Good luck, Ashley! And good luck Mrs. Vet.
Tested on a FRER yesterday afternoon and it was negative. Ugggh. But still having SO many pregnancy symptoms. It's killing me. What gives!? Boobs still hurt really bad. Basically all the same symptoms as a few days ago.
Called my dr first thing this morning and gave the nurse the scoop. She asked if I was stressed? I said.. I'm getting stressed because my period is not showing up but I'm still testing negative! But that I haven't really been stressed up to this point. She said ok I will have the nurse call you and talk to you about all the reasons your period could be late. Just because it is late doesn't necessarily mean you are pregnant. Ya thanks.. This is CD33 for me. I believe I ovulated on December 16th. We BD'd on 14th and 15th and then I didnt track when we DTD after O. It seems a bit too coincidental that my period is this late after having unprotected sex that close to ovulation. I really hope she will say I need to have a blood test done. I hate trying to convince nurses/doctors of what I think is going on. I mean, I have all the symptoms. I FEEL pregnant. Crazy vivid dreams. I woke myself up this morning because i was LAUGHING in my dream! Ugh. Waiting for the nurse to call and really hoping something positive comes from it. Please keep you FX for me.. or pray for me if that is something you girls do.. Will keep you posted.