1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hi ladies
Just a quick pop in...
Gohan I think I see something on the first picture :yipee: I hope this is it for you!!! Keep testing! ! Also I'm not on fb so can't connect on there.

Lilsoy sorry the witch got you:-( hope it's her last visit for.a while. :flower:

How's everyone else?
I've been so super busy preparing for our new place. Still waiting for dH to.arrive from Norway. That will only be 6 july :'( plus DS has been sicl again this week. Poor thing. So need to get back imto the swing of things.

Welcome Excited2see :hi: aw hope you will too get some answers and your bfp soon.

Hello Everyone, I hope it's not too late to join. I found your forum on an internet search and It felt like a lot of what I am going through currently. I am new to the TTC game. I was diagnosed with PCOS two years ago and given no information on what that would mean. So I have been researching for myself. I have since been married (January will make two years) and we aren't exactly careful with condoms and such.

Last month I thought I might've been pregnant. We had sex when I was supposed to be fertile/ovulating. On May 24th, I went to the bathroom, wiped and pink. Thought it as my period which is irregular, and i thought late, but nothing happened. I went a week with breast pain, fatigue:sleep:, and all that good stuff. Then the 1st of June my period started. Went from heavy to super light (so light I thought it had stopped and we had sex.) But I don't know what to think. Next month I have a OBGYN appointment and in a week an Endocrinologist appointment. I can't wait to have them run more test.:growlmad:

Hello, Excited! So glad to have a new member on board with us on our little thread! It's mostly just been lilsoybean, wannabemamaz, Mrs. Vet, wishingforbub and myself on this thread. People have come and gone periodically. I hope you stick around! :hugs:

I was also diagnosed with PCOS. When DH and I got married, we used a diaphragm, which was very inconvenient. So we went to the NuvaRing, and it caused my Bipolar to go crazy. So, we've really been NTNP/TTC most of our marriage. Like lilsoy said, we have had several miscarriages on this thread (2 of them being my own), but we will all have our rainbows someday! wishingforbub already has hers! She's having a little girl! :)

AFM...AF has yet to show up. Today she is due, and nothing. I'm still getting that uber faint line. But I'm peeing so much I'm not getting a strong enough hold. It's probably just a bad batch of tests. I go to see my Doc today, and I'll ask for a blood test. I should know the results by tomorrow.

Another day, another pregnancy announcement. My cousin just announced they are having a baby. They weren't even trying. So frustrating. :nope: I'll have my turn, though.

I told DH that I had those faint lines on the tests, and he said "I kind of had a hunch that you were pregnant. I guess I just feel it." So now I'm worried. If I'm not, he's going to be more disappointed than me. :cry: :nope:

At least I have a Nintendo 64 arriving in the mail today. So I'll get some entertainment going, as I can't work. So, yay for being nerdy and liking retro gaming!

I gotta hop off now, gotta get ready for the Doctor. I love you all! Glad to have you aboard, Excited! :hugs::kiss::flower:

I can understand the frustration. I come from a large extended family and they are so fertile its ridiculous. I have a cousin due in Feb who already has a five year old. I am the only cousin I think at this time that hasn't have a child. When I hear about the abortions it hurts me so much (Im not making a prochoice or life stance here) because I would love a child, but I am left spoiling their little ones until God blesses me with my own.
Hey ladies. I'm at the Doctors and about to get my labs drawn. I should know either today or tomorrow. But in the meantime...here are the most recent test pictures. I am at CD30 and AF should be here today. Just give me your input.


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It only wanted to attach one. Here is the same test but inverted.


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Hi ladies
Just a quick pop in...
Gohan I think I see something on the first picture :yipee: I hope this is it for you!!! Keep testing! ! Also I'm not on fb so can't connect on there.

Lilsoy sorry the witch got you:-( hope it's her last visit for.a while. :flower:

How's everyone else?
I've been so super busy preparing for our new place. Still waiting for dH to.arrive from Norway. That will only be 6 july :'( plus DS has been sicl again this week. Poor thing. So need to get back imto the swing of things.

Welcome Excited2see :hi: aw hope you will too get some answers and your bfp soon.

It only wanted to attach one. Here is the same test but inverted.

