1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Mrs I'm not using OPK just BBT for now vaginal instead of oral. I missed a day on FF.The told me I might've ovulated early like CD12 or as late as CD17. Then I put in the missed day and the Ovulation info left. So FF predicts I can be fertile until the end of the month. :happydance::happydance::happydance: I love BDing just as much if not more the OH so it's not a huge feat BDing everyday. I think it makes it extra special that he doesn't think I am only with him for that.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I was thinking of getting some internet OPKs to try both charting and the OPKS. Thoughts?

Congrats on passing your road test (license):flower:. I just passed mine in February. I didn't tell anyone that I was going( they thought I was going to a doctor appointment) and I passed. Third time was the charm for me. I made so many mistakes but I passed. OH isn't my greatest driving fan but atleast he'll get into the front seat of the car now.:shrug::shrug:

With only temping you can only confirm that ovulated, with the OPK you will know when you are about to ovulate. :) If you BD every day anyway then that's not necessary, we are lazy sometimes and skip a few days so for us it's helpful to know when we shouldn't be lazy :blush:
I have the internet OPKs and they work just fine for me. I sometimes buy the clearblue ones if I see a good offer but found that the cheap ones always gave me the same results.

Congrats for you too! It was my 4th time, I am a good driver but not a test person, i lost my nerves every time and made stupid mistakes. This time I did a little better but still made mistakes but he was really nice and let me pass anyway because he said overall I was driving well. :happydance:

I am 12dpo and my temp has been dropping constantly the last 3 days, not below the coverline though. Tested and got BFN which I expected. It's weird as normally it drops under the coverline on the first or second day of dropping but I am expecting AF to show one of these days. :(

The first week of july DH has late shift so we'll finally go for his follow up SA, trying to prepare for the worst..

I may have hinted that I would lose my job if I failed again.... I would love to have a BFP on July 4th or the abouts!

Since I started temping about 13 days in, I can't expect any patterns. So there's always next time. Seriously the BDing is my favourite part.:sex::sex:
Hey ladies.

So sorry I've been gone. I've been having seizures again, so I'm trying to stay off the computer(or cell phone as it were) as much as possible.

Also, the computer DH and I bought is here, but the old one is being a pain to get information off of right now. My cell phone data is pushing the limit, since my iPhone likes to not connect to wifi.

Anyway, I'm at CD10 today, but it's weird because I've got EWCM. I couldn't be O'ing so early, could I? But regardless, DH and I are trying to BD as much as we can.

Speaking of DH, he is beginning to get credibility at work, so he's getting more hours consistently now! :happydance: so blessed by that!

Also, The Lord blessed us last week. Over vaca we emptied our savings account, so we had to start over. But, out of the blue. in the mail we got a letter. It was a check for $440.63! Apparently I overpaid for a bill earlier this year, and I got reimbursed! So blessed! We were able to pay off the computer we had on the way, and start our savings account again! :happydance:

Also, DH's eye procedure went very smoothly, so we are blessed with that, as well!

My grandparents bought us some beautiful cookware for Christmas this year! I can't wait to get it!:)

And, DH decided to get me a present for doing so much in the house and staying as positive as I have. He bought me two new bras! Next week I get to go get the matching panties! I know that sounds so lame, but I love lingerie! :blush:

I'm trying to be more grateful for the little blessings, and not focus on the crap.

Tomorrow is the one year mark since my first MC. I'm trying to not think about it, but it's hard. I gotta think positive.

I love you all, sorry this was so long! I love you all very much! :hug: :kiss: :flower:
So sorry about the seizures gohan! But it sounds that other than that things are finally looking up for you guys! It is good to focus on the little things that go right!

13dpo and my temp shot back up? :shrug: will keep using the ICs until AF is overdue, she is due between now and tuesday (hardcto tell with my cycles), if she stays away until next weekend i would use the expensive test..
DH and I are going to the annual motorcycle church service, a great event here bringing together tenthousands of bikers praising the lord!
So sorry about the seizures gohan! But it sounds that other than that things are finally looking up for you guys! It is good to focus on the little things that go right!

