2/3/4dpo and going crazy already?!?!

aww man thats a bummer. what days did you take it last cycle?

if im not mistaken i think 2 mg is 200 mcg which would mean there is like no b6 in this vitamin LOL we are going to the mall tonight so i might stop at the supplements store and see what they have. they have so much information online about everything that is so hard to know whats what and if its going to help or hurt your chances that its driving me crazy.

i took my temp out of habit this morning but DH and i decided not to temp this cycle but its like a habit now so hopefully ill just forget about it tomorrow.

yeah im going to keep taking temp but NOT ss lol (well try)

ive just bought a new B6 which is 10mg compared with the vit b complex 1.4mg (i bought both so i can research that take whichever one i decide lol) also bought new soy ready to go. i took it cd3-7 (120 200 200 200 200) so might just do cd 3-7 200mg each day?! im just ordering new opks as i type this lol

i just got my vitamins from the supermarket, really cheap actually!

just remembered i went for tests june 2012 and completely forgot about these until this morning, so rang the doctors and got the results again

LH 18

the FSH level means i have excellent egg reserve but LH is too high, so now i'm thinking is vitex better than soy to balance these out?! or do i carry on soy and try metformin or natural form of it?
oh thats awesome for your egg reserve but i have no clue about the LH. ive been trying to do some research on all the things youve listed but i really have no experience with them so i cant give my opinion.

what does the doc think about what to take? im not a big medicine taker myself but i would almost prefer whatever the doctor says to take.
oh thats awesome for your egg reserve but i have no clue about the LH. ive been trying to do some research on all the things youve listed but i really have no experience with them so i cant give my opinion.

what does the doc think about what to take? im not a big medicine taker myself but i would almost prefer whatever the doctor says to take.

well the different levels are meant to be 1:1 so then the doc advised i go for a scan and found i have polycystic ovaries. raised LH is linked to insulin resistance so im going to take zinc and magnesium this cycle aswell (going to buy tomorrow).

she said all my other levels were normal just LH was a bit high, so she wasnt too worried! but obvs now i am!
we have also decided to dtd every other day instead of everyday in the fertile window in the hope this helps!
we have also decided to dtd every other day instead of everyday in the fertile window in the hope this helps!

I was also thinking about this...i said to dh every other day and he was so disappointed but I dont know im thinking it could help but youd have to have very good timing. I probably wont be able to get him to do it every other day this cycle especially since we.ll be on vacation but maybe next cycle.

Just be careful with all the supplements make sure its not too much either. Tho with how easy it is to research it it would probably be hard to take too much.

Just got my ic hpts in the mail today..super excited to get to use them its such a long way away tho. My cbfm test sticks should come in tomorrows mail. Hopefully we conceive this cycle and I dont need them but I was just thinking if we do conceive this cycle how cool it will be to be able to say you were conceived in las vegas lol
we have also decided to dtd every other day instead of everyday in the fertile window in the hope this helps!

I was also thinking about this...i said to dh every other day and he was so disappointed but I dont know im thinking it could help but youd have to have very good timing. I probably wont be able to get him to do it every other day this cycle especially since we.ll be on vacation but maybe next cycle.

Just be careful with all the supplements make sure its not too much either. Tho with how easy it is to research it it would probably be hard to take too much.

Just got my ic hpts in the mail today..super excited to get to use them its such a long way away tho. My cbfm test sticks should come in tomorrows mail. Hopefully we conceive this cycle and I dont need them but I was just thinking if we do conceive this cycle how cool it will be to be able to say you were conceived in las vegas lol

lol i know what you mean i said to dp that we can do it every day until fertile window and then every other day. he was quite disappointed lol but i said tough. i said this might make us have a baby. i think after this month we've tried everything and then we'll take a break next month, ill still chart and opk but nothing else!

yeah i'm only taking the RDA of each amount, so i was worried about that aswell! mine ic opk are coming today too :) that would be very cool if you could say that! good luck, im keeping my fingers crossed for you, quite often a break is when you get pregnant!!!

its a good job i'm not pregnant this month lol i'm having my tonsils out on 20th march under general anaesthetic!! (maybe god knew and stopped me getting pregnant lol)
oh man too bad your not on BCP right now...LOL you have no idea how many times i have heard the story that the girl goes in for dental work, etc and get put on antibiotics and gets PG even though she was on the pill. they should put that in the book of urban legends LOL so hopefully they give you some anti biotics and your body says to itself HEY, time to make a baby.

