1DPO! TWW Buddies?

I'm out! AF came this morning. Hoping for my New Years baby!
Sorry to hear, Ashley! FX'd for your next cycle!!

Not sure what I technically am today. I had a bit more EWCM last night but nothing major. Then I woke up this morning with bad cramping in my lower pelvis area. I will wait until later tonight/tomorrow to decide which DPO I think I am.. Where is everyone else at in their cycle?
Hi ladies

Sorry af got you ashley. Enjoy your xmas and new year...:)

Gohan I miss you too. Hope you're ok.

Wannab how exciting. Almost in tww!!

I'm 7dpo today! Can't believe it lol. Almost moment of truth. Still same symptoms for me so not too hopeful but still hanging on. We have loads going on so my mind is quite preoccupied.

Hope you're all having a good day
I think this is the perfect time of year for TWW.. we are all so busy it will hopefully fly by!! being at work makes it especially worse because when i have any down time i check all my symptoms. hopefully being off work for a week with hubby will give me less time to think about it!!
Ashley- Sorry about AF. I hope you will keep us posted.

Wishing - You are halfway through the wait...congrats! When are you thinking of testing? You might have said already but I forgot.

Wannabe - I was trying to decide if being off work was going to be better or worse for my TWW crazies. I think it will be better.

I'm pretty sure that ovulation occured/will occur today. I am finally seeing EWCM (which usually happens on the day that I O) and I had a positive OPK yesterday so tomorrow should be 1 dpo for me. I will have a better idea tomorrow after morning temp.

Gohan - Missing you as well and hoping you are doing well. Let us know.
I'm starting to temp this cycle to figure out my ovulation! I'm also going to use opks! Hoping it helps this process along!
Mrs. Vet - How are you? It's been awhile since we've heard from you.
I would love to be you TWW buddy!! I am 1 DPO too!! BD yesterday and the day before that -- and then again tomorrow. I am actually on my first round of clomid too! :) TTC #3 .
Didn't even think about that!! Same goes for me!!! Ugh!

I know myself pretty well and if I get a BFN that day, I'm going to want to drink A LOT. I will have to resist the urge. Unless, of course, AF comes and then I will probably feel too bad to party anyway. Well, let's just hope for BFP's and then we won't care because we will be soooo stinking happy!!
Sorry about lurking! Have been in agony with toothache for 2 days now. Today I finally went to the dentist, turns out the tooth is dying and I need a root canal treatment! He put sth in now to calm the nerve and if it helps it can wait until january, if not I need to go back this week.
Of course now it hurts a lot as he messed with it..

And my temp went up this morning which could be an infection but I doubt it since I don't feel like i have one plus I had EW and ovulation pain the last 2 days. So I'm 1 or 2 dpo now I think. BD only friday so I doubt it will be our month.

Dentist refused to xray my teeth anyway as I said I can't rule out pregnancy so none of us wanted to take a risk and he said especially this early on is when you shouldn't do xrays..

So how is everyone doing?
Omg, guys! So sorry I haven't kept up lately. I had a lot of other stuff and I kept forgetting.

FF told me I O'd really early, and so I thought I kind of missed my window, but I thought it was kind of strange because I couldn't really see what made it decide I O'd on CD 11. The next morning I put in my newest BBT, and it switched days on me! I O'd on CD 15, which is exactly what I thought when I looked at the chart. Lol. And, since CD 15 to CD 18 are all usual days for me to O, I timed things correctly. So, here's hoping!

I am currently 6 DPO and am having the same symptoms as always, except I keep getting these gurgles and twinges right in the middle of my uterus. I dunno if this is normal for me...it certainly didn't happen last month or the month before. I recorded it on my FF chart so I know that this is a thing for next time.Sometimes it feels like an eye twitch does, and sometimes it feels like little bubbles bubbling around. It's been pretty persistent, for several hours.

This will be my 11th cycle trying. :( I've been really good about not symptom checking, except for when the gurgling/twinges started. I've been hoping it means something good. This time, I will either start AF or find out I'm pregnant Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. It would be too good to be true, it seems. :/
Hi ladies
Haven't read back yet but I hope you're all ok.
8 dpo here. Crazy! Bbs are extremely sore. That's about it. How's everyone's Christmas planning going?
Geek Girl - It's good to hear from you again! My FF has changed the O date on me before too. I'm glad it worked out to where your timing seems right.

Mrs. Vet - That stinks about your tooth. I have been meaning to get to the dentist myself but I've been putting it off. I hope it gets better soon!

Wishing - Still a lot of Xmas shopping to do..yuck. I really don't enjoy shopping....or crowds.

So I'm frustrated because my temp didn't go up much today like I expected it to. I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Temp was back down this morning. So maybe it was the tooth causing it and not O? We'll BD just to be sure.
Still in a lot of pain so I'll have to go back to the dentist tomorrow.

On a bright side, DH got a new job!! A better one with more money also! Just have to see that his current boss lets him out of his contract a few weeks early (he has 4 weeks notice normally). He'll have to tell him first thing in the morning tomorrow, hope it will go down civil and with no issues! So happy about that!!
Lilsoybean - Thanks for the welcome. I'm kind of glad to here I'm not alone in the confusion that is FF.

Mrs. Vet - I hate when I seem like I may be sick or something and I have to wonder if it makes my BBTs inaccurate! Congrats to you and your hubby for his new job! That is so great!

Last night, I literally did not sleep. :/ I finally fell asleep around 8 this morning, but only slept till 11. Ugh. So frustrating. I feel half exhausted, and half OK. Like, I'm not tired enough to go back to bed, but I don't think I'm really up for doing anything that requires any sort of energy on my part. Like grocery shopping. Or laundry, but I sort of sucked it up and did laundry anyway. Lol. That's about all I'm going to do today. I feel like last night earned me the right to be totally lazy today. :p
:hi: and welcome back geek girl! I hope you caught that egg this cycle. ;)

Mrs vet...sorry about your tooth. I hope you will be our of your agony soon. But great news on dh getting a new job!!! I hope his boss gives him no drama. My dh just resigned this month as we want to go back home and his company kicked up a fight. He got a lawyer on board though so hopefully it will be sorted soon.

Lilsoy I hate crowds too!! Shopping malls are crazy here now even in the middle of the week in the day time. As we are moving we are just giving ds some things. I'm cooking lunch though for xmas as we have SIL and MIL here so I'm looking forward to a nice family lunch.

I'm officially 9 dpo. I have two tests and I'm dying to test ..I don't know I'm just silly thinking if I was pregnant there would be a sign of some sort.

Off to bed..was up late studying. But you all enjoy the rest of your day.
Geek, I'm right there with you, I only slept until 2am and then from 5.30 to 7.30am because I was stressing about today.

wishing, thank you!! It went down with no isdues, he is getting it in writing hopefully before christmas, he signed the new contract today! I hope your husband can get out of there soon!

Tooth is a lot better today, still random pain all over my face but the dentist said it should get better soon! Hope he is right!

Temp is up again today and FF thinks I am 3dpo, since I barely slept my temp might be jacked up though. I did have ovary pains and weird brownish discharge since monday though. I guess we'll see..

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