1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hi ladies.

Sorry about AF, Mrs. Vet. :hugs:

lilsoy, praying this is your month! :babydust:

Excited, any new updates?

wishing, I hope you get to feeling better! Have you decided on any names for your baby girl?

wanna, glad to hear from you! :hugs:

Just a quick update about me.

My Aunt has given full custody of the children to my Uncle, so that's a blessing.

AFM, I'm not sure if/when I O'd. If I go based on CM and symptoms, I'd say I'd be 2dpo. Eh. :shrug:

As for my seizures, I saw my Doc, and he did a crapton of blood work. I should have results tomorrow. He is very concerned because the seizures seem to be peaking and my depression seems to be getting significantly worse. He said, if I had seizures and I was manic, he'd feel a lot better about it. I guess when I seize, my brain function is stimulated, which should make my mood more manic. But since it is becoming more depressed, he is very concerned. So, I had the blood tests done, and if those are normal, I have to have an MRI. He's afraid I might have a tumor on my brain or pituitary gland. Just what I need... :nope: :cry:

Anyhoo, I guess that's where I am at. I had a good talk with my best friend, which I really enjoyed. She always finds a way to make me laugh. :haha: She definitely brings out the best in me.

Well, I'm off to pick up DH from work. I'll be back soon! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
Sorry for the late update:

So this is the latest: I did a pelvic sonogram, thyroid sonogram, abdominal and the one that shows inside my uterus. No fiberoids, cyst or anything was inside that shouldn't be there. The tech was a sweetie who turned the screen to showed me. Apparently my lining is nice and thick.

The blood: they took a lot of blood. He is doing a lot of test. I counted about seven vials. But the blood was flowing so nicely versus a few months ago when they had to squeeze my blood into the vials.

I am currently 11 dpo. I go back to the endocrinologist and the gyn on the 9 which would then be 19 dpo (we would clearly know by then). Which is marked as my test date. I have been testing since 7dpo though just in case. The endocrinologist will probably stop my baby aspiring regime though since I had some spotting yesterday. I thought I was out for sure. But, who knows. It really is out of my hands and stressing won't fix anything.

So, the ninth is the day unless AF shows before then.
@GOHAN- As for my seizures, I saw my Doc, and he did a crapton of blood work. :hugs:

I hope the test comes back with everything being alright.
Hey girls :)

So DH's follow up SA was this week and doctor said it has improved and was on the lower end of normal!! :happydance::happydance:

So we actually have a chance now! Getting the detailedd results in the mail today or tomorrow hopefully.

So i decided to still not temp but to do OPKs so we can go for it as long as his sperm is good! Not sure how long it will last as the vitamins started making him sick so he had to stop them. We are going down to Ramstein in 2 weeks so I want to check the PX for different ones.

I am so happy we don't have to give up hope yet!

Gohan I hope it is not a tumor, how scary!

Excited and lilsoy I am cheering for you girls to get a BFP!
:witch::witch: She showed with a vengeance. I'm using a heating pad and hot water bottles. I never had to do that before. I'm not discouraged though, I know I will have to be patient. That's one of the things that I need to work on in all areas of my life.

I kinda knew she was coming because I started craving sweets especially the pro mcflurry from McDonalds. It was so weird. I went for a ride and asked dh to pull in the drive through and he was shocked because I don't eat takeout and fast-food especially from McDonalds.

She officially arrived yesterday but I was in so much pain from the day before. I knew it wasn't a chemical because I was getting :bfn: since 7dpo. I think in a few cycles if nothing happens I will be more devastated but as of now, I am finding joy in being intimate with my husband :hugs:, spending time with my family and trying to remain steadfast in my faith. I hope I don't offend anyone who doesn't believe but for me Psalms 109:30, With my mouth I will give many thanks to the LORD. I will praise him among many people", really helped me this morning too.

My birthday is on Sunday and I might have a drink. I'm not big on drinking either so, who knows. I will make a cake though.

lily- still hoping you get your :bfp:.
@gohan- I hope things have picked up for you.

Everyone else: how are you guys?
Mrs. Vet, SO happy to hear about your DH's SA! Such a blessing! :hugs:

Excited, Sorry about :witch: showing up. I'm glad you are standing strong in your faith! Most of us on here have faith as well, so feel free to say what you want! :hugs:


Doctor called yesterday, and what he said wasn't too great...

