1DPO! TWW Buddies?

And temp is down again! Starting to think this will be an anovulatory cycle or the tooth issue and lack of sleep have messed up my temps a lot. CD 24 now and I have ivulated on CD 27 before so hoping for late ovulation... But that with the brownish spotting and the cramps reminds me a lot of my anovulatory cycle in summer.. :(
I haven't taken my vitamins in a while because it hurt chewing them so I guess this is what I get for it..
And temp is down again! Starting to think this will be an anovulatory cycle or the tooth issue and lack of sleep have messed up my temps a lot. CD 24 now and I have ivulated on CD 27 before so hoping for late ovulation... But that with the brownish spotting and the cramps reminds me a lot of my anovulatory cycle in summer.. :(
I haven't taken my vitamins in a while because it hurt chewing them so I guess this is what I get for it..

I'm so sorry! I don't know how I would handle an anovulatory cycle. I think I would go crazy! But maybe it's just the tooth thing messing with your body. Hang in there and maybe that egg will drop in a couple days.
Hello everyone,

I finally got my cross hairs on FF today and it says I ovulated on the 17th which is exactly what I thought. I just love it when FF and I agree! FF says I should test on NYE but I might test a day early. It would be cool to get a BFP and then I could tell my hubby after the ball drops!

So I'm 3 dpo today. How is everyone else doing?

Wishing - When are you testing? It should be any day now right??

I hope everyone is well. I'm getting ready to start my 2 week vacation from work so I'm excited!
I was hoping to test on NYE as well, not sure if it's going to happen anymore with my cycle being messy again.. :(

Fingers crossed for all of you who are in the TWW already!
Ok guys. I am 9 dpo and am freaking out. I might have the flu? The other day I had a little cough. Yesterday morning I woke up feeling really warm. My bbt was 99.0. That's high for me. Plus, I aches all over and was coughing up a lung. That's all of my symptoms tho. A really bad cough, low grade temps (last one was 100.3.). I'm worries about how this will affect things. Sucking on cough drops like crazy and taking a cough syrup that I've researched and found is ok if I am pregnant. Taking Tylenol to keep the fever down. Just worried I might do something to hurt anything that may have implanted, or that it won't implant.

Srsly, why now?!
Hi ladies

How are you all? I've been quiet cause nothing really to report. 11dpo today. Don't feel anything that much different. Sore bbs... twinges...bloating. nothing out of the ordinary.

Lilsoy I'm just going to hang on to testing. I get so disappointed seeing bfn I don't want to damper my xmas. Even though I'm Very tempted lol. And :yipee: for being in tww!! Hopefully we will get our 2013 bfps!!!!! How amazing that would be.

Mrs vet I agree may just be you being sick affecting your temps. And geek girl don't worry...I'm sure you will be ok with being a bit sick. Plus whatever you're taking is safe in pregnancy.

Anyone hear from Gohan? Wannab how are you?
After 2 good days I woke up in pain again and know my tooth got infected bad now, I know the taste too well from my infection after a wisdom teeth surgery 2 years ago :( I have to go to the emergency doctor as soon as it opens but I am so scared!! I am scared of the dentist to begin with and that one I don't even know if he is any good!

Was going to BD again today but that is out of the window... still not sure if I ever ovulated since this is causing my temps to be all over the place :(
Geek Girl - I wouldn't worry. The medicines you said you are taking are considered safe for pregnancy according to my doctor. They were all on this list she gave me when I was first pregnant. Just try to relax and get feeling better. Stressing will only make things worse. Easier said than done, I know.

Wishing - Are you getting excited about your family coming to town? It's good you have such a nice distraction for waiting to test.

Nothing really to report here. I want to say that I feel pressure in my abdomen and my boobs look like they are a little bigger. I guess I just have an all around bloated feeling but not sure if that is just from extra holiday junk food. I'm pretty good about eating right and usually very good about exercising but I haven't been able to get out and run as much as I like so that may be what is making me feel bloated. I really don't want to symptom spot.

I hope everyone is ready for Christmas because it's just around the corner. I still have a couple of things to get done tomorrow but should be ready after that
After 2 good days I woke up in pain again and know my tooth got infected bad now, I know the taste too well from my infection after a wisdom teeth surgery 2 years ago :( I have to go to the emergency doctor as soon as it opens but I am so scared!! I am scared of the dentist to begin with and that one I don't even know if he is any good!

