2/3/4dpo and going crazy already?!?!

Yeah that's how I felt last cycle with the OPKs like geez just turn pos already. I think I wasted 21 tests last cycle but I am glad I ended up getting it eventually.

Yay for the car plate. I love when I see stuff like. That would be soo cool if you got your bfp, that def a sign.

My appointment went well. I ended up getting an exam which was kinda pointless but whatever. I guess I was due for it. He told dh to def get the semen analysis because he's 37 we should def get started with it. I don't think dh wanted to hear it but I think he gets it now.

Oh no for the cramps that's not good. I hope you feel better soon
That's good news about dh and the semen analysis, has he booked to have this done? I'm going to get oh to get one done when we start trying again properly in december!

I don't think I've ovulated yet still, my chart is messed up at the beginning from the hot weather and now its gone cooler! My temp went up a tiny bit but not the rise I usually get.

This is a weird questtion but can an egg only get fertilised in the fallopian tubes or can it be fertilised in the uterus?

UPDATE: think ive got my +opk, its very almost + and it was only a 2 hour hold soooo ill do another later this afternoon and see what that says.

heres my chart again: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/3660fe/thumb.png
My Ovulation Chart
Not yet but I may call for him today so I can move it along tho I think he'd rather wait and see if we get pg this cycle but I think if I let him he'll just keep saying that which is not cool.

My understanding is that the egg should fertilize quickly so if its not fertilized then it should start breaking down so by the time it gets to the uterus it's too late to fertilize. There is a picture somewhere let me find it...be right back

Edit:so basically if the egg is no fertilized within 24hours it starts breaking down

Oh yay for the almost pos opk. I love getting positive tests. Any changes really are exciting. A 2 hour hold is perfect. I rarely ever hold for longer then 2hours


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Ohh perfect thanks for that :) oh gets back saturday morning so unless I pounce on him the second he gets through the door, I think we've missed the egg! :(

I can't believe I'm not o'ing until cd18 very unusual! Means a longer cycle for me, it could be 30-32 days long!

I'm going to test again in about an hour with my last test and see what it says. Do you o the day of the temp rise or day after? Isn't the temp rise, the lh rise which is when the ovaries gear up to release the egg but not actually release it?

P.s your chart is looking FABBB!
Yeah I would def pounce on him as soon as he returns. But they say sperm can survive for 3-5days so if you did it at all this week you wouldn't be out completely just not optimal. Hey you never know maybe after a couple of days of not doing it he's spermies will be ready to go lol haha

Yeah that is a longer cycle but when I talked to the re she said anything under 35 day is fine it's when women have anything longer that's a concern to start testing levels.

The way I understand it is that you know you have ovulated already when you get a temp rise. So if you don't get your temp rise until Sunday they we still have a good chance. I guess it's not exact but it's a good ballpark figure.

I know when I woke up this morning I was like wow that's a pretty high temp. So hopefully the b50 complex is working. I think the higher the temp the higher the progertone and the more progesterone the fluffier the lining is. So I'm hoping my temps stay up and my lining gets nice and fluffy. I do think ill continue with the b50 complex tho I feel like I have more energy right now. I have an appointment with the hematologist on Tuesday so I'm going to just run everything by her first but I don't see a problem with continuing it except for the neon yellow pee, I'm still getting used to that. Lol
Yeah I would def pounce on him as soon as he returns. But they say sperm can survive for 3-5days so if you did it at all this week you wouldn't be out completely just not optimal. Hey you never know maybe after a couple of days of not doing it he's spermies will be ready to go lol haha

Yeah that is a longer cycle but when I talked to the re she said anything under 35 day is fine it's when women have anything longer that's a concern to start testing levels.

The way I understand it is that you know you have ovulated already when you get a temp rise. So if you don't get your temp rise until Sunday they we still have a good chance. I guess it's not exact but it's a good ballpark figure.

