1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Geek, do you have insurance that would at least cover some tests? You might not need actual fertility treatments, some causes are an easy fix!
If you have to pay for everything and want to save up first, I would take a break and go to NTNP and try to not focus on it as much..
I can totally understand your frustration! We haven't been trying for long at all but I just noticed we've hit almost 6 months with one or 2 cycles of preventing in between because we originally were going to wait.. I'm afraid it might take us longer as well but not sure if I want to see a specialist until summer even though we could after 6 months here...
Just wanted to join the chat! I'm 11-12 dpo with more bfn that I can count lol! But gonna test again am. Af now 1 day late. How's everyone else? Anyone testing Tom?

Hi Anya,

I'm trying to wait and test on the 31st but I really want to test sooner. I am 10 dpo today so I might test tomorrow. Good luck and I hope the witch stays away! Let us know how your test goes.
I hope you ladies get your BFP! I got my positive opk this AM! Been bding the past two nights and will continue to do so! ;)
Hey ladies. I'm feeling really down, since AF came yesterday morning. I need advice and opinions. I talked to DH about what our next step should be, since it's basically been a year since we began trying. I just feel so done. He wants to wait a little longer until we have a little more padding in savings before seeing any kind of fertility specialist, and keep trying until then, and I feel so done. Just done. Fed up. This is not working. Should we keep trying, or take a break, while we wait to see someone that can give us answers?

I'm sorry you are feeling down. I completely understand how you feel. We tried for almost a year before getting pregnant the first time. Besides being devastated that we lost the baby 10 weeks into the pregnancy, the fact of starting all over again was very overwhelming. It's been about 5 months since and I was so hopeful that I would be pregnant again by now.

As for advice, I would make an appointment with your General Practitioner or your Ob/Gyn and get their opinion on what to do next. It could be something easy to correct if it's anything at all. While you are doing that, maybe just take a little break and save for a couple months. Everyone always says that it happens for them when they least expect it so maybe putting less stress on conceiving will do the trick.

As for me, I'm still waiting for AF or to test on the 31st. I don't have many symptoms so I don't have a lot of hope for a BFP. I already have an appt. with my Ob/Gyn on Jan. 8th for regular preventative care and to talk about what my next steps are as well so I will keep you updated on how that goes.

Until then, try to stay positive and patient (at least that is what I keep telling myself). :)
Hi ladies

Sorry been so quiet. Been so busy with family etc.how are you all? I'm on cd 3 can't wait for O lol.
Geek girl sorry you're feeling down. I'm not sure how things work re fertility treatment where you are. I think if you need to pay for it I think you and dh should be on the same page. Well regardless, you should be on the same page. But sit down with dh. Say if he wants to wait a bit then how long? 3or 6 months? Once you agree on a time frame then stick to it. I think in the meantime maybe take a break and just ntnp as you probably need to destress about it all. Big hugs to you.

Anyone hear from gohan yet???
Hey friends. I'm 11dpo today and still planning on not testing until I miss AF. Tons of cm but cp is low and open. Staying optimistic!

Sorry geek girl that you are feeling down. I would suggest ntnp and just stay relaxed. Hang in there girl. They always say when you feel you have lost hope that's when the miracle will happen.

AF is due on Tuesday. Really hoping I get my BFP this month! Sounds like lots of us are due around then!! Fx for all of us!!!
Hello all. Ended up with a bfn this fmu. Af was due yesterday . Pretty upset in the limbo period. I have a bad feeling I will be like almost all " in limbo" posters and just end up with a late af.... :(. Guess I'll keep on truckin and call my Gyno if she gets really late. Anyone else end up with a bfp after af being late with bfns?
Sorry to hear Anya. Last month I was a day late which was super frustrating. How many cycles have you been off bcp? I have read on here of ladies not getting a BFP until later. You never know! What brand of test did you use?
Wannabe, Let's see. Last bcp was sept. This am I took a frer. I also have been using wondflo ic but then I just read that they work as "early as 1 day PAST your missed period"! Odd I thought, but bought some early response just in case. You doing ok? Any new symptoms? I feel like I am having preggo sx, but then I think I'm imagining it. Lol. You must have a longer luteal phase than me cuz I am 12 13 dpo and was due Thursday. Thanks for responding. Wishing u MuCH luck. U thinking ull be ok til tues without poas?
Wannabe, Let's see. Last bcp was sept. This am I took a frer. I also have been using wondflo ic but then I just read that they work as "early as 1 day PAST your missed period"! Odd I thought, but bought some early response just in case. You doing ok? Any new symptoms? I feel like I am having preggo sx, but then I think I'm imagining it. Lol. You must have a longer luteal phase than me cuz I am 12 13 dpo and was due Thursday. Thanks for responding. Wishing u MuCH luck. U thinking ull be ok til tues without poas?

