1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Yay for summer break!!

I loved the month of not temping! But I couldn't help but start again! lol
14dpo now, temp raised again, a little bit of light brown spotting but no AF. BFN again, now I'm out of tests, if my ICs don't get here tomorrow I'll ask what's going on.

I am not sure if this is triphasic or not?

<a href="https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/4435a4/">My Ovulation Chart</a>

I really don't want to get my hopes up but this is pretty weird.

The new fridge is wonderful!! We just went grocery shopping and for the first time I am willing to freeze meat to use it for the crockpot, with the old one I wasn't sure if it's safe... It was fun to get some nice things to fill up the fridge and freezer!

My dinner didn't taste right again, I am hungry all the time and in the morning all is well but from lunch on everything tastes strange? Might be allergies, I also have a stuffy nose. But the other option is in the back of my mind..

Can you try to send that link again? I can't get it to work.
Ok, maybe this works!

My Ovulation Chart

I think that it is starting to look triphasic to me. It depends on if it stays up for a couple more days. I don't have a ton of experience with triphasic charts but there seems to be a third shift in your temps for sure. I hope they stay high. I noticed that it says - OPK. Did you use an actual pregnancy test or an OPK to test? Just wondering because I've heard of people doing that before. Fingers crossed!
I used both, both negative.

Temp dropped back to normal post-ovulation temp this morning. Guess AF is gearing up now.. :( It looked so hopeful! I am also having a sore throat since last night so I'm wondering if it was just higher because I am fighting off something?
Sure not getting my hopes up anymore unless my temp goes back up but I am expecting to start bleeding today or tomorrow..
Cramps and light brown spotting again. I am expecting full blown AF by tomorrow...

How is everyone doing?
Cramps and light brown spotting again. I am expecting full blown AF by tomorrow...

How is everyone doing?

Awww, that's too bad. I'm sorry Mrs. Vet

I'm doing pretty well. I'm just waiting to start temping and using my OPK's. I think I'm going to start on Friday, which will be CD 13. The earliest I've ovulated is the 16th and I usually don't until around the 20th so I think that will give me enough time to catch it if it's an earlier one and not so much time that I go crazy from testing if it's a later one. I'm really hoping to get pregnant before we have to go to the fertility doc. May is when I got pregnant last time so I keep thinking that a year ago, I was preggo and didn't even know it yet. I try not to think about that too much though because it makes me sad :(.

I hope everyone else is doing well. It's been kind of quiet on here.
Oh that must be difficult for you! I really hope that you will get your BFP before going to the fertility doctor and that it's a sticky one this time!

I got full blown AF today, so far I haven't been terribly sad about it, I think maybe it's not the worst not having to worry about the baby and having to fear morning sickness on our church wedding.

Speaking of, a so called friend just cancelled on me with a stupid excuse that turned out to not even be true. For that she threw one of my bridesmaids (a mutual friend) under the bus claiming they had a fight when they didn't. And all this a bit over a week before the day leaving us unable to correct the headcount so we have to try to find someone who is taking her seat (a friend wanted to bring his date but it was too late to add her so I will now tell him he could bring her if she is still able to attend).

I am just so disappointed with that friend that to me no longer is a friend..
Oh that must be difficult for you! I really hope that you will get your BFP before going to the fertility doctor and that it's a sticky one this time!

I got full blown AF today, so far I haven't been terribly sad about it, I think maybe it's not the worst not having to worry about the baby and having to fear morning sickness on our church wedding.

Speaking of, a so called friend just cancelled on me with a stupid excuse that turned out to not even be true. For that she threw one of my bridesmaids (a mutual friend) under the bus claiming they had a fight when they didn't. And all this a bit over a week before the day leaving us unable to correct the headcount so we have to try to find someone who is taking her seat (a friend wanted to bring his date but it was too late to add her so I will now tell him he could bring her if she is still able to attend).

