1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Ok I swear I see really faint lines on all of them! More like shadows, could be evaps but I think I saw sth within the time limit. DH can see them too, not sure if u can tell on the pictures. Top one is yesterday FMU (9dpo), bottom 2 are this morning (10dpo). Temp is higher than it has ever been, have been extremely gassy and felt queasy all night and hungry...


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Thanks! i still see it so it must not be in my head!
Taking another one tonight and in the morning!
Hi Lovely ladies,

May I join this group? I am new here but I've been stalking this forum for days until finally I decided to join here.
Dh and I have been TTC for 15 months. I am now on CD 18. On CD 11 I got positive OPK and it was negative by the next day but I haven't had a temp rise since then.
I'm not sure if I ovulate this month. This is very frustrating coz I feel out this month already.
Baby dust to all!!
Ok I swear I see really faint lines on all of them! More like shadows, could be evaps but I think I saw sth within the time limit. DH can see them too, not sure if u can tell on the pictures. Top one is yesterday FMU (9dpo), bottom 2 are this morning (10dpo). Temp is higher than it has ever been, have been extremely gassy and felt queasy all night and hungry...

I can't really tell from the pic but I hope it's there !! How exciting! Post another one tomorrow...
Hi ladies.

My C. Diff is still running rampant. No change, except maybe it's gotten worse. Just trying to hold out for another 8 weeks. DH and I are flying in to visit my family and make plans for the move this fall. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole.

My in-laws are breaking me apart. DH and I live with them(DH is legally blind, therefore he can't find decent work) and I'm at my breaking point. DH and my FIL had a conversation a couple nights ago, and my FIL said that when DH and I move out, he has no reason to stay with my MIL and will finally let himself leave. He's needed to for years. I know that's wrong to say, being a Christian, but she just abuses him verbally and emotionally to the point where I can't be around her because I want to kill her. My FIL has a right to leave, he doesn't deserve to be treated that way. So, please pray for my husband, that he makes it through the divorce okay. :nope:

My anxiety level has overflowed recently. Just living here, missing home, being sick, etc. has really caused my anxiety to be at an all-time high. DH is struggling too, but he is doing fantastic at work. He's getting compliments all the time about how well he does at work. That's a great confidence booster for him. :thumbup:

Anyway, I'm almost a month out from when my miscarriage began. AF should come in about 6 days, but I'm not holding my breath to be regular so soon. Last time it took 5 months. I have an appointment in June to get everything checked, get DH a SA, etc. Praying that everything turns out fine.

Anyway, enough about me...

OMG Mrs. Vet! I see the line too! Praying for your BFP! How's it going for you, lilsoy? Did you get your positive OPK yet? Wishing, how is your pregnancy going? And has anyone heard from wanna recently? Her FB seems to be pretty upbeat, continuing to pray for everybody! I love you all! :hugs: :flower: :kiss:
Hi Lovely ladies,

May I join this group? I am new here but I've been stalking this forum for days until finally I decided to join here.
Dh and I have been TTC for 15 months. I am now on CD 18. On CD 11 I got positive OPK and it was negative by the next day but I haven't had a temp rise since then.
I'm not sure if I ovulate this month. This is very frustrating coz I feel out this month already.
Baby dust to all!!

Welcome Kaniya! I'm only on cd 12 so not everyone is in their TWW like the title suggests but you are welcome to join us. We had a few more girls but haven't heard from them in awhile...

I have been trying for well over a year as well...it's very frustrating. Good luck in your TWW and hope your temp goes up soon. Keep us posted!
Hi ladies.

My C. Diff is still running rampant. No change, except maybe it's gotten worse. Just trying to hold out for another 8 weeks. DH and I are flying in to visit my family and make plans for the move this fall. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole.

