1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Oh Gohan. I'm so sorry. What a difficult time you and your family must be going through. By the sounds of the ulcer it sounds like you are under a LOT of stress. Remember to take care of yourself. Is there something you could do this weekend to get away for a little bit and have some time to recouperate? It sounds like you need it!

Praying for you and all of those involved in everything you mentioned. Hang in there, chica. You can do it!

Cold symptoms for me today. Not enjoying it at all! It's been a week since I sprained my knee and it isnt a whole lot better. I'm sure tired of limping around!

February is going to be a write off for us. Hubby is gone from the 6-23. I guess it will be a month for me to just relax and not have to think about it since we will completely miss the window. Sigh.
Hi ladies

Iilsoy glad you got checked out and I hope the cyst shrinks too. I'm so confused by corpus luteum cysts- do they grow and then shrink down? Is that the normal cycle? hopefully everything will be ok. On the upside your doctor is not hesitating to help you and offer clomid. It could assist your chance of conception :)

Gohan my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and friends and your hometown. Such a difficult horrible time. By the sounds of it it's a close knit community and I'm sure you will all pull through together. :hug: if you do have an ulcer it must be all the stress you're under. Try to take it easy

Wanna...I got a cold too in tww. My nose is still stuffy. They say your immune system lowers for implantation to occur :) so FX'D for you!

I had betas done today again. Will get results tomorrow. Please say a little prayer that everything is ok xx
Thanks, Wishing! I really hope it is for implantation.. eeeeek! Dont get me too excited! How are you feeling?? Would love a new low-down on all your symptoms!! Love that you're still sticking around!!
Hey ladies, thank you for all the support. My brother went back to the Doctor today to get rechecked out, and they said the swelling had improved a bit, so the hospital isn't necessary quite yet. He has another appointment Monday and they said if he gets any worse, to take him straight to the ER and they would admit him. (apparently since my brother is the grandson of my grandfather, the word has spread that this is a big deal, since my grandfather is on the board at the hospital :p) So we're holding it together for now.

Anyhoo, as for symptoms, I've just been getting some dull cramps in my pelvis and some EXTREME gas. It's kind of ridiculous. My nips seem to be a bit bigger(but I could be imagining it) and I'm still crazy horny. I've had diarrhea all day today, and I've been very emotional today and clingy. I dunno. :shrug:

How are my ladies? :hugs:
Thanks wanna! :flower: I'm hanging to see you all get your bfps :) I am feeling ok. Have bouts of light headedness and my bbs are not sore just big. My nipps are sore though. I have lots pf twinges/pokes in my uterus pelvic area and I get this empty feeling that I need to eat something. It makes me feel queasy lol. Oh and I'm bloated!! Big time lol. I get my betas back in a few hours. Super nervous!!

Gohan that's great about your brother. Keeping FX'd things all work out and to top it off that you get your bfp!
Gohan ~ I hope things continue to improve for you and your family. You are definitely in my prayers.

Wishing~ Also thinking of you and hoping your betas come back with positive results. I'm sure they will. ;). I don't really understand the Corpus Luteum stuff either. :/. However, I do think that it does grow and shrink with every cycle.

Wannabe~ I think your symptoms are still sounding good. When I was pg I had sore boobs and cold symptoms. FX for you!

As for me, I don't know when I ovulated but my blood work came back that I did...so I have that going for me. I'm just hoping that the cyst goes down so I can take the clomid next cycle. I'm still hopeful for a BFP this cycle but not counting on it.

I hope you all are well and enjoying your weekend!
Gohan you are in my thoughts, that is a lot to take at once! Glad your brother seems to be getting better for now!

wishing I hope your betas are coming back positive!

lilsoybean I hope the cyst goes away and that you end up with a BFP!

Not much new here, OPKs getting darker again, today it was dark enough that I think it could be positive, since I put it on the counter and forgot about it for an hour I am not sure. If it wasn't quite positive yet I think it will be tomorrow, we will BD but as this is round 4 of positive OPKs this cycle I don't expect it to result in ovulation..
Hey ladies! :hugs:

I haven't heard anything about my brother today, so I'm assuming no news is good news. :shrug:

Praying for you, Mrs. Vet that they figure out why you aren't ovulating and hoping that you will soon!

Continuing to pray for you, lilsoy that the cyst continues to shrink! :pray:

As for me, symptoms are still showing. I'll get a throbbing sensation on my breasts and tingling/sensitivity on my nipples. Still having dull cramps/twinges in my right ovary, and still tons of gas. I've been sneezing and coughing and waking up every morning sounding like a man because I'm so hoarse. My eyes are itching and I'm still having headaches and my nose is always running if it's not stuffy. Still exhausted and fatigued and tons of acne. I keep switching between constipation and diarrhea; there's no in between. CM seems to have disappeared, so I'm just trying to wait it out...not feeling too confident. :nope: I'm just hoping it's not all wishful thinking or in my head. I just want this so bad. :cry:
New symptoms: Aching pain underneath right arm(NEVER had pain like this in this place!), and my joints are hurting so bad! I hope these are good signs! :thumbup:
Hi everyone!
Gohan I hope too that everything you're experiencing are good signs! FX'd

Mrs vet I hope this is your O!

Lilsoy good that you Od. Now that cyst must just play along!

Wanna how are you feeling?

Well ladies I finally got my beta results that they took friday. Nurse called and said Dr Is very happy :yipee: it was 1660. That was 4w3d according to them. Now just have to wait it out til my next scan. Had some cramping last night and today. Feel exactly as I did so far with ds. I'm sure it will be another boy lol :) just feel so relieved to know the results now. Guess we start stressing about our kids immediately!
Hey Wanna~ How are you feeling? Anything new to report?