I really hope this is your BFP! My first cycle off bcp was in October. I've read a lot about how it can take your body a few cycles to get regulated. But it seems like with this being your 4th cycle off that it would definitely be regular by now. Maybe test again tomorrow with FMU?

I think I'll be able to hold off on poas because I'm not letting myself buy any!! I have spent way too much money in the past 3 months! Ugh!! Today I am feeling the same. I haven't been symptom spotting which has been nice!! I have noticed that I have a ton of cm.. Normally I've dried up by now. Earlier tonight I also had 3-4 quick stabbing pains in my cervix. Never had that before.

Really hoping Tuesday comes quickly! Actually Wednesday would be better!!
Fiancé chickened out of sex tonight.. I think it's because of the positive opk... Why?! Ugh
Hey Ladies. I'm sorry I've not been on recently. Been a lot of things going on. Should get AF either tomorrow or Sunday, but no signs of her. I didn't temp or do OPK's this month, but I had a lot of fertile CM and DH and I BD'd 3 times. So I hope we might be, but I'm not getting too excited. How are my beautiful ladies doing?
Hey Ladies. I'm sorry I've not been on recently. Been a lot of things going on. Should get AF either tomorrow or Sunday, but no signs of her. I didn't temp or do OPK's this month, but I had a lot of fertile CM and DH and I BD'd 3 times. So I hope we might be, but I'm not getting too excited. How are my beautiful ladies doing?

Hi there...we haven't "talked" or anything but I read all ur posts. R u ok!?!?
Wannabe, Let's see. Last bcp was sept. This am I took a frer. I also have been using wondflo ic but then I just read that they work as "early as 1 day PAST your missed period"! Odd I thought, but bought some early response just in case. You doing ok? Any new symptoms? I feel like I am having preggo sx, but then I think I'm imagining it. Lol. You must have a longer luteal phase than me cuz I am 12 13 dpo and was due Thursday. Thanks for responding. Wishing u MuCH luck. U thinking ull be ok til tues without poas?

I really hope this is your BFP! My first cycle off bcp was in October. I've read a lot about how it can take your body a few cycles to get regulated. But it seems like with this being your 4th cycle off that it would definitely be regular by now. Maybe test again tomorrow with FMU?

I think I'll be able to hold off on poas because I'm not letting myself buy any!! I have spent way too much money in the past 3 months! Ugh!! Today I am feeling the same. I haven't been symptom spotting which has been nice!! I have noticed that I have a ton of cm.. Normally I've dried up by now. Earlier tonight I also had 3-4 quick stabbing pains in my cervix. Never had that before.

Really hoping Tuesday comes quickly! Actually Wednesday would be better!!

Ahhhhh another bfn. Ugggg. Must be a late period this month. I'm never this late.

I have no cm, zero. This is weird as I pretty much ALWAYS do except right after af. I'm actually enjoying that part lol. How can u wait?! I admire u so much! It's a serious obsession with me!
Temp still not high enough to really be post-O.. brown spotting on and off, i think it'll be an anovulatory cycle again as this is what happened last time.. hoping for AF to show so we can start over or that I just ovulate and everything gets delayed.. tired of this.. :(
Thanks for the advice, guys. DH and I are definitely on the same page. I did not realize he meant "keep trying" as NTNP, but we talked it out a little more, and now we are aware of what we want. I am totally ok with NTNP until we make our next move i.e. doctor/specialist. We also talked about how much we wanted in our savings, and I am going to do some research on fertility specialists/our insurance, etc. So we have a plan! I am now NTNP, and we will go from there. :)
We did have a very long talk last night.. He thinks I only want to have sex with him for the pure purpose of having a child. How to I tell him this isn't true. We did bd last night though.
We did have a very long talk last night.. He thinks I only want to have sex with him for the pure purpose of having a child. How to I tell him this isn't true. We did bd last night though.

Ok good as long as u guys r on the same page. My hubby also felt the same way. After maybe 4 nights of shagging, I started having to "improvise". Nothing is more awkward for me, but he seemed to enjoy it with not one complaint. :thumbup:

Now does that mean I'm preggo? Hell no lol

Gl to u hon

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