1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Aaaw ashley that's soooo exciting! !! Def a line on that test. If you got your pos opk on cd 11 I think you would ovulate within 24-48 hrs. So def could have O on nye not the day of pos opk. Don't stress about your little bean. I know it's only natural but just stay positive, treat your mind and body right and you'll be fine. It's an amazing journey ahead of you...enjoy every moment even the niggles and pains :)

Mrs vet maybe your body is just a bit run down after not feeling so well.
Hi ladies

Is everyone ok?
7/8/9 dpo for me today. Still sore bbs. But nothing out of the ordinary.

Beem very quiet on here. Hope you're all doing well.
Just waiting to ovulate. I've been really, really down lately....and weepy. I think it's because my due date is quickly approaching ( if I wouldn't have miscarried ) and my best friend who got pregnant two weeks before me is getting ready to have her baby. I was really hoping to be pregnant again before what would have been my due date. I just feel like it's never going to happen for us. I'm really trying to stay positive but I'm just down. Also, my obgyn appt. was moved to the 23rd...frustrating.

Sorry about the sob story...just frustrating.
Aaw lilsoy I'm sorry you are feeling so down :'( you will get your bfp and your sticky bean... just hang in there hun. :hug:

I am 9/10/11 dpo today. I have had af type cramps /feelings all day. Bbs still big and sore but super sore when I wear a bra. this tww feels like a month :)

How is everyone else? Where are you in your cycles now? Anyone in tww?
i'm so sorry lilsoy.. i can't even imagine how difficult that must be. really praying you get your bfp soon!

I am CD 12 today. I'm not checking CP or CM this cycle. I get too obsessive over it. We will just BD when we can and then see what happens. And no testing again until AF is late. Really hoping she isnt though after such a long cycle last month. Ugh! Feeling positive and happy to not obsess over it. Yay.

I usually O around CD15 or a just before.. we will start BDing now hopefully everyday. We are very busy though so hopefully we can find time. Work is also crazy busy so that will help me not to obsess too much.

How are the rest of you? Good luck Wishing. Hope this is your month!!! <3
Hi ladies. I know my attendance is spotty on here, but I am in need of advice.

So, here's the thing. You all know that DH and I were on "break" in December, as we were just NTNP. Well, we did BD a couple times, but we weren't "trying". Anyway, AF came, but it was very strange. She lasted 8 days, which my AF's normally last about 3-5(5 is the most). The weird thing is...I only had to take Midol once, the cramps were almost non-existent. And the actually bleeding was so... "on and off". Like, I'd bleed a little bit, and then I thought I'd be done, and then I'd bleed a bit more. It was never my usual "fill up a pad 2 times a day for 3 days and then spot one day and then I'm done" kind of cycle. It was drawn out and mostly a little bit here and there, which is very abnormal. So, now here I am at CD18, and my OPK's aren't getting ANY darker. I've barely have a visible line since CD9, it got a TAD darker one day, but the next it was almost invisible. I'm usually about 4DPO by this point. But why am I not getting +OPK's? DH and I have never used protection, and he did ejaculate inside me the couple times we BD'd last cycle, but I remember taking one HPT last cycle, I think it was at about 12DPO and it was a clear negative. So I got AF the next day. But like I said, it was a weird cycle. And now, I've been noticing some strange symptoms on and off for a couple weeks or so. I will list them below.

Headaches that only occur in the forehead/between eyes region
An abnormal sensitivity to sad/romantic/touching movies, I can't help but cry, which is very abnormal for me.
A continuous nausea-type feeling
When I get scared or startled(which seems to happen way more frequently, might I add), I feel like I'm gonna vomit and then I get very dizzy and I feel weak
Peeing more frequently
Feeling more clingy and cuddly with DH, not wanting him to leave for work, and when he comes home from work, I won't let go.
Being more horny, like one orgasm isn't enough. :blush:
Becoming much more frustrated much faster and easier
My appetite has increased a LOT. I was hardly eating anything, and now I can't seem to eat enough. I wake up in the morning almost fainting from hunger and dizziness.
A strange heartburn/pain in my upper-middle abdomen(it feels like I'm having a gallbladder attack like I did before I had it removed)

Anyway, some of these things have happened in the past, but I just feel weird. Do you think I might be pregnant? I don't know...it just feels really weird. I'm kinda scared. :nope: Advice please?
Haven't been online for a few days.
My tooth got bad again tuesday, again the day of my pos OPK. He started a root canal treatment on wednesday and I guess I ended up not ovulating again, temp never went up. Having a positive OPK again today so hoping it works this time. If not I will call my doctor next week, this is getting old...
Still in a lot of pain, the dentist said it will take a few days for it to go away, it is slowly getting better but I still need pain meds 3 times a day...

