what happens. Things are stressful enough with Xmas!

Hope everyone is well.

Gohan - You doing ok?
I don't remember if I said, but AF finally started last night too! Booo! But I'm just glad to be out of limbo and on to December. I also kind of like that my CD day also matches up with the day of the month...so I'm looking at a possible New Years Eve BFP!! FX'd for everyone this month!
Oh no, so the witch got all of us? Let's hope this cycle is our lucky one!!
Hi ladies
Yes Loved got her bfp. Hope she's going ok.

Wannab soooooo sorry af got you! We posted almost at the same time. Grrrr. I feel your frustration. And I totally know what you mean when you say about the obvious bfps lol. I'm like "anyone can see that! " then they invert the pic and grey scale it..the works haha

Cd 4 today...planning ds party and just taking it easy. It's so foggy here today I can't see the street at all!! Crazy.

Anyway hope you're all ok and have a great day

Hi ladies
How are you all?
Everyone is sooo quiet. Hope you all are ok.

Nothing really to report. . Cd5 almost time to ttc :yipee:
Have done almost everything for my son's party only last minute things to do. Dh and ds share a birthday so I need to make sure dh feels special too :)

Hope you girls come back on the thread soon x
Hey ladies, mind if I join? I'm at the very tail end of the TWW... Well I guess I'm passed it. 17dpo now and getting BFNs but no AF yet. I have pcos and have taken clomid the last 3 cycles, but now I'll be starting a natural cycle, if AF ever shows that is! Lol. Y'all seem to have an awesome group here, so I hope y'all don't mind if I join!! : )
Well- I'm currently 1dpo. I haven't been charting or temping or using opks because it's only our second cycle- if Santa doesn't bring us our BFP i will be charting next month. My app says I should've ovulated yesterday. But who knows if I'm even ovulating! I got my implanon out on October 27th and had my first real period nov 22nd-26th. Going to keep bding in case I ovulate later in the week. Thought I could use a buddy! Will be testing around the 22nd if I can wait until then!
To keep on BDing is probably the best thing you can do! Gotta cover all the bases, ya know? Lol. I'm not temping either. I use OPKs and have been thinking about temping, but I don't know if I could remember to do it first thing every morning. Good luck though! Lots of baby dust to you!! : )
Baby dust to you too! Let's all get our BFPS this month! :)
Hey ladies! Cd3 for me.. Miserable AF this month that's for sure! Ugh!! Hope all my friends are doing well.. Missing you all but I know we all probably have stuff going on with Christmas coming up!!

Welcome to the new ladies who have joined us.. Hoping we all get our bfps soon!!

We had a blizzard for 24 hours so yesterday I didn't have to go to work which was nice. We had so much snow it was crazy.. It is so so cold here too which is not fun.. But definitely getting in the Christmas spirit!!!
Welcome Ashley1021!! We are both newly off BC! I'm just starting my third cycle off. Which BC were you on?
It's a snowy week in Minnesota! Hoping for my BFP soon.. I have my annual papsmear on the 11th- which will put me at 8dpo- can my gyno tell if I'm pregnant? Just a thought...
Omg, I'm in Texas and we rarely get snow... It's more of sleet when we do, so I can't even imagine a blizzard! It's like 80 degrees here today, ugh. Lol.

I'm on CD35... Any day now, AF or BFP!!! C'mon one of you!

And Ashley, depending on when you would've implanted. Some people can get BFPs that early and some can't. It couldn't hurt to ask though!
Hi to the new ladies :hi: you'll find most of us will be a bit quiet as we're still in af stage but will be in the tww soon again!

Allison ..hopefully it's your bfp and it shows up soon ! Fx'd

wannab hi :) just starting cd 6 now...almost there lol. My af has been kind-ish this month hopefully it's our bfp month!!

How's everyone else??

No blizzards here...just sunshine and butterflies hehe :)
Preparing for a storm with snow abd flooding here. And I have my final on friday, hope I can even get there!

I am studying last minute, didn't get to study enough so I've been quiet..
I think ovulation is not due for another week or so, or even later going by my usual ovulation before last cycle.
Not sure if we'll BD then or not, we decided to only do temping and not prevent when we do have sex, no stressing about it..
Mrs.Vet, sometimes that's the best way to go about it. It's so hard not to stress about it when you're trying trying. I think I'm past the point of not caring though. My husband always tells me to not think about it, but I can't not, so you got some good self control!! Lol. Good luck though! And good luck in all the weather tomorrow! I wish we had snow here. : (
Hi friends (old and new),

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I've been all caught up in family and funeral planning so I have been a little out of the loop...not too much to report anyway. I'm on cd 4 so AF is in retreat mode.

Wishing- good luck with your party! I'm sure it will be a blast. Please send me some sunshine and butterflies! It's been rainy, cold, and dreary here.

Question: I was looking at bd timing on the countdown to pregnancy website and was wondering if any of you ladies use any particular timing pattern....or do you just wing it?

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