2/3/4dpo and going crazy already?!?!

Ohh boy now I'm getting excited for you. I don't know if I can wait until Wednesday lol
lol im hoping i wake up so quickly and pee before i even get chance to test tomorrow! i feel 10dpo (tomorrow) is still quite early and it might be still too faint. i took a picture but you cant really see anything on it!
here, have a look! what do you think?


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I dont think I can say I don't see anything at all but when I zoom in it makes it blurry so then I don't know, I wouldn't call it a bfp just yet but I'm getting alittle excited for you. I don't think I could hold out until Wednesday so if you can you'll have the patience of a saint lol

So you got me so excited to do my opk that I did it alittle early because I wasn't expecting anything to show and guess what. I got my pos opk and a smiley. The line started showing right away but it didn't get as dark as the control line so I was kinda doubtful when I took the clear blue but low and behold it came back a smiley lol I had to use a different brand cheapie then I normally do so I'm glad I had it on hand because my other ones didn't come in the mail yet.

So you were right, you said you wanted the pos opk on Monday lol


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wooohooo!!! that is such good news :happydance: get bd'ing lol!

i want to try and hold out til wednesday but ill just have to see tomorrow morning and see what my temp is like!! i wish i had loads of internet cheapies lol then i could pee til my hearts content!! ive put it on ff as a bfn because i want a clear line lol like last month! (i kept my test haha :blush: and the line is still there :haha:)
Yes i think were going to do the ici again this month. not sure yet. ive dont some research online about blocked tubes and she did t give me an actual diagnosis for it so i really dont know what to search for but most people have this thing called hyrdosalpinx so if that my sistuation then the tube could be creating toxins in my uterus and preventing implantation. she didnt say she wanted to remove it but when i started asking questions she said lets get dhs SA back before we get ahead of ourselves.

Yeah purposely only ordered 20 ic hpt's because I don't want to fall into that trap. I don't think I could take the heart ache right now. I've got my fingers crossed for you.
ohh do dh's SA results go to her? only a few days left for those results too, i have my fingers and toes crossed for you!!

when do you go back for your next appointment with RE?

i havent got any IC in the house at all for that reason, i think i would go crazy trying to imagine a line!

ive just found this on ff, i think this will be me when i finally get a bfp!!


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Yes his results go to her first and then my nurse will call me with the results. I have to call today to make an appointment with her. Oh I found this other term hematosalpinx which is probably what I have that makes more sense.

Omg that is exactly what I'll look like when I get my bfp I'm like half way their already with all the OPKs I've taken I can't imagine what I'll be like when I actually get a bfp.

I think I'm going to take the afternoon off work. I took my antibiotic this morning and I feel like shit from it. I think I'm coming down with a cold. My body aches and I'm all stuffy and I'm nauseas from the antibiotic but no fever so I don't know.
ahh good luck for the results! i had a quick look that word (couldnt spell it haha) and it does sound like it could be, especially because it says caused by trapped AF.

i seriously hope this is our month! when are you going to start testing?

im so tired today, think i might have a nap! i cant stop thinking about testing! i might buy some more tests which are 10mui instead of the ones ive got that are 25mui!!

awww i hope you feel better, taking the afternoon off sounds like a good idea!
Yeah I'm kinda glad I took the time to research it i was not wanting to do that for fear that google said something really bad but after the research I did do I feel better. The one site I found says they can make a small incision and flush all the contents out. As much as I don't want surgery I think it's probably inevitable either I have surgery to fix it or surgery to remove my tube.

I'm not sure when ill start testing I would love to wait it out until 12 dpo especially now that I feel like nothing is going to happen for us without assistance but that's actually taken a huge weight off my shoulders. Maybe dh and I can go back to having sex for fun instead of sex for conception bc they are totally different for me.

Yeah I agree with you I think I'd rather have the 10mui tests right away, that really could be the difference of 2 days of waiting depending on how fast the hcg rises. I don't think the tests I just ordered are very sensitive tho but hopefully that will keep me from testing so much. I have 2 frers for emergencies.

I feel better already just laying down I might try to take a lil rest, eat lunch and go back to work but well see how I feel maybe ill give it an hour
I just wrote a massive reply and cos I'm on my phone I stupidly deleted it!!

Google can be a bitch for being a pessimist!! Sometimes its best to stay awake! I hope you're RE appointment isn't too far away!