He told me that my inflammation levels are through the roof. He said it should be under 3, but mine is 15+. He said, that's kind of a huge deal. He said because of the seizures, depression, and sudden onset of panic attacks, that this inflammation is residing in my brain. I guess with this severe inflammation, it is actually restricting blood flow to my brain, causing it to short circuit. Which is causing the seizures, but the depression/anxiety attacks are due to my serotonin supply being cut off because of the inflammation. He said, with inflammation levels like this, it has to be taken care of very aggressively, because if we don't start treatment now, the inflammation could worsen and that could cause hallucinations, and full out Grand Mal seizures. How do we treat this? That was my first question. Well, since I've had this issue before(but not nearly at aggressive) the last treatment (natural anti-inflammatory pills and steroids) we have to go deeper. So, I have to go into his office 2x a week for 6 weeks, and get injections in the base of my neck. He said, if this doesn't work, I might have to see a surgeon. :nope: :cry:

Talk about terrible news. I am already terrified of needles. This is something I don't need. :nope:

But, back on topic, I'm at CD23 today, so I should be about 3/4dpo. Nothing awesome to report on that note. Just sore nips, they seem to be really sensitive too. Lots of fatigue, but I'm writing that off as side effects of the inflammation. I'm having a lot of pain in my lady parts. It doesn't feel like a bladder infection, nor does it feel like ovulation pains. It feels like it's actually in my vajay. So I don't know. Maybe I'm just symptom spotting.

My Aunt moved out last night. So she's gone, they filled out divorce papers and go to court next month. The kids are doing alright, I guess. I just shipped out a package to the kids, just to let them know I love them and I care.

Anyway, I guess that's it for me. I love you all. Please keep me in your prayers. :hugs::kiss::flower:
Hey ladies. Quick update. I had some pink spotting yesterday. Just once, and just a little bit. Trying not to get my hopes up. I've had a headache all day. Feeling uber lethargic and melancholy today. DH is working and I'm lonely. My sex drive is through the roof, but I feel too tired to do anything about it and DH is a bit frustrated. I've not felt this fatigued in a long time. Maybe it's a symptom? Usually around this time in my LP I'm bouncing all over with energy. Not this time. Maybe I'm just making this up in my head. I've learned not to trust symptoms, they always let me down. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Love you all. :hug::kiss::flower:
Has anyone had their boobs itch in your LP? Mine are itching like crazy! This has never happened before!
@Gohan3117 - i'll be sending up extra prayers to you. I'm sorry about the bad news.

Itchy nipples; try udder cream. that thing has helped immensely for that.
Excited - Thanks for the advice. When DH gets paid it will get some.

I cried for 45 minutes before DH left for work because I didn't want him to go. I couldn't even control the crying. Wtf. Had some full cramps in right side of pelvis today. I think I'm going nuts.
Excited - Thanks for the advice. When DH gets paid it will get some.

I cried for 45 minutes before DH left for work because I didn't want him to go. I couldn't even control the crying. Wtf. Had some full cramps in right side of pelvis today. I think I'm going nuts.

I found mine at rite aid for 3.99. Try if you can get it any farming supplies stores if there are any where you live.
Ahhh Mrs. Vet!! That is such great news!! You have to tell me what vitamins he has been taking. I'm hoping my hubbys swimmers are better now too since his hormone levels are balanced and all. He hasn't done another SA though yet.

Excited~ I'm sorry about AF but glad that your faith has comforted you.

Gohan ~ Sorry for the terrible news. I will prayer for you. I know you hate needles but they have to do what they have to do to get you healthy. All that inflammation sounds really scary.

As for me, I'm 10 dpo and waiting to test until Friday. I got really excited yesterday because I'm having some pretty good symptoms that I haven't had in a long time. My boobs are tender (but only slightly) and my nips are sensitive, I'm having very dull cramps really low and in the middle of my uterus, I've been super tired and a little irritable. I just feel like it could have happened this time.

That being said, I'm really trying not to get my hopes up because I know that all those symptoms could also be AF related and I could just be symptom spotting.