13dpo and my temp shot back up? :shrug: will keep using the ICs until AF is overdue, she is due between now and tuesday (hardcto tell with my cycles), if she stays away until next weekend i would use the expensive test..
DH and I are going to the annual motorcycle church service, a great event here bringing together tenthousands of bikers praising the lord!

Yes, things are beginning to look up for us! The new computer has been set up! It is so fast, I almost can't believe it! :happydance:

Oh, Mrs. Vet! I hope and pray that this is your cycle! :hugs:

Today is one day since we lost Faith. It's so heart-wrenching. But I'm trying to think positive, even though it seems impossible right now. :nope::cry:

Anyhoo, DH is at work now, and I'm here at home doing nothing, mostly. We are grilling hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner. I also have an appointment with my Doctor about the seizures on Thursday. So I'm praying that I can get some med changes to patch it up. :thumbup:

Oh, and one last thing...I found Hawaiian Punch: Green Berry Rush at Safeway today! I seriously almost cried. I haven't been able to find it in Washington until today. I'm seriously so excited I could cry!

Well, that's it for me. I love you all! :hugs::kiss::flower:
Hey gals, just wanted to check in and say "hello"! Im just waiting to ovulate over here. Besides that, I've been camping, listening to some good music with some great friends, and trying to keep up with World Cup. We might head to Kings Island on Wednesday. We are just trying to keep this cycle chill so we are just bding every other day until positive OPK. I think this might be a month where I O later...like cd 20 ish.

I hope everyone is well. I still need to go back and catch up on some posts.
Had some light spotting last night and now temp dropped to just above the coverline, I think I'm out and AF is coming... it's not even surprising me anymore, i never got my hopes up and yet it never fails to devastatevme when the day is there that my temp drops and AF is coming..
Gohan sorry for your loss.

Im supposedly 3dpo but I don't feel too excited about this cycle.

We've hit a bit of financial struggle and things won't pick up tip Oct. so I might switch to NTNP.

Keep telling myself that if it is in God's plans it will happen.
hey ladies.

congrats mrs. vet on the road test. that's so exciting!! hang in there girl. you're never out until the witch shows.

i hope you get your bfp this cycle excited!

elena.. i'm so sorry that this is your one year anniversary of losing faith. i can't imagine what february 23 will be like for me next year. i don't like thinking about it. but you are a STRONG woman and you WILL get your bfp and your rainbow baby. it will happen. I know it will. sorry to hear about the seizures. i hope your dr can give you some clarity. that must be so scary.

how fun, lilsoy! your pics on instagram have looked like fun! we've also been camping and relaxing!!

question for you all. i was supposed to get my period for the entire week we are in mexico in august. so i plan on skipping my next period (so on the 4th week i will take out my nuvaring and put in a new one). This should move my period to one week before we go to Mexico.. that will be my last ring that I have before I would have to refill my prescription so MAYBE we will start TTC right after Mexico. but not getting my hopes up. regardless of if we try in september or later on in the year.. could skipping my period affect my ability to get pregnant at the end of this year? could i screw up my ovulation? i can't seem to find anything online.. anyone have any ideas???

this weekend is a 4 day weekend for us. it is Canada Day on Tuesday (national holiday) and so I booked off Monday months ago so we could have a long weekend. really looking forward to it!!

love to you all!
Wannabe ~. I don't think it should have any negative effects as far as fertility goes. I believe your cycle should go back to normal after your period. You can temp and chart if you are worried about it...just to be sure.

I'm jealous of your Mexico. I want to go back sooo bad!!
Hi ladies

How are you al doing??

Mrs vet congrats on passing your driving test! :yipee: I hope the witch stays away for you!
Wanna..I'm not familiar with nuvaring but I don't think it should affect your fertility. Before having DS I was on the pill and I'd skip my period every second month and it was fine. Oh you must be so excited for mexico..I'd love to escape the winter and run off into the sunshine!!
Lilsoy how are you?? Sounds like you've been enjoying your time :) sounds great! Are you on instagram too? I'm following wanna on there. Would love to follow u too if you'd like.

