1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Had some brown spotting earlier but it stopped again. cramping on and off and boobs hurt a bit and absolutely nothing to eat sounds good to me. I'm wondering if AF is making cruel jokes or if I'm not out yet?
Only having one IC left so if there is no AF tomorrow I'll use it or maybe get a different test, not sure. I still expect AF to come.

Edit: here is my chart, any thoughts?

My Ovulation Chart
Oh Mrs. Vet, Your chart looks good to me. The temp dropped but still above the coverline. How were the previous charts?
Sometimes I have spotting one day before af due, but my temp drops always the day af due. Let's hope your spotting wasn't af blood.
F'x for you!!
Oh Mrs. Vet, Your chart looks good to me. The temp dropped but still above the coverline. How were the previous charts?
Sometimes I have spotting one day before af due, but my temp drops always the day af due. Let's hope your spotting wasn't af blood.
F'x for you!!

This one has generally higher temps and is more steady than the ones before, that along with the symptoms is what got my hopes up. Was wondering if maybe I ovulated 2 days after when FF says I did, then it could be implantation.. so far no more spotting, hope it stays that way!
Mrs. Vet, I'm no expert at charts, I've never charted before, but, oh my goodness! I'm praying for you! Keep us posted!

To the newest member of the group, welcome! Some of us are here on and off, lilsoy and Mrs. Vet are your #1 ladies that you can count on right now. wishingforbub is already pregnant and busy busy busy! And myself and wannabemamaz just went through MC's and are still coping with our losses. But lilsoy and Mrs. Vet are wonderful women, I promise you!

AFM...big, huge, GINORMOUS change of events...

DH and I are moving. We're moving back to my hometown, MUCH quicker than anticipated. Due to my Great-Grandmother's failing health, my mother's relapse with her Crohn's and the current situation with DH's parents, we have no other option. My GGM has very little time, and we are praying DH and I get back in time to see her one last time. She is on oxygen 24/7 now and has no discharge date in sight. It's really, really bad. Things with my IL's have gotten much worse since the last time I posted. My MIL has threatened to kick me and DH out, she's threatened my FIL's life, and she has completely destroyed DH's and my own relationship with her. It's done, it's over. DH and I are moving May 16th of this year. That gives us...55 days to get everything done. We're going to live with my parents temporarily. We have no other option. DH has had 2 bouts of hemorrhoids in the past 3 weeks. Since my relapse with C. Diff, I can't hardly keep anything down and I am taking anxiety pills just to make it through each day. It's crunch time. Please, please, PLEASE pray for DH and I through this. We are at wits end. We are tired, broken, sick and still grieving our loss. Things really couldn't get any worse. :cry:
Oh Gohan, what a stressful, difficult time! But I am glad you have a moving date and get out of that place soon, it seems like it can only get better from here! I will pray for you guys to find the strength to get everything done on time and that things will get better from here!

AFM, AF came this morning, temp had dropped even lower and when I whiped sure enough the blood came :(
I think we are done trying for now, we will go back to NTNP at least until our church wedding in May. I'm tired of OPKs and temping and obsessing over it..
The results of DH's bloodwork and SA should be there on monday so we'll see if there is anything wrong on his side.
I will stick around here, there will still be a TWW for me only without knowing how many dpo I am if I can actually resist the OPKs :D

How is the rest of us doing? lilsoybean did you finally get your pos OPK?
Hi ladies
How are you all doing?

Gohan oh I hope you find strength to make it through this difficult time. Just focus on getting to your moving date!

Mrs vet I'm sorry af came :-( just relax and enjoy your upcoming wedding. Definitely something lovely to look forward to. U never know, when u relax and don't really think about it might just be when it happens.

How's everyone else? Lilsoy and wanna?

I'm in 2nd tri tomorrow. My 12 weeks scan went well. We are busy indeed. Now moving back to my home country- australia in may so lots to do to get sorted. But very happy about it :)

Thinking of you all. Xxxx
Gohan ~ sorry you are going through such a rough time! Things will get better soon and moving out of that stressful environment will be good for you. I'll keep praying for you.

Mrs, Vet~ sorry about AF. I hate that she caught you.

Congrats on a good scan wishing! That is so great! Keep us posted on your pregnancy. Have you told friends and family yet? Have you started showing?

As for me, I got my positive OPK and digital today!! I will post a pic since I'm so excited about it. We bd'd today and will continue for the next 2 days. I think we might take off to Florida next week since hubby and I are both off work for Spring Break. I need some beach and ocean in my life.

Well, I hope everyone is doing well!


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So nice to hear from you, wishing! I'm glad you are finally in your second Trimester! I am continuing to pray for you!

lilsoy, SO glad you finally got your +OPK! Praying that you get your BFP this cycle!

Mrs. Vet, so sorry AF got you. :( Praying for you and your DH.