I am just so disappointed with that friend that to me no longer is a friend..

That's crazy and very inconsiderate! Did she give you an actual reason after she got caught in her lie? Why doesn't she want to go?

Weddings are stressful enough without having to worry about that kind of drama. I'm sure you are better off without her.
That's crazy and very inconsiderate! Did she give you an actual reason after she got caught in her lie? Why doesn't she want to go?

Weddings are stressful enough without having to worry about that kind of drama. I'm sure you are better off without her.

No she just stopped responding. Now she is trying to make me the bad guy for posting a status about that i need to reconsider who to be friends with and DH to fuss about her behavior under the status. I heard that from my bridesmaid who talked to her today (the one she supposedly had a fight with).
Sure, there was no need for him to put the specifics on facebook but he was angry about her behavior and there is no need for her to make herself out to be the victim here.
I just deleted her from my facebook. I am just disappointed that she behaves like that...
I got my first positive OPK today. Cd 14 so super early. I'm going for it!! Maybe it's good luck that it is race weekend! (The Indy 500).
YAY! Sending you lots of baby dust!

BIL is coming tomorrow, everyone else later this week, ovulation should be right after everyone left again so I hope it won't be early!
Hey ladies! Sorry I haven't been on recently. I'm in Ohio visiting my family right now. Things have been crazy, to say the least. The day after DH and I arrived in my hometown, my grandparents put down our dog, Teddy. I am so heartbroken. Then I finally go to the dentist, and I only have two cavities...but I had an emergency root canal the next day because it was so badly infected it was causing problems in my mouth and throat. So after that was done, I got a cold sore due to the pain. So no kissing DH. But we still can BD. Then my grandpa ended up hitting a car and they have to fork up money. My C. Diff is getting worse. And on top of all that...the carnival isn't here:( so it's been crazy. Anyhow, I should be O'ing in about 8 days. So that's about if for me. I love you all! I'll try to pop in again soon!
Wow Elena~ It seems like you are having a rough time of it lately. I hope things improve for you. I know you were looking forward to this trip so it's a bummer you aren't enjoying yourself.

Mrs. Vet~ When are you getting married again? I think it's in your signature so I will just check it out when I get back to that page. I hope you are having fun getting ready for that. Exciting!

As for me, I ovulated the earliest I ever have this month. I wasn't really prepared but hubby and I tried to get as much bd'ing in as possible once we saw those two dark lines. We had people stay the night both Saturday night and Sunday night and had a ton of family commitments so it wasn't easy. We are hoping this is our lucky month! Hubby has another SA on Friday so I'm anxious to see if the medicine he's been on has helped improve his swimmers.

Also, I heard of this thing called the pineapple core method where you cut up the core of a pineapple and eat one piece a day from 1-5 dpo. Have you guys ever heard of this? Well, even though it sounds like an old wives tale, I'm going to try it. Why not right? I read on here about some other girls who tried it this month and most of them got BFP. I guess it's supposed to help with implantation. Obviously if the egg isn't fertilized in the first place, that won't matter much but I'm going to try it anyway.

Ok, I will stop chattering on. I hope to hear from you ladies soon!
Hi Ladies,

You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather in these early summer months. We went away camping with some friends 2 weekends ago (that was the long weekend in canada.) I hope you are all having a great Memorial day today.

I have been doing great lately. I went off my zoloft just over one week ago. I've been feeling really good so far! I have had some withdrawl symptoms. I have had diarrhea every day for this past week when I wake up in the morning. I am also having horrible headaches every day. But my anxiety is doing so well and I am feeling better than I have in years. So thankful to God for that. I also started taking my prenatal vitamin a week ago. Yippee! My dr also advised me to take 1000 units of Vitamin D per day. She said that it has GREAT benefits for conception that she highly recommends. So I am now taking both of those. It has been such an amazing feeling to wake up each morning and not take my zoloft. So fantastic.

