1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Just checking in! Things are crazy here, our church wedding is in 30 days, I started working 2 nights a week to help with some bills and then there is driving school and school and our dog...
On a bright side I passed my paper, got the results yesterday!! So at least one thing less to worry about.
It is a holiday today and we went to a fun dog race and had a blast! We didn't win but I don't care..
I was so exhausted when we got home that i took a nap on the couch and now I need to make invitations for Dh's bachelor party so he can take them to work tomorrow.
I am having a seminary at school all weekend and the entire next week is craziness again.
Between me being this stressed and DH's sperm count I doubt that this will be our month...

Hey Love. I'm always praying for you. When DH and I get back from Ohio, we are probably going to get him an SA. We all deserve our rainbow babies, and we will get them! Just have faith in the Lord! :hugs:

I'm frustrated. 2 teachers at my school announced their pregnancy and my best friend officially announced hers today as well. I'm just over it. I'm over the whole thing. Taking temps and meds, timed intercourse, waiting, hoping, and being constantly disappointed. I have a few days left until testing but I'm not hopeful. I wonder what will come next? Maybe they will send us to a fertility clinic. Part of me just wants to throw in the towel and just be done with it all. We don't have the money for any big time procedures anyway.

Well, I guess I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening (reading) ladies.

Hey lilsoy. <3 One of my friends just announced they were pregnant, too. 2 of my friends and my Doctor are due any second, and my one friend just had her baby last week. I'm about over it, too. DH and I have just decided to enjoy our sex life, and try not to worry too much about getting pregnant. We did twice, and it will hopefully happen again, and we will hopefully have a full term pregnancy some day soon. But for now, we are trying not to temp, time intercourse, use OPK's or track my cycle. We are trying to just relax, be happy with just the two of us and enjoy our life. (it's not easy, either) :hugs:

AFM...I only have two OPK's left, and I've been testing everyday for the last week or more, and no +OPK yet. Either I missed ovulation, or I didn't O at all. I should be due for AF in about 4 days if my cycles have returned to normal. CD26 today. I have no idea if I O'd, so I would have no idea how many DPO I would be. We aren't trying right at this moment, anyway. We fly out from Seattle on the 17th for Michigan, where we will stay with DH's grandfather until the 20th. We will head to Ohio from there, and stay 10 days and head back to Michigan and fly out the next day. So, we'd rather not try and risk another MC because of a plane ride. But I will take some IC's with me just in case, you know. Because I should be O'ing sometime during our trip.

But, on a positive note...DH and I have rekindled our intimacy since I had the MC. We had a very difficult time being in the mood to DTD. When I was, he wasn't, and vise versa. But the last several days, we have been on each other like rabbits :blush: Not complaining at all! :winkwink:

Anyhoo, I'm just sitting here on the computer after a shower and trying to relax. Thinking about packing and whatnot is making me nervous. :nope: I hate planes. I never rode on a plane until I was 19 years old, and that's when I moved here. Since then, I have been on planes 4 other times, two planes to Michigan last year (1 layover) and 2 planes on my way home from Ohio last year (1 layover). But this time, we have direct flights, which will be nicer. Also, DH will be with me, so he can help calm me down. <3 But it's worth it to see my family and friends.

Anyway, I better get off here now. DH wants to watch the new Anime series we got over the weekend. I'll update soon! I love you all! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
Hey ladies. I need you all to pray for my dear friend Daniel. His 19 month old son just passed away last night. All we know is he had an asthma attack while he was asleep. We are all devastated...please, please pray...
Oh Gohan, my heart breaks for him!! So devastating! I will pray for them and you guys!

Lilsoy, I totally get it. It is so frustrating!! I find it hard to keep going but as hard to give up. And so hard to accept that we can't just get pregnant on the first cycle like other people..
I personally am not ready to stop trying, maybe if DH's follow up SA did not improve I will be. But last night I got a positive OPK, we DTD sunday and will again today giving it another try.
I was going to stop temping and all that but I just don't feel ready yet..
In response to my previous post, we have an answer to why little Andrew died so suddenly. He had a reaction to his 18 month immunizations, which restricted his breathing, causing him to have an asthma attack that he couldn't get out of, ultimately ending in his death.