That looks like the eight or so I took. I really should upload the pic and get some feedback from you ladies.
welcome, excited! happy to welcome you to our group.. and looking forward to getting to know you! i got my BFP on February 1 on my 3rd or 4th month of ever trying.. started spotting 2 weeks later and ended up losing our little bean on february 23. now i have gone back on nuvaring and we are waiting to try until *hopefully* later this year.. maybe not until january. i have struggled with anxiety for many years and i have just gone off my zoloft and on prenatals. trying to get myself prepared!

how old are you? where did you and hubby meet? how long have you been together? i see you're from brooklyn..i'm in canada. i have lots of family in NY and it is my FAVORITE place on earth. so jealous that you live there!!

gohan - i sure hope this is a bfp for you. stay as calm and relaxed as you can. we are all here praying for you and supporting you.

lilsoy - i also want to start trying!!! i think about it all the time. praying for you that you get pregnant before your appointment... positive thoughts!

hubby and i just booked our trip to mexico yesterday. we leave on August 16th. i am SO excited. now my workouts are going to double each day as i desperately want to feel good about myself while we are there.. and be as healthy as possible to TTC. it is the same resort that we had our honeymoon at.. so i'm hoping hubby will feel romantic and ready for babies once we get home! i did look at my calendar and found out i will be on my period the ENTIRE time we are away. so i'm planning on skipping my period next month to try and move my period by a week.. but i'm hesitant because i don't want to mess up my body in any way to be able to get pregnant later in the year.. any advice??

that's all for me.. busy at work so gotta get going! love you all!

Hellllo.. So we met when we were 12! And he (recently 25) and me 24 until July! We are from the land of Bob Marley and Jerk Chicken but came when we were much younger. We have been married 17 months. We eloped and only told some family recently :blush: I love New York state but not so much the city. Went to the Adirondacks on a retreat recently for the second time and I feel that could be my forever home but the Mister is insisting on warmer weather. I have one semester left in my undergrad (I really should stop dragging it out).

If I see one more Facebook announcement from my family I will eat ice cream (I'm lactose) and cry.:cry::cry::cry::cry:.

I was recently diagnosed with anxiety but I chose to speak to a therapist instead of taking medication and I do see some progress. I have a secular and a religious counselor and this combo is working well for me.
Hey ladies. Just a quick update. I took another IC tonight, and it looked a bit darker than before. AF still has no signs of showing. The nurse and my Doctor combined poked me 6 times to try to get blood for an hCG, but to no avail. So, I had to pee in a cup and he sent it off to the lab. I guess the tests read at like, 7miU's, so I guess that's comforting. I'll keep you all posted, and once my phone charges up a bit, I'll post the most recent pictures of my HPT for you ladies to see.

Also, another pregnancy announcement on Facebook tonight. Ugh. :cry:

I love you all! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
Here is my most recent test. CD30, no AF.


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Here's the same image, not inverted.


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Hey ladies,

just a quick message as I'm sitting in my office bored but can't use the computer for this so I'm on my phone.

Welcome exciting! Nice to have you here with us!!

Lilsoy how frustrating, that appointmentis really expensive! :(

Gohan I think I see a line on that one, will check tonight on my computer to get a better look!

3dpo here and my nipple have been hurting since O-day! But I think it's just the usual hormones..
Gohan I still think I see something. ..do you have another brand of tests you could use? How long are you waiting before taking the pics? ..... oh I so hope this is your bfp!!!!! :)
I think I see something too on that inverted one now that I am looking from my work computer. :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hey ladies.

I am taking the pictures just after the test is done, so way before the 10 minute mark. I took a test this morning and it looked stark white to me. Doc called and said my results were negative. I wasted 15+ IC's...I'm so upset. AF still hasn't shown up. Judging from the fact I'm cd31, I'm guessing I'm out this cycle. Ugh. In less than 2 weeks it wi have been a year since my first MC. I'm dreading it so much. Ugh. Anyway...I'm gonna go eat some Cookie Crisp cereal and wallow in despair. I love you all.
Hey ladies.

I am taking the pictures just after the test is done, so way before the 10 minute mark. I took a test this morning and it looked stark white to me. Doc called and said my results were negative. I wasted 15+ IC's...I'm so upset. AF still hasn't shown up. Judging from the fact I'm cd31, I'm guessing I'm out this cycle. Ugh. In less than 2 weeks it wi have been a year since my first MC. I'm dreading it so much. Ugh. Anyway...I'm gonna go eat some Cookie Crisp cereal and wallow in despair. I love you all.