My in-laws are breaking me apart. DH and I live with them(DH is legally blind, therefore he can't find decent work) and I'm at my breaking point. DH and my FIL had a conversation a couple nights ago, and my FIL said that when DH and I move out, he has no reason to stay with my MIL and will finally let himself leave. He's needed to for years. I know that's wrong to say, being a Christian, but she just abuses him verbally and emotionally to the point where I can't be around her because I want to kill her. My FIL has a right to leave, he doesn't deserve to be treated that way. So, please pray for my husband, that he makes it through the divorce okay. :nope:

My anxiety level has overflowed recently. Just living here, missing home, being sick, etc. has really caused my anxiety to be at an all-time high. DH is struggling too, but he is doing fantastic at work. He's getting compliments all the time about how well he does at work. That's a great confidence booster for him. :thumbup:

Anyway, I'm almost a month out from when my miscarriage began. AF should come in about 6 days, but I'm not holding my breath to be regular so soon. Last time it took 5 months. I have an appointment in June to get everything checked, get DH a SA, etc. Praying that everything turns out fine.

Anyway, enough about me...

OMG Mrs. Vet! I see the line too! Praying for your BFP! How's it going for you, lilsoy? Did you get your positive OPK yet? Wishing, how is your pregnancy going? And has anyone heard from wanna recently? Her FB seems to be pretty upbeat, continuing to pray for everybody! I love you all! :hugs: :flower: :kiss:

I had never heard of C. Diff before but it sounds horrible . I hope you feel better soon. That also really stinks about your family/living situation..that has to be so hard to deal with. I hope things get better soon...I said that earlier but you know what I mean. ;)

I'm still waiting to ovulate. I hope I get a positive OPK this month. All the cheap ones look positive or close and the digitalis all say negative...who knows. 3 more days and then 2 weeks off for Spring Break!
Welcome Kaniya!

Same shadow again on the IC, BFN on FRER. I think the ICs are just crap or a bad patch. I am ready to give up. I really got my hopes up this time because my temps are so high and I had so many symptoms. I know 11dpo is not out yet but I just feel like I'm out. Why would it be any different this month?

I will call and make an appointment for DH's SA finally, I want to know if there is even a chance for us. Meanwhile I will try to stop temping and doing OPKs. Not sure if I won't cave and do it anyway but I think some time without thinking about it would be good for us..

My best friend has to put her horse down now, she has almost no family left so her animals are her family now. She had the horse for half her life and it's very sick so she has no choice if she doesn't want to see him suffering. My heart breaks for her. :( I keep praying that she will be ok, it is a relief at the same time as she has been pretty much saying goodbye for the last months and knew the day will come…

Gohan that sounds like a terrible environment for you guys! I'm sure you will feel better after moving without this stressful family situation! I hope your DH will be ok with the divorce! :(
Thanks lilsoybean, I'll keep you all posted but it's kinda calm cycle this month. I am on CD 19 now, almost feel nothing and my temp is still low. It's just too late for ovulation now.

Gohan, I'm sorry about your family situation, I'll pray for you and your husband. Hope things get better soon.

Mrs. Vet, you're not out yet, it's just 11 DPO. Maybe it's still to early. My sister always got BFN since 8DPO and finally got BfaintP on 14DPO.
Keep trying until the witch arrives. I'll pray for you too!
thank you, I hope you're right! Still having tons of symptoms and on tonight's IC I see that shadow-line again. Still think they might just be crappy bjt the way I feel just makes me wonder...

Don't give up on ovulation yet! Last cycle I didn't O until CD 28, this cycle it was CD 23. Maybe you are just ovulating late?
Soo when I hold the test against the light I clearly see a line, not just a shadow but an actual line. I feel like I'm becoming that crazy person again...lol
Soo when I hold the test against the light I clearly see a line, not just a shadow but an actual line. I feel like I'm becoming that crazy person again...lol

Your not crazy! I would be super frustrated! I still have hope for you!

I also feel crazy because all of my OPK's look positive...it has to be the Clomid because I've never had weird OPK's before taking it. I guess I will just trust the digital ones.

I'm sorry I keep complaining about my OPK's but it's just where I'm at right now...waiting.....just waiting for those lines. Ugh!!!
Thanks lilsoybean, I'll keep you all posted but it's kinda calm cycle this month. I am on CD 19 now, almost feel nothing and my temp is still low. It's just too late for ovulation now.

Gohan, I'm sorry about your family situation, I'll pray for you and your husband. Hope things get better soon.

