1DPO! TWW Buddies?

hey loves! just read through your updates. congrats on the church wedding mrs.vet! so exciting.. sorry for the drama though! ugh!!

gohan.. i am so sorry to hear of your friend. i will keep him in my prayers. that is horrible. i cannot even imagine. also sorry to hear that you've been struggling with your MC's. it's so hard, isnt it? i am looking forward to hopefully having our trip to mexico in august. but i cant help but think that i would have been just over 7 months pregnant at that time. i would have a lovely belly by now and we would be getting the nursery ready. but - i have to hold on to the hope that God knows what he is doing. and that he loves us and is in control. he DOES have a plan for us Elena. and he will bless us will beautiful babies as soon as it is the right time. (although it would be helpful to get some insight into that timing!!) hang in there girl. <3

as for me.. i just had my 25th birthday on sunday. i can't believe i'm 25. i feel old! i had a great day.. hubby spoiled me and we spent the entire weekend together doing fun things. really looking forward to this next year of life!! i can't wait to see what it brings!

i've been working out like crazy and hubby and i just started a diet this week. i'm really hoping to see some progress. i'm the heaviest i've ever been in my life and i'm not feeling good about myself. i talked to my dr about it and she said with the hormones from the pregnancy, MC, starting a new BC and going off zoloft it could be any one of those things messing around with my weight. really hoping it all tapers off soon and i start losing some of it!

i've been having a ton of nausea lately. i'm on the jamieson's prenatal and on 1000 units of vitamin d. i've been off my zoloft for almost 3 weeks now (i think - losing track of time!). any one have any ideas of what could be causing the nausea? i wouldn't think its the zoloft withdrawl. it really amps up my anxiety when i feel nauseous.. not a good combo! should i try a different prenatal? let me know what you guys think.

enjoy your day, beauties!!!
I've heard that some prenatal vitamins cause stomach problems. I bet that is it. Do you eat before you take them? If not, you might want to try that and see if it gets better. Or you could go a few days without taking them at all and see if your tummy feels better.

Also, as far as the weight thing, I used to be on Nuvaring and stopped because it seemed like I immediately gained 5 pounds. My friend did as well. I had to stop because I'm very weight conscious and couldn't take it.

It is very good to hear from you Wishing. I would like to have a little girl. Congratulations! So you are a little more than halfway through right?!

Elena, it just seems like you and your friends and family can't catch a break. As always, you are in my prayers. That story of your friend just sounds horrible. I can't even imagine that.

Mrs. Vet, yay for weddings! That really stinks when people act crazy though and try to spoil such a happy occasion.

As for me, I'm 9dpo. I think that I'm probably out because I'm pretty sure I spotted today. It was very faint though. I feel like there was something else I wanted to tell you gals but I can't quite come up with it at the moment. Oh yeah, so yesterday was the anniversary of when I found out I was pregnant. I was kind of a rough day but not completely terrible. The fact that I got pregnant this time last year made me super hopeful this cycle so the fact that I started spotting today is a huge downer. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy your day! Talk soon!
thanks lilsoy.. i take my prenatal before bed every night. i heard that is the best time to take it because if you DO get an upset stomach you will usually sleep through it. so i generally take it between 10-11pm. and my nausea is usually between 7-9. weird.

i can't wait to be off nuvaring. hopefully only 3 more months.. but maybe until the end of the year! so weird that it causes weightgain. can't they come up with something that helps us to lose weight AND be protected!? sheesh!

so sorry to hear that is the 1 year anniversary of your pregnancy. so glad to see you are being positive about it though. it WILL happen for you again. your body can do it.. and it will!! maybe the spotting is implantation bleeding?? you never know!! keep us posted, chica!!
Gohan I'm so sorry! It seems like you guys just can't catch a break and there is always new things coming up!

Wishing yay for girls!! Did you think of names yet?

wanna happy late birthday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
My prenatals gave me terrible constipation so I am back on flintstone vitamins for now, I have taken them irregular though because we were so busy.

lilsoy I'm glad you made it through the anniversary and it wasn't too bad. I hope it was just implantation bleeding and not AF!!

