I'm not one to give false hope but I agree. 12-48 hours for release and the egg surviving for 24 hours does put you at Saturday. So I'm hopeful still.
Aww see here in Pennsylvania ivf is expensive. It would be upwards of $20,000 for us but some states require your health insurance to cover it which is awesome for the other ladies but it sucks for me because its all out of pocket. Actually I'm not even sure if the dye test is covered but I am assuming it is. I might have to call and check on that. Do you have any covereage for iui's? The more time that goes on I think we'll end up doig iui soon. With the thickened lining and narrow cervix that's not working in our favor right now.
Aww see here in Pennsylvania ivf is expensive. It would be upwards of $20,000 for us but some states require your health insurance to cover it which is awesome for the other ladies but it sucks for me because its all out of pocket. Actually I'm not even sure if the dye test is covered but I am assuming it is. I might have to call and check on that. Do you have any covereage for iui's? The more time that goes on I think we'll end up doig iui soon. With the thickened lining and narrow cervix that's not working in our favor right now.