Mrs. Vet, you're not out yet, it's just 11 DPO. Maybe it's still to early. My sister always got BFN since 8DPO and finally got BfaintP on 14DPO.
Keep trying until the witch arrives. I'll pray for you too!

Kaniya~ You said you have been TTC for awhile right? Are you still doing everything naturally? What "things" have you tried...like any fertility aids or Pre Seed or anything? I'm just wondering because we have been trying for awhile too... like I mentioned before. Hope you are well and still hoping it's just a late ovulation for you.
Oh lilsoybean I so understand your frustration! Been there myself a couple of times!

i got up at 5am starving, took an IC and ate a sandwich, checked it within 10 minutes and it was BFN.
Went back to sleep and woke up now from my alarm and am feeling lousy. Dizzy, hot, nauseated a bit and don't like to eat. The IC from this morning now has a faint line, I guess it might be an evap but it is more obvious than yesterday's test. I took a pic but I don't think you can see anything on it.
Will try to make it to the drug store to get a 10miu test there.. I feel like I have every symptom in the book at this point, I can't make this all up in my head can I?


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Mrs. Vet, I can see a very faint line. When is your af due? I still have hopes for you, your symptomps sound promising. Do the blood test to make sure, My cycle is very regular 28-29 days, this morning i checked my cervix and it changed from soft to hard and closed so I'm not sure that ovulation comes so late. Ugh it's very frustrating.

Lilsoybean, I did some tests and they didn't find any problem, had HCG last August and both tubes are fine. The quality of the swimmers is normal too. So we don't know what's going on. My obgyn thought I'm too stressed out about things, so he just gave me such vitamins and told us to use OPK. I started both this month, but it seems this cycle is messed up.
Oh, we also try Pre-Seed the last 3 months, my friend said it's highly recommended but so far it doesn't work...not yet.
Yesterday, my bestfriend told me she found out that she's 6 week pregnant. And DH told me that he's going to Asia next week for a business trip. I am just so moody. That's the only symptom I have for this month :)
Mrs. Vet, I can see a very faint line. When is your af due? I still have hopes for you, your symptomps sound promising. Do the blood test to make sure, My cycle is very regular 28-29 days, this morning i checked my cervix and it changed from soft to hard and closed so I'm not sure that ovulation comes so late. Ugh it's very frustrating.

Lilsoybean, I did some tests and they didn't find any problem, had HCG last August and both tubes are fine. The quality of the swimmers is normal too. So we don't know what's going on. My obgyn thought I'm too stressed out about things, so he just gave me such vitamins and told us to use OPK. I started both this month, but it seems this cycle is messed up.
Oh, we also try Pre-Seed the last 3 months, my friend said it's highly recommended but so far it doesn't work...not yet.
Yesterday, my bestfriend told me she found out that she's 6 week pregnant. And DH told me that he's going to Asia next week for a business trip. I am just so moody. That's the only symptom I have for this month :)

Kaniya ~ I feel your frustration. My best friend is pregnant with her second. We started TTC at about the same time and since then she has gotten pregnant (first month trying), had her baby, waited a year, gotten pregnant again (first month trying again), had a miscarriage and is now pregnant once again!! I'm happy for her but c'mon. One of my other close friends just had her third on Tuesday!
I never had any bfp in my life so I don't know how it feels to be pregnant. Any strange cycles I had always gave me hope but always ended up with dissapointment.

I have 3 younger sisters and they all have no problem in getting pregnant. My youngest sister had 2 children. She was separated with her husband for 2 years, once they got back, she got pregnant straight away. They didn't even want to have another baby coz they couldn't afford it. Well, she delivered a cute healthy baby boy last August, and most of the time the other 2 children stay with my mom coz they have so many problems. It's just so unfair.
I know everything happens for a reason, I just can't find any reason why I still don't get pregnant. I asked Dh once, maybe we're not ready yet to be parents but we both agreed that we will be a good one.
I am talking too much when I am moody :) Hope you all are doing well, ladies.
Temp dropped :( Guess I just wait for AF to show now :( I really got my hopes up with the high temps and all the symptoms :(
DH gives his sample today for an SA and is getting blood drawn for hormone levels so I guess next week we'll know more..

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