1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hi friends (old and new),

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I've been all caught up in family and funeral planning so I have been a little out of the loop...not too much to report anyway. I'm on cd 4 so AF is in retreat mode.

Wishing- good luck with your party! I'm sure it will be a blast. Please send me some sunshine and butterflies! It's been rainy, cold, and dreary here.

Question: I was looking at bd timing on the countdown to pregnancy website and was wondering if any of you ladies use any particular timing pattern....or do you just wing it?

We always try to do it every other day, maybe every 2 days and then everyday for a few days when I get a positive OPK.
Mrs vet good luck for your final...I hope the weather eases up too. For you and everyone who is having blizzards etc.

Lilsoy, how are you doing? :hug: I hope everything goes well with the funeral. I know this is a tough time for you. Thinking of you xx
As per your question. ..I find it hard now with a ds to "plan" bd lol. When we tried for ds.we literally did it everyday. Now from when I see fertile cm we will try to do it everyday. .. but we'll see if we can lol ;) I don't use opk or anything. They are mega expensive here and not many options so I don't want to get sucked in.

Cd 6. This cycle is my early O cycle as I alternative between an early and late O every month. Two cycles ago I O on cd 11 so I'm thinking I could O anywhere from cd 10 to cd 13 this cycle.

I'm excited for ds party sat. We've never done it at home (we are in an apartment) so I hope it goes well.

Hope you all have a good day
I wish I could O that early!!! Before I took clomid I wasn't Oing until CD21. Even with the clomid I was at like CD16-17. I just started drinking Fertilitea last night so I'm hoping it'll push up my O date a bit! As for the OPKs, look on amazon. They have tons of cheap ones. I got a bunch of cheap preg tests so I can fulfill my POAS urge whenever I want. Lol
Wishing - things are going ok.. Thanks for asking. Going back to work tomorrow so it will be good to get back to a routine. Are you getting excited about the party?

So my Dh went to the doc today for a check up and asked about an SA since it took almost a year to conceive the first time and we're on the 4 the cycle of trying since the mc. They told him that since we conceived once, he probably doesn't need one and that I'm probably just not getting pregnant because I'm stressing myself out too much with this forum and FF.

Any thoughts? I was kind of annoyed. First of all, why not just rule out sperm count issues? It seems pretty harmless. And second of all, I'm not stressing THAT much! I like to get on here and share with you ladies.

What do think? I'm wondering if I should try to limit my time on here and FF or what?
Sorry your dr was so insensitive. I hate drs like that. I think stressing and trying are 2 different things though. Not all of us are little fertile myrtles that can get pregnant at the drop of a dime without trying. So in the matter of trying, you have to think about it at least. I hate when people tell me it'll happen when I stop trying. Um, no, I tried that. It didn't work. If you feel you're not stressing about it, then I wouldn't worry about it. As for the SA, my hubby's was fine but he's still taking Fertil-aid for men. It's supposed to like double their count, so you could always have him take that for good measure. If the swimmer count is doubling, it's got to double the chances, right?
Thanks Allison...I'm not sure we can get amazon out here I'm not sure. But I doubt they'd appreciate me bringing in a bunch of hpts or opks lol :) but I would LOVE to lol!! Haha

Lilsoy.. glad to hear you're doing ok and are back at work. As for stressing etc..tbh I think coming on here helps sooooo much. I can't ask all thesr intricate questions or constantly tell someone my tww symptoms so I think that if you feel the way I do def come on here to clear your mind.

How is everyone feeling? I'm finally 7dpo!!
Thanks for the thoughts ladies. I can't believe his doc would be so closed minded and basically put all the blame on me. When I go to MY doc (obgyn) in January, I will see what she has to say about it.

Plus, I was totally unstressed the first 6 months when we were NTNP...and that got us nowhere. After that, I only did OPK's for 5 months (no temping) and finally got pregnant. So, I've really only been doing these forums and FF for like 3 months. ...blah. Ok, I'm over it.