Still waiting to ovulate here. Oh and I forgot, on the wedding regearsal one of my bridesmaids told me she just found out she's pregnant. She told me in private and I very much appreciate that! it was only their third month of trying and without even doing opks or temping.
Thank God I didn't have much time to be jealous because of the wedding and was just genuinely happy for her!

DH has been taking those vitamins for 2.5 months now, does it make sense to go back for a SA now or should we wait until the last pack is used up?
Mrs. Vet ~ I kind of hate people that get pregnant so easily without even thinking about it...aka. ALL of my friends! :) I'm glad you were able to be happy for her though.

So as far as the SA goes, I would wait. I believe I've read that it takes 3 months for new sperm to be produced so if you test too early, your results won't be accurate.

Pretty sure AF is coming...more cramping and spotting. One more month of trying before going to the specialist in July. I really wish we could get preggo naturally before then... I'm afraid of how much the specialist will cost and how much will be covered etc.

Wannabe~. Thanks for all the encouragement! It really makes me feel better. I want you to start trying again now! Ha! You are so patient. You are very young though so you have plenty of time. Happy belated bday by the way!
Hey ladies! I'm estimating I'm about 10dpo now. Not too many symptoms to report. But I do have a TON of gas, increased creamy CM (which, btw, I never have creamy CM), mouth sores, and my nips are really perky, lol. Not much else to go off of, though. I don't have my hopes too high, but I guess we aren't really "trying" right now, more NTNP than anything. I have an over abundance of IC's. I still have, like 80 at least from when I bought them before I got my BFP in February.

I'm out if OPK's, and DH won't let me get anymore. He says it takes the fun out of sex when you try to do it at a certain time. So we are just letting nature do it's thing. I'm considering canceling my appointment with my FS. She so fatophobic and she won't do an SA or anything. She said I got pregnant twice and I can do it again, but I have lose x pounds before so. So I really don't care. I figure if we try until the beginning of next year without success, I'll find a different one. Meh. I'm kind of just letting it go for now. I still wanna POAS and all, and I symptom spot a lot, but I don't want to be disappointed each cycle, either. So whatever. :shrug:

How is everyone else? I feel bad that I'm losing track of everything. Between my mom, DH working long hours and the internet cutting in and out, I feel like I'm losing touch. Mrs. Vet and wishing, if you wanna add me on Facebook, message me. I love you all! :hugs::kiss::flower:
Started my period today....super bad cramps....blah!

I'm sorry, lilsoy! :nope: We'll get our turn. :hugs: :kiss: :flower:


A friend of mine just announced she is pregnant again. She's 19, unmarried with a little girl who is not even a year old yet. I just...I know jealousy is a sin...but I just...I just want one. Just one. :cry: :sadangel:

I was so depressed tonight. DH and I went out to dinner with his parents and a couple of their friends. I ended up drinking a hurricane. (rum, passion fruit syrup and lime juice) I feel so guilty. I don't wanna screw up this cycle. But I feel like I'm already out, anyway. I just want to give up. It's been almost 18 months now. 2 MC's and nothing but a broken heart. :cry: But I know going back on BC would just make my emotional stress worse. I don't know what to do... :cry:

Not many new symptoms, just lower back and joint pain. I'm not even caring right now...
Well, I got a pretty nasty Evap this morning. It looks like an Evap to me, anyway. I'll test again tomorrow, just to make sure.

Love to you all. :hugs::kiss::flower:
I'm so sorry lilsoy! It will be our time, but meanwhile it's so frustrating!

Gohan I hope it isn't an evap!!

Got a positive OPK, we BD and will again tonight and I tried and put in a softcup but I don't think it did anything as stuff was still running out...

I was at my friend's bachelorette party, my bridesmaid that is 7 weeks pregnant. She has her first ultrasound this week 2 days before her wedding, I pray for her that they find a heartbeat!

Of course a lot of conversation was about her being pregnant and for the first time in years I had a hard time not ordering a drink...
She told me I need to relax and stop using OPKs and it will happen... easy to say when you got pregnant the third month trying and are not having any fertility issues! With DH's sperm count we need to time it right or we won't have a chance!

