1DPO! TWW Buddies?


I think I would definitely go to the doctor and let them know what's going on with your body. I imagine they could do some blood work for you and give you some answers. It would probably put your mind at ease a little. The stress of worrying about all those symptoms can't be good for you....pregnant or not.
Gohan you should see a doctor!

So should I *sigh*. Temp went even down, so no ovulation again. Can my tooth still be causing this? It is a lot better but still hurting a little bit...
I was out all day and didn't get a hold of my doctor so I'll try again tomorrow..
Hi ladies how are you all doing today?

I'm feeling ok. Just a few dizzy spells and big bbs.
No temp rise again here but after one day of negative another positive OPK. I am at my wits end, booked an appointment on thursday and am hoping for a temp rise by then or some answers about what the heck is going on with my body. It's been a week now with always 2 days positive, one day negative, 2 days pos and so on…

This makes no sense to me!

wishing I hope it will stay that way and you won't get bad morning sickness!

How is everyone else?
Thanks mrs vet..with ds ms kicked in at 6 weeks til 12 weeks so I'm sure it's coming I'm already having bouts of mild nausea.

I think your pos then neg then pos opk could mean that your body is gearing up to O but then for some reason does not? ? Maybe tooth related? I hope you get some answers soon hun x
hey ladies. sorry for the absence from me. i fell on the ice at home on friday and injured my knee. i'm in so much pain. i convinced hubby to bd (he didnt want to as i was in so much pain he was worried he would hurt me more) on saturday as i was having EWCM. I haven't been checking CM or CP (I only noticed CM when I wiped) this cycle so not exactly sure where I am. I could be around 3dpo. Not sure.

hope the rest of you are doing well.
Hey ladies! I never went to the Doctor, because I guess I just have some kind of cold/flu thing. I woke up this morning so hoarse I sounded like a man. :haha: But anyway, I have good news! I'm O'ing as we speak! I've continued to test, and this morning at about 3AM I took the test in the picture I attached and it definitely looks positive to me! I guess I just O'd late! Hubby and I BD'd last night and we will again today! So excited to be back in the swing! How are my ladies holding up? I'll be visiting more often over the next couple weeks! :happydance:


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Hi ladies

How are you all doing?
Gohan great u got your pos opk.

Saw my ob today. Am 4wks1d so far. Approximate due date is 30 September! Had bloods done. Hcg was 628. Will go in on Friday for another blood test. :-D
Wannabe ~ That's too bad you got hurt! I am not enjoying all the ice and snow we've been having around here. It's so cold!! I think I might be right around the same dpo as you!

Wishing ~ That is sooo exciting! I can't wait to do all that stuff again!

So I'm giving up on temping this month. I was going to do it around O time so that I could pinpoint ovulation but my chart is all screwed up. I think I'm just going to stop for the month and start fresh next month. I think I ovulated sometime between Friday and Monday....so I'm either 5 dpo today OR 2 dpo. Either way, I will probably test around Feb. 3 if AF doesn't get me first..which it probably will. I'm getting a ton of really sharp pains in my left ovary...like a lot.

I got to doc tomorrow...maybe she will be able to help me figure out why it's not happening for us. This is my 5th cycle TTC since the loss and I know that isn't too long but I thought it would have happened by now.

Well, I guess that's it. I hope everyone is doing well!
Hi ladies

How are you all doing?
Gohan great u got your pos opk.

Saw my ob today. Am 4wks1d so far. Approximate due date is 30 September! Had bloods done. Hcg was 628. Will go in on Friday for another blood test. :-D

I'm so happy you got your BFP wishing! Praying you have a H&H 9 months!

I'm continuing to stay positive, as I am officially 1dpo! Feels so good to be back in the wait! I need to order up some HPT's, though. I only have two left.

Of the ladies who buy internet dip strips, which do you prefer? Babi, ClinicalGuard or Wondfo? I have had such great success with the Wondfo OPK's, but I seem to get a lot of evaps on the Wondfo HPT's. I was thinking of the ClinicalGuard, since on Amazon, the Babi ones don't have such good ratings. Any thoughts?

Anyway, how are all the ladies doing? It's been quiet on her recently!
Hi ladies

How are you all doing?
Gohan great u got your pos opk.

Saw my ob today. Am 4wks1d so far. Approximate due date is 30 September! Had bloods done. Hcg was 628. Will go in on Friday for another blood test. :-D

I'm so happy you got your BFP wishing! Praying you have a H&H 9 months!

I'm continuing to stay positive, as I am officially 1dpo! Feels so good to be back in the wait! I need to order up some HPT's, though. I only have two left.

Of the ladies who buy internet dip strips, which do you prefer? Babi, ClinicalGuard or Wondfo? I have had such great success with the Wondfo OPK's, but I seem to get a lot of evaps on the Wondfo HPT's. I was thinking of the ClinicalGuard, since on Amazon, the Babi ones don't have such good ratings. Any thoughts?

Anyway, how are all the ladies doing? It's been quiet on her recently!

I know I get mine on Amazon but I'm not sure what brand they are...I'll go check...they say Easy@home on them. So what exactly is a evap??
Oh yeah, I wanted to ask if any of you have ever used the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor? I was thinking about getting one but don't want to spend the $$$ on the machine or the expensive test strips. However, it would be worth it if it worked. I'm going to ask doc about it tomorrow too but I wanted to check on here first. Thanks!
Aw wannab I hope your knee is ok. At least you got the bd in lol. Hopefully you caught the egg :)

Lilsoy I didn't temp either last month I found it much less stressful. I have never used opk or digital nonitors either. And you asked what an evap was? It's a line that shows up where the positive line os meant to. Usually has no colour (just grey or a shadow) ) sometimes thinner than the normal line (but many times not) and lots of times shows up after the time limit og the test. Blue dye tests are more notorious for these.