Today I start my fourth cycle of nuvaring. I just refilled my prescription for 3 more months. I am really hoping that these will be my last 3 months and then we will start TTC!

Lots and lots of love to all of you!!

Hi Ladies,

You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather in these early summer months. We went away camping with some friends 2 weekends ago (that was the long weekend in canada.) I hope you are all having a great Memorial day today.

I have been doing great lately. I went off my zoloft just over one week ago. I've been feeling really good so far! I have had some withdrawl symptoms. I have had diarrhea every day for this past week when I wake up in the morning. I am also having horrible headaches every day. But my anxiety is doing so well and I am feeling better than I have in years. So thankful to God for that. I also started taking my prenatal vitamin a week ago. Yippee! My dr also advised me to take 1000 units of Vitamin D per day. She said that it has GREAT benefits for conception that she highly recommends. So I am now taking both of those. It has been such an amazing feeling to wake up each morning and not take my zoloft. So fantastic.

Today I start my fourth cycle of nuvaring. I just refilled my prescription for 3 more months. I am really hoping that these will be my last 3 months and then we will start TTC!

Lots and lots of love to all of you!!


That is wonderful to hear you are doing so well!! Yay! Camping is so fun! I haven't been in a long time. We usually camp at music festivals, (like Bonnaroo) but haven't been there in a couple years.

So I think I actually just ovulated yesterday and not on Sunday as I had orginally thought. It actually worked out better as far as timing and everything so I'm fine with it. I am really anxious and obsessive this cycle. I don't want to get my hopes up too high because I don't want to be disappointed. I think it's too late for that though. I think that I'm going to temp for the next couple days to get my O confirmation and then quit. Maybe that will help curb some of the crazy.
Just wanted to give my love to you all. I'll post soon.
Hey ladies.

We just got back from Ohio on Saturday evening. The flight was wonderful. The best flight I've ever had. I'm so blessed that I was able to be so calm on the plane. :) But, lets get back on topic.

As far as I can tell, I'd be about 4-6dpo, if I was going off of the loads of EWCM and the dull cramps I had the last week I was in Ohio. But, I didn't have any OPK's or anything, and I'm so bad at temping. :dohh: But, that's what I'm going to guess, anyway. I took an HPT this morning, silly me. :dohh:

I'm having a hard time with my MC's again. My mom made me some remembrance jewelry for them. If you want to look at them, click the link in my sig. Part of me wants to let go, the other doesn't. I'm having such a hard time since Teddy died. :cry:

My insomnia is slowing getting better. I'm able to get tired on my own without my medication, and fall asleep quickly and stay asleep. I'm going to sleep around midnight consistently, and I can also wake up around 9am without issues. I am extremely blessed by that alone. :happydance:

My mom is encouraging DH and I to stay in Washington, but now DH is determined to move back to Ohio ASAP. He finally saw what I see in Ohio; the support, love and forgiveness that overwhelms you. The closeness and love from my family and friends; it's really contagious. So, maybe...finally he understands why I hold my home so dear to my heart. I'm so torn now. Do I follow my instincts and get back home ASAP, or do I be responsible and stay here where my Doctor's are at. I'm so torn and undecided right now. :nope:

DH has his eye procedure week after next. His anxiety is building every day, and all I can do is be patient with him and love him. I wish I could help more, though. :nope:

lilsoy, I'll be praying that this month is your :bfp: ! wanna, I hope you are doing well without your Zoloft and I pray that you continue to feel better everyday! I'm looking forward to the day when you can POAS with us again! Mrs. Vet, the wedding is drawing nearer and nearer! Have you picked out colors for the wedding yet? Fill me in!

I guess that's about it for me. Has anyone heard from wishing? I really want to know what she is having! How is everyone? lilsoy, Mrs. Vet, wanna? Any recent updates? Love to you all! :hugs::kiss::flower:
Hey girls,

how are you all doing?