Allison - Fertil-aid sounds good. I will def. look into getting some of that. My DH takes vitamins. Does your DH take vitamins as well as the Fertilaid or does it replace the vitamins?
Hi Ladies. Sorry I've been out of touch, recently. It's been an emotional rollercoaster. Found out my brother might be getting back with his ex-girlfriend who he lost his virginity to and then she ripped his heart out a few weeks later. I've been worrying myself sick over it. My brother is pretty much my best friend. It's just hard.

Also, I found out two of my friends are pregnant. Just frustrates me even more knowing that DH and I have tried for almost a year. DH and I are going to schedule our Fertility Specialist appointments for January soon. I've been dealing with a lot of emotional things. My Aunt is having a kidney transplant in a couple weeks. The holidays are wonderful, but very hard at the same time, because I'm away from my family. A dear friend of DH's family passed away today, and I just feel so overwhelmed. That being said, DH and I have decided to go back to NTNP and try to relax about everything. I'll still stick around and obsess over symptoms(like I could stay away! :haha: ) but I think right now, DH and I need to relax and just be us. It's been emotional, and we need to relax and take our time.

AF just got over, though. It was nasty. I went through an entire bottle of Pamprin this AF. So painful. =_=; Anyway, that's where I'm at as of right now. How are my ladies doing?
Hi Ladies. Sorry I've been out of touch, recently. It's been an emotional rollercoaster. Found out my brother might be getting back with his ex-girlfriend who he lost his virginity to and then she ripped his heart out a few weeks later. I've been worrying myself sick over it. My brother is pretty much my best friend. It's just hard.

Also, I found out two of my friends are pregnant. Just frustrates me even more knowing that DH and I have tried for almost a year. DH and I are going to schedule our Fertility Specialist appointments for January soon. I've been dealing with a lot of emotional things. My Aunt is having a kidney transplant in a couple weeks. The holidays are wonderful, but very hard at the same time, because I'm away from my family. A dear friend of DH's family passed away today, and I just feel so overwhelmed. That being said, DH and I have decided to go back to NTNP and try to relax about everything. I'll still stick around and obsess over symptoms(like I could stay away! :haha: ) but I think right now, DH and I need to relax and just be us. It's been emotional, and we need to relax and take our time.

AF just got over, though. It was nasty. I went through an entire bottle of Pamprin this AF. So painful. =_=; Anyway, that's where I'm at as of right now. How are my ladies doing?

Gohan,- Good to hear from you. I bet taking a break will be nice. It seems like you have enough other things going on that need your attention right now. I'm always surprised about how emotional I get around the holidays too. It would be especially hard without family around.

I'm just trying to figure out when DH and I should start trying. I don't want to put as much pressure on it this month. I think we started "trying" too early last month and sort of ran out of steam there at the end. My hubby doesn't respond well to the stress of sex on command! ha! My cycle tends to be a bit long so we have some time. Although, on my 2nd cycle I O'd a week early so who knows.
Hey ladies :)

My final wasn't really good, I hope it was enough to pass as it counts 30% into my state exam.. I have been completely exhausted today, nausea, tired, anxiety.. guess it's all the stress fallung off... I ended up having to bring 4 law books to my final, about 8 kilos (18 pounds i think)! Made me glad I'm not preggo yet, that would have caused a whole lot of issues! lol
We were going to start BD today and just keep going until temp goes up every other day but I just can't today, I am so exhausted!
Oh well, I think even if I ovulate as early as last cycle we should have at least another week..

Can't wait for all of us being in the TWW again! :D
Hi lovelies! Cd6 for me. AF is just starting to taper off.. Finally!! Nothing really new with me just wanted to touch base so you all knew I hadn't disappeared for good! As soon as AF is gone I'll start tracking cp and cm. Have a great rest of your weekend!!

Hi ladies

Gohan so lovely to hear from you. Sorry that times are so tough. Ntnp is a good idea. I hope things get better soon.

Wannab I bet you can't wait for af to be over mine trailed long to 7dpo! My cm is good indication for me too. My cp is a bit unreliable though.

Mrs vet..I'm sure u did better than you think. I wrote business law end of last month and it was open book so I carried lots in too lol.

