1DPO! TWW Buddies?


I think I ovulated today, if I got pregnant now I might have to name my kid Mario Götze! :happydance: :rofl:

It's 3am here, we've been out all night and are trying to sleep now, it all feels like a dream!!
Congrats on the win. I was rooting for argentina :) glad the madness is over. Us jamaicans take football seriously.
Yay Mario Gotze!!! What a beautiful goal! I was definitely rooting for Deutschland! Congrats Mrs. Vet! Fingers crossed for a little Mario!
So, I think I'm taking this month off of temping, timing, and OPK's. Honestly, I'm going to try to not even know what cd I'm on. Of course that all could change when I hear what the specialist says a week from now. I will still be on here to check on you guys though. I wonder if I should erase my signature that counts my cycle days?? I don't know. Anyway, how is everyone? It's awful quiet on here.

I will definitely give an update after I see the specialist on Monday.
So, I think I'm taking this month off of temping, timing, and OPK's. Honestly, I'm going to try to not even know what cd I'm on. Of course that all could change when I hear what the specialist says a week from now. I will still be on here to check on you guys though. I wonder if I should erase my signature that counts my cycle days?? I don't know. Anyway, how is everyone? It's awful quiet on here.

I will definitely give an update after I see the specialist on Monday.

Hey lilsoy, how have you been?
This is the only thread that I really participate on here anymore. The misinformation on some of the others have me going crazy.

It is quiet but I figured because it was summer that you ladies had plans and wasn't on here as much. I should be ovulating this weekend based on previous patterns. I won't test myself insane again.

We've been looking into international adoption though. I want to do both.
Thanks! :) Germany is still going crazy!
We have gone down south today for our vaccation, we are 15min from a military base now and went crazy with getting American food today! We missed it so much!!:happydance: My temp was still low this morning so i hope it'll go up tomorrow, if it doesn't i'll just assume i didn't ovulate and stop temping again and enjoy our honeymoon.

Maybe we all take a month off of temping and opks and stick it out together? :rofl:
Hi ladies! Sorry for poofing for awhile.

AF just left today, finally! She was a crazy :witch: this time around.

Anyway, DH and I are going to be celebrating our Anniversary in about 13 days. I should be ovulating around that time. :rofl:

We did just get our Liberator Ramp in the mail. It's supposed to make :sex: more pleasurable AND help with getting the :spermy: where they need to go! Going to try to keep it mellow this month and just let it ride, so to speak.

My injections are going well so far, no side-effects, really. :thumbup:

DH surprised me last weekend with some gifts! A Taco Bell gift card(because I'm addicted), an iTunes gift card(cuz who doesn't love good tunes?!), a Spongebob DVD (cuz I'm a big kid inside) and NC cards for Neopets(again, because I'm a big kid inside). So blessed! Also, my Daughtry concert is this weekend! Super stoked!

Overall, not doing too bad over here in WA. :) I miss you all! <3
Seems like a ghost-town in here. :nope:

Anyway, the Daughtry concert was amazing! One of the best nights of my life! :happydance:

The Liberator Ramp is amazing. So cool! :haha:

DH and I celebrate out Anniversary next Monday. It's so crazy! :cloud9:

Is everyone doing alright? It's been 5 days since my last post. :nope:

I had a manicure yesterday. It felt SO good. :3

My brother has moved in with my Uncle to take care of the kids. It's going great so far, I guess. They took the kids to a baseball game today, they had so much fun! The arrangement seems like its going really well, other than the gay jokes and people thinking they are really gay. I'm like, really? :growlmad:

Anyway, that's about it for me. I miss and love you all! :hugs::kiss::flower:
Seems like a ghost-town in here. :nope:

Anyway, the Daughtry concert was amazing! One of the best nights of my life! :happydance:

The Liberator Ramp is amazing. So cool! :haha:

DH and I celebrate out Anniversary next Monday. It's so crazy! :cloud9:

Is everyone doing alright? It's been 5 days since my last post. :nope:

I had a manicure yesterday. It felt SO good. :3

My brother has moved in with my Uncle to take care of the kids. It's going great so far, I guess. They took the kids to a baseball game today, they had so much fun! The arrangement seems like its going really well, other than the gay jokes and people thinking they are really gay. I'm like, really? :growlmad:

Anyway, that's about it for me. I miss and love you all! :hugs::kiss::flower:

I love Daughtry ever since he was on AI.

I'm glad your uncle has help with the kids. Help them transition better :).

Happy Anniversary when it comes if I don't get to post until then.
Glad :AF: has left and you can get back to trying. If this cycle doesn't work out I will wait until next June before I try again. I am changing OBs and we want to move out of NYC. Maybe upstate or Florida

I'm going to go look up the liberator ramp.

