1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hi ladies. I was finally able to get some tests. I found a dollar store and got 8. :thumbup:

I took an IC this morning, but still that elusive line. I'm gonna wait (or attempt to) until Tuesday to use the dollar store tests. I only have a few of my ICs left. But anyway, my MIL and I got into a bit of an argument. I got nervous and had to take my Ativan. I felt so bad about it. I hope it won't hurt the baby if I am pregnant.

If my cycle was right this time, I would have O'd on CD19. Which DH and I BD'd on CD18, so we hit it, I think. So even so, I would only be about 7DPO, which is way too early to tell. That's why I'm gonna try to wait until Tuesday to retest. I did have a bit of spotting today, and I have some more EWCM, but not as much. But that's about where I'm at. A bit emotional today. But I'll make it through. DH is working an 8 hour shift today. I'm so lonely :cry: but that's my spool for today.

So glad to see you back, Excited! I'm anxiously waiting for an update! :hugs:

I got in argument with my father and ended up crying myself to sleep. He can be a bit unfair. I felt so overwhelmed. :hugs::hugs: Hope the pill won't hurt the baby.

I bought 50 IC for 8$ on Amazon last cycle. So I have plenty more.
I also both 50 OPK and they were amazing. It was great to see them coincide with temping.

We were able to hit -3 and -1 in my fertile week so heres to hoping. I won't test until the 6th.
Okay, so I did another IC (I know, I'm bad) and I got this. These pictures are the same test. Please tell me what you think! :hugs:


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Hi girls, I would love some support I'm ttc our first baby and I've just finished ovulating. This is our 3rd month of trying, and I've been stalking these forums but finally decided to register because you all seem to be such great support for each other. I love reading when people who have been trying for a while finally get their bfp!
Hi girls, I would love some support I'm ttc our first baby and I've just finished ovulating. This is our 3rd month of trying, and I've been stalking these forums but finally decided to register because you all seem to be such great support for each other. I love reading when people who have been trying for a while finally get their bfp!

Hi, Trappy! Of course you can join us! Our little group consists of myself, lilsoybean, Excited2See, Mrs. Vet, wannabemamaz, and wishingforbub(who is currently on hiatus because she got her BFP and all that). We are pretty close gals here! But, welcome! :hugs:
Thanks! Thank god for the internet because there's nobody I can really talk to about the whole ttc thing, when I don't know anyone else that is trying. How long have you been ttc for?
We've been TTC for 18 months now. Again, welcome!

AFM...my boobs feel super hard. DH even noticed the change. WTF? Anyway, that's it for me. :hugs:
@trappy are you temping? Using opks? Welcome. I found that using pols and temping was a great way to confirm my fertile week.
I caved today. I used just one of my U-Check tests. So, I did that one and one of the Clinical Guard ones, too. I've attached the link to my CDTP picture. Please vote and post here too! I think this might be the start of my BFP! :happydance:

I caved today. I used just one of my U-Check tests. So, I did that one and one of the Clinical Guard ones, too. I've attached the link to my CDTP picture. Please vote and post here too! I think this might be the start of my BFP! :happydance:


I'm wondering if I am seeing a line eye but when I invert the image I don't see it. :hugs:

Give it two days and try again hun.

This is my :BFN: at 10dpo.


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I'm out with a 10day luteal. I'm wondering if I shouldn't have tried the soy isoflavones. I want to try it this cycle again though from CD 5-10. However if it shortens my literal anymore I won't. Just not sure.

I pray for patience during this period of my life.
Hey friends.

Elena - my Dr told me that I could use my ativan periodically during pregnancy.. so I wouldn't worry about that! I really hope this is your BFP! Let us know once you test again.

