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2/3/4dpo and going crazy already?!?!

thank you laura - i am so excited. dh and i took the test together but he walked away to get ready for work and i saw the line come up and i ran down the hall yelling "it has a line already" and he was so excited.

i still need to give it some time before i take a digital i do not want to see "not pregnant" lol my due date should be oct 3rd but i dont want to get too far ahead of myself here. i told dh after being on this message board and hearing all the bad things that can happen it has really left a bad taste in my mouth. now i have to wait for betas and ultrasounds and heartbeats oh my! the next couple months are going to nervewracking but hopefully the excitment makes it go quick.

i was just on youtube looking at announcements, i cant wait to tell my dad hes going to cry LOL
How incredibly exciting!!!!

You'll have to keep updating me with betas, scans heartbeats and bump pictures!!! When are your betas? Oh wait it could be twins I just remembered!!

Hopefully I'll get pregnant in the next few months and we can be bump buddies!!!
i will def keep you updated on everything. you really have been a listening ear through so much for me. that would be so wonderful if we could be bump buddies but i know eitherway youll still be my buddy.

haha i guess it could technically be twins but i am kind of hoping its not only because i dont really want a high risk pregnancy. but i will take whatever i can get LOL

betas are on saturday. eek cant wait !
I knew this cycle was going to be yours!!

Excited to see your tests today!! Your ones yesterday were defo darker and should be ever darker today! When do you plan on doing a digi?

We can speculate when you get your betas? When do you think your scan will be? 6 weeks maybe? So in 2 weeks?
i just posted todays pics, def darker then yesterday but the wondfos are garbage i dont think ill even buy them again ill stick to the surepredict they are awesome

im hoping when i go for betas the number will be over 60 so that should mean a digital should work for me tomorrow im too afraid to try because i dont think the frer is quiet dark enough yet. im not sure about the scan bc i see my re ill probably get scanned more than a normal person would but iwould think @ 6 weeks there probably wont be much to see before then. so yep 2 weeks :)
Omg!!! Yeyyyhh you've changed your ticker now aswell!!

Are you doing a digi soon? Post pics!! Has it sunk in yet?

It's your betas tomorrowwwwww!!!! You must update ASAP!!

I think I've just o'd and I've got lots of ic left from a few cycles ago so I might test this cycle for fun and hope for a bfp lol!!!
photo 1-24 digital.jpg
thanks so much for all your support laura. this has been a long journey for me and you made it just alittle easier. can you beleive you this thread was started Feb of 2013....even though in the moment time felt like it was dragging...it reallly did go quick.

betas tomorrow!!!! im super excited. but we expecting snow again tomorrow so hopefully i can get in there early enough and avoid the bad roads. the girls at my re's office are going to be SOO happy lol.

im going to need maternity clothes like quick - im down to one pair of jeans thats arent snug. we went out to dinner last night and i felt sooo bloated. and im heavy to begin with so i really felt like a cow.
Omg yeyyhhhh so happy for you!

Massive LOL about the maternity clothes...who cares about weight when you're pregnant!!! .... PREGNANT ... Can you believe it?

How's dh holding up? Bet he's super excited!!

Defo need to keep in touch, good luck with betas tomorrow (hope it's twins hahahaha lol joking!)
omg PREGNANT its alittle hard to beleive lol it still hasnt sunk in fully. dh is so excited he wasnt saying anything at first and i was like wow is he scared or what and when last night he finally started saying things like "i wonder if its a boy or a girl" and asking when do we find that out. and this morning after i got the positive on the digital he was so happy he kept smiling at me saying "youre so happy" and i said back to him "i think your the one that is happy" and he laughed it was very cute.

its going to kill me to wait to tell people. my BIL and SIL's baby is one already and my BIL keep harrasing her about having another baby and shes like OH HELL NO so its kind of ammusing to listen to them talking and be thinking haha im pregnant but i cant tell you LOL

we just found out my other BIL's girlfriend is pregnant as well shes probably like 14-15 weeks by now but it was totally not planned and i dont think many people are very excited for them because he is still legally married to his first wife so its lke oh geez what a mess. im not perticularly happy that ill be preggo at the same time as her because i dont like her very much but yeah well what can you do.

ill def stick around here. i tried to go to the pregnancy first trimester threads yesterday and within 15 minutes i was horrified. i had a crash course in everything that can go wrong so no thanks..ill just stay here. LOL

crossing my fingers its not twins LOL i think my tests would have probably been darker quicker is it was, you think?
Not necessarily but you'll see tomorrow, what time is your appointment? Although you won't officially find out until your first scan!

Awww dh sounds like an excited child bless him! I am seriously so thrilled for you both, it has been a long hard journey for you guys!!

That's a shame about Bil gf BUT I'm sure everyone will be fussing over you, do people know about you ttc and the journey? Or will it be a massive surprise?

Yeyyyhh stay here!! I'll be lonely otherwise lol!!

