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2013 bfp

That would be kinda kool though..
11 months. ( :

Do yall ladies use the app or the website?
I cant figure out the app. Want to figure out everything so ill know how to do it when it comes time. Lol
Me too.

I'm dreading taking my bra off to go to bed, my boobs are so sore :-/
Hi girls, how is everyone doin?ive been reading but not posting much...

Hawk - just test already :dohh:

Lauren- how r u feeling?r u still running a temp coos if not the temp spike cud b a really really gud sign ..fx for u girl :flower:

love - u need to test ...all gud signs there too :thumbup:

AFM - havent ovlated this mth...grrr on cd 38...i think its goin to an annovulatory cycle...well for the gud news im gonna b in the game in less than a week... have my doc app next turesday and hes gonna prescribe clomid.... although we r gonna start ttc im really really nervous...kinda aprehensive if i shud try again...defnitely dont want a repeat of the past 2 pregnancies...soooo frightened... its weird ive been waiting for the 3mths to finish and now tht its over here i am not wanting to try...goshhh im soo confused... girls pls say nice things to get me to feel better abt trying :wacko::shrug:
i dont think i did have a fever bc my temp was 98.8...i felt sick though swollen glands sore throat stuffy nose..i was warm when i woke up but thats prob bc thats whats supposed to happen? im fine now.. ?? hoping its a good sign. i have cd21 bloods tomorrow.

pdx whats goin on with you? we miss you!
if hawk and sunshine dont test soon..im taking road trips!
pdx- my apologies i didnt see the end of your post lol.. clomid huh? i think its fime..just really made me bitchy for a week after/during. but im def o'ing..so hopefully it will be same for u. it is scary bc u read things..good and bad. but i think with monitoring u snhould be fine. i TOLD my doc if i end up bfp i want on progesterone asap..im paranoid now after our loss so i know how u feel. but u need to just try bc thats all u can do. im sure your doc will take good care of u and extra monotoring to put u at ease. really rooting for u! welcome back (soon) to the game.
I will, i will! Ill go get a test tomorrow..
Just for yall ladies. ( :
Hawk-are you going to tell your doc you've been ttc for 11 months? Usually after a year they suggest getting checked out. Although since you haven't really tracked temps and such that could help you out without doc help! I use fertility friend app/website.
Yeah.. I think i should be getting a appt in the mail for a pap soon.. So i plan on talking to her then.
I gonna try that temping out though. ( :
I'm not testing!! I'm only 9DPO. Going by my temperature this month :)
Urgh think I might be getting thrush :-( I hate it, have had it a few times before so am not relating it to pregnancy! Lol.
Weird new thing today - cloudy urine...?? I'm not sure it is thrush now, whatever that was has gone away. I've never had cloudy urine before (that I've noticed) wonder what it means! (probably just means I'm dehydrated lol)

Wake up my American friends!!
im here!!! lol

you had a temp dip! thats a great thing. i had a major one this am and i was sure i wasnt going to because my sheets are so damp from me being sweaty all night..i had to kick dh outta bed..let the pets stay though lol..im so hot but big temp dip???????

i dont know what thrush is...or about cloudy urine? any other symptoms??
My goodness that is a big temp dip!! Are you feeling better now?

No other symptoms except sore boobs but that's pretty normal.

What about you?
im better glands still swollen but i feel normal.

very sweaty today..and i HAD to stop and eat breakfast..or i woulda felt like i woulda got empty stomach sick...i never eat breakfast..my boobs keep reminding me that they are there lol.. and i have lots of clearish creamy cm kinda slippery milky ..ok..tmi but like seamen lol...
I got a test!
Should i test now or test in the morning?

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