Welcome - Trappy! We are glad to have you here! How long have you been TTC? Give us an introduction of yourself! We have a great little group here. Several of us have gone through losses so we are a great group to be a part of because we have a ton of knowledge! Hubby and I got pregnant in February (after 3 months of trying) and we lost our bean right around 7 weeks. It was horrible and confusing but we are stronger from it.. and our now in our first month of TTC again after a 5 month break! We have been married for 4 years (on Thursday!). We are heading to Mexico on the 16th and I plan on testing that morning.. eeeeek!

hang in there excited. i hope you get your BFP soon!! :flower:

AFM.. Hubby and I BD'd on Friday (he went away for the weekend) and then again last night. I'm CD13 today.. so I am definitely close to O and in my fertile window! We will probably do it every day this week!! :happydance::happydance: I woke up in the night with a ton of pressure/pulling/cramping on my left side. I felt a bit gassy and uncomfortable and then I guess I fell back asleep. Any idea of this is the start of O? It confused me..
Liz - well, that's good. I feel a bit better now about the Ativan. :blush:

AFM, I tested again this morning with a U-Check. You'd think by 9DPO my line would be darker. It seems to still be this uber faint line. Which terrifies me for a chemical.

I had dreams all last night about testing numerous times and getting BFP's on every single one. I hope that's a good sign.

I had diarrhea all evening yesterday, and I've woken up with terrible gas today. I know this is strange, but I just know I'm pregnant. I have that feeling. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm almost certain I am. I just feel different. My nipples are becoming larger and a bit darker. I have tons of veins on my breasts, too. Praying that this is my BFP. The one that will stick, and be my beautiful baby here on earth...
post more pics! i want to stalk those tests. i really do hope this is it for you and that this is your miracle rainbow baby. keep us posted. tons of rest.. tons of water.. :flower::happydance::hugs:
The pictures are all the same test, just different tweaks. One is obviously inverted, one has a blue hue, and the other is untweaked..


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i am horrible at looking at tests! really actually bad at it!! keep posting them.. i want to keep stalking!!

This is the original test on CDTP. You can see the variations of tweaks yourself there.
I've gotta stop POASing every time I pee. It's not helping me any. :nope:

The only noticeable symptoms(to recap) are:

Tons of EWCM for the first 5 DPO
Dull cramps on and off since 3DPO
Crazy gas
Hard, heavy and tender breasts
Darkening nipples
Insane veins on my chest/boobs
Food aversion
Insane acne

That's all I got, really. But if you get down to it, symptoms number 1, 2, 4, & 5 are things I've never had before. Ever. And I've been pregnant two times. But I lost those two...so maybe the symptoms I am having are a good sign of a healthy pregnancy?

Blehh, I'm digging way too deeply into this. I really need to stop. :nope:

I know if I'm not pregnant I will be absolutely devastated. My body has never felt this way before. I'm so certain...but if I'm not...I'll be crushed. :cry:

I go to see my Doc tomorrow, if I ask, he will do a blood HCG test. Which I should get back that day, or the next day. I'm 9DPO right now, AF should be here in 3 days. I have no signs of AF coming. I just have to stay positive and trust that I know my body well enough to conclude I am pregnant.

Anyway, I guess that's it for me. Sorry for the insanely long post.
Hey girls,

sorry for beimg MIA! Writing my final in september, if I fail I will get kicked out of law school (you only get two attempts with this one), i am trying to study but the problem is I am not even sure if I want to finish law school..
Then our kitten is a handful, he is 5 months old and keeps bullying our dog. We are working on it and hope we can get it under control so he can stay with us.

With all that we went to NTNP for now, not sure when we will start actively trying again.

Gohan I am stalking now, praying this is it for you!

Wanna good to see you back!