Yea, those little anniversaries are hard! You will get through it though because you are tough! I'm sorry about the BFN. Hopefully AF will come soon and that will be the beginning to a new month of trying.

I haven't had Cookie Crisp in soooo long...haha! I kind of forgot it existed. Great, now I want some. :)
AF just showed her ugly face. With a crap ton of cramps to go along with her. Ugh. :cry:
:hugs: Im sorry it was a BFN. I didn't even know they still made cookie crisp. :)

I never understood why my stepmother got so sad in April. My brother would have been 16 April that past. And he was about 8 months when she miscarried. But the doctors told her she couldn't have children and my brothers are now 13 and 9. And healthy and if I never have my own (I will) I played such a big part in raising them that they still sometimes slip and call me mommy. :)

Im sorry about the anniversary @Gohan. I won't tell you I understand because I haven't but if you ever need a:hugs: I will send a ton your way.
I'm so sorry Gohan! I really thought I saw sth on those tests! :(

4dpo here and nothing to report so far.. this week is so stressful that I don't get to symptom spot much thank God. With all the stress we've been having I doubt this could be our month.
I tried charting and isn't so bad. I hope I hope I ovulate this month. Before I didn't even know that was a thing! But if my app is right I might be in my TWW starting today.
10dpo here, no symptoms but a chart that looks triphasic again. I had my temps go up last cycle too but much later. Not getting my hopes up though. Here it is:

My Ovulation Chart

Beside that, I finally passed my driving test on monday!!:happydance:

Have been driving every day since, still having a bit trouble with our car as it reacts so much different from my driving school car but overall it's so much fun and makes me feel free and independent!

How are you ladies doing?
Excited are you using OPKs?
10dpo here, no symptoms but a chart that looks triphasic again. I had my temps go up last cycle too but much later. Not getting my hopes up though. Here it is:
How are you ladies doing?
Excited are you using OPKs?[/QUOTE

Mrs I'm not using OPK just BBT for now vaginal instead of oral. I missed a day on FF.The told me I might've ovulated early like CD12 or as late as CD17. Then I put in the missed day and the Ovulation info left. So FF predicts I can be fertile until the end of the month. :happydance::happydance::happydance: I love BDing just as much if not more the OH so it's not a huge feat BDing everyday. I think it makes it extra special that he doesn't think I am only with him for that.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I was thinking of getting some internet OPKs to try both charting and the OPKS. Thoughts?

Congrats on passing your road test (license):flower:. I just passed mine in February. I didn't tell anyone that I was going( they thought I was going to a doctor appointment) and I passed. Third time was the charm for me. I made so many mistakes but I passed. OH isn't my greatest driving fan but atleast he'll get into the front seat of the car now.:shrug::shrug:
Mrs I'm not using OPK just BBT for now vaginal instead of oral. I missed a day on FF.The told me I might've ovulated early like CD12 or as late as CD17. Then I put in the missed day and the Ovulation info left. So FF predicts I can be fertile until the end of the month. :happydance::happydance::happydance: I love BDing just as much if not more the OH so it's not a huge feat BDing everyday. I think it makes it extra special that he doesn't think I am only with him for that.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I was thinking of getting some internet OPKs to try both charting and the OPKS. Thoughts?

Congrats on passing your road test (license):flower:. I just passed mine in February. I didn't tell anyone that I was going( they thought I was going to a doctor appointment) and I passed. Third time was the charm for me. I made so many mistakes but I passed. OH isn't my greatest driving fan but atleast he'll get into the front seat of the car now.:shrug::shrug:

With only temping you can only confirm that ovulated, with the OPK you will know when you are about to ovulate. :) If you BD every day anyway then that's not necessary, we are lazy sometimes and skip a few days so for us it's helpful to know when we shouldn't be lazy :blush:
I have the internet OPKs and they work just fine for me. I sometimes buy the clearblue ones if I see a good offer but found that the cheap ones always gave me the same results.

Congrats for you too! It was my 4th time, I am a good driver but not a test person, i lost my nerves every time and made stupid mistakes. This time I did a little better but still made mistakes but he was really nice and let me pass anyway because he said overall I was driving well. :happydance:

I am 12dpo and my temp has been dropping constantly the last 3 days, not below the coverline though. Tested and got BFN which I expected. It's weird as normally it drops under the coverline on the first or second day of dropping but I am expecting AF to show one of these days. :(

The first week of july DH has late shift so we'll finally go for his follow up SA, trying to prepare for the worst..

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