This is why I hate immunizations. I know many people don't agree with me, but I have seen this happen way too many times in my loved ones and strangers alike. My cousin was diagnosed brain-damaged and autistic 2 weeks after his 1 year immunizations. My friend's little boy died from his 1 year immunizations which caused SIDS. My seizures were triggered by the TDaP immunization, my Mom had and my Uncle and Grandmother almost both died from the TDaP immunization, and my Uncle still has recurrent migraines from it. This is real, ladies.

Lord...be with those we have lost... :cry:
That is horrible news Elena! I will definitely pray for them. I can't imagine how devastating that would be...ugh! I know what you mean about immunizations. I don't know what I think about them. All those things that have happened to people you know are horrible. I guess I don't know anyone that has anything happen to them personally but I have read about it before.

Mrs. Vet~ What you said about being hard to keep going but just as hard to stop is how I feel exactly. I keep thinking that maybe I should quit temping and the OPK's and all that, but they are only thoughts. When it comes to ACTUALLY quitting, I can't.

But sometimes I feel like maybe if I stopped, it would be more likely to happen. I've heard so many stories about people who have stopped trying and all of the sudden, they are pregnant. Well, I'm not quitting now anyway. I will see what happens in a few days and see what doc wants to do. My hubby's sperm have improved so maybe it will happen in the next couple months.

Hang in there everyone. I can't wait for the day that one of us gets a baby!
Well, today is not off to a good start. I'm 2 days late for AF, with no signs of her coming. I took an IC earlier, and I swear I see a line, but it's probably wishful thinking. But then I get on Facebook, and my good friend is pregnant again. Her son is barely 6 months old. I'm so upset I could cry. I just want one...just one... :cry: :sadangel:

Anyway, that's it for me. I guess I'm gonna go watch funny videos of cats.
So AF came on Mother's Day. It was a bummer because I was actually a day or two late so I thought just maybe it might be positive this month. I was spotting and had no other symptoms so I wasn't counting on it too much.

I called doc today and she suggested going to a fertility doctor since the 3 rounds of Clomid didn't work. So she gave me a reference and I called to make an appointment. They don't have any appointments until July 21st!! That is sooo far away from now! It's such a bummer. So I'm guessing they are going to want to do something like and IUI or IVF which I don't know how I feel about either of them. My hubby and I are both teachers and we do not make the kind of money where we can go spending thousands of dollars on expensive procedures. I don't know. I really want to try everything though. Maybe there is still a shot that it will happen naturally before the fertility appt.

Well, that is my update. Hope everyone else is well and not surrounded by pregnant people. For me, they are EVERYWHERE!!
So AF came on Mother's Day. It was a bummer because I was actually a day or two late so I thought just maybe it might be positive this month. I was spotting and had no other symptoms so I wasn't counting on it too much.

I called doc today and she suggested going to a fertility doctor since the 3 rounds of Clomid didn't work. So she gave me a reference and I called to make an appointment. They don't have any appointments until July 21st!! That is sooo far away from now! It's such a bummer. So I'm guessing they are going to want to do something like and IUI or IVF which I don't know how I feel about either of them. My hubby and I are both teachers and we do not make the kind of money where we can go spending thousands of dollars on expensive procedures. I don't know. I really want to try everything though. Maybe there is still a shot that it will happen naturally before the fertility appt.

Well, that is my update. Hope everyone else is well and not surrounded by pregnant people. For me, they are EVERYWHERE!!