Welcome Trappy!
Oh Elena. That's so tough. I hope you get a definite answer soon. What time do you see your doc? Keep us updated.. :hugs:

good to hear from you, mrs vet! i hope all your studying goes well. when do you plan on taking your test? i can't even imagine how grueling that must be.. hang in there!!

what's new with you, trappy?

today I am CD14. I had pinching in my left boob all day yesterday.. CM was mostly watery until evening i had a big clump of almost EWCM.. it wasn't perfectly EW like i've had before. We BD'd last night so I'm hoping we caught that egg! We BD'd a few hours before I had my O pains.. then last night within 24 hours of the pains. I don't want to classify myself as 1DPO yet.. I will wait a few more days and see if I get EWCM. i'm pretty confused that i had those pains so early on CD13. that seems really early to me but what do I know! We will probably not BD tonight.. and BD tomorrow. not sure.. I have not slept well the last 2 nights. I don't think its related to anything.. but it sure is irritating!!

hope you all have a great day today.. i'll let you know (of course) of i get any weird symptoms. :flower:
Hey girls,

sorry for beimg MIA! Writing my final in september, if I fail I will get kicked out of law school (you only get two attempts with this one), i am trying to study but the problem is I am not even sure if I want to finish law school..
Then our kitten is a handful, he is 5 months old and keeps bullying our dog. We are working on it and hope we can get it under control so he can stay with us.

With all that we went to NTNP for now, not sure when we will start actively trying again.

Gohan I am stalking now, praying this is it for you!

Wanna good to see you back!

Welcome Trappy!

I am actually about to do my application to go to law school in Jamaica next fall. This will not put TTC off though. All that family and support means that we will be traveling with a baby. TTC could take an healthy couple at least a year and I don't want to live as if I am pregnant before I am.

Go with your heart on this one. I took a ton of time off before I decided. You can always finish and not use it. Later on you may regret not having done it.
I pray this for you "Please, Lord, now send the message by whomever You will."
Oh Elena. That's so tough. I hope you get a definite answer soon. What time do you see your doc? Keep us updated.. :hugs:

good to hear from you, mrs vet! i hope all your studying goes well. when do you plan on taking your test? i can't even imagine how grueling that must be.. hang in there!!

what's new with you, trappy?

today I am CD14. I had pinching in my left boob all day yesterday.. CM was mostly watery until evening i had a big clump of almost EWCM.. it wasn't perfectly EW like i've had before. We BD'd last night so I'm hoping we caught that egg! We BD'd a few hours before I had my O pains.. then last night within 24 hours of the pains. I don't want to classify myself as 1DPO yet.. I will wait a few more days and see if I get EWCM. i'm pretty confused that i had those pains so early on CD13. that seems really early to me but what do I know! We will probably not BD tonight.. and BD tomorrow. not sure.. I have not slept well the last 2 nights. I don't think its related to anything.. but it sure is irritating!!

hope you all have a great day today.. i'll let you know (of course) of i get any weird symptoms. :flower:
I am finding it easier to distinguish ovulation pain now through temping and OPKs. Before I thought I was having stomachaches.
I've gotta stop POASing every time I pee. It's not helping me any. :nope:

The only noticeable symptoms(to recap) are:

Tons of EWCM for the first 5 DPO
Dull cramps on and off since 3DPO
Crazy gas
Hard, heavy and tender breasts
Darkening nipples
Insane veins on my chest/boobs
Food aversion
Insane acne

That's all I got, really. But if you get down to it, symptoms number 1, 2, 4, & 5 are things I've never had before. Ever. And I've been pregnant two times. But I lost those two...so maybe the symptoms I am having are a good sign of a healthy pregnancy?

Blehh, I'm digging way too deeply into this. I really need to stop. :nope:

I know if I'm not pregnant I will be absolutely devastated. My body has never felt this way before. I'm so certain...but if I'm not...I'll be crushed. :cry:

I go to see my Doc tomorrow, if I ask, he will do a blood HCG test. Which I should get back that day, or the next day. I'm 9DPO right now, AF should be here in 3 days. I have no signs of AF coming. I just have to stay positive and trust that I know my body well enough to conclude I am pregnant.

Anyway, I guess that's it for me. Sorry for the insanely long post.
I am praying for this to be your cycle!

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