I know when I woke up this morning I was like wow that's a pretty high temp. So hopefully the b50 complex is working. I think the higher the temp the higher the progertone and the more progesterone the fluffier the lining is. So I'm hoping my temps stay up and my lining gets nice and fluffy. I do think ill continue with the b50 complex tho I feel like I have more energy right now. I have an appointment with the hematologist on Tuesday so I'm going to just run everything by her first but I don't see a problem with continuing it except for the neon yellow pee, I'm still getting used to that. Lol

when i was taking b complex, b6 etc i felt so awake all the time!! i might have to start just for the energy! hahah neon wee, thats err different lol!

i think my temperature should go up tomorrow, just got a +opk i think :) so we'll see tomorrow. hopefully i can catch the egg saturday morning but he's been away for a few days so if we don't sat morning then we've missed it completely. if i o'd when i should have, we would have been okay! lets just hope his spermies have turned turbo after being stuck in there for a few days hahahah!

my longest cycle ever was 31 days and i think i had a MMC due to extremely heavy bleeding and cramping but nothing docs could do.
Yeah energy is always a good thing.lol

Yay for your pos opk. But I'll keep my fingers crossed that the eggie takes its good ole time releasing so you at least get a chance. I have no idea what id do without the OPKs and temping. I'd be a total mess.

Aww that's a shame about the mmc, that's actually one of the reasons that I'm trying to tell myself not to test early. I don't think I would handle it well if I ever got a bfp and ended up with my period. That is just adding insult to injury. My heart breaks for those women who have that reoccurring. For some reason tho I can't stop myself from testing. Like I have to test so I can see a neg so i Can just go on with my day. I actually tested last night which I totally knew it would be neg but I was just sitting there like well I know I'm not pregnant yet so let me just test so I can get a neg that way if I do end up seeing something later I know that it's not a bad test.
I know what you meaan you feel your life is on hold until af or bfp, but try to wait until monday so you don't get disheartened!

I want to go to sleep to see what my temp is tomorrow lol!

Need to ring docs to sort out getting cd3 bloods done, so difficult cos now I don't know when it'll be!
Yeah it's getting kinda annoying but what can you do it's part of the process. I am finding out real quick that I have no patience. I've gotta work in that though.

Do you go to your gyn for your bloods or an re? My re has morning monitoring so all I'd have to do is call on cd1 and shed schedule me for cd3 but if your doc doesn't do that it's probably harder to plan out. Cause you really won't know until cd1
Technically I can just go to the walk in clinic to get my bloods done but I need to phone my doctor to tell her so she can send me a form to make sure I get the correct number of tubes etc, but I prefer to make an appointment to go to doctors to do it, that's where it gets difficult. I'm going to ring her end of next week and see what she says!

Excited to temp tomorrow, not long til monday now for you to start testing!!
Oh ok well that's not to bad. At least you have options. Yeah I have to call the RE and see what all is involved with this dye test. I don't know if they do it in the office or at the hospital. I'm guessing at her office?

I'm very excited to temp tomorrow as well. And I might just cave and test anyway lol I'm going to try not too but I just don't see it happening. I really don't know how people wait until their late. It amazes me!
I think its a hospital procedure, here I think is it anyway!

My temp has gone down, I have no idea what's going on now lol! Ill just have to wait for af to arrive and count back the days and see if ovulation occurred, might go have cd 21 bloods done in about a week to see if I have ovulated but will have to be next friday as I'm so busy untiil then!

How many dpo are you now? I lose track!

Edit: perhaps my temp dip, is just a dip before ovulation rise tomorrow? I think I'm clutching on straws at the moment!
Oh no I hope it's not done in the hospital, I don't think I'll want it them. :(

I think the dip is ovulation and you'll probably get your rise tomorrow. And if the eggie lives for 24hours then you can attack your OH and hope for a miracle.

I'm 5dpo today, well that's what I'm counting but FF thinks I'm 7dpo. I took a test this morning and I swear I can make myself imagine a line. There is clearly nothing there but if you hold it in the right light with your eyes squinted just enough you can make anything appear. Lol. Now I know what everyone is talking about when they say line eye. And I'm sitting here thinking , you know if that line was supposed to be green I could probably make myself imagine a green line lol
Oh them darn squinters lol, I'm excited for you, you could be 7dpo which could make a + possible! Are you going to test tomorrow? And the next day?

Everything feels wrong this cycle, usually I'm horny and feel good about myself around ovulation but I've had none of it :S my temp hasn't gone up yet and I'm exhausted, nauseous and just feel rotten! Its cd 19 tomorrow and still no ovulation, what on earth is going on!

