1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Mrs. Vet ~ Good luck on your husband's SA results! Let us know how it goes!
He has low sperm count. :( I couldn't write down the numbers but I think he said something about 1 million. He recommended a supplement but online it says everywhere it did not help people and one pack is 100 Euros (i think that is about 150$?) which we can't really afford right now, especially if it is a rip off anyway. I think we try to get him a normal vitamin supplement but we are preparing for a long TTC journey...
IUI or IVF is not an option right now, beside the fact that we can't afford I just don't want to go through all that.
I was going to go to school to study in the library but have been sitting here crying for the last half hour.. I had a feeling it would be bad news and so did DH but knowing for sure it is hitting me harder than i expected...
I'm so sorry Mrs. Vet. It's not the end of the world though. There are things that can be done to help improve the count and quality of sperm. My husband last SA came back that he had low sperm Morphology (only 1% of his swimmers are shaped normally and can penetrate the egg). We went to the urologist and he gave us some ideas of how to improve the quality (mostly lifestyle changes like diet and habits).

Anyway, he is getting tested again in a week or so and hopefully things have improved. I have heard of some supplement men can take called Fertil-Aid or something that is supposed to help their count. I don't know if that is what you were referring to or not but it might be something to look into.

I understand why you are upset but don't give up hope. I'm sure there are a lot of success stories involving people with low sperm count. I would suggest having your hubby make an appointment with a urologist and going from there.
Oh the SA was done by the urologist. It is either them or the fertility clinic doing it here. We ordered the German version of fertil aid. FertilAid would have been cheaper but not the shipping and sice we are not getting to go down to the Army base for another few months we decided to go ahead with the expensive German ones.. :( I hope it helps to improve things.
Thinking about how he said if the next one isn't better we should go to the fertility clinic makes me want to cry all over again..

I will try to cook more healthy again, i do that already but not every day as some days it is just difficult with our schedules..

I read something how having sex regular every 3 days is supposed to help, not sure if it is true though...
Mrs. Vet, I am so sorry to hear about the result. Please keep positive, there are many people with the same case and they end up with bfp. I read that vits that contain zinc can increase the sperm count. The sperm needs time to build back up so I also think it's a good idea for not having sex every day.

Lilsoy, My boobs are sore only when I touch them. I've been having so many different symptoms the last few months and I don't understand my body anymore.
Anyway, I tested this morning and I got BFN...Boooo!!
If the OPK was right, then it should be 13-14 DPO and hpt should pick up the hcg by now, right?
I think I'm out (again) this month. Af due tomorrow, I should have waited but I couldn't stand it :(
Hey Ladies.

Mrs. Vet: I am praying for you and DH! :hugs: I am not looking forward to getting my DH's SA. My Doc said he doesn't need one, since we were able to get pregnant twice. :shrug: I still would like to get one for him.

lilsoy, how's your cycle going? :hugs:

Has anyone heard from wishing or wanna?

Kaniya, how are you doing in your cycle? :hugs:

AFM...I had a very difficult emotional breakdown last night. It was one of those breakdowns where no matter how much you cry, you can't seem to stop. I had a headache afterwards and almost threw up. I rarely ever cry so hard I can't breathe well...but two Ativan later, I was able to get to sleep by about 4:30AM.

DH and I have decided to stop TTC all together for right now. DH and I made a bargain.

You see, before DH and I got together and married, DH had a severe pornography addiction. Since we started dating, he promised he wouldn't look at any. He has had problems on and off for awhile now, and because of it, he is having a hard time with his confidence, which in turn is giving him some ED-like issues. I have also been so caught up with TTC, that it seems sex has become more like a chore, and not relaxing and fun. So, I made a bargain with him. I would let him hide my BBT, OPK's and HPT's, and change the login for my Ovuline, if when he felt like looking at porn...he comes to me and asks me to DTD. It's been working extremely well, recently. :winkwink:

But anyway, DH and I are still debating on if we will visit Ohio in May. It's getting annoying even thinking about it...

Also, today starts DH's 9 straight days of work. He has no days off for 9 days. Please pray for him. He needs it. :nope:

I know in the past I've spoken of my brother. Yesterday he got into a relationship with a wonderful baptist girl. I'm thrilled for him!

Anyway, just wanted to update everyone. I love you all! :hugs::kiss::flower:
Hey lovely ladies. How are you all doing? I think about you all so often and am so grateful for you all. I miss being on here and symptom spotting with you all but it is just best for us not to TTC right now. I hope hubby decides that August is good timing for us (as I am ready any time but he wants to wait longer). If not it will probably not be until January.