Hey Dear. :hugs: DH and I have our 2nd FS appointment next month. Not sure exactly what day, though. Although, since the second MC in February, I'm not sure if they'll do anything much. DH needs to have an SA, for sure. They might do an HSG, it's doubtful, though. When I talked to them on the phone right after the second MC, she said that since we know I can get pregnant, that's not the issue, it's trying to stay pregnant for 9 months. Although, the first appointment we had, she told me to lose 50 pounds before we start trying anything else. It's bullcrap. Why am I limited because of my BMI? I'm thinking about looking for a new fertility specialist in general, one that won't judge my case by my weight. :cry:

As for pregnant people....it seems like everyone is either pregnant, just had a baby or have millions of kids already. I can't get away from it. It seems like every week someone else announces they are pregnant. It's so upsetting. :(

Well, after being 3 days late, I started bleeding. Although, given my history, I wouldn't rule out being pregnant. The last three tests I've taken have a VERY faint line. But, I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

Yesterday my MIL and I had it out. It began with her being cranky that I was sick at breakfast, and then we got back home and DH and I took a nap. She was so furious with me that she went and spent $400+ dollars on clothes she doesn't need. On their way home, my MIL asks my FIL "why is she always seeking attention? She is always sick. She's so full of shit. She obviously faking it." and my FIL said "well, don't you think it could be a difficult day for her since its Mother's Day and her babies aren't here with her?" and my MIL says (prepare yourselves) "oh god, she really needs to get over that. She's not a mother." When my FIL told me that, I about broke something. And as the day went on, I got more and more angry, to the point where I confronted her about it. She denied everything and I had just had enough. I ended up slamming her bedroom door so hard that it came off the hinges. She tried to barge into my room, and I sat in front of the door to keep her out. My FIL tried to help, but he couldn't. I ended up just walking out. My FIL found me about 5 blocks away from our house, and I got in the car. He brought me an anxiety pill and we drove around for a bit. We came home and talked it over with my MIL. Everything had settled down for now. But I have NEVER acted out like that before. Ever. I feel so embarrassed. :nope:

But anyway, I guess that's it for me. Still trying to stay positive. I get to fly home in a few days. :)
hey lovelies.

hope you all are doing well. i said a special prayer for you all on mothers day. i just KNOW our time will come soon. i love you all!

i think hubby and i will start trying again soon. i hope august or september. i've started on my prenatal vitamins again.. also not sure if i ever shared that i am on zoloft for an anxiety disorder. i was on a very low dosage when i got pregnant in february. the nurse at my doctors office told me that it was safe to be on during pregnancy because it was such a low dose. i've been on it for close to 8 years i believe and have never been off it. this thursday i am having a full physical exam with my doctor and hubby and i have made the decision for me to go off zoloft. my dr assured me that she doesn't think it caused the miscarriage, but i am absolutely not taking any chances with it again. so it will potentially be a difficult transition but i know it is for the best and i want to rule out ANY dangers to a baby. i want to have a few months to get it all out of my system and i think with starting the prenatals now it will be great for my body and getting ready for baby. we are planning a trip to mexico in august with our 2 best friends and that will be our last hurrah! trying to just enjoy every moment up until trying again.

i dreamt last night that i had my perfect little baby and i was trying to breastfeed and he was having troubles latching. i have so many dang breastfeeding dreams! i just can't wait to actually do it one day.

anyways - that's all from me! hope you're all having a good day so far!!
hey lovelies.

hope you all are doing well. i said a special prayer for you all on mothers day. i just KNOW our time will come soon. i love you all!

i think hubby and i will start trying again soon. i hope august or september. i've started on my prenatal vitamins again.. also not sure if i ever shared that i am on zoloft for an anxiety disorder. i was on a very low dosage when i got pregnant in february. the nurse at my doctors office told me that it was safe to be on during pregnancy because it was such a low dose. i've been on it for close to 8 years i believe and have never been off it. this thursday i am having a full physical exam with my doctor and hubby and i have made the decision for me to go off zoloft. my dr assured me that she doesn't think it caused the miscarriage, but i am absolutely not taking any chances with it again. so it will potentially be a difficult transition but i know it is for the best and i want to rule out ANY dangers to a baby. i want to have a few months to get it all out of my system and i think with starting the prenatals now it will be great for my body and getting ready for baby. we are planning a trip to mexico in august with our 2 best friends and that will be our last hurrah! trying to just enjoy every moment up until trying again.

i dreamt last night that i had my perfect little baby and i was trying to breastfeed and he was having troubles latching. i have so many dang breastfeeding dreams! i just can't wait to actually do it one day.

anyways - that's all from me! hope you're all having a good day so far!!