Gohan well done on being 1dpo!!!!!! So exciting :)
Hey ladies. I've been absent again.. Sorry for that. I'm just really trying hard not to obsess over my TWW. I think I might be 5dpo today? Boobs are super sore which doesnt usually happen for me until a few days before AF. Also my face is breaking out HORRIBLY. That's really all I've paid attention to..

How are the rest of you?? GL Gohan on your next cycle! Way to be positive!! =)
Oh wannab. Your symptoms sound promising !! Esp the bbs. Mine hurt basically the day after O thos time which was how it was with ds.
Wanna I hope your knee is better?

Gohan I'm crossing all my fingers for you!

Doctor confirmed today that I haven't ovulated :( She wants me to come in when AF starts to run some hormone tests. She said we can also wait a bit longer but we just want to know what's going on. She also said I need to gain weight, which I know (I am underweight), I have been trying to gain weight for years and it just doesn't happen. Sometimes if I eat really high calory and avoid stress I can gain a little but never enough..

So I guess I just need to keep trying and see what those tests say...
Aww mrs vet :hug: I hope you will get some answers soon. Good that you will get tested to see what's going on.
Alright so I don't know how I feel....

I went to the doctor today and she suggested I start taking Clomid to help with my ovulation since it happens pretty late and it's pretty irregular. So she did a sonogram to check for any cysts and to make sure that they were under 3 cm. They found one on my left ovary that is 3.5 cm (ughh!). She thinks it's the corpus luteum. So I have to go back on the 31st to check it again and see if it's smaller. If so, I will start taking the Clomid. While I was there, they checked Progesterone levels and my Thyroid. They also prescribed a SA for my hubby....so we'll see how that turns out.

I guess on one hand, I'm glad we are moving in the right direction but on the other hand, I was just hoping that I wouldn't have to go through any fertility meds and all that.

Also, I my job forced us to change our insurance and now everything is messed up with my prescriptions and I have to deal with the headache of going back and forth with my doc, the pharmacy, and the insurance company....very frustrating!!

Sorry for the long post and thanks for listening!

Wannabe~ Those symptoms sound really good!!
Hey ladies. I'm sorry Mrs. Vet about not ovulating. :hugs: I will be praying that you join us in the TWW soon!

lilsoy - Aww I'm sorry about the cyst! :nope: I'll be praying that it shrinks and goes away completely! (also that the other two go away!)

As for me...a lot of things have been going on in my hometown in Ohio (which I am currently 2,498 miles away from)

My dear friend for many years has suffered the loss of her pappy(I loved him so much...he was like my own pappy), her Uncle's house (which I spent many nights swimming at) burnt to the ground, and one of the elders of her church(her husband is the Pastor of the church) passed away. My friend is being hit so hard. And I knew all these people.

My best friend's dad (who renovated my parents house a couple years back and an elder at my home church) is having a triple heart bypass tomorrow morning. I'm devastated. :nope:

Two different car accidents happened over the past 48 hours. One involved two cars of teenagers. Two 16 year olds died, a 17 year old died, two more were left in critical condition and after 16 hours of fighting for life, one of them died. One of the fatalities was my friend's cousin(whom I had also known quite well)

The other car accident involved an 85 year old woman who is well known in my hometown, whom drove to pick up her grandson and on her way ended up falling asleep at the wheel. She hit a minivan head on. The van held a couple inside, a 9 year old girl, a 19 month old little girl and a 9 month old baby boy. The couple and the 9 year old were killed on impact and the babies came out alive, but the infant will be crippled and the 19 month old is paralyzed from the chest down. The couple also have 5 other children at home and had another on the way. Left behind are a 13 year old girl, twin 7 year old boys, a 5 year old girl, a 3 year old girl, the 19 month old girl and the 9 month old boy. Both parents were only children, so no Aunt's or Uncle's. There grandparents are either dead or alcoholics. They have no one. They are being taken care of by a great-aunt right now and my friend is asking her church if anyone could foster any of these children or adopt. (the family was active in my friend's church) It just so awful. :cry:

I found out my brother has a staff infection on his face that is spreading rapidly. He went to the doctor today and they sent him straight to a ENT Doc and they gave him a prednisone shot and another shot, some heavy duty antibiotics and some steroidal creams to put on his face. He goes back tomorrow to get checked out, and if the swelling hasn't improved, he's being admitted to the hospital. Looks like I may be making a trip to Ohio to stay with him as my parents are leaving next week to go to Atlanta for my dad's new job training.

I also found out that my Mom's plan to visit me in March have been post-poned until she is medically cleared by her Gastroenterologist. (she has Crohn's disease) I'm heartbroken... :cry:

And myself, I was told today at the Doctor that I may have a stomach ulcer. I am having testing done on Monday to confirm the hunch.

Symptom-wise, all I've noticed is I am exhausted and weepy. My nips are sensitive, and I seem to have an increase of CM. Also, I have this sharp pain on my left lower abdomen. I don't know what that means, if it means anything at all.

So, I'm just trying to survive right now. Pleas keep myself and my family and friends in your prayers. We could really use it. :cry:

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