Lilsoy how are you hun??

I'm cd 10 today :yipee: !!! I got ewcm today! :) last night it was starting so we bd.
Yesterday was my ds and dh's bday. So we had a party for ds. It went so well and ds had a ball. Still can't believe that he is 3!
Hi ladies

Gohan so lovely to hear from you. Sorry that times are so tough. Ntnp is a good idea. I hope things get better soon.

Wannab I bet you can't wait for af to be over mine trailed long to 7dpo! My cm is good indication for me too. My cp is a bit unreliable though.

Mrs vet..I'm sure u did better than you think. I wrote business law end of last month and it was open book so I carried lots in too lol.

Lilsoy how are you hun??

I'm cd 10 today :yipee: !!! I got ewcm today! :) last night it was starting so we bd.
Yesterday was my ds and dh's bday. So we had a party for ds. It went so well and ds had a ball. Still can't believe that he is 3!

Yay Wishing! It sounds like you have a lot of good things going on. I'm glad the party went well. I get party anxiety when I'm responsible for throwing them :)

I'm on CD 9 today and still had a tiny bit of spotting this morning. I usually only bleed for four days and then 2 days of spotting. I had an odd period this month.

Anyway, I think DH and I will start BDing tonight and try to continue every 2 nights until positive OPK and then BD every night until I get my temp rise. We'll see. I'm really trying not to be crazy about the BD schedule this month. I'm also trying not to talk about it too much with hubby as it tends to stress him out.

I feel like I was starting to get O pains last night but it's so early! Since I've starting charting, the earliest I've O'd is CD 16 and I don't usually O until around CD 20 so I don't know what's going on. My CM is unreliable. I feel like I don't get EWCM until the actual day of ovulation but I'm on the lookout. Pretty soon we'll be in the 2WW again!!

How is everyone else doing?
Hi ladies
How are you all?

I'm on Cd11 now. I had a temp dip today so if it rises substantially tomorrow then I will know if today was my O day. I usually O 2 daya after getting fertile cm which is today so we'll see. We dtd last night and night before that. I doubt we will be able to tonight so hopefully that is enough. Fxd. I had O cramping all day yesterday. I'll see what FF says in a couple of days.
Hey ladies. CD9 for me today. AF finally finished 2 days ago so that was nice. It is so relieving once she goes so I can start tracking everything again. Hubby and I will BD every other day now until after O. Since I don't temp or anything I think it's the best way to know. I think maybe once I get EWCM we will do it every day. Not sure. I really feel like I can't symptom spot this month. Last month was nuts all the symptoms I had. But I know I said this last month as well.. maybe I will spot just to see what is going on but I won't assume it means anything. I do NOT plan on testing until after AF is late. She is scheduled to arrive around New Years Eve. I am not even going to buy any tests this month. I have to protect myself somehow and testing is just too hard. What are you all planning for this month? When is AF due for everyone? I know I'm the latest this month as I was last to get AF but I have a pretty regular-ish cycle so who knows.

It has been -40 here for the last week or so. I've gotten my car stuck 3 times and one morning last week it wouldn't turn on. So frustrating. Hubby and I spent about an hour last night shovelling out the car so we could just get it out of the alley and onto the street. The snow is over a foot deep. It is crazy!

I had one of the worst panic attacks on Saturday night that I've ever had. I just felt really down about life and my anxiety. When I was in high school I was diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder. It was really crippling for a lot of years but in my adulthood I have managed it much better. I have been on zoloft for 8 years now. A few months ago I decreased my meds by half since I told my dr I wanted to get pregnant. I am on a low dose now until I get pregnant and then I will go off. I have been really up and down since I lowered my dosage but this weekend it was really bad. It was really scary. My doctor thinks that once I get pregnant the extra hormones will really help me to cope without medication. And not to mention it should be one of the happiest times of my life so I should be fine. Really trying not to stress with the TTC and let whatever happens, happen. I know God is in control but it is hard when you feel so OUT of control. Also this CRAP weather isn't much help!! I need some Vitamin D!