Hi wanna! So glad to hear from you! I continue to pray for you all the time, and I know you are right, one day we will all get our rainbow babies. I don't know if you know this, but I have Bipolar Disorder, Epilepsy and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). I am on the least harmful medications out there, and yet I still worry constantly about if my medications will hurt a baby. That's why I POAS even when AF has come, because I want to be absolutely sure that if I get pregnant, I can catch it ASAP and get my meds adjusted to be more safe. I'm already on extremely low doses of my medication, but it's just not possible for me to go off them completely. So, you are absolutely not alone. :hugs: I hope you and your DH enjoy yourselves in Mexico! :flower:

AFM...I thought I got AF yesterday, but I was wrong. Normally when I spot like that, the next morning I get a full flow. This morning, the same spotting occurred. No full flow, it's not really AF. It's just brown/pink spotting mixed with some kind of sticky CM. My guess is I have just O'd very very late. I'm now 4 days late. I've been POASing like crazy. Taking 3-4 IC's a day. I just HAVE to know if I've gotten pregnant. I can't risk going on a plane for 5 hours if I'm newly pregnant. But anyway, I guess that's where I'm at. Please pray for me and DH. We are having a hard time right now with a lot of things. Mrs. Vet, how are you doing? Has anyone heard from wishing? She should know by now if she's having a boy or girl. Keep me updated, ladies! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
In response to my previous post, I just got red blood. AF is here. I guess I'm back to my normal cycle now. I checked my Ovuline account, and I was on CD34 today, and then I got AF. So, hopefully my cycles are back to normal, since before my second MC, my cycle was usually 32-34 days. So, here's to hoping maybe I'll O this cycle. Still gonna POAS until the day I leave for Ohio, just so I know there is NO possible way I'm pregnant. Anyway, that's it for me. I'll catch up with you all soon! :hugs::kiss::flower:
Oh Gohan, your MIL sounds so cruel!!
Sorry the witch got you!

So how is everyone doing?

I am still beyond stressed with wedding planning, brother in law created a huge mess with the hotel that I had to sort out..

9dpo today and no symptoms really. I might POAS tomorrow but not sure yet. Trying not to think about it too much as I know the chances are so slim..
lilsoy what a mean date to start AF!

Is there a different fertility clinic you can try?

wanna so good to hear from you! I will pray that coming off Zoloft isn't too hard on you! Can't wait to see you getting your BFP!
lilsoy what a mean date to start AF!

Is there a different fertility clinic you can try?

wanna so good to hear from you! I will pray that coming off Zoloft isn't too hard on you! Can't wait to see you getting your BFP!

I know, right?!! It was depressing...

I was thinking about trying a different place but I'm pretty close with my gyno and it's the one that she works with and recommends so I think I want to wait on this one. I was totally fine until she started telling me how the staff and her were all rooting for me and such and such. I started to cry right on the phone...how emabarrassing! Not like weeping or anything but I couldn't hardly speak to get off the phone because I was doing that trying to keep it in thing that makes you not able to talk. Anyway, I'm still hoping for you!! Keep us posted.
hey lovelies.

hope you all are doing well. i said a special prayer for you all on mothers day. i just KNOW our time will come soon. i love you all!

i think hubby and i will start trying again soon. i hope august or september. i've started on my prenatal vitamins again.. also not sure if i ever shared that i am on zoloft for an anxiety disorder. i was on a very low dosage when i got pregnant in february. the nurse at my doctors office told me that it was safe to be on during pregnancy because it was such a low dose. i've been on it for close to 8 years i believe and have never been off it. this thursday i am having a full physical exam with my doctor and hubby and i have made the decision for me to go off zoloft. my dr assured me that she doesn't think it caused the miscarriage, but i am absolutely not taking any chances with it again. so it will potentially be a difficult transition but i know it is for the best and i want to rule out ANY dangers to a baby. i want to have a few months to get it all out of my system and i think with starting the prenatals now it will be great for my body and getting ready for baby. we are planning a trip to mexico in august with our 2 best friends and that will be our last hurrah! trying to just enjoy every moment up until trying again.

