1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Ashley good thing you guys are still on the same page! My DH is perfectly ok with us having more sex during ovulation time, at the end it means he gets more than usual! lol

Having another positive OPK so maybe my body is giving it another shot! Of course today has to be the day DH has a bad migraine! I just let him sleep hoping he'll feel better later today, will take another OPK later today to see how long my LH surge actually lasts. It was still neg yesterday...
He recovered throughout the day so we were able to get some BD! TWW now pretty much goes until our anniversary, hoping to have a BFP for a gift! :)
Well, AF got me tonight. Has anybody ever experienced something...TMI alert.

...if you're late for AF, and you and your OH :sex: and you have an O, do you get AF right after, like a day or so later? It happens to me a lot, it seems like. Having sex and O'ing wouldn't cause a Chemical, would it? :shrug: I'm just curious. Please give me feedback.
Gohan so sorry the witch got you!

I had that happen once or twice, I assume it just speeds things up if she is already gearing up anyway. I had it while on the pill so I don't know about a chemical. I doubt sex can break up a perfectly healthy pregnancy..
Well ladies I took an opk tonight because I'm having sharp on and off cramps on my right side. I wanted to make sure I knew my body well enough and it wasn't positive from cd 11 (friday) when od! Well I know I od Friday because of my opk and the cramps! What is this cramping I'm having now? Boo. I WILL NOT SYMPTOM SPOT lol
So AF got me this morning. Pretty bummed. I was thinking about not temping this month and just using OPK's in hopes that it will be less stressful and consume less of my life. Sometimes I don't feel like myself because I think about getting pregnant all the time! What do you ladies think? Do you think temping is stressful and a break from it will help?
Hey ladies. Waiting for AF to show up today but no signs of her yet. Lots of pinching near my hips but no cramps at all. I took a dollar store test not with FMU yesterday and it was bfn.. So I'm probably not pregnant but still wondering. Hoping the witch comes soon or stays away for good!!!! Still having lots of cm. Cp is low and open. I will keep you all posted
Happy new year everyone!!
Hope it's going to be one with BFPs for us!!

My temp is still higher than normal but not really at post-o temp. FF is not giving mecrosshairs for that reason I guess. I am still unsure if and when I even ovulated. Just wanting AF to show at this point so we can start over with a less messy cycle..
Hey Ladies. I wanted to let you know that I'm getting a hormone panel done in a couple weeks, after I O and stuff. If you look in my siggy, inside the spoiler is the link to my TTC Journal that I just started. :)
I hope you can get some answers Gohan!!

Having a bit of a down moment after reading on the news about the first babies of the year being born.. I know we haven't been trying for long at all but right now I feel like it's never going to happen... I know it probably will but this cycle is so frustrating!
Happy new year everyone! !!! Yes let's hope 2014is our bfp year! !

Gohan glad to have you back! Sorry af got you. That has happened to me regarding bding and af but I don't think bd would affect your pregnancy unless you were really far in. What's a hormone panel?

Iilsoy I'm not doing temping etc this month. I'll just wait to see ewcm maybe I'll temp those days to see for a rise in temp. We are moving the end of this month so I have so much on my plate I'm glad to take my mind off ttc this month.

Cd 8 for me almost cd 9. So another week or so to O. This month should be longer cycle for me tgan last month as mine alternates.

Hope the witch stays away for those who are still in tww x
Happy new year everyone! !!! Yes let's hope 2014is our bfp year! !

Gohan glad to have you back! Sorry af got you. That has happened to me regarding bding and af but I don't think bd would affect your pregnancy unless you were really far in. What's a hormone panel?

Iilsoy I'm not doing temping etc this month. I'll just wait to see ewcm maybe I'll temp those days to see for a rise in temp. We are moving the end of this month so I have so much on my plate I'm glad to take my mind off ttc this month.

Cd 8 for me almost cd 9. So another week or so to O. This month should be longer cycle for me tgan last month as mine alternates.

Hope the witch stays away for those who are still in tww x

A hormone panel is just where they test the levels of your Estrogen, Testosterone and Progesterone. Nothing special. But anyways, here I am just waiting...how are all my ladies doing?
I seriously think I'm going crazy. I know 5dpo is wayyyyyyyy too soon for symptoms but I have been so crampy! I was determined to have a couple drinks last night- after the first one I felt so ill. I know I'm likely not pregnant- but it was just weird to me.
Hey ladies. I'm 15dpo today. AF should have arrived yesterday. I have had no symptoms all day that AF is coming but I'm feeling a bit crampy now. My cm has been bountiful again. Last night I had a small glass of champagne and felt extremely nauseous for the rest of the night. Boobs are still killing and lots of pinching near both hips. I squeezed out a drop of pee and took a dollar store test this aft and it was bfn. So annoying. I just want to know whether AF is coming or not! I have not had a speck of spotting since my last period. Not even darker cm. Really hoping this is my BFP on the way but not feeling hopeful with my bfn today.. Is everyone onto their next cycle or is anyone left still waiting for AF??
I'm waiting for AF! She's due the 11th- but I already feel like she's coming. Last night I had such sharp pinching near my hips- and about three seconds of sharp pain as I'm typing this. I had one mixed drink last night and felt disgusting. Not so much nausea but like I had to have really bad runs. Lol (sorry tmi)

And some ladies don't test positive right away! You aren't out until the witch shows! I hope it's your month!
That's what I felt last night too! I thought I was about to have diarrhea but never did. Also thought I was gonna throw up. Fx for you!!

I've been reading threads all day about ladies getting late bfps!!!
Thanks girl!! I really hope it isn't my body still adjusting to coming off the pill. It's been 3 cycles!!
I had the implant removed in October! So we really are in the same boat!

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