AFM...something unbelievable happened today, that I doubted would even happen. AF came. After my first MC, I didn't get AF for close 3 months, and the cycle after that was like, 60+ days long. I'm kind of in shock. But it's weird, there is all this stringy, mucusy stuff. I know there is NO WAY I got pregnant again. DH and I have been so busy and stressed and sick, BDing has been almost impossible. So, I'm just praying that my cycles go back to normal, it would be a blessing! Although, we aren't even TTC right now, just NTNP. With the move, it would be foolish to even attempt to get pregnant, as the flight and stress would be detrimental to the little one. Anyway, just wanted to update you all.

Love you all! I'll send everyone's love to wanna! She's my friend on FB. :thumbup:
I got a really nice message on FB from Elena which I think was supposed to be for Wannabe so I forwarded it on to her. Just thought I'd let you know! Thanks for doing that Elena...very sweet!
lilsoy: Oops! I forgot which was which! :dohh: :blush:

Anyway, my Mom and I talked, and she talked to my Dad, and everything is full speed ahead. They are preparing everything on the Ohio end, and we are preparing everything on the Washington end. My parents have a 2 story house with a full basement. DH and I will have the basement, but it needs some things done to it. My dad has to build a closet, and we need to buy a bed to put down there, as well as a dresser, etc. For the dresser, I plan to just go to IKEA when we get there and pick something out. We need to get a mini-fridge to put down there and a microwave. Nothing huge. But I've already packed all our books, I've sorted through the clothes that are clean, I need to wash the rest and go through those. DH and I really don't have that much stuff, it's just making sure it's all been gone through and whatnot. So, it's crunch time, ladies! I have thrown up way too much today due to the new antibiotic my Doc put me on. It's been hell on earth so far. My PTSD med was raised, as well. AF is a ***** this time around, and it's only the first day. "Ain't nobody got time fo dat!" :haha:

Anyway, I love you all! Keep me posted! :)
Hey everyone!

Failed my driving test for the third time yesterday, so I have been stressed and frustrated about that. With each time I stressed worse and this time my anxiety was so bad I was really driving lousy. I am a good driver, my instructor has usually almost nothing negative to say about it, and then the test guy enters the car and I suddenly can't drive anymore and am just shaking and nervous and not thinking clear and end up making stupid mistakes.. :(

Soooo I decided to not repeat the test right away but to take some time to calm down. I am also trying to find a student job where I can work just twice a week or so so I can make some money on the side so the driving lessons stop hurting us financially (the whole license thing is insanely expensive over here). I will try to focus on school and planning our church wedding and we will just NTNP for now.
Tomorrow they should have the results of DH's SA so I am nervous about that.

Gohan I will continue to pray for you guys to make it through the move with no issues. We moved last year and that was only around the corner and it was stressful! I can't imagine moving from one state to another, it must be crazy!

lilsoybean how many dpo are you now?

wishing I am so excited you already made it into second trimester!!
Hi Mrs. Vet, which part of Germany do you live? I am sorry af came :(
I am in Italy now, 30 minutes from Venice, am also still struggling with my driving test. I think everything's much more expensive in Germany than here.

Gohan, I hope you find strength to make it through this stressful situation. I will keep praying for you.

Nothing from me. My temp stays up since 4 days ago but still negative OPK (kept testing from CD11 to CD21). I only got one smiley face on CD 11. It's weird!
Been trying to stay away from google. I always feel new symptoms if I read something new. Sigh!

Oh Lilsoybean, enjoy Florida! Happy to hear that you got positive on digital ;)
Hi ladies. I apologize in advance for being a Negative Nancy.

So, my mom lied to me. She had told me that moving was fine with my dad and he even said he would be "happy to have us home." Talk about the biggest lie of the century. I called to talk to my dad about moving, and my mom answered. I said I needed to talk to dad, and she said that's a bad idea. I'm like, what? She then told me she lied to me, and dad wants nothing to do with us coming home. I talked to him, and most of the conversation went a little like this...

'Do you know how inconvenient you and Erik coming would be?'

'You know you get on my nerves.'

'I don't want you to stress out your mother.'

'It's already difficult here without you. Do you want to make it worse?'

'We don't have the money.'

'How do you expect Erik to get a job around here since he's blind?'

'Do you know how nice it has been since you've been gone?'

All of that, plus some I don't care to post.

After these two years being gone, I thought my Dad and I had worked out most of our differences. But, this just blew me away. I can't believe my own father would say that to me. I'm done. I've tried my best to mend what amount of relationship we had, but I'm done trying. He can kiss my inconvenient ASS.

Ugh, I'm so angry. So, we're not moving. To be quite honest, DH and I are contemplating postponing the trip in May to visit. I'm not putting DH through all this crap with my dad. I just wanna scream.

But, on the good side, since all this has come about, my MIL and FIL have decided to help DH and I out.

You see, DH is blind, and he has eye drops that preserve what little vision he has left. His parents have always paid for them out of pocket, since he hasn't had insurance since he was 23. That being said, those eye drops (there's three) per month, cost about $600 combined. So, if DH gets Medicaid, they will help pay for his eye drops, freeing up most of, if not all of that $600. So, what my IL's have said, is they are willing to put that money into helping pay for rent for an apartment for DH and I. We'd pay most of it, and they'd pay the rest. I just love how supportive they are. And if we were out of their house, all the issues we have would be gone.