Gohan have you tested again? I would try!
Hi ladies

Just got my :bfp: today!! In absolute shock. Cannot believe it!!! We are so ecstatic and excited. I pray this bean sticks!! Thank you ladies for all your support xxwill post symptoms by dpo. I noted everything but most were the same as af cycles. Got a faint positive on cheaper hpt at 3pm so not fmu. Then a positive on CB digi 1.5 hrs later. I'm either 12/13/14 dpo. :yipee:


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Ok so I think I O on cd 11/12/13. I am thinking cd 12. I didn't temp or use opk. I just waited to see ewcm which I saw on cd10. Typically I O the second day after seeing ewcm. Which would be cd 12. We bd cd 10/11/12. Here are my symptoms by dpo from cd13. Anything abnormal I'll put in red:

Dpo1: sensitive nipps. Bad O pain. Bloated.
Dpo2: mild O pains on right. Gassy. Little bloated. Bbs full.
Dpo3: nipps v.sore. bbs bit tender. Bloated. Cervix twinges. Pinching on sides.
Dpo4: nipss v.sore. bbs sore. Bloated.
Dpo5: nipps v.sore. lots of creamy cm bloated. Twinges.
Dpo6: bbs still fulland sore. Pains and twinges in tummy. Gassy. Bloated.
Dpo7: bbs sore. Bloated. Bbs hurt lots when I wear a bra. Moody. Gassy. occasional twinges.
Dpo8: sore bbs. Bloated.
Dpo9: sore bbs. Little twinges. Bloated.
Dpo10: constipated. Af cramps. Sore bbs. Bloated. VERY SHARP PAIN ONCE ON LOWER RIGHT
Dpo11: some af cramps. Bbs sore. Bloated. Twinges on right. Gassy. woke with stuffy nose and sneezes. Sore throat at night
Dpo12: bbs sore. Bloated. Twinges. Af feeling in pm. Constipated. sore throat. Right ear ache. Stuffy nose. Nausea with breakfast. Pimple on tummy
Dpo 13: bbs sore very big and heavy. Mild af cramps. Bloated. Nipps sore. Heavy uterus feeling. BFP!!!!

Please note though that I experience almost all of these every month. The stand out ones were for me definitely the super sharp pain at 10dpo. Ive only ever felt that exact pain when pg with ds in tww. It was an omg sort of pain. Also the pimple on my tummy is very strange. With ds i got one on my bottom in the tww. The nose throat and ear issues were strange too but I can't really say they're hormonal.

My cm was the exact same besides the one day I had more. My bbs always hurt in tww but this time it feels they started super early as was the case with ds.

So happy. Truly wish the baby sticks and is healthy.

:dust: to all you girls xx
Gohan..have you taken another test? If you're still unsure. ..please go to doctor and get bloods done. Fingers crossed. Xx
Hey Wishing!!! Congrats! I wish you a very happy and healthy nine months!!
OMG wishing congrats!! So happy for you!! Happy and healthy 9 months!

Waiting if my temp goes up in the morning to see if I actually ovulated this time. Lots of watery CM today so I'm hoping this means my body made up its mind!
Thanks ladies :flower:

I hope you all get your bfps soon so we can hang out in first tri.
Lilsoy how are you feeling?

Mrs vet I hope your tooth is ok and you get your temp rise today!! Fingers crossed
No temp rise again :( Giving it until tomorrow, then calling my doctor.. so frustrating!
Thanks ladies :flower:

I hope you all get your bfps soon so we can hang out in first tri.
Lilsoy how are you feeling?

Mrs vet I hope your tooth is ok and you get your temp rise today!! Fingers crossed

I'm feeling much better! Thanks for asking. I finally broke down and went to the doc (pcp not obgyn) and got on some meds. It's helping sooooo much so far. I also spoke with a counselor about the miscarriage and that helped as well. My friend had her baby yesterday and I was truly happy for her! I feel much less stressed about ttc at this point which I'm hoping will help lead to my quicker BFP. I guess we'll see. I'm waiting for confirmation on ovulation. I think it happened yesterday or will happen today.

How are you feeling so far? Will you still be viewing this thread or are you moving on to another one since you have your BFP? I would like to stay in touch.
No temp rise again :( Giving it until tomorrow, then calling my doctor.. so frustrating!

Sorry Mrs. Vet, I can't imagine how frustrated you must feel. Maybe doc will be able to shed some light on what's going on.
Hi lilsoy
So glad you spoke to your doc and counsellor. You needed it. So happy you're feeling better :) honestly this month I was much more relaxed about ttc. I'm feeling normal. No af cramps since yesterday. When i was pg with ds the same and it came back at 5 weeks. My bbs were more sore today and my nipps. That's about it and a few twinges.

Aw mrs vet I hope u get that temp rise or get some conclusions.

I have dr appointment on wed for bloods before we move to norway next week
Oh and btw lilsoy I'll hang around on the thread. I wanna se you all get your bfps xx
I tested, but got a :bfn: (I used a Dollar Tree cheapie)

But here's the thing, I never got a :bfp: on HPT's when I was pregnant with my angel baby. I knew, but never got the :bfp: until I went in when I was bleeding with lots of pain, and I had a :bfp: but not a viable one. I fully miscarried about 2 days later.

The strange symptoms keep continuing. I'll make a list again.

Nipples are always erect*
Sore and tingly* nipples
Sore breasts
Headaches in the forehead/between eyes region*
Lower back pain*
DH said my nipples were wet and tasted funny(lactating? o-o)*
More frustrated
Increased appetite
Bumps on labia(sorry if TMI!)
Peeing more frequently
Constant nausea*
Acne (which if I wasn't pregnant, I shouldn't have AT ALL because I would be about to ovulate and my skin is perfect at that time)

The symptoms with a * are ones that I've never experienced before. It's really weird. I'm really weirded out, girls. :shrug:

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