12dpo seems a good day because if its a bfp its likely to show up :) and if not, not too many days of bfn before it does show up! Try not to be stupid like me lol, my questions now is... Do I test tomorrow? Then go and buy some of the 10mui tests?!?!

I say suprise him tonight! Put your sexy underwear on and jump him lol, what better time when you're ovulating! Have fun! (Do you tell him when you're ovulating?)

I've found a new test, its called predictor and is VERY sensitive! Have a look online at predictor.co.uk! I'm going to buy some on wednesday night on the way to netball!

Sorry its taken a while for a reply I've been exhausted today and had to have a nap, and I've got backache and twinges and when I cough or sneeze I get a sharp pain in my uterus! My boobs are so heavy :( and seem like they've grown but could be my imagination! Alsoooo I have huge amounts of creamy cm (tmi I mean loads, I have had to wear a panty liner today!)

I'm glad you feel better, ready for lots of bd'ing over the coming days!
Oh that sucks about your post and then you have to remember everything you wanted to say lol

Yeah I don't know if I know me there would be no way to not test especially for a possible bfp but if you wait until Wednesday then you should a clear bfp so it's up to you if you want to torture yourself alittle more lol

Yeah I'll have to do something special tonight.and yes I tell him when I get my pos opk if I don't tell him he'll ask me everyday until I do. I told him I got my pos opk today and he was all excited but for some reason I'm not that excited about it I think reality has hit me that we have very little chances now so why torture myself.

I checked out that website about predictor you'll have to let me know if its any good

It's ok about the response time, I took a nap and ran some errands I didn't get everything I wanted to do done but that'll have to wait until another day because now I'm tired again.

My OPKs finally came in the mail so I took another one and it was a blaring positive no doubts about it so I didn't even bother wasting another smiley

I scheduled my follow up appt for 9/26
I've decided I'm just going to test, I know it'll be bfn but I think tomorrow will be torture if I don't lol and ill probs end doing it in the afternoon and that will defo be bfn! Ill go buy some of the really sensitive ones for wednesday!

Stay positive crystal! Remember I've been trying for almost 3 years with pco and I had a chemical last month so miracles do happen! (Yes its not a pregnancy but I saw those beautiful pink lines, which after 3 years i hadn't seen! Trust me, it will happen when you least expect it, enjoy bd'ing this month forget out ovulation and all the bollocks and have some hardcore dirty sex with your mister lol!

I used to tell oh when I ovulated but then sex stopped being fun because he felt like it was on these 4 days we have to do it etc so I know I don't tell him but I jump him (which he rathers likes lol spontinaity is good!)

Those predictor tests are 2pack for £6 so cheaper than frers so I think I will go buy some tomorrow along with a 2pack from superdrug as they are meant to be 10mui aswell (I can save them for next month if I don't use them all)

My cramps are more of a dull ache now with backache and I am tired again, I could go to bed right now! I hate feeling tired, it makes me feel so lazy! The difference is I've got 3 weeks off work now because I'm starting my masters on 30th so I've done nothing for past week and got 2 more weeks of this lol, I'm so tired!

I'm busy thinking of ways to present a bfp to oh (if it happens)...think I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, I'm in la la land lol!
I know, I'm trying to stay positive but I think it'll help me in the long run the bfn's were really hitting me hard when I was expecting them so I think for my sanity it'll be better to not expect them and go with the flow. I need to relax too they say stress effects it all so maybe this is my chance to just relax about it all.

I know dh gets upset cause well bd like crazy during fertile time and then not bd for 2 weeks lol

I've got my fingers crossed for you. You have great symptoms.

I don't think ill do anything special for dh when I get my bfp. He did a really crappy proposal to me so I don't think he likes that stuff but I have to plan something to tell my dad and nieces they are going to flip. They have been waiting along time.
That's a good idea, perhaps take a more relaxed approach for a few cycles :)

Lol 2 weeks of nothing, oh couldn't take that haha!

I've got my hopes up and I have a feeling I will come crashing to the ground!

What did he do for your proposal? Awww I bet your neice is going to be sooo excited!!

Edit: did a test this morning lol it was weird there was a horizontal pink line going across the test line window and the control line itself but then disappeared. BFN, think i could be out :(

Edit 2: ive seen your chart, are you going to opk today? i have a feeling it could be positive again? did you bd last night?
Oh man I bet that was torture to see the line go across like that. I had that once and I got so excited only for it to be bfn and I was devastated when it disappeared

Dh and I picked out the ring together but when it was ready he acted like he couldn't go get it so he told me too so I went along with it because I though he had something planned but not. I got home said here's the ring and he said "so are you going to marry me or what?" Very none romantic lol but I suppose if he did it any other way I would have thought he was being fake bc he's not that type.