Well anyway, I will keep you updated. I just hope that I don't start spotting. If that happens than it's almost positive I'm out for this month..blah!

Hang in there everyone! Talk soon.
Hello ladies! :hugs:

lilsoy - Our cycles are getting close together again! I'm on CD26! I should be about 7dpo. AF is due in 5 days! :hugs:

Excited - thank you for the tip! I'll be sure to get some Udder Cream at Rite Aid! :thumbup:

AFM...I had my first set of injections today. It wasn't nearly as bad as I pictured. Little, tiny needles just injected superficially on my head. Got stuck 6 times, and 4 of the six times I hardly felt anything. The last two were painful, though. But overall, not too bad.

Got my results of my hormone panel that I had done a couple weeks ago. My testosterone level is still elevated, but much better than before! :happydance: Estrogen and Progesterone are still on the low side of normal, but still relatively normal. I asked Doc if my levels being sort of high/low could interfere with my fertility, and he said no. He said I had two pregnancies, which indicates I am very fertile! He said it takes the average woman 6-8 months to conceive, and considering I'm overweight with medical issues, getting pregnant twice within almost a year is great! :happydance: I did ask about my Lamictal, and what I would do if we found out I was pregnant again. He said as soon as I got a + HPT, to start weening off of the Lamictal and just stop the Prazosin. He said in terms of fertility, I'm looking up! :happydance: :cloud9:

Speaking of fertility, as stated earlier, I should be about 7dpo. The symptoms I've noticed so far are:
Dull cramps, uber emotional/weepy, -sex drive, +appetite, nausea, gas, itchy boobs, and creamy CM, with a sweet smelling vayjay. I rarely ever get creamy CM, and my vayjay seems to smell really sweet. It's strange. I tested today, stupidly. :dohh: :bfn: It's way too early anyway. My mood seems to be a little more chipper today. Trying to stay positive!

I love you all! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
Well got DH's SA results were in the mail. Somehow I can't find the first ones but I think it isn't that much better as he made it sound... progressive motility 7% instead of 5 now, 11 mio/ml when it should be at least 15, not sure about the rest without having the old result to compare...
So not much more hope than before I guess... :(
Hey ladies.

Mrs. Vet - Praying for you and DH. :hugs: Just try to stay positive. :flower:


I took a couple an IC this evening, and I attached the pictures on this post. The one is inverted and the other isn't. Do you ladies see anything?

Praying. fxd:)


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  • result (1).jpg
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Hey ladies.

Mrs. Vet - Praying for you and DH. :hugs: Just try to stay positive. :flower:


I took a couple an IC this evening, and I attached the pictures on this post. The one is inverted and the other isn't. Do you ladies see anything?

Praying. fxd:)

They are usually better in person than over the screen that early on but my fingers are so crossed for you. I am soo happy for everyone that is doing better and praying for those that aren't.

AFM- I went back to the endocrinologist for the results. He wasn't pleased. He said before he gives me a diagnosis he will send me to a RE who he feels is more knowledgeable than I am. He said he wasn't going to count the time that I was actively TTC. He was counting back from when I got married. And for him that's two years and he gave me the referral immediately. He wants me to go back to my GYN for a possible increase in my metformin dose. He says at this point he is confident it's not a diet issue. Apparently the sonograms of the uterus were the only good thing. My ovaries had him looking at me pitifully. I was so sad I called DH as soon as I left and nearly broke down. :cry::cry:
I'm out. AF showed up tonight. Ugh. So done with all this. :cry:
I'm out...AF showed this morning. Gohan, we are on exactly the same cycle this month! I think you tend to ovulate earlier than me though but this is my early month so who knows, maybe we'll still be close for the TWW.

Excited~. I'm so sorry you received bad news! I'm a little confused about what they are testing for. ....is it just your overall reproductive health? Just remember that you are strong and try to keep focused on the positive things. Easier said than done I know.

Mrs.Vet~ just focus on the improvements. I'd say any improvement is something to be excited and have more hope about. And it hasn't been that long. I bet things will continue to get better.

You are all in my prayers! None of us are having a great month.
I'm confused too. That didn't help my anxiety at all! I think it's overall. I didn't even go to the doctor in search of fertility help. This kinda just happened.

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