its soooo hilarious...i was just thinking about all the people i know who have had "accidents" one of my husbands best friends, his wife has had 4 "accidents" like really.....are you kidding me...you didnt have to "try" for a single one?

its a good job i'm not pregnant this month lol i'm having my tonsils out on 20th march under general anaesthetic!! (maybe god knew and stopped me getting pregnant lol)

Agreed....DH keeps telling me it will happen when we're ready and everything happens for a reason and all those good sayings...and at the end of the day i must agree. im glad your getting this done without worrying.
oh man too bad your not on BCP right now...LOL you have no idea how many times i have heard the story that the girl goes in for dental work, etc and get put on antibiotics and gets PG even though she was on the pill. they should put that in the book of urban legends LOL so hopefully they give you some anti biotics and your body says to itself HEY, time to make a baby.

its soooo hilarious...i was just thinking about all the people i know who have had "accidents" one of my husbands best friends, his wife has had 4 "accidents" like really.....are you kidding me...you didnt have to "try" for a single one?

its a good job i'm not pregnant this month lol i'm having my tonsils out on 20th march under general anaesthetic!! (maybe god knew and stopped me getting pregnant lol)

Agreed....DH keeps telling me it will happen when we're ready and everything happens for a reason and all those good sayings...and at the end of the day i must agree. im glad your getting this done without worrying.

its only just been arranged but instead of waiting 9 months i can have it now and then start trying again :) yeah dp keeps saying itll happen when it happens etc but im fed up of waiting!!

and as for the 'accidents' i dislike those people (only because of jealousy though!) lol maybe i should go back on pill and maybe then ill get pregnant, talk about opposites lol!!

how are you anyway? hows the "not trying this month" going?
yeah get those tonsils out of the way. one less thing to worry about . the quicker you can get back to it the better.

the "not trying" is not going well. so far ive temped everyday including today and i have that box of cb advanced digis just staring at me now. tomorrow is CD 6 so if i want to do them i have to start tomorrow. i dont know who i was trying to kid LOL i really enjoy the opks its like fun for me but i know itll be hard to do it in the middle of the day on vacation but im still holding onto hope for using the cb adv digi since that is FMU. my temping is going to be all off tho so i probably wont bother while on vacation with that but i suppose while im at home i should just stay in the habit.
yeah get those tonsils out of the way. one less thing to worry about . the quicker you can get back to it the better.

the "not trying" is not going well. so far ive temped everyday including today and i have that box of cb advanced digis just staring at me now. tomorrow is CD 6 so if i want to do them i have to start tomorrow. i dont know who i was trying to kid LOL i really enjoy the opks its like fun for me but i know itll be hard to do it in the middle of the day on vacation but im still holding onto hope for using the cb adv digi since that is FMU. my temping is going to be all off tho so i probably wont bother while on vacation with that but i suppose while im at home i should just stay in the habit.

lol im still trying this month as the op is around ovulation so its okay! lol i know youd still temp, its in your system when you carry on when you start. its hard to start but also hard to forget to do it!! i love doing opks hahahah i know what you mean! as long as you know when you ovulate i think temping is fine, its good to know your LP is staying constant. did you buy any vitamins/supplements when you went to the mall?
very true, when i first started to temp i was probably remembering every other day and now its so much of a habit.

no i forgot all about them but i was doing some research on selenium and how it effects the thyroid so when i go back to get the b complex i may pick up some selenium too. ive been trying to eat more food with it in it but that is too hard. LOL
very true, when i first started to temp i was probably remembering every other day and now its so much of a habit.

no i forgot all about them but i was doing some research on selenium and how it effects the thyroid so when i go back to get the b complex i may pick up some selenium too. ive been trying to eat more food with it in it but that is too hard. LOL

oh no lol yeah good idea, i looked at that too, but decided i was taking too much. today (including 5 soy) i am taking 11 tablets lol (vitamins and supplements) i also looked at baby aspirin but i saw conflicting views so decided against it! im hoping the zinc and magnesium will sort my high LH level out :happydance: going to go 3rd april (ish) for repeat bloods for my hormone level tests again and see if they are any different!

you all ready for your vacation?
yeah i considered baby aspirin as well for last cycle but i called the hemotologist because i have that iron problem and the nurse said no ...so that was out before i could even think about it. the multi vitamin i am taking now has 70 mcg of selenium in it now and the RDA for thyroid issues is 200 mcg so i suppose anything should help really. ive gotta do more reading on zinc for thyroid though ive read a couple articles that says it is good because it supports the immune system but i couldnt find anything real solid to say yes take that for thyroid so when i get off work ill look some more.