I just got my first AF yesterday and it hasn't been too bad physically. Emotionally it's been a hard reminder that I lost my angel. But trying to stay positive. I went on nuvaring and I have been really happy with it so far. My sister (who lives 2 min away from us) is 8 months pregnant with a little girl so I am looking forward to all the baby snuggles I can get whenever I need them!

This entire process has really strengthened my faith. I really have come to terms with the fact that our little baby must not have been healthy. He (I really believe in my heart it was a boy) needed to be with Jesus. I'm so thankful that we are loved by a God who takes such good care of us.

I love you all.. I plan on continuing to pop in here!! I am here for the journey with you ladies.. Sorry I won't have any exciting baby news though!
Hi everyone

Hope you're all ok.

Mrs vet sorry about dhs SA. Just hang in there, I'm sure everything will work out in due time.
Gohan it's good you're getting support from your ILs. I'm sorry about your dad. Grrr. It's obviously a sign u were just not meant to live there with them. I hope your dh copes with his long stretch of work. Putting off ttc can be a good thing because when you're not stressed or focused on something is when it happens.
Hi wanna :) glad you are doing well. Glad you got your af and your body is healing which helps your mind too. I'm sure your faith will get you through.
Lilsoy how are you doing? Did u say you got a positive opk?
Kaniya I hope you get your bfp!!!!!

I'm still suffering a bit of ms so patiently (or more impatiently) waiting for it to pass :)

Hope you all have a great weekend :) xx
Thanks Wishing, I tested yesterday and got BFN. Af due today but still no sign. Hoping so much for a bfp. Hope you pass your morning sickness pretty soon.

Hi Wanna, I understand how hard it is but I believe that God always gives us the best thing.

Gohan, hope you're doing fine. Glad to know that you and Dh made such a bargain and I'm happy to hear about your brother. I will continue to pray for you guys.

Lilsoy and Mrs. Vet, how are you doing?
Wanna so glad to hear about you! We will be here when you guys are ready again!

Gohan but you guys are not preventing either, are you?
Seems like almost all of us are taking a break from actively trying.

DH's results got here in the mail yesterday. For some reason they are incomplete on the letter, he left out the numbers in morphology. But since he said that one is normal I assume that one is ok.
The progressive motility is 5% which I read is bad news too. His fertilsan got here yesterday so we will try that and repeat the SA in 2 or 3 months. If it is not better we will go to the fertility clinic and see if there is anything we can do before IUI or IVF. Both are not an option for us. If there is nothing else we will keep trying naturally and pray for a miracle but also stop planning our life with a child eventually. Thinking about that we might have to accept that God may have a different plan for us is really hard.
But it is our plan for now, I just hope that his sperm will improve and that we still can have our little miracle...
Hey ladies! For those of you who asked about U.S insurance, here's some info.

Yes, Obamacare is supposed to make sure everyone has insurance. But the website for said Obamacare is crapped up, making it difficult for anyone to sign up. So, the date for complete transition to Obamacare has been postponed until God knows when.

But, that being said, Medicaid(AKA Apple Health) has been having Open Enrollment for everyone and anyone without insurance. You fill out the application online, and it automatically gives you an acceptance or rejection notice at the end of the application.

That being said...DH now has insurance! He got accepted right away and we pay absolutely nothing! :D So we are on the right track! :)

But, there has been (another) change of plans. DH and I love it here in Seattle, but the issue is apartments are so costly. The one I found and loved has been taken. :cry: And there aren't really any others in the area that are even affordable. A 1 Bedroom 1 Bath costs like, $1200+ in this area. That being said, I've looked at some apartments in Pennsylvania. PA is only a few miles from my family, and the part of PA that is close, has it's own bus system, which solves the transportation piece(since I just had a full seizure on Saturday :nope: ), and the apartments are SO much more affordable. The money my in-laws will be giving us will go A LOT further in PA then here. A 2 Bed 2 Bath apartment is only $800-$900 there! AND, DH can very possibly transfer from the Target here to one of the 3 Targets in the PA area where we would be moving. It's kind of a win-win. We are out of Seattle, close to my family, but not too close, financially (somewhat) stable, with transportation. PLUS the major hospital is right around the corner(in case we need it!) SO...we might be able to move to PA faster than even out here. So, we're praying!

Also, that being said, I am still going to visit home in May, of course if my health(and Mom's health) allow me to. Mom has relapsed with her Crohn's (AGAIN :nope: ) and my C. Diff is still killing me. I can't even be in the same house as Mom if my C. Diff is still there. So if I still have it by May, I can't go. So, we are playing it by ear now. But we are headed in the right direction there.