Edit: I'm also bloated like crazy which NEVER happens around o!
I just called theRE to ask about the dye test. Ugh. Now I have to wait for a return phone call.

True but at this point I'd rather tell myself I'm only 5dpo and there is no way or else i'll drive myself insane lol. I really do think I'm only 5dpo though. I'd like to keep myself from just testing in the morning but you never know Sunday night I might not be able to resist. I only have 12 hpt's left though so I can't get too out of hand. Lol

Is there a chance you might have o'd earlier? Did your temp dip very low today or would it still be above your best guess at a cover line. I usually don't start feeling yucky like that until like 10 dpo but that would mean you o'd way early and that's not normal for you. Maybe the fact that OH is not available is playing tricks on your mind. Were you eating salty food or anything like that? I hope you feel better soon tho that's a bummer.
my average coverline is 36.2 so i doubt ive even ovulated yet :S im so tempted to take a hpt as these symptoms are so strange however i know it will be negative, its just a funny feeling i have! :wacko:

have a look at my chart, theres no temp rise anywhere (i know i missed a few temps at beginning but you would be able to see a rise) hopefully my temp tomorrow ill go up and i have ovulated today, but i dontknow. i dont feel it, usually i can, do you know what i mean? i mean like in myself i sort of know when im around ovulation, i just dont feel like that!

i think its good to think youre 5dpo, itll work out better in the long run, when is af due? or should i say when is bfp due :haha:

what do you mean eaten salt?
my diet/exercise hasnt changed (still doing my hour a day :happydance:) apart from ive been eating a lot, been hungrier more and a lot more tired!

My Ovulation Chart
Yeah I think you'll o today but let's keep our fingers crossed that its not until Saturday. But I know what you mean about feeling it. I feel a lot sexier around o time.

I would have tested long ago lol but I'm compulsive like that. I would need to just rule it out.

The only reason I ask about salty foods is that I tend to retain a lot of water when I eat too much salty stuff and since you've been working out so much lately and eating better if you've had a lot of salt that could cause some bloating but oh course my mind is wondering if there is a chance you are pg since your period was light this time.

Omg test women, test lol no I'm kidding but I certainly would I don't want to be a bad influence

I just got the phone call back from the nurse at the RE's office and the dye test is at the hospital but its at the hospital that I like and am familiar with and the RE will do the procedure so I feel better about that so I asked about the semen analysis right away too. They can do the dye test between cd6-10 so if I want it next cycle I have to call on cd1 to schedule which day. So I think if I call cd1 ill schedule both the dye test and the SA. I called dh at work but he's busy so I don't know how he feels about it yet but that is my plan. Ill let you know if he agrees.
That's good news about the dye test :) hopefully oh is onside about the SA!

I think if my temperature doesn't go up tomorrow I will test, I've found 1 ic hpt lol it would be a shame to not use it ahahah! I bet this is all in my head and my temperature will go up tomorrow lol which isn't too far away aas its 5pm here! Ill keep you updated. Omg I so tempted to go upstairs and test!

Woohoo oh is back tomorrow, but I think I'm going to be too tired :( lol ill have to find the energy, that's how I feel today!

On another note, oh and I have picked baby names lol (a secret until we get pregnant) and the pram lol!
Yeah I'm less anxious about the dye test now but I forgot to ask if we will be able to try that month or if we have to wait. I'm thinking well have to wait. Ut oh now I have something else to google.

TEST! Test ! Test lol

I honestly think you'll get a temp spike,tomorrow or hopefully Sunday tho but it won't hurt to test. Yay for OH coming back soon. You'll have to go to bed early tonight so you have the energy to pounce on him lol

Aww for baby names. DH and I have talked about it a lot but he pretty opinionated about names so I'm sure it'll be a dual to the end. I'm prepared tho.
Yeah I'm defo going to have energy lol need to! Need to catch the egg, surely even if I ovulated today, there's still a chance to catch the egg?
I looked back at my other charts and I usually get 2 days of +opk then temp rise so maybe if I tested today I would have got +opk then temp rise tomorrow?! We'll see anyway!

I think I might end up having the dye test done at some point, but not yet! I realised today I can get put on ivf waiting list :O

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