Gohan I'm so sorry you've been having seizures. I hope you're feeling ok. :hug: and thinking of you on the anniversary of your MC. :flower: I think I found you on wannas instagram. .I just followed you today. I think it's you lol. Follow back if you want :)

Excited..aw I hope you come out of your financial slump soon. Everything will happen when the time is right.

I had my glucose test today...and I'm suffering horrible pelvic girdle pain and some other issues in my pelvic region so I started physio and pilates. I hope it helps. Dh is arriving next sunday. ..not this one coming but the next. I can't wait! It's been the longest we've been apart. Just can't wait for him to come and for us to get more settled.

Well I hope you're all happy and healthy and well. Thinking of you all and sending lots of baby dust your way xxxx
Wishing~ sorry about the pains you have been having. I hope the exercises will help. That's great that your hubby will be back soon. I would hate to be apart for long. Oh, and definitely follow me on Instagram...I'm shorsman22
Hello ladies!
Hope everyone is doing well. I'm here trying to not symptom stop for the two week wait ahead of me. I am 4dpo and actually saw my endocrinologist yesterday who was so lovely and knowledgeable and awesome :). He is sending me for blood work and a sonogram on what will be 10dpo!

Im excited that it may happen, scared it may happen and just anxious.
Hey ladies.

Yesterday was a glorious day. DH and I went swimming, we played some video games, BD'd and all that, and napped a bit. But then, at about 4pm yesterday, my Mom called me. She told me that Grandpa had called a family meeting later that day, and she was concerned. Not only did my parents go, but my Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Rob came in from Pittsburgh (about a 90 minute drive from my parents house). I guess everyone was waiting for Uncle Chris and Aunt Heather to get there. So my brother texted my Uncle Chris and asked where he was. (obviously I couldn't be there) Uncle Chris got there, and sat down with everybody. Mom asked Grandpa if he was sick, and he said no. Uncle Rob asked him if they were taking Granny (great-grandma) to a home, the answer was again, no. Everyone was confused. Then, Uncle Chris spoke up and said something that broke everyone's hearts....

My Aunt Heather is leaving my Uncle Chris.

Yes, it's really true. It's not a bad dream. Heather has decided to give up her husband, 6 year old daughter, and 2 year old son to move in with a 48 year old Muslim man, and his 17 year old son and his 9 year old daughter. Why, I don't even know. My Uncle is the most caring, thoughtful, generous, romantic, and kind man I have ever known.

I guess she started seeing this man at the beginning of the year, and she fell in love. She was honest with him, and he tried to make it work. Well, she wouldn't have any of it. So she said she's leaving him for this man. She giving up custody of the kids, the house, the pets, and him. They meet with the attorney this Friday, and they sign the papers. My Uncle has full custody of Emma and CJ. I am beyond devastated. I'm heartbroken. I can't even think straight. I'm surviving on my Ativan right now. They were married for 14 years. To think that Uncle is going to be a single dad just rips my heart to shreds. I can't even think about it without crying.

I've attached a picture of the children and my Uncle, so you can pray for them, if you do pray.

I love you all. Please, please pray. :cry:


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Excited- that's great news. Definitely update us!

Lilsoy - all connected on insta :) thanks

Gohan- sorry to hear about your uncle. That's a very tough situation to be in especially with two young kids. Everything happens for a reason I guess and one day he'll realise it was for the best. She obviously fell in love with this other guy and might realise down the track that things are not more rosy on the other side once the butterflies die down. However unfortunately she could genuinely be in love and happier. I don't understand how she could give up her kids though :-( I hope your uncle finds strength to get through this and the kids don't suffer too much poor things.
Just checking in, AF came full force on tuesday. I don't know what I want to do this cycle, I might just want to take a break from temping and OPKs and all that or give it up all together depending on what DH's next SA results will be...