We had our church wedding on saturday and it was perfect!! DH even teared up when I entered the church!:cloud9:

Unfortunately it was followed by drama with the FIL yesterday, it wasn't surprising that much and we were glad that he kept it together through the wedding.. it did shock me though because of how he disrespected me and called me non christian in my own house and then left. Him, BIL and DH were going to travel from tomorrow until they leave friday and DH had a hotel booked already and now they left on their own and DH gets to go on his own tomorrow as we can't cancel the reservation and I can't go as I have to work on thursday. They also took his camera and our spare phone so he will try and meet up with BIL to at least get his stuff back.
We already spent the money now so he'll just go there and try to have some relaxing time on his own.. it sucks all around, we also paid for a lot of their food and helped them with their hotel expenses (obviously they could afford to pay extra hotel rooms now for the extra night out of town..:growl mad:) which is money we will miss for our honeymoon.. the whole thing is pissing me off.

At least I shouldn't be ovulating until saturday or later so I hope DH will be back on time...
It will be our last round of trying before the second SA mid june.. I am not getting my hopes up with all the stress we've been having..

How are you all doing? I hope we're getting some BFPs here soon!
Hi ladies
Sorry I've been so quiet. Just been so busy with the move back home.

Mrs Vet congratulations on the wedding :flower: I'm sure it was perfect! Pity about FIL..that's horrible. Hope you get your stuff back!

Gohan I'm glad you had a good flight back and hope you enjoyed your time in ohio! Good luck with your DH eye procedure.

How is everyone else doing? Lots of :dust: to you all. Xx

I'm 23 weeks now. We found out at 20 weeks that it's a little girl so we're very happy and excited :) I'm finally gaining weight after losing so much in first 12 weeks.

Think of you all often and praying for bfp for all of you xx
:happydance: Yay! A little girl for you and your DH to spoil rotten! :haha: I'm so happy for you, wishing! :)

AFM...my heart is aching right now...

My mom called me about a half hour ago. She told me that she has a UTI and possibly sepsis. This would be her second case in three years. She barely pulled through last time. They think the infection stemmed from my Dad's foot injury. He had a wound on his foot from a shoe that didn't fit well and overnight it became a serious bacterial infection. My mom is immuno-compromised right now due to her medication for her Crohn's. They think it spread to her from their sheets. She said she would let me know ASAP what is going on. She reassured me, though, that it was highly unlikely that it was C. Diff.

But, even worse(if that is possible), I have a friend from my church(who I actually just saw last week while visiting home) got in a car wreck last night. He swerved to avoid hitting a deer and lost control of the car, he ended up in a ditch, without movement in his lower abdomen. He was able to pull himself up to the side of the road and waved his hand for help. A woman pulled over and called 911, but just as Austen got himself calmed down, a drunk driver flew through and Austen got dragged by the car by his shirt. He actually got caught up underneath the car and was stuck and dragged for almost 30 minutes. He has 3rd degree burns on his right leg, and his right hand. One of his fingers has gangrened and he has to have it amputated. There is also a very real chance he will lose his entire hand, and his right leg from the knee down. They are performing experimental surgery on his extremities to know how bad the damage is, but he will have to have almost full body skin grafts and at least his finger amputated. He has to have reconstructive surgery on his right and left leg, if he ever wants to walk again. He will be in a rehab facility for months after if he survives. They have him in an induced coma right now, but my heart is broken. He is not my favorite person in the world, by any stretch, but you wouldn't wish this kind of thing on your worst enemy. He was also in a car crash with my brother last year around this time, and he was in rehab for a month to get his left leg back to normal again. His dad is abusive and beats him. He was hospitalized about 6 months ago because his dad broke his arm and cracked his skull. He has epilepsy, as well. This kid can't catch a break. My heart breaks for him. He's only 19 years old. Please pray for my friend. This is a picture of him. He's a wonderful young man, despite his hardened heart. :cry: :sadangel:


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