Just took another opk the ic was still very dark but no smiley. We didn't bd last night we had a blow out of a fight over something so stupid so we had to have make up sex this morning. I'm so emotional right now this is going to be a long 2ww for me.
Yeah lol I sat there the full 3 mins haha watching it. I can see a shadow on it but not getting hopes it, its probs an evap but need to go buy some more tests, not sure whether to go today or tomorrow. 11dpo is still quite early so might wait til thursday FMU!

Aww I'd defo have to pick my ring when oh decides to propose, lol we've talked about it a lot and we both want it but he waiting for the right time! (I'm thinking when we have a baby he might lol)

They are contradicting each other? That's strange!
How funny, me and oh argued yesterday too! He annoyed me so much! Make up sex is the best! I imagine we'll haave some of that tonight ;)

Aww crystal I hope you're okay :) I'm here if you want to talk/rant?! Ill be here throughout your TWW :)
I hate Evaps I've gotten them a couple times and they aren't fun. I'm a bad influence but I would be testing everyday now lol especially since seeing a shadow. I did pretty good last cycle with testing I only used 2 Frer's but that's only bc that's all I had in the house. I think I won't test much this cycle tho because I know how low our chances are now. I'm going to wait until 12 dpo tho for sure unless I feel pregnant then there is no way I'm waiting lol

How are your symptoms now? Anything new anything go away?

Well not contradicting just the ic is still dark but not dark enough to get a smiley. The smiley tests are sooo sensitive.

I'll be ok I'm sure it's just a lot to deal with all at the same time and I don't even know why my sil announced her pregnancy so earlier she called my husband last night and she said she was 4weeks uhh hello that means she just missed her period like what the heck at least wait until you have an ultrasound or hear the heartbeat before making an announcement especially she she just got married and barely knows this guy. I don't know I guess i have other things that I'd rather be thinking about then her but she's all I can think about. My dh and I have been together for 9 years and married 3 and she just meets this guys gets married and pregnant all in one year it's just not fair. I was super respectful of what my dh wanted because his family is kinda conservative and then his sister goes and does this ...like wth if I would have known that I would have just stopped taking my bcp like 4years ago lol
i feel that right now id rather wait or see a line so my best bet is to wait until thursday. i really want to test tomorrow but i think ill go buy a 2 pack from superdrug and 2 pack of the predictor tests from asda, then i've got one for each day thursday friday saturday sunday (day period is due)

no doubt ill be encouraging you to test before 12dpo lol, i cant believe im only 10dpo and already tested twice :dohh:

cramps/twinges have increased but id say they are more of an dull ache (does that make sense)
increased appetite - OMG i cant stop eating, i had a doughnut before and then straight after i NEEDED another one lol!
im exhausted - a want a nap!

i seriously hope AF isnt going to come :( i will be devastated!

oh that means ovulation is probably happening today, so you bd'd the perfect time :)

yeah 4 weeks is sooo early! i will defo be waiting until after 12 weeks, probably 16 weeks to be safer, before i tell anyone! ill be a nervous wreck when it finally happens!

i totally understand about conservative parents, i've been brought up very sheltered by conservative parents. i loved your comment about stopping bcp 4 years ago lol!!! My brother accidentally got his girlfriend pregnant when he was 18 and she was 16 (he's a younger than me) and my parents were not happy but they took it a lot better than i expected, in the end they made the decision not the keep it though. (i'm against abortion but was the best decision for them at the time)
That sounds like a good plan. but you know if you end up testing tomorrow to it wont be the end of the world. My appt with the Re is prob going to be 9dpo so I may just take a test that day so I can know before I see her.

I think as long as I have an ultrasound picture and I've heard the heartbeat ill probably tell very very close family but not tell others until 10-12 weeks.

Well you made a very good point about the abortion her situation could be way worse and I really should be happy for her but for some reason I just can't. This is also the sil that didn't come to my wedding so it's kinda like well you couldn't be happy for me so why should I be happy for you but I would never tell her I'm not happy for her so the only person I am hurting by being mad is myself and dh. And neither one of us deserves this bs right now.

Edit: I told dh just give me two weeks to sort my feelings out I think I'll feel better when we go to the RE and actually have a plan. He made the whole situation way worse by making me go to dinner with him mother when I was already upset....take my advise. Never do that lol

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