Mrs I'm not using OPK just BBT for now vaginal instead of oral. I missed a day on FF.The told me I might've ovulated early like CD12 or as late as CD17. Then I put in the missed day and the Ovulation info left. So FF predicts I can be fertile until the end of the month. I love BDing just as much if not more the OH so it's not a huge feat BDing everyday. I think it makes it extra special that he doesn't think I am only with him for that.
I was thinking of getting some internet OPKs to try both charting and the OPKS. Thoughts?
Congrats on passing your road test (license). I just passed mine in February. I didn't tell anyone that I was going( they thought I was going to a doctor appointment) and I passed. Third time was the charm for me. I made so many mistakes but I passed. OH isn't my greatest driving fan but atleast he'll get into the front seat of the car now.
With only temping you can only confirm that ovulated, with the OPK you will know when you are about to ovulate. If you BD every day anyway then that's not necessary, we are lazy sometimes and skip a few days so for us it's helpful to know when we shouldn't be lazy
I have the internet OPKs and they work just fine for me. I sometimes buy the clearblue ones if I see a good offer but found that the cheap ones always gave me the same results.
Congrats for you too! It was my 4th time, I am a good driver but not a test person, i lost my nerves every time and made stupid mistakes. This time I did a little better but still made mistakes but he was really nice and let me pass anyway because he said overall I was driving well.
I am 12dpo and my temp has been dropping constantly the last 3 days, not below the coverline though. Tested and got BFN which I expected. It's weird as normally it drops under the coverline on the first or second day of dropping but I am expecting AF to show one of these days.
The first week of july DH has late shift so we'll finally go for his follow up SA, trying to prepare for the worst..
I may have hinted that I would lose my job if I failed again.... I would love to have a BFP on July 4th or the abouts!
Since I started temping about 13 days in, I can't expect any patterns. So there's always next time. Seriously the BDing is my favourite part.