There is more but I am so tired tonight I'll write more when i am not about to fall asleep on my ipad.

So sorry gohan, I am heartbroken for your uncle. I will pray for him and the kids!
Hi everyone!

Gohan~ So sorry about your family issues. I hope that everything eventually works out for the best. I know it will be hard for awhile but maybe it will be better in the end for everyone involved.

Excited~ That is cool that they are doing all those tests at 10dpo. Keep us updated on how all that goes and def. post during your TWW if you find yourself going crazy! haha!

Mrs. Vet ~ I know how you feel as far as being torn about how seriously to take the next months TTC. I always say I'm going to chill out but never do. I just don't think I can until I get some solid answers. Maybe take the first part of the month off until closer to O. That is usually as much as I can manage.

As for me, I had a super positive OPK today and a positive last night. Hubby and I have been bding a lot to make the most of this last month before seeing the specialist. I so wish that this could be our month but we shall see. I feel good about doing absolutely everything we can this time so it's really out of my hands by the next couple days. I plan to keep bding today and tomorrow and just see what happens after that. I hope everyone is well.

I'm really glad to have connected via social media with many of you. It's fun to put a face with the people that have been going through this journey with me. Talk to you soon!
Hey guys, a little less tired today so I'll add some things :)

Excited - That is awesome that you get tested at 10dpo! I hope it will be a bfp!

Wishing I hope the pain will ease off with the exercising. So excited for you to have your hubby back! How long were you guys apart now?

Lilsoy I am crossing all my fingers for you this cycle!
I was going to take a month off before of TTC and never made it! lol we'll see how it goes this time, I will know when I'm ready to let go of it a bit.

Our dog has been puking a lot again and since our vet has exhausted all options without finding anything and I don't want to switch his food again without knowing if that is the answer I went to a natural practicioner (someone who is only prescribing natural things like herbs or acupuncture and stuff like that and also believes in the balance between body and soul). He has a good reputation and I know several dogs who he was able to help, DH however doesn't believe in it at all.

Turns out he also did not find anything physical but after a long talk thinks he is taking over our stress levels and that is what makes him sick. If you know our dog and consider when it got worse and better for him and when we had high stress levels it makes perfect sense. Even though he never looks stressed but DH and I are the same, we all seem to hide it pretty well...
So he is getting natural meds and our trainer will show us some things to help him relax. I hope it will help him.
This is another reason for me to consider taking TTC easier or at least to stress about it a little less. I need to reduce stress as much as I can, not only is it unhealthy for me but also for my family. I don't want that!

If you girls want to get in touch on facebook just pm me your names and I'll add you, i don't have instagram so far..
I hope your doggie feels better. I was terrified when my dog started vomiting. Fastest $100 I shelled out (from the girl that won't buy almost anything these days). I give him extra belly rubs and let him sleep on the bed as a guilty treat then act surprise when OH finally notices him.:blush:

Today, I wrote my resignation letter effective August 1. I just feel like I have to step out in faith on this one!

This 2WW is killing me. The anticipation, the suspense. It is like I am writing a novel in my head. :)

The habit of charting has been formed so I will continue even if this cycle is a success.

SN: A newly made friend and I was having a conversation and she suspected she was pregnant. She couldn't afford a pregnancy test so she used "the ancient ways". She stuck an onion up her vagina and tested the next day to see if she had onion breath. Her confirmation that she was pregnant was the bleach test.:dohh: I just kept praying she was ventilating the area. Ammonia and bleach shouldn't mix.:shrug:
Mrs vet I'm so sorry about your pup puking. When my baby is sick it kills me. Mine has always had a sensitive stomach and about 3 months ago I finally found a solution. I bought her a probiotic called flora 4 and you add a bit on all their meals. It isn't too expensive and it has been a complete life saver. Look into it if you want!

Just checking in quickly.. Nothing new from me. Love you all!

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