:hugs: :flower:
Heading to the specialist. Wish us luck! I will write more later.
Ok so doc is pretty sure I have endometriosis. I'm scheduled for Laparoscopic Surgery on Oct. 9 to remove anything that he might find. I think he will also be checking my tubes and everything as well. In addition, I'm having an Ovarian Reserve and SIS test to check the quality of my eggs and the condition of my uterus. Hubby is going on a motility vitamin (Conception XR) and will have another SA in 2 months.

He said my highest chance of conception are the three months after the surgery so hopefully we can conceive then. They went over IVF prices with us and I just don't think we can afford to ever go that route unfortunately. I'm feeling hopeful but also like this is our last chance and worried if it doesn't work out. What then?...just stop trying and come to terms that it isn't meant to be? I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it. Well anyway, I hope to hear from you gals soon! It's been too quiet on here and I could really use some uplifting words.

I hope everyone is well!
I just wanted to send you some prayers and thoughts. I have heard a lot of some get pregnant after the lap and I pray that happens for you too. IvF is expensive and I looked into it before (for different reasons). I have decided that if biological children aren't in out future DH have agreed to adoption or fostering. I am just as pleased with these options.

A plan of action is good. It can help in feeling helpless. July is almost done and before you know it, it'll be October.

I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.
lilsoy - :hugs: If this makes you feel any better, my grandmother had endometriosis, and had three very healthy pregnancies. So, having endometriosis doesn't count you out for having children. I am always praying for you, dear. :hugs: :kiss: :flower:

After talking with my Doctor last week(forgot to update this) we decided to not move forward with the fertility specialist. Not only is she trash-talking my whole team of doctors, she refuses to believe that I have had 2 miscarriages. She said that my Doctor doesn't know what he's looking for, and those tests are probably fake.

:ignore: ](*,) :grr: :lol:

You have GOT to be kidding me. Just because my Doctor's are naturopaths, does NOT give you the right to trash talk them. They have done more for me than any other doctors. I am so blessed with them. And it pisses me off to NO END that she would say that. You can't "fake document" TWO miscarriages. She's psychotic. I'm so done with her.

So, my Doctor decided that we will treat anything together. He said he wants me to buy some OPK's so I can make sure that I am O'ing.

But anyway, that's where I am at right now. I love you all very much. I miss the way our thread used to thrive. :cry:
lilsoy - :hugs: If this makes you feel any better, my grandmother had endometriosis, and had three very healthy pregnancies. So, having endometriosis doesn't count you out for having children. I am always praying for you, dear. :hugs: :kiss: :flower:

After talking with my Doctor last week(forgot to update this) we decided to not move forward with the fertility specialist. Not only is she trash-talking my whole team of doctors, she refuses to believe that I have had 2 miscarriages. She said that my Doctor doesn't know what he's looking for, and those tests are probably fake.

:ignore: ](*,) :grr: :lol:

You have GOT to be kidding me. Just because my Doctor's are naturopaths, does NOT give you the right to trash talk them. They have done more for me than any other doctors. I am so blessed with them. And it pisses me off to NO END that she would say that. You can't "fake document" TWO miscarriages. She's psychotic. I'm so done with her.

So, my Doctor decided that we will treat anything together. He said he wants me to buy some OPK's so I can make sure that I am O'ing.

But anyway, that's where I am at right now. I love you all very much. I miss the way our thread used to thrive. :cry:

The fact that she would think someone would want to fake two miscarriages is disgusting. I'm sorry that you even had hear that.:cry::cry:

lilsoy- I second what Gohan said. Endo doesn't mean you won't be able to have kids naturally.

AFM: Nothing reallly going on. I go back to school in a month. Enjoying the time off.
Hey girls,

checking in from the last night of our honeymoon! I wish we could stay longer or just forever! lol
We stayed near a lot of military bases so I got to stock up on American food and pregnancy tests! :D And hopefully I gained some weight! Should be 7 dpo but didn't stress about it so far.

Lilsoy I will pray that the lap is going to help! IVF is very expensive, our insurance covers 50 % of it and still we could not afford if we wanted to go for it. We decided that at some point if we are ready and it didn't happen we would probably just try to accept it. But we are not there yet.. and you aren't either!

Gohan that doctor sounds terrible!! Can you see a different one? How dare she accusing you of lying about the MCs? I am shocked!
Hey ladies.

Thank you so much for the support. :hugs:

I'm probably going to try to wait it out as long as possible before trying to find a new specialist. I just cannot deal with that again. It's one thing to insult my Doctor, but its a whole other thing to accuse me of faking two MC's when we HAVE DOCUMENTATION for both. Oh, it makes me so angry.

But, on a good note: DH and I celebrate out 2 year anniversary on Monday of next week. Also, DH said that he wants to officially TTC. Not just time :sex: during "predicted fertile window", he wants to start OPK's, temping and charting! So excited! He said that for the rest of this cycle, he wants to keep it mellow, but next cycle we can start really going for it! :happydance:

I'm just hoping he keeps to his word. He will take back what he said, sometimes.

