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2/3/4dpo and going crazy already?!?!

Hey Laura, so nice to hear from you. Glad all is well. We did have a great Christmas. Af got my right on Christmas Day tho but that's ok. I'm still spotting currently so I'm a bit nervous that the 3 mm of fluid that was left on cd5 is gone before Sunday. Ugh. I just took my last dose of clomid and I'm excited because I'm like 95% sure I'll have an egg on each side. This whole process have been a bit dramatic for me so there is no hope for losing weight but I'm glad you were able to keep it off even with everything you have going on.

A surprise would be nice, I'll cross my fingers just case. Good luck
Any updates?

Currently waiting for af to arrive on Wednesday! Might do a test tomorrow lol for the off chance of a bit of Christmas luck!!

I see you're still spotting but you've not ovulated yet so that's good! Have you had another scan?

I'm thinking because of the clomid you also have a chance of conceiving naturally aswell. Are you allowed to bd as well as the iui?
Test test test lol I'm such a bad influence.

The spotting stopped on cd10 but I put in cd11 as well because there was just alittle tan cm hanging around. I had a scan this morning cd12 and my lining is great it's 6 mm type 1 grade b (whatever that means) but she said its great and no fluid or debris either. My follicles are still small tho I have 3, 2 on the right and 1 on the left measuring 12,11,11 which is totally awesome I was so worried I wouldn't get any on my right side. But I go back in on Tuesday but she doesn't think I'll be quiet ready yet but she wants to check the follicles and my lining again but as of right now she's thinking another scan on Tuesday then Thursday and iui on Friday and Saturday. Unfortunately we can't bd in addition to the iui because dh's SA wasn't great so we have to time it out well in hopes of getting the best results for the iui. So we dtd today and if we don't trigger well dtd on Tuesday as well but other then that well wait until Friday to give a sample. Were doing it at home and bringing the sample in so at least it will be a little personal. Better then him having to do it alone.

It's getting exciting tho, I'm trying not to bite dh's head off in the next couple days because I'm having some mood swings from the clomid
Omg how exciting!!! This could be your month!!! You defo have to keep me updated!

Af is due tomorrow and I'm not even feeling her at all!! May test tomorrow or might just wait it out!

Did you have a scan today?
Oh that's wonderful Laura, hopefully she's stays far far away. You have so much willpower if you can wait, I wouldn't be able too lol

I did have a scan today and I'm not ready just yet. Now the follicles are 15mm and 11 mm on my right and 12 mm on my left. I have another scan on Thursday morning and blood work as well. So it's slow going but I'm hoping that's a good sign. No point in rushing now when I've waited this long.

I've got a really good feeling about this cycle.
Oh that's wonderful Laura, hopefully she's stays far far away. You have so much willpower if you can wait, I wouldn't be able too lol

I did have a scan today and I'm not ready just yet. Now the follicles are 15mm and 11 mm on my right and 12 mm on my left. I have another scan on Thursday morning and blood work as well. So it's slow going but I'm hoping that's a good sign. No point in rushing now when I've waited this long.

I've got a really good feeling about this cycle.

I am super duper excited for you! I feel really good about this cycle for you aswell!! I can feel a bfp coming on!!

Keep me updated on the Thursday morning scan and bloods!

Woke up late so didn't even get chance to think about testing lol got a bit of backache so I think the witch will be here tomorrow sometime! We'll see anyway!!
I am stalking!! I see by your chart you had the iui how exciting!!!! What's the protocol now?
Hey Laura, sorry to see af got you ugh.

On Thursday we ended up having 4 follicles 2 on the right 20mm and 17 mm and 2 on the left 17mm and 13 mm. She of course read me the riot act on the chance of multiples but dh and I decided to move forward and take our chances. So I took the trigger shot on Thursday night and had an iui on Friday morning with 6 mil sperm 51% motility and the 2nd iui on sat morn with 8 mil and 72% motility so much better those on Saturday morning the nurse dropped that sample and it bounced like 3 times and I was just heart broken but she said it didn't matter because they were in a medium but I don't know .... That worried me so I'm glad we did one of Friday just in case. So now I go in Tuesday to have my progesterone checked and go back for my first betas 1/25 ...so now I just wait it out.

I'm doing the pineapple core thing so hopefully that helps
Ohmygoshh i am ridiculously excited for you!!!

did you get your progesterone tested today?

countdown for 24/1 begins T minus 11 days!!!

how are you feeling about everything?
Haha yes it is very exciting. I had my progesterone checked today and it is 23 so that is great, that always worries me since I have the shorter lp.

Yes. Only 11 days it seems kinda crazy the begining part went super fast and now it's like oh man 11 days is a long time lol

I'm feeling great about everything. I got online and started reading success stories and now I'm all positive and such when normally I try not to get my hopes up too high but I just can't help it. I feel like this is our first real chance. So I said to dh I'm crossing my fingers that it works but if I doesn't that ok too because I know we can try again.
Ohmy gosh!!! Are you going to test or just wait for betas?

Af has ended so onto bd'ing a lot lol!!

How you feeling? Any symptoms yet?
ive tested out the trigger on the wondfos today so now i am going to wait until at least monday to test again. we might go out of town for the weekend so that should keep me busy until monday.

my betas arent until next saturday there is no way i could wait that long without testing LOL
Omg this is so exciting!!!! Monday that'll be 10dpo? Remember that's still quite early!

I've my fingers crossed for you!!
very true i suppose i should wait as long as i can but we both know thats near impossible lol
I want you to test now... Have you done one (truthfully lol :p)???

Did you go away for the weekend?!
We didn't go away for the weekend and I haven't tested today lol honestly I had some very good self control I had two moments of weakness when I thought about it but dh and I spent the day packing away christmas decorations and straighten up and catching up on laundry ugh lol so ran into the bathroom and ran right back out lol

We also visited with a friend who is battling lung cancer so we got to just sit and laugh with her for awhile and I want to tell her so bad all about our journey but her daughter and son were there so I had to bite my tongue

Well be going out with them tomorrow so I'm hoping to just keep myself busy busy busy!!
Hey crystal!!! How you doing? I've seen on your other thread you tested and Bfn, keep positive!!! I'm sending you lots of baby dust and I'll be thinking of you!!

When you next testing? So good your temp is still high!!!
I was going to try to hold out until Wednesday or Thursday but who am I kidding I'm sure I'll be testing in the morning. ...and temping.
I've given up on the wondfos all together they are just junk anymore so I'm sticking with the purple handled ones called surepredict. I also have one frer and one clear blue digital. I also have a store credit of $75 at the local drug store so I'm temped to buy more but I'm trying so hard not to lol

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