Mrs. Vet: DH and I aren't preventing, no. We feel if God wants us to have a baby, we will. We might use Spermicide or something of that sort in the days closer to moving, but for now, we are not preventing.

AF is FINALLY GONE! :happydance: Ugh. She was here for what seemed like eons.

Oh, and I have a UTI. :dohh::nope::wacko:

Sorry for the uber long post! I love you all! :hugs::kiss::flower:
GOOD NEWS! :happydance:

DH got time off from work to spend the entire two weeks I'll be in Ohio there with me! I'm so happy! :happydance: :cloud9:

Anyhoo, my Dad made me an appointment with the Dentist on May 22nd. I'll have a cleaning, 8 cavities filled and be fitted for a mouth guard(I grind my teeth really bad, apparently). So, May 22nd will be hell for me, as I already have an extreme fear of Dentists. :nope:

But other than that...nothing new to report. My Uncle has his kidney removed later today, as he donated one so my Aunt could get the kidney transplant she needed.

I'm getting excited as DH's presents are coming in! He's going to be 30 on April 10th! Does anybody have any good ideas for cake decorating? I have a lot of allergies to food, and I can't eat store-bought cake. So I have my Lolo's recipe, but I don't know how to decorate it. :dohh: Help please!

Anyway, to stay on topic, DH and I DTD tonight. :blush: Not exactly sure of where I'm at in my cycle...but so tempted to check!

I miss you ladies! It's getting quiet around here. :nope:
Hi everyone~. I haven't had time to catch up on some of the posts but I thought I would just give an update on me. I've been in Nashville, TN for the last few days....which was a much needed reprieve from the cold, icky weather here in Indy. I'm currently 10 dpo so I'm still in the 2WW. I don't have any preggo symptoms though so my hopes are not very high for a BFP....which sucks. I think they are only going to have me do Clomid for one more month...not sure what happens after that. I'm guessing they will have us go to a specialist. My husband is having another SA done today so I hope all of his stats improve. All his numbers are good except his Morphology which was only 1%. Not good. Well anyway, that's about it . I'm going to go back through and catch up on some of the older posts. I hope everyone is going well.
Hi everyone.

How are you all? Gohan such great news!! I hate dentists too. .. I think next time I'll have to chat to mine too about teeth grinding as dh says I do it too :-( as for cake decorating. .. I'm not the best and not sure what u can and cannot eat... but If you can u can always make cupcakes with your recipe and decorate those as they're easier to decorate than a big cake (I think) think of what dh loves and what u can eat and get creative :)

Lilsoy sometimes the most non-eventful tww are the good ones ;-) fingers crossed for you! Hope your dh SA comes back with good results.

I'm seeing my dr next week... last visit with her before we move. She said she will tell me gender then so we're quite excited :) my ms is still lingering but I'm feeling much better :)

Hope you all have a beautiful day xx
Sorry for being so quiet, still trying to cope with the bad news about DH's sperm.
On the bright side, we decided to go ahead and add to our family, we are looking at an old cat on sunday that grew up with our dog when he was a puppy and is looking for a new home now. We are very positive that it will be a fit and we will adopt him, if not we will try to find a rescue kitten that gets along with our dog (he loves cats).
We were waiting with adding more fur babies as we didn't want to have too much on our place if I get pregnant but decided to no longer wait, if I get pregnant right now we'll be thrilled and deal with it.

The Fort Hood shooting kind of hit home for us as we know quite a few people there, it seems that everyone is unharmed though but we were devastated.

I had lots of EWMC last night so we were going to do some BD in but our schedules were so different today that we had exactly 20 minutes together when DH got off work and then I had to leave again and he was asleep when I came home so I guess it'll have to wait for tomorrow. Broke down and did an OPK earlier and it was negative so either we missed it already or I will ovulate soon..

Gohan that is great news! But boo about the dentist, I hate it too! I just dealt with a root canal treatment for 4 months, it finally came to an end last week! I am ok with the normal dentist now, when I had to have my wisdom teeth removed I was so scared I put it off for years until there really was no other option anymore, I got something that put me to sleep and it felt like I woke up 2 minutes later but it really was long enough to remove all 3 of them I had left. The weeks after were hell but I am glad I did it and did all 3 at once as I don't think I would have done this again.
Ever since the normal dentist doesn't scare me as much, I am still feeling uneasy but not as panicky anymore. I will pray for you that you make it through and feel better about it afterwards.

lilsoybean I will cross my fingers that no symptoms is a good sign!

wishing I can't wait to find out what you are having! Are you going to tell us or keep it a secret? :D I hope the scan will go well!
Hi mrs vet :hi:

Sorry you got bad news about DH sperm. Did they tell you what options you have? I hope it will all work out which I'm sure it will. So good you are adding to your little family :) I hope it's a perfect match with the kitty. Post a pic when you're all settled in together ♥
The fort hood shooting was so shocking and terribly sad. Glad all those you know are safe. Are you in the military or DH or both? I'm sure there are so many emotionally and mentally (not to mention physically) damaged soldiers due to the experiences they've had. It's so sad. I don't know much about the shooter though. Was he still serving as a soldier?