P.s you're due 2 days before my birthday hehe!!
we go tomorrow between 7am and 830 am, its walk in so the earlier the better so we dont have to wait around too long and then they usually call by 10-11 am with results.

yes too long and too hard. ive always said i dont wish this on my worse enemy.

no not really, i told a co-worker every single detail so she knows more then anyone and shes been really supportive. And my husbands friends wife she knows i had my tube removed but she doesnt know we did IUI, my co worker is the only one IRL that knows that. his friends wife had lap surgery as well so i let it slip because i knew she just had it and i was like ahh i need to ask her this lol my dad knows knows we were having trouble but he never asks anything so he just knows alittle i cried to him once about "life not going the way you want it too" and im sure he knew what i was talking about. my mom knows nothing, my sister knows nothing...my sister is so incledibly inappropriate that i knew from the get go i wouldnt be able to tell her anything. and my SIL knows that we went off BCP when she announced her pregnancy so like 6 months ago she was like all serious and whispers to me "how are things going" but for the most part when someone asks me if we are trying or such i just said yeah were working it...but not its been so long i am sure people are going to be crazy excited.

friends of ours who got married the same month as us are already working on #2 so that was alittle depressing to hear but whatever i am here now and im just glad we didnt have to drop 20 grand for IVF, not yet anyway. the IUI was soooo cheap im still waiting for 3 more bills for ultrasounds but everything should be under $1500 usd. probably even less
Good morning Laura I got my first betas this morning I'm 16 dpt, 15 &14 dpiui and my betas were 112. They said that is exactly where they want it to be and I will go in again Monday morning and they want to see the number rise at minimum 66% which would be 185 but I'm kind of hoping the number doubles since that's what I've been reading. If all goes well I'll have my first scan Monday, feb 3rd
Good morning Laura I got my first betas this morning I'm 16 dpt, 15 &14 dpiui and my betas were 112. They said that is exactly where they want it to be and I will go in again Monday morning and they want to see the number rise at minimum 66% which would be 185 but I'm kind of hoping the number doubles since that's what I've been reading. If all goes well I'll have my first scan Monday, feb 3rd

Yeyyhhh that sounds perfect to me!!! 3rd of feb!!! That's so soon!! Have you carried on testing?
I know it is soon, I'm so excited. I stopped testing for now I have 1frer left and 2 digitals wih weeks indicators so the plan is to wait until I think I'll get the 2-3 weeks on the digital and use the frer at that time and then hopefully I can use the last weeks indicator and get a 3+ weeks but that might be awhile yet
That sounds like a good plan!!

I told oh about you today and I think he got a bit excited lol and he says he's ready to start ttc again instead of ntnp like we have been doing, so I think in the next few months we're going to go for a full health check at the docs and get the relevant tests done and go from there.... I want a bfp now!! Lol I don't even know if I've ovulated lol maybe I'll temp tomorrow so I can judge but I always forget! I meant to do it today!! Lol

How you feeling? Any pregnancy symptoms? Update me on the betas tomorrow!!!
Yeah I really felt like if I didn't go to the docs and try everything in my power to chase after it that I could have probably have been waiting a very long time. Your still young tho so you have time on your side but for as long as you have been trying you really need to do some leg work and go get that bfp! I felt like at 31 and 38 we don't have time on our side.

As for symptoms, I was bloated like crazy for a couple days and I had nausea that felt more like something was stuck in my throat and I was going to gag at any moment which is totally different then the nausea that the iron gives me so that sucked but I've been trying to keep busy and it happened a couple times today but we were out and about so I couldn't dread on it. For a couple days I was having horrible pains on my right side but they have gone now. They may have been gas pains or something because I was constipated as well so it was like amplifying the pains but I had a good bm today and what do you know no more pain so that is awesome. My skin is ridiculously clear right now I usually get one horrible pimple right before af arrives but I didn't get anything and my skin actually feels nice, hah which is pretty rare.

It's killing me not be able to tell every single person I know that I'm pregnant. we visited friends today and her brother in law is "mental challenged " but he's very nice but I saw him today and I swear it was like he knew I was pregnant and I just smiled and laughed at him and said no, not yet but I sooooo want to just be like omg I'm pregnant!!!! And I even had to look at the calendar to try to figure out when well start telling people because I'm so damn excited.

Second betas are in less then 12 hours, I need to go to sleep earlier so it comes faster lol
i know i think 22 is still quite young but it shouldn't be taking this long!! :cry:

I'm starting to think there is a major problem and not just my 'pcos' (that seems to be getting better); in fact i might go get bloods retaken for it and see if theres another improvement.

oh and i went to the gym last night and we always go in the steam room after and we ended up talking about babies; we completely lost track of time and didn't come out until the gym had closed whoops…we were last ones out haha!!

i wish i had those symptoms lol haha I'm sure you're happy youve got them too!! won't be long til you can shout "I'm pregnant" from the roof tops!!
have you decided how you're going to tell your dad?

any news on the betas?
Yeah I wouldn't wait too long to get things checked out because sometimes issues can get worse over time and you sure don't want that. And don't think it's all your fault either dh can have issues too.

Stay away from those steam rooms - heat kills sperm and it can take up to 3 months for those spermies to get back to normal. Dh actually started sleeping nude which I think helped us out a bunch. He's like a radiator.

I think I'm going to get him together with my nieces and tell him I wanna get a picture of him with them bc we do that often and I'm gonna say "say crystals pregnant" instead of say cheese, he's gonna flip with excitement.

Waiting on my beta results right now. I went in almost 3 hours ago and no call yet ugh!!
Yup I think we will go docs soon!!

So I think I'm about 8dpo tomorrow and already feeling the urge to test following your great news!!!
Yay fx for you. 8 dpo is exciting.

I got a call from the re today my thyroid levels are elevated. So she is putting me on thyroid meds. She said probably for the whole pregnancy. I guess it's supposed to be under 4 for non pregnant women but under 2.5 for pregnant women and I'm at 3.6. No wonder why I was so tired all the time and couldn't to lose weight.

Wishing you lots of cycle this cycle

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