Just a small update on me - hope you are all doing well!
Hey ladies. CD9 for me today. AF finally finished 2 days ago so that was nice. It is so relieving once she goes so I can start tracking everything again. Hubby and I will BD every other day now until after O. Since I don't temp or anything I think it's the best way to know. I think maybe once I get EWCM we will do it every day. Not sure. I really feel like I can't symptom spot this month. Last month was nuts all the symptoms I had. But I know I said this last month as well.. maybe I will spot just to see what is going on but I won't assume it means anything. I do NOT plan on testing until after AF is late. She is scheduled to arrive around New Years Eve. I am not even going to buy any tests this month. I have to protect myself somehow and testing is just too hard. What are you all planning for this month? When is AF due for everyone? I know I'm the latest this month as I was last to get AF but I have a pretty regular-ish cycle so who knows.

It has been -40 here for the last week or so. I've gotten my car stuck 3 times and one morning last week it wouldn't turn on. So frustrating. Hubby and I spent about an hour last night shovelling out the car so we could just get it out of the alley and onto the street. The snow is over a foot deep. It is crazy!

I had one of the worst panic attacks on Saturday night that I've ever had. I just felt really down about life and my anxiety. When I was in high school I was diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder. It was really crippling for a lot of years but in my adulthood I have managed it much better. I have been on zoloft for 8 years now. A few months ago I decreased my meds by half since I told my dr I wanted to get pregnant. I am on a low dose now until I get pregnant and then I will go off. I have been really up and down since I lowered my dosage but this weekend it was really bad. It was really scary. My doctor thinks that once I get pregnant the extra hormones will really help me to cope without medication. And not to mention it should be one of the happiest times of my life so I should be fine. Really trying not to stress with the TTC and let whatever happens, happen. I know God is in control but it is hard when you feel so OUT of control. Also this CRAP weather isn't much help!! I need some Vitamin D!

Just a small update on me - hope you are all doing well!

You poor thing! I'm not a big fan of snow so I can understand why you would be frustrated. I can also relate about the meds. I went off my Wellbutrin when I found out I was preggo and never got back on it since we were TTC again soon after we lost the first pregnancy. Winter is always hard for me as far as depression so I'm really feeling it now. I really don't want to go back on it but I might have to. It's so hard not to stress. Like you, I'm just trying to let things happen.
Hi ladies

Aww wannab I hope you will feel better soon and the weather improves. I think the weather def plays a major role in our states of mind.

I'm cd12 today. I'm not 100% if i did o yesterday or if today is O day. We didn't dtd last night. .we were too tired. Hopefully we can tonight. If yesterday was my O day as i think then af is due xmas day. I really don't want to go test crazy this cycle. It's too disappointing and I don't wanna damper the festive season.

We have family coming to spend xmas with us. This wil be our first Xmas with family as we're always alone. So I'm very excited! What are you all doing?
Nothing new here, thinking I might ovulate soon going by my CP and CM so we'll try to BD a bit more for now.. we'll see how that goes as we are always so tired!

wishing that is so exciting! We will go over to my family on christmas eve and christmas day, it's also DH's birthday.

wanna I'm so sorry that you are dealing with anxiety! It's so hard not to stress and even more if you are getting anxiety attacks! I hope you'll feel better!
Hi ladies
How are you?

I was cd13 yesterday. ..officially cd 14 now. I think I Od either on cd 11/12 but I'm not 100 % sure. I'm waiting to see what FF says but I'm really confused lol. All I know O has happened as my nipps are starting to get a tad sensitive and I'm bloated and was mega tired today. My cm has changed to and cp. So I think I'm officially in tww!! :blush:at least with my family visiting and xmas around the corner and my studies I should be a bit preoccupied.

will update later in morning if I get crosshairs on ff.
So, I don't know what to think. I'm pretty sure I had a little EWCM and I definitely had sharp pains on my left side which always happens when I ovulate. However, I don't usually O until CD 20..so today would be 9 days early! Isn't it unlikely that I would ovulate this early?

I am going to start OPKs tomorrow. I hope I didn't miss my surge!

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