I don't blame her, I didn't get it myself before we started trying... but it still hurts getting comments like that even when I know people just mean well.
Ugh! I HATE when people say stuff like that!! I know I can't blame them because they mean well but it makes me want to punch them in the face!

(Especially now since I'm irritable :) )

Elena~ don't feel guilty. Obviously people have their own opinions about drinking while TTC but I've heard the phrase "drink till it's pink" a lot. As long as you didn't get wasted, I'm sure your fine. Let us know if it turns positive!
This test was done today with SMU. Picture was taken less than 10 minutes after dipping. I marked on the picture with arrows where I think I see the line. It's probably just line eye, but I wanna let you ladies see it before I rule out anything.

I think I'd be about 11dpo, somewhere in there.

Love you all. :hugs::kiss::flower:


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This is a better picture of the test. I took several at the same time. Let me know what you all think. :)


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I don't really see anything but I could be wrong. It's still early so if it's positive it will get darker and easier to see. I'm really bad at seeing these things though especially on computer pics.
Hello Everyone, I hope it's not too late to join. I found your forum on an internet search and It felt like a lot of what I am going through currently. I am new to the TTC game. I was diagnosed with PCOS two years ago and given no information on what that would mean. So I have been researching for myself. I have since been married (January will make two years) and we aren't exactly careful with condoms and such.

Last month I thought I might've been pregnant. We had sex when I was supposed to be fertile/ovulating. On May 24th, I went to the bathroom, wiped and pink. Thought it as my period which is irregular, and i thought late, but nothing happened. I went a week with breast pain, fatigue:sleep:, and all that good stuff. Then the 1st of June my period started. Went from heavy to super light (so light I thought it had stopped and we had sex.) But I don't know what to think. Next month I have a OBGYN appointment and in a week an Endocrinologist appointment. I can't wait to have them run more test.:growlmad:
Hi ladies
Just a quick pop in...
Gohan I think I see something on the first picture :yipee: I hope this is it for you!!! Keep testing! ! Also I'm not on fb so can't connect on there.

Lilsoy sorry the witch got you:-( hope it's her last visit for.a while. :flower:

How's everyone else?
I've been so super busy preparing for our new place. Still waiting for dH to.arrive from Norway. That will only be 6 july :'( plus DS has been sicl again this week. Poor thing. So need to get back imto the swing of things.

Welcome Excited2see :hi: aw hope you will too get some answers and your bfp soon.
Hello Everyone, I hope it's not too late to join. I found your forum on an internet search and It felt like a lot of what I am going through currently. I am new to the TTC game. I was diagnosed with PCOS two years ago and given no information on what that would mean. So I have been researching for myself. I have since been married (January will make two years) and we aren't exactly careful with condoms and such.

Last month I thought I might've been pregnant. We had sex when I was supposed to be fertile/ovulating. On May 24th, I went to the bathroom, wiped and pink. Thought it as my period which is irregular, and i thought late, but nothing happened. I went a week with breast pain, fatigue:sleep:, and all that good stuff. Then the 1st of June my period started. Went from heavy to super light (so light I thought it had stopped and we had sex.) But I don't know what to think. Next month I have a OBGYN appointment and in a week an Endocrinologist appointment. I can't wait to have them run more test.:growlmad:

Welcome to our thread! I hate that our bodies aren't more simple to read! I hope that some of your upcoming appointments give you some answers. We've gotten a few BFP's on this thread but unfortunately, we've also had at least 3 miscarriages so we've been sticking together until we all get those BFP's and keep them for 9 months.

It's great to hear from you Wishing. I'm sorry your little one is sick! I hope he feels better soon!

I just found out today that my insurance doesn't cover anything that is fertility related so just to go to my appointment in July (which will also include and exam and ultrasound) will cost about $375!! My husband and I are both teachers so we don't make a lot of money. I don't know how we are going to afford treatment when we can barely afford the first appointment. Well anyway, I just had to vent my worries and frustrations. Ok, I hope everyone else is doing well. And I really hope I can get pregnant naturally this month before I have to go to that appointment! That would be awesome! See ya ladies!
Hello Everyone, I hope it's not too late to join. I found your forum on an internet search and It felt like a lot of what I am going through currently. I am new to the TTC game. I was diagnosed with PCOS two years ago and given no information on what that would mean. So I have been researching for myself. I have since been married (January will make two years) and we aren't exactly careful with condoms and such.

