1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hey ladies. My Doc is out of the office for the whole week for a missions trip to Canada, so I wasn't able to get the HCG done. :nope: I have to wait until Monday now. AF should be here on Friday, but no signs as of yet. Hoping she stays away! I've only got 10 HPTs left. Hopefully DH will let me buy some on Payday. Love you all. :hugs:
Hey ladies. I took this test a couple minutes ago. It's been tweaked in different ways. 10DPO. Each post will have a different tweak, there will be 3 pics total.


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Second pic.


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Last pic.

Sorry about all the posts...the office is way too hot to be in, so I'm using my iPhone. Anyway, let me know what you all think! :hugs:


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stupid canada!!:dohh: :winkwink:

i definitely think i can see a line on those tests.. i definitely think it's time for a FRER.. it would have to be picked up on there by now!!

i really do think that i ovulated on Tuesday. My CM is back to watery. so we DTD on Friday, Monday and Tuesday. I hope we did it! Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary so you can bet we will be BDing tonight as well! :happydance: I have a really strong feeling about this cycle. I still plan on testing next Saturday morning.. the 16th. That should be 4-7 days before AF should arrive. Not exactly positive when I will get it since it's only my first month off BC. typically last year when I went off my cycles were around 30 days not 28.. do you ladies think a BFP would show up on a FRER that early??

not a ton of symptoms yet.. I hope this TWW goes fast!! going to mexico should help me to keep my mind busy!!
Hey ladies. I'm 11DPO today. AF should be here tomorrow, if I'm not PG.

The creamy CM is getting ridiculous. I've never had so much. Every time I use the bathroom my panties are covered. I've had to start wearing a thin pad to catch it all. :dohh: Hopefully that's a good sign.

I've got 9 HPT's left, as I used one this morning. Still inconclusive, but I'm still trying to keep my hope. I'm still having sudden waves of dull cramps. My boobs have been itching like CRAZY! Also, I'm getting pimples on my chest, abdomen, face, and neck. It's so frustrating and SO NOT sexy. :dohh: The gas is still crazy, and I am becoming much more fatigued. My appetite is nearly non-existent, and my gag reflex seems to be in hyperdrive. I'm having indigestion all the time, as well. I feel like I'm going crazy.

And my emotions have been crazy. Ugh.

Anyway, stay tuned. A lot of ladies don't get their BFP until a week or more late for AF. I'm trying to keep my body going by eating applesauce, which doesn't upset my stomach. So anyway, that's about it for me. I'll keep you all posted. :hugs:
Hello my peeps!

I haven't been able to go through and catch up yet so I'm going to do that in a few minutes. I just wanted to check in and say "hello". I have no idea where I am at in my cycle and it's so lovely! I've been having dull cramps so I'm pretty sure AF is gearing up...which is fine. The only bad thing about AF coming (besides the obvious) is that I have to get all those tests done and I don't want to...the saline test freaks me out and someone told me it's like a pap smear times 3...that sounds awful!! I hate paps! Oh well, I guess I just have to suck it up. School has started back again and the students I have right now are amazing!! Too bad it's only a fraction of them (about 180 out of 660 students). I'm sure there are bound to be some pretty big stinkers I have yet to come in contact with. I'm an art teacher by the way. I'm not sure if we've ever discussed occupations. So between starting school and coaching XC, I've been super busy. I hope all is well. I will go through and read up on how everyone is doing!

Oh, and I know I messaged you earlier Liz, but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! So glad we are all here to help each other through this journey!
Hey ladies.

Liz - I hope you did O! I don't know if it would be too early, I guess it depends on your own body type and how your body produces HCG! Keep us updated! Also...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:

lilsoy - I hope AF stays away! Those tests don't sound like any fun at all. :nope: I hope this is the cycle you get your BFP! Praying! :hugs:

AFM...I had terrible constipation earlier, then it suddenly turned into diarrhea. :nope: I saw a picture for a PB&J and I suddenly needed one. Went into the kitchen and made one up! No regrets! :haha:

Other than that, nothing new, really. :hugs:
Okay ladies...I know I'm bombarding you all with pee sticks. But I just can't freaking stop.

So the group pics are tests starting from the day I began testing (5DPO) through today. (some tests are missing, due to them being scattered all over the house... :dohh: )

They are obviously tweaked. The invert one is obvious, and the other one is called noir.