i dreamt last night that i had my perfect little baby and i was trying to breastfeed and he was having troubles latching. i have so many dang breastfeeding dreams! i just can't wait to actually do it one day.

anyways - that's all from me! hope you're all having a good day so far!!

I was praying/thinking of you on Mother's Day as well! I almost messaged you but didn't want to make you upset. I'm glad you are trying again soon. I'm sure this next BFP will stick! Good luck with coming off meds. I'm on some similar meds because of the miscarriage in July so I have some of the same concerns as you. I'm not ready to come off quite yet though. Well, it's so good to hear from you so please continue to keep us posted on how you are doing!
Oh by the way, I was thinking/parying for everyone on Mother's Day....didn't mean to single anyone out :)

Gohan~ Your MIL pissed ME off so I can't imagine how mad you were. Hang in there!
Oh lilsoy I pribably would have cried too!

Yet another birth and another pregnancy announcement on my facebook... I am happy for them but it just kills me!

11dpo and since the late afternoon I have been going back and forth betweent nauseous and hungry. Just wasted my last test beside my digis just to get another BFN. I ordered new ICs but they have been in the mail for 3 days...
How is everyone doing?

13 dpo here. Temp had dropped 2 days ago and I was convinced AF was coming, instead it shot right up again and is higher than ever, I think kf it stays up it might be triphasic.
Absolutely nothing beside saltine crackers tastes right to me. Took a test and BFN. It was a 25 miU though as the ICs are still not here.

I am trying really hard to not get my hopes up as I know how low our chance is but it's hard at this point because of how weird things are. I know AF will come abd I'll be crushed again...

On a bright side, we are getting a new fridge tomorrow! The freezer part of ours has been broken for a while so I'm excited our landlord is finally paying a new one!
How is everyone doing?

13 dpo here. Temp had dropped 2 days ago and I was convinced AF was coming, instead it shot right up again and is higher than ever, I think kf it stays up it might be triphasic.
Absolutely nothing beside saltine crackers tastes right to me. Took a test and BFN. It was a 25 miU though as the ICs are still not here.

I am trying really hard to not get my hopes up as I know how low our chance is but it's hard at this point because of how weird things are. I know AF will come abd I'll be crushed again...

On a bright side, we are getting a new fridge tomorrow! The freezer part of ours has been broken for a while so I'm excited our landlord is finally paying a new one!

Oooh, that is exciting! Keep us posted! New appliances are exciting too so enjoy that.

Just waiting to ovulate over here. I'm not temping or using OPK's until the end of the week/weekend. It's soooo nice to not temp right now. I miss just waking up and not sticking a thermometer in my mouth or trying to remember not to take a drink of water, etc.

I hope eveyone else is doing well! I have 11 days left of teaching then summer break! Yay!
Yay for summer break!!

I loved the month of not temping! But I couldn't help but start again! lol
14dpo now, temp raised again, a little bit of light brown spotting but no AF. BFN again, now I'm out of tests, if my ICs don't get here tomorrow I'll ask what's going on.

I am not sure if this is triphasic or not?

<a href="https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/4435a4/">My Ovulation Chart</a>

I really don't want to get my hopes up but this is pretty weird.

The new fridge is wonderful!! We just went grocery shopping and for the first time I am willing to freeze meat to use it for the crockpot, with the old one I wasn't sure if it's safe... It was fun to get some nice things to fill up the fridge and freezer!

My dinner didn't taste right again, I am hungry all the time and in the morning all is well but from lunch on everything tastes strange? Might be allergies, I also have a stuffy nose. But the other option is in the back of my mind..

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