Oh, and we are going to the ocean the weekend after my birthday. :happydance:

So, overall, we aren't doing too bad over here. I should be O'ing in a few days, I think. I've been O'ing a lot earlier recently, and my cycles are staying right around 30 days. So hopefully I keep being regular like this. :thumbup: Ovia says I'm in my fertile window, so hopefully we have a shot. We've been :sex: everyday for the last 5 days, so we're pretty tired. :haha: But we're doing the best we've done in awhile!

I love you all! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
Hey girls!

We are back home, got a little kitten yesterday that is a handful and it is going to take some time for our dog and him to get used to each other but the little one is adorable, i really hope it'll work out this time :)

I'm 11dpo, BFN so far, I am spotting tonight so i expect AF to show early.. I had no symptoms whatsoever this cycle and i don't care too much so far, life is good right now and will still be good if it isn't our month :)

Gohan that is great, I am happy that you guys are having a good time!
Hey ladies!

That's great, Mrs. Vet! DH and I might get a kitten soon, too! :happydance:

AFM: I think I O'd either yesterday or the day before. Hopefully we caught it. I'm not feeling too hopeful, though. O day was supposed to be either yesterday or the day before, and I definitely had EWCM those two days a a couple days before. So somewhere in there. We only BD'd yesterday, though. So I'm pretty sure we are out already. We BD'd like 3 days in a row (CD10, 11 and 12), but had a huge gap from CD13 until yesterday. So, I'm guessing we missed it. :nope:

But, even so, we have already had a great start to our Anniversary weekend! Tomorrow is the big day! :happydance: :cloud9:

I hope everyone is doing well. I love you all! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
Hey ladies. DH and I had a great anniversary! As of right now, the only things to report would be a lot of creamy cm and dull cramps. Ehh, trying not to symptom spot. I miss and love you all!
Hi Friends! Sorry it's been so long.. I think about you all often.

lilsoy - hang in there love. i hope all your tests go well. i am praying that you will get your bfp soon.

gohan - congrats on the anniversary. it is so fun to look back on your wedding and how perfect the day was. ours is coming up on august 7th. 4 years. so excited!

the last 2 weeks have been a living HELL for me. 2 weeks ago today i was in the hospital getting 14 stitches on my arm. my dog and another dog got into a bit of a scrap. i reached down to try to break them up and the other dog bit my arm. (not intentionally..i think i just got in the way). 3 large wounds. at the hospital they put me on 2 strong antibiotics and 2 days later i was horribly sick from them. my dr switched me to a different one - that i initially thought was not causing any nausea - and the following day the nausea kicked back in again. i could not eat a THING. i lost 10 pounds. i never actually threw up it was just intense nausea. with my anxiety disorder (and if you recall, i just went off my zoloft 2 months ago so we can TTC later this year..) nausea is something that i cannot deal with at ALL. (and still managed to get an infection in my wounds even being on antibiotics. it was HORRIBLE)

i spun back down into the pit of my anxiety disorder and missed 7 days of work. every single morning i woke up with an intense beating heart and anxiety. i could not be away from my hubby for longer than a few hours without going into a panic. it was just the worst. hubby kept saying "this is practice for being pregnant. just think of it like that. it's going to be so soon that we TTC.." and that sent me over the edge. it left me feeling like how could i possibly endure this for 9 months (some women do for their entire pregnancy) and how could i possibly take care of a baby when i can't even take care of myself. finally over the weekend i got the antibiotics out of my system and i am over this ordeal. i just got my stitches out yesterday (which is a relief because we are off to Mexico in 18 days!!) and i am feeling WAY better. i am not stressed any more about getting pregnant and dealing with nausea which is a relief. it was just a horrible experience.

still waiting for hubby to say he is ready for TTC. a few weekends ago we went to a neighbours house warming party. we were chatting with them and their friends and my hubby kept saying 'yeah we will start trying to have kids really soon.' 'oh yeah parenthood isnt very far off for us' etc. it was so sweet to hear him talking about it. just the other night we were chatting and he mentioned that it's going to be really soon that he says he is ready. the whole miscarriage really took a toll on him and i respect his decision in wanting to wait a bit. our fence is about half done and it is a huge financial burden on us (almost $2000) and he has mentioned several times that he wants to be done with the yard stuff before we TTC. i think once we get back from Mexico we will talk about it. with his work he travels a lot (as you know, he was in Africa in February when I started having my MC) and he was talking about how he will potentially be going back to Africa in February again. i told him no way was i okay with him going if i was in my first trimester again.. too stressful. so i think we will TTC in the fall so I can hopefully be pregnant and out of my first trimester before end of February. i know that's a lot of planning.. and i know its also out of my control. but just sharing all my hopes and dreams with you!!

thanks for listening to my long update.. i also miss when our thread used to thrive.. but i think it will get there again!!

miss and love you all!!

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