The single test is the one I just took about 25 minutes ago. It's tweak is called mono, I believe.

Anyway, go ahead and check them out. Love you all. :hugs:


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Hey ladies. Just an update of current symptoms.

Crazy gas
Dull cramps
Pimply type things on inner thighs, tummy, and behind
Crazy acne
Loss of balance/vertigo-like
Tons of Creamy CM
Hard, itchy, tender breasts
Seemingly darkening nipples
Hypersensitive gag reflex
Decreased appetite(except at night...always hungry!)

Just wanted to update. AF is officially late. Praying she stays away! Love you all! :hugs:
welcome back lil!! we've missed you over here!! i can't believe you are back at school already! in canada we don't start until the first week of september. which grades do you teach? that's so fun! i hope your tests go well.. that sounds a bit uncomfortable! i think it's great that you are just relaxing about your cycle. i've heard SO many stories about women getting their BFP's that way!! ASM.. i work as a real estate assistant. it's a fun and interesting job!!

elena - i really hope this is your BFP! i'm dying to see a FRER! i hope you get some real answers soon!!!!! your symptoms all sound super promising! eeeeeek!!

i'm officially confused this morning! i had a big glob of EWCM. what the heck?? the pains i had early tuesday morning were ABSOLUTELY O pains. there is no denying it. so how would i have EWCM today? it was the most i have had yet. i had a bit the other day.. then my CM went back to watery. i thought i was at least 2-3dpo by now..but now i'm wondering if today is O day? it's so confusing honestly.. we DTD last night.. so we should be fine. but i just don't get it. blech!

i've been in agony (more mental than physical) because i have a popcorn husk stuck in the back of my throat.. it's been there for 9 days now. its really getting on my nerves and now today i feel like my throat is quite inflamed.. i guess i need to go see my dr after work and get someone to take a look. i'm so tired of going to the dr for stuff. if its not ONE thing.. its another. ugh.

that's all for now... talk to you later lovelies!!
just had another HUGE clump of EWCM. So I guess I will classify today as O Day. When I thought I O'd on Tuesday I could justify using a FRER next Saturday before we go to the airport because I would be 11DPO.. But now I will only be 8DPO so I don't think I will test that day afterall. I don't have any confidence that a FRER would show a positive that early.. So.. Not sure what to do. What do you ladies think?
wanna - I'm not sure. I think I would wait too, because 8DPO is pretty early. (even though I've been POASing since 5DPO! -slaps my wrist-) Oh gosh, I hate popcorn husks. They are so annoying!

AFM - no signs of AF yet. I keep waking up every morning with gas, which has never happened before, and it continues all throughout the day. So gross. :dohh:

I did use an IC again today, but nothing really new. We got paid today, so I'm hoping DH will let me buy some FRERs. I'm still praying and keeping hope! I love you all! :hugs:
Hey Wanna! I would wait. I don't know how you feel but I always error on the side of waiting in lieu of testing earlier. I'm so afraid of getting a chemcial or something if I test too early so I usually wait till at least CD11...but that's me. You just need to figure out what you are comfortable with. I honestly don't know if I would want to know much earlier...I just feel like with my next pregnancy (fingers crossed), I will be so nervous the whole time so the later I know, the less time I have to be seriously stressed.

As for work, I used to teach K-5 but now I'm at an Intermediate Academy which is only grades 5 and 6. It's soooo much better (for me anyway). I love that weird age and getting to see kids change into the people they will become. Our school is located within the middle school so I can follow them all the way up until 8th grade. We are on a blended calendar so every 9 wks, we get 2 wks vacation. We get 6-7 wks. in the summer. I super love fall break but miss the long summers. Too bad this fall break I'm having that surgery so nothing fun..blah. Oh well, it will be worth it. I'm hoping to make a trip to Chicago to see Ryan Adams but I'm not sure if I will be up for it....fingers crossed!!

So Elena, I don't really see anything on the tests...I'm sorry. Maybe it's just that I'm bad at reading them. Your symtoms sound really good though and I hope that you will get your BFP. I feel like you had a positive really late last time too so maybe that is just how your body works.