Will definitely update here when we find out the gender! :) hopefully dr can see clearly on Wednesday :yipee:
Gohan~ Have fun planning DH's b-day!! I don't have any experience with cake decorating so sorry I'm not help in that department.

Wishing~ I'm excited to hear the gender of the baby. I'm glad you are starting to feel better with the MS. Hopefully things will continue to improve.

Mrs. Vet ~ You should definitely post pics of your new furry addition. It will be a good distraction for you and your hubby.

Kaniya ~ What is going on with you? Are you still with us?

As for me, AF got me this morning with no warning. I didn't have any cramps, sore bbs, or spotting (which I always have). it was the weirdest thing...it was just there. So anyway, on to next month I guess. Like I said before, I believe this will be my last month on Clomid and then I don't know what they will have me do. My best friend found out that she is pregnant again...I might have already mentioned that in a previous post but it's still on my mind. Well anyway, I just wanted to give you an update.

I really hope you gals are doing well. I go back to work tomorrow and I really don't want to...I never want to though...haha!
Hi ladies! Insomnia has struck once again, so I will give a long overdue update.

I should have already ovulated, but every OPK I take is negative. I'm trying to use up what I have so I don't waste them...but every single one has a barely visible line. I guess this cycle is Annovulatory. Just waiting on AF now.

I noticed a drastic difference in my right and left breast last week. My left breast is normal and soft, but my right is really hard and swollen. I was obviously scared, being only 21. I called my doc and got in ASAP, which was yesterday. She did a thorough breast exam and she noticed the significant difference as well. She was alarmed at one point when she pressed in a certain spot on my right breast and she said my face flushed and I felt dizzy. She doesn't think it's cancer, but it could be benign fatty tissue that is causing issues and needs to be removed. So, I have to have a mammogram. I'm 21 years old. This is ridiculous! I'm so upset. :nope: :cry:

But on the bright, yet dim side, DH got a raise. It's not much, but it's something. Speaking of DH, he has his eye surgery scheduled for June 19th, and my fertility appointment is close in that time frame. I also need to have my annual pap done in July. Ugh, I hate doctors.

Also, I just found out that the wife of new extern at my doctors office had a baby. The kicker? She had no idea she was even pregnant! She delivered a 7+ pound baby! I'm like, how can you not know?! Ugh, so frustrating! :cry:

Anyway, that ends my insomniac rant for the night. I love you all.
Gohan~ What is going on with your breasts?! That seems crazy! I'm sorry you have to go through all that worry and the mammogram. I don't know why but I'm dreading the day when I will have to have one. Please keep us updated.

That is great about your husband getting a raise!

As far as insomnia, I haven't been able to sleep the last couple night either. It's awful!!

As for me, I start another round of Clomid tomorrow. 100 mg's this time. I had to have another scan of my ovaries today and didn't have any cysts this time. I was glad for that. I also splurged on some expensive OPK's this month. I start testing with them tomorrow. They are a First Response brand. I figure if I'm putting all these hormones in my body, I should probably do everything I can to get preggo. Still haven't heard about hubby's SA. I think we will get the results on the 17th at his urology appt. Well, that is about it.

How is everyone doing? It's getting super quiet on here....
Hey everyone!

Well things with the cat haven't worked out, he is crying every night and injuring himself so he i obviously not happy here. We are bringing him back on sunday. He is old and sick so I guess they should not have given him up in the first place... maybe we try to find a rescue cat or a baby kitten after the wedding, we willtake our time this time.

I am very sad, it just seems nothing we are doing lately is ever having a good end... With everything going wrong it is getting hard to keep going. I was going to go to church on sunday trying to find strength again but now we have to bring back the cat.. I guess it has to wait..

I broke down and took an OPK and it was positive. We BDed the day before and will do again today if we aren't too tired (cat is not letting us sleep past 3am) so at least we tried but i doubt it will happen for us this month..

I will try and catch up when things have calmed down a bit..

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