Last month I thought I might've been pregnant. We had sex when I was supposed to be fertile/ovulating. On May 24th, I went to the bathroom, wiped and pink. Thought it as my period which is irregular, and i thought late, but nothing happened. I went a week with breast pain, fatigue:sleep:, and all that good stuff. Then the 1st of June my period started. Went from heavy to super light (so light I thought it had stopped and we had sex.) But I don't know what to think. Next month I have a OBGYN appointment and in a week an Endocrinologist appointment. I can't wait to have them run more test.:growlmad:

Hello, Excited! So glad to have a new member on board with us on our little thread! It's mostly just been lilsoybean, wannabemamaz, Mrs. Vet, wishingforbub and myself on this thread. People have come and gone periodically. I hope you stick around! :hugs:

I was also diagnosed with PCOS. When DH and I got married, we used a diaphragm, which was very inconvenient. So we went to the NuvaRing, and it caused my Bipolar to go crazy. So, we've really been NTNP/TTC most of our marriage. Like lilsoy said, we have had several miscarriages on this thread (2 of them being my own), but we will all have our rainbows someday! wishingforbub already has hers! She's having a little girl! :)

AFM...AF has yet to show up. Today she is due, and nothing. I'm still getting that uber faint line. But I'm peeing so much I'm not getting a strong enough hold. It's probably just a bad batch of tests. I go to see my Doc today, and I'll ask for a blood test. I should know the results by tomorrow.

Another day, another pregnancy announcement. My cousin just announced they are having a baby. They weren't even trying. So frustrating. :nope: I'll have my turn, though.

I told DH that I had those faint lines on the tests, and he said "I kind of had a hunch that you were pregnant. I guess I just feel it." So now I'm worried. If I'm not, he's going to be more disappointed than me. :cry: :nope:

At least I have a Nintendo 64 arriving in the mail today. So I'll get some entertainment going, as I can't work. So, yay for being nerdy and liking retro gaming!

I gotta hop off now, gotta get ready for the Doctor. I love you all! Glad to have you aboard, Excited! :hugs::kiss::flower:
Thanks for the welcome guys. :hugs:

I am sorry that your insurance doesn't cover the procedures and treatments. I will find out in a few months if mine is covered. Want to try the charting/sex thing first :wink:.

Yes, if only our bodies would let us in on the secret of whats going on in there! That would make things soooo much easier.
welcome, excited! happy to welcome you to our group.. and looking forward to getting to know you! i got my BFP on February 1 on my 3rd or 4th month of ever trying.. started spotting 2 weeks later and ended up losing our little bean on february 23. now i have gone back on nuvaring and we are waiting to try until *hopefully* later this year.. maybe not until january. i have struggled with anxiety for many years and i have just gone off my zoloft and on prenatals. trying to get myself prepared!

how old are you? where did you and hubby meet? how long have you been together? i see you're from brooklyn..i'm in canada. i have lots of family in NY and it is my FAVORITE place on earth. so jealous that you live there!!

gohan - i sure hope this is a bfp for you. stay as calm and relaxed as you can. we are all here praying for you and supporting you.

lilsoy - i also want to start trying!!! i think about it all the time. praying for you that you get pregnant before your appointment... positive thoughts!

hubby and i just booked our trip to mexico yesterday. we leave on August 16th. i am SO excited. now my workouts are going to double each day as i desperately want to feel good about myself while we are there.. and be as healthy as possible to TTC. it is the same resort that we had our honeymoon at.. so i'm hoping hubby will feel romantic and ready for babies once we get home! i did look at my calendar and found out i will be on my period the ENTIRE time we are away. so i'm planning on skipping my period next month to try and move my period by a week.. but i'm hesitant because i don't want to mess up my body in any way to be able to get pregnant later in the year.. any advice??

that's all for me.. busy at work so gotta get going! love you all!

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