Oh, so I just wanted to mention that my best friend (who was due 2 weeks ahead of me) asked me and my husband to be the Godparents of their little girl. Of course I was flattered and accepted but it's still just kind of weird thinking that we should have a kid that is basicallly the same age....on one hand, it's an honor, but on the other hand, it's like some weird consolation prize. I know that probably sounds mean but I'm sure you get me. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. I really do miss you guys!!
Hey ladies. AF is almost 2days late now. Not a single sign of her arrival, either. DH is lettting me get some FRERs! We are going to go to Target tomorrow and get a 3 pack. I won't use one until Sunday morning though. DH made me promise that these would only be used with FMU. So for tomorrow, I'll have to use IC dip strips or the U-Check dip strips. I only tested once today, as I am trying to relax about everything. The creamy CM is persisting, so that's a good sign! Anyway, that's about it for me. I'll post an update tomorrow. I love you all! :hugs:
Hi ladies
How are you all? Sorry I've been so quiet. I do read up on here but don't get a chance to post. I hope you're all doing well and those bfps are just round the corner! !! :) I will keep checking in to make sure you all get it!

Gohan I'm so confused lol... in your last three pics I see so many lines but not sure where the test line is meant to be. I so hope this is it for you! Your symptoms sound great plus you're late for af. Can't wait to hear your update tomorrow! ! Do you have more ICs to post ??
Lilsoy that's lovely being asked to be godparents. What an honour ♥
Wanna I hope you get that thing out your throat. Must br so annoying! Best to get it checked. All that ewcm definitely sounds like O!! Have you been on your trip yet?
Mrs vet and excited how are you???

I'm still having my pelvic issues so a bit uncomfortable but getting very excited for the due date :) will be 33 weeks on monday. I'm sending you all love and lots of baby dust xxx
Thanks for the input ladies. I'll
Hold off testing next weekend and see how long I can wait!!

Lil - your job sounds so great!! I love that age! I think it's happy that your friend made you and your hubby godparents. I don't think she would ever think it would make you feel like a consolation prize.. But I can absolutely see how difficult that must be.. I hope you get your sticky BFP soon!!

Elena - I hope that witch keeps staying away! I'm anxious to see more test results

Wishing - I can't believe you are so close to your due date!!! It feels like just yesterday you got your BFP!!! I hope your pelvic issues resolve themselves soon so you can have a comfortable 7 weeks!

I did go to the dr yesterday. She thinks I have thrush in my throat from all the antibiotics I took for the dog bite. She couldn't see anything in there but said the symptoms are dead on.. So she told me to buy diflucan. It's just one pill that should clear anything up. It was $25 so it was a bit annoying to purchase something that she wasn't 100% positive about. I asked the pharmacist if it was safe since I am trying to get pregnant. Since he said I just ovulated there is no harm.. But if I am pregnant this month I wouldn't be allowed to take it again within the first trimester. It made me a tiny bit nervous to take it (even though he said it was fine) but I was so desperate to get some relief. I think the popcorn feeling is gone today.. But do I ever feel sick. Stuffy nose, sore throat, headache. I need to get this out of my system.. I have 1 week to do it!!! I'm having lots of pulling/pinching/aching today at 1dpo. Hubby and I DTD again last night so I think our chances are good!!

That's all for me. A quiet day today and then a busy day tomorrow with a wedding.. What are you ladies up to today?
wishing - so glad to hear from you! You are getting so close to having your little girl! I hope all is well with you! :hugs: But as far as the tests go, there are two different brands of dip-strips. That might be why you see lines at different places. :shrug:

Liz - I'm sorry about being sick. :nope: I hope you get to feeling better and you can enjoy Mexico!

AFM - I'm having dreams every single night about getting my BFP. I even had a dream I got my BFP and ran to the computer to post the pic for you ladies. :haha: I don't know if that means something. :shrug: Still having creamy CM, AF is still not here. I am rarely ever late for AF, so maybe this is my time. [-o< Although, you'd think my lines would be getting darker by now. Maybe the dip strips I have aren't cooperating. I'm hoping the FRER's will shed some light on the situation. :thumbup: I'm going to be calling my Doc in a bit to schedule DH and I both appointments. He's not been doing well, and I just want to know if I am pregnant or not. I just want to know. Is that too much to ask? ](*,)

Anyhoo, that's about it for me. I love you all. :hugs:

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