So, now we have a new plan. Get DH on Medicaid, and get the HELL out of here!

So, anyway, sorry for being negative. It's been hellish recently.

And AF is being awful this time around. I'm going to use OPK's after AF is over, just to see if I even O this cycle. It would be a miracle if I did!

I love you all! Praying for your DH's SA, Mrs. Vet! Also praying for you, Kaniya that you get your BFP! How are you doing, lilsoy?
Oh Gohan my heart breaks for you! What kind of person would say these things to their own daughter!!
And your mom lying about it sure did not help. I am glad you have a plan B now!
What about that new health insurance you guys have in the US now? Isn't that supposed to make sure everyone is covered? I guess that did not work out..

Kaniya I am in the north of Germany. Are you here with the military?
A lot of things are more expensive here it seems. Except for health care and fresh veggies, I found those 2 things to be cheaper over here than in the US,at least in Germany, might be a different deal in other countries in Europe..

Getting up now and waiting for the doctors office to open to call for the results.
Gohan, I am very very sad to read all that. I really don't know what to say. I just can't believe that a father could treat his daughter that way :(
But at least you guys have another plan to do. Every problem has its solution, Gohan. I hope and believe that you will make it through this crazy situation soon.

Mrs. Vet, We're not here with the military. Dh is Italian and I decided to move here.
I have a German collegue at work and she said everything is much cheaper here than in Germany.
Praying for Dh's SA, hope everything is ok.

Af due in 3 days but I feel like it can come anytime now. It has been such a long tww this cycle.
That is so cool! DH moved here too to be with me! :cloud9:
I think Italy is much cheaper than Germany, it's bern a few years since I've been there but back then it was so much cheaper and the food was amazing!!

I called and was told the doctor is not there until tomorrow! :growlmad: Like they couldn't tell me that monday when they told me to call today!
So another 24 hours waiting game!
Well, AF is about gone, thank goodness. But the C. Diff is getting worse. I can't win. Although I feel blessed. Next week, DH works 39 hours. We will have an extra $300 to shove into our Savings Account to help pay for the apartment's first and last rent when we get it. I found one that I absolutely LOVE, and it's within our price range! :happydance: So, I'm going to keep packing things slowly, and hopefully we can celebrate our 2 year anniversary in our own home! If not, at least my birthday! :thumbup: DH and I are SO ready for this! :happydance:
Oh yes I've been spoiled by the food here, Tiramisu is what I love the most.
Don't worry about the waiting, hopefully the longer, the better result you will get. FX for you.

Well, I realized that I am so forgetful lately. Yesterday, I put dirty clothes in the washing machine then I worked in the computer while waiting. One hour later I went to the laundry and I found that I didn't even turn it on. Today was worst! I went to the cafe to drink cappuccino like usual. After finished, then I was ready to pay but for the life of me, I couldn't remember how much it was. And I've been going there for a cup of cappuccino every single day for almost 2 years.
Also this evening, I was texting my collegue telling her that I am going to call her when I arrived at the bus station so she could pick me up. All of the sudden, I forgot how to spell station. I asked Dh, and he gave me a funny look and asked me back "are you sure you're not pregnant?" Lollll. Also last week for a couple of days he kept saying that my breath smelled like milk.
My God, I am so tempted to test but maybe I'm just nervous that Dh is leaving for Cambodia this Saturday and I have no other symptoms at all.
Ahhh, there is so much to catch up on!

Gohan ~ That is terrible about what happened between you and your dad! I'm so sorry to hear that he isn't being supportive. I'm sure it doesn't make you feel very good. That is good news about getting your own apartment though! I'm really hoping things work out with you and your husband. It sounds like things are moving in the right direction.

Mrs. Vet ~ That driving test must be a bear! Geez! Maybe it will be good to take off some of the stress and just concentrate on your wedding. I loved planning my wedding so at least it's a fun distraction.

Kaniya ~ When are you planning on testing? All I remember from when I was pregnant once was that I had super sore boobs about a week after O. Besides that, everything else felt like AF was coming. I was super surprised when I got my BFP.

So as for me, I don't know what DPO I am but I do know that I ovulated. I had a progesterone test yesterday and it came back as a 23 (I guess level 3 is considered ovulating) so I REALLY ovulated! I'm hoping that is a good sign for a BFP in a couple weeks. My doc wants me to test on CD 28 which is a week from tomorrow so that is what I will do. On the downside, I have been super sick the last few days. I hate it and it kind of ruined our plans to take off to Florida. I think we may just go to Nashville for the weekend so at least we are going somewhere. If I had to guess, I bet I am 3 DPO!

Anyway, I hope you ladies are doing well. I know we all have our little challenges but hopefully, we can overcome them and enjoy some of the little things we have going for us.

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