I finally got my cross hairs on FF. I don't know if it's accurate or not but I'm going with it. My doc wants me to test on the 30th anyway before I come in to get that cyst checked. The only symptom that is really noticeable are the dreams I've been having. They have been super crazy and very realistic. I woke myself up in the middle of the night because I was crying in my dream and was actually crying in real life!! That never happens and was totally weird. I'm also a little crampy...but that's about it. The only symptom I'm always on the lookout for is sore boobs. They were super sore about a week after O the month I got pregnant. So far, I don't have any soreness at all. That's about it for me.

Gohan ~ I hope some of the symptoms you've been having are a good sign for you!
Gohan thank you! OPKs negative today, no temp rise.. I just want AF and then get a real cycle again and get the tests done..
Your symptoms sound promising to me, I hope this will be your BFP! When are you testing?

Wishing congrats on the great beta result!!

I am frustrated with my body. It is depressing me, I failed my exam so I really need to study as the next try is my last chance but I can't get myself to do anything. The -12 C outside are not helping, all I want to do is stay under my blanket..
Gohan thank you! OPKs negative today, no temp rise.. I just want AF and then get a real cycle again and get the tests done..
Your symptoms sound promising to me, I hope this will be your BFP! When are you testing?

I'm probably going to test on Saturday, but I'll probably end up testing before then. :haha:

The only new symptoms I'm experiencing are my boobs look fuller, it's so weird. And I got an uber bad earache last night that only lasted about 3 or 4 minutes. Oh, and a horrible shin splint. It was terrible! :nope:

OH! I almost forgot to mention this. I've been having unbelievably weird dreams. One I even took a pregnancy test...but I put it on my eyeball. :dohh: I'm like, uhhh... :shrug:

All these things I seem to be experiencing are strange and unusual. I'm hopeful, or at least trying to be. It would be a GREAT Valentine's Day Present for Hubby! :blush:

I think I'm gonna post my symptoms since 1dpo in my next post, I've been keeping track(lol obsessive much? :haha: ) So I guess read on. :)
1dpo – Nausea, headache, increased sex drive
2dpo – Right breast is sore/sensitive, pinchy feeling in right lower abdomen, dull pelvic cramping, acne, tiredness/fatigue
3dpo – lower back pain, dry skin on face, severe diarrhea
4dpo – lower back pain, nausea, fatigue, headaches, decrease sex drive, acne, sore/throbbing breasts, diarrhea, gas, coughing, sneezing, dull cramping, some sharp cramping, decrease appetite
5dpo – breasts still tender, pain underneath right arm(armpit), joint pain, pressure/cramping in pelvic area, earache, shin splint, boobs look fuller, just feeling exhausted, acne, increased appetite, sensitivity to smell, throbbing left breast, nipples look enlarged and red

To Be Continued...

What do you all think? Does this sound good? I pray it means I get a BFP soon! :happydance:
Hey ladies. Wishing that's so great! Continuing to pray for you!!

Not much new for me. Boobs are still very sore, full and big. And some white bumps on nipples (I had that in my first month TTC). Boobs are actually hard and sore and very uncomfortable. Very thirsty. I have had so many pregnancy dreams and I've never had any this vivid before. I cried yesterday morning when I woke up because it felt so real. The entire dream I was breastfeeding my little peanut and it was like nothing I've ever experienced. I could still swear it was real. So upsetting.. I really hope I don't dream like that again because it is too hard. I plan on testing Saturday with FMU.. I think AF is due in about a week and a half but not exactly sure.

So hoping I get a BFP as we timed our bd on the day I had EWCM. So we will see! Trying to just not think about it! I hope you all have a great Monday!
Hi ladies
How are you all?

All those vivid dreams that many of you are experiencing are very good signs. I don't want to get hopes up but I definitely had some this month. Pregnancy related too (in mine I got a bfp). Also gohan if you remember my symptoms I got earache too couple of days before bfp and it only lasted about a day!

Aw mrs vet I hope you get some answers soon and I hope u pass your exam!

Me I'm just mega tired and still all the other same symptoms.
Wishing - I hope you're right! I've only had that pain one other time since then, and it's only lasted a couple minutes again!

Also, for other symptoms. I have noticed a red bump(it's not a pimple, because there's no whitehead) right below my navel. I've never gotten bumps there before. Could this mean something? The only other symptom I've noticed is I've been really needy today, my husband even mentioned it. My bbs are still as sore as ever...and my face just keeps breaking out. It's not stopping at all. I also got a sudden pain(almost like AF cramps) but it only lasted about 10 minutes at the very most. Maybe implantation cramping? I've never had cramps like that mid-cycle. Not ever! I haven't noticed any IB, though. I didn't get it last time, either, so I dunno. This is sooooo strange. :shrug: Keeping my fingers and toes crossed! I'm 7dpo, and yesterday would have been 6dpo, so could I have implanted then? Or is it still too early? Praying for sticky beans for all of us! :dust:

How are you feeling, wishing? I'm praying this is my cycle so we can be bump-buddies! :happydance:

How are all my other ladies? Have you heard anything new, Mrs. Vet? What about you, lilsoy? Keep me updated!

I get the results of my hormone panel(Estrogen, Progresterone, Testosterone) on Thursday, and I'm hoping it's good results! :)

Love you ladies! I've got hope and I'm praying like mad for us! :hugs: :kiss:

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