you all ready for your vacation?

not exactly. trying to get the fridge cleared out at the moment so ill be making some nice dinners within the next couple days. got to get my shorts out the weather is supposed to be beautiful while we are there but ive got the shorts packed away. ive got to get the luggage down from the attic, should probably do that today at some point.

mentally i am totally ready to go. this is a long awaited vacation. i havent been on a plane in more than 3 years which is so weird because before i went back to work we were flying twice a year but since i was so worried about getting and keeping good health insurance we were limited to more local trips and long weekends instead of actual vacations
yeah i considered baby aspirin as well for last cycle but i called the hemotologist because i have that iron problem and the nurse said no ...so that was out before i could even think about it. the multi vitamin i am taking now has 70 mcg of selenium in it now and the RDA for thyroid issues is 200 mcg so i suppose anything should help really. ive gotta do more reading on zinc for thyroid though ive read a couple articles that says it is good because it supports the immune system but i couldnt find anything real solid to say yes take that for thyroid so when i get off work ill look some more.

you all ready for your vacation?

not exactly. trying to get the fridge cleared out at the moment so ill be making some nice dinners within the next couple days. got to get my shorts out the weather is supposed to be beautiful while we are there but ive got the shorts packed away. ive got to get the luggage down from the attic, should probably do that today at some point.

mentally i am totally ready to go. this is a long awaited vacation. i havent been on a plane in more than 3 years which is so weird because before i went back to work we were flying twice a year but since i was so worried about getting and keeping good health insurance we were limited to more local trips and long weekends instead of actual vacations

im very jealous lol wish i was going on holiday!!

i've read that baby apsirin can also prevent implantation so thought id give that a miss. everything else i read good things about, im just not sure what amount to take. whether just the RDA is fine or if i should increase it, still deciding i think ill make a final decision tonight before i take anything!

just noticed your siggy, are your cycles always 23 days?
oh wow im glad i didnt take the baby aspirin then.

my cycle are so weird. in the last year since ive been off BCP i have been anywhere from 21-29 day, in the last couple months i have been 23-26 so i am thinking this might be the new normal. i have o'd as early as cd 6 which normal people would think is awesome and that i get more chances but i really am starting to think that my thyroid has me all messed up. this getting my period every 3 weeks BS is...well....BS.

i can never get that ticker thing to be right so i just guessed at what i think it might be but i could be totally wrong. ill have to change it again after i O to match up with what actually happened. tho this month ill probably have to guess too
oh wow im glad i didnt take the baby aspirin then.

my cycle are so weird. in the last year since ive been off BCP i have been anywhere from 21-29 day, in the last couple months i have been 23-26 so i am thinking this might be the new normal. i have o'd as early as cd 6 which normal people would think is awesome and that i get more chances but i really am starting to think that my thyroid has me all messed up. this getting my period every 3 weeks BS is...well....BS.

i can never get that ticker thing to be right so i just guessed at what i think it might be but i could be totally wrong. ill have to change it again after i O to match up with what actually happened. tho this month ill probably have to guess too

which BCP were you on? i was on cerazette and AF returned straight away but i did have a few months of unusual cycles 1 24 day cycle and one as long as 32 days, it took about a year for everything to get regular to 28 days again!! whats wrong with your thyroid?

lol yeah i gave up getting a ticker cos its always 28 days just LP has been different this month with vit b im taking so god knows what next month LP will be!!
i was on yasmin for like 7 years. af returned right away it just never go into a real pattern. but my LP was always 14 days so i dont know what the heck is going on right now. maybe its stress. i hate to even say that but i guess its not totally impossible.

my tsh is high which is hypothyroisim - but the doc didnt seem to concerned with it because it was just outside the normal range but now that ive gotten ont he internet and did my own research the labs "normal range" is actually pretty high. they say your TSH should be between 2-3 and under 2 is bes if trying to conceive. i am at 5.19 right now but the doc said he would worry about meds unless i had a couple labs that were high but he did refer me to the RE so maybe he just didnt want to get me all worked up about it. from what i am reading high tsh will prevent implantation. but ill find out more march 21st.
yeah its not too much out the normal, but like you said you'll find out on 21st march, youll have to keep me updated. Ive got my fingers crossed for you!! (you might even get your bfp before then!!)

im defo getting frustrated now!! i actually took a fertile test this morning, and it came back as im fertile so thats eased my mind a bit. but as we know little little things can stop you getting pregnant. i drink a lot of caffeine (tea etc) and im worried that it can severly stop you getting pregnant!! have you heard this?

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