Was going to BD again today but that is out of the window... still not sure if I ever ovulated since this is causing my temps to be all over the place :(

That stinks Mrs. Vet! I'm sorry. I hope that the dentist ended up being a good one and that you start to feel better soon. Unfortunately sometimes, life and BD timing just don't work out. I hate when that happens!
Hey friends. Not much new for me. 6dpo today. I've been having some stabbing pains in my boobs today and yesterday. I had that last month too. Today I balled my eyes out for a solid 30 minutes about not wanting Christmas to come because it's going to be really different this year. Just feeling very depressed and unhappy. Wanting this happy time of year to be over cause I'm not in the mood for it. Ugh. Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year so it really sucks. Not sure why I'm so emotional. Just feel doubtful for this month. My cervix is still open and that happened last month as well so that sucks. Lots of cm as well. It seems pretty EW which is weird. I have TMJ which is a jaw disorder. Yesterday all day I had lock jaw which really sucked. I was in so much pain. I've never had lock jaw in my life.

I think that's all for me. Hope you are all feeling better than I am.
Wow. It sounds like several of us are having a bad time of things. :/ I apparently have bronchitis. I'm not sure how it came about, since I had no cold or flu beforehand. On an antibiotic and some as needed cough syrup. My cough got better and I haven't had a fever since starting the antibiotic, but now it seems the mother of all colds has decided to settle in. Or maybe that's just the bronchitis clearing up? All I know is, I am drowning in snot! (Lol, sorry guys. That's kind of gross.)

Yesterday morning my BBT dipped almost to the cover line, and I thought I was out, but this morning it rose up pretty high. Normal high, not fever high, but I still have to wonder how accurate they are since I am still technically sick. My voice is extremely hoarse and I still have a cough. Plus, the aforementioned snot. Hopefully, since today is 12 DPO, the higher BBT is a good sign.

Thanks for all the reassurances, guys. I needed those. The fever is what freaked me out the most. I kept remembering reading somewhere that running a fever while pregnant was very bad, and even tho I took some Tylenol, at one point the fever kept creeping up and I sort of freaked out. My husband thinks I'm loony, so it's nice to have women who have been there and know what it's like to worry.
I should be 1 or 2dpo (got positive OPK on sunday). Not sure as I ran a fever yesterday after starting the antibiotic sunday night, not sure if it's a reaction to it or just my immune system being down and having the flu.. but temping was obviously pointless..

Fever broke this morning but still having a killer headache and a sore throat and am very dizzy.. guess it's not going to be a nice christmas this year :( Seems like everyone is sick though!

I guess I will just test on new years eve and keep testing if AF doesn't show..
Merry Christmas!!! I hope you are all feeling better and are able to spend some time with friends and family!
Hi ladies

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all. I hope it's been super special for you all!

Af got me at 6 am this morning so great start to my xmas day. Luckily it being Christmas I don't feel sad. Just one of those things and next cycle can just roll on!!! Based on my cycle pattern this next cycle will be a long one. So a late O. Hopefully we catch the egg this time round.

Good luck to everyone still in tww!! :)
Merry Christmas to you all! I'm 9dpo today and don't plan on testing until I miss AF. Lots of cm.

Hope you all had a fantastic day!!
Merry Christmas, everyone! AF came this morning. So today has been bittersweet. Next month will be a year trying and I am just so frustrated. :wacko: But I had some good times with my family and feel blessed, even if a little upset, disappointed, and sad too. Fingers crossed for everyone else!
Temp is down again this morning.. guess the fever might have broken up ovulation, even if at best I were 4 dpo that would be too early for an implantation dip, right? So I assume it never happened and my temp yesterday was still up from being sick.
It could have been so easy to relax and not focus on symptoms so much this month, of course this has to be the cycle I'm not ovulating :(
Hey ladies. I'm feeling really down, since AF came yesterday morning. I need advice and opinions. I talked to DH about what our next step should be, since it's basically been a year since we began trying. I just feel so done. He wants to wait a little longer until we have a little more padding in savings before seeing any kind of fertility specialist, and keep trying until then, and I feel so done. Just done. Fed up. This is not working. Should we keep trying, or take a break, while we wait to see someone that can give us answers?
Just wanted to join the chat! I'm 11-12 dpo with more bfn that I can count lol! But gonna test again am. Af now 1 day late. How's everyone else? Anyone testing Tom?

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