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2013 bfp

In the UK it can be free depending on your circumstances, in Norway it will be about the equivalent to £2000 or $3400 and includes 3 tries.
oh my god! in the US its anywhere from 12,000-$17,000 if insurance doesn't cover it.. wow! Europe has the right idea!!
I'm excited for you too! Because, you know it WILL happen one of those times..
Hi ladies! Cd 2 ultrasound went well. The doctor didn't find anything to bad with my ovaries. He said we can go ahead and start treatment again! I start taking 75 units of menopur Saturday-Tuesday (cd 3-6) then 150 units Wednesday (cd 7) and I go back in for bloodwork and an ultrasound Thursday (cd 8). To see how I'm responding and go from there.
Hi ladies. Well I had my cd 8 ultrasound today and it went horrible! :( we had a bunch of tiny follicles on both sides. The largest at 9 on my left "bad" side and a 5 on my right. My lining was only at 5 mm. They also found a huge 26 mm endometrial. I had to go get blood drawn to check my estrogen levels. I'll have the results tomorrow but had to up the dose again to 2 vials tonight and if my estrogens under 200 I'll be up to 3-4 vials by the weekend. Way more than we expected and we may not have enough medicine now.. Just a horrible day all around. I'll update tomorrow when the doctor calls.
I'm sorry dannixo...I feel like you just can't catch a break!
Sorry Dannixo :-/

Waiting for AF here... ho hum. CD28 15DPO (maybe, haven't been taking note of ovulation) having brown watery CM as usual. Sigh.
The doctor called and my estrogen was only at 146. They wanted to see 200. So I have to take 2 vials of menopur tonight, Saturday and Sunday and go back in for an ultrasound and blood draw at 9 am Monday. I want to thank everyone for there kind words and thoughts. I am praying and sending :dust: to everyone for there sticky baby :)
I'm out.

I find it so strange this whole not getting pregnant thing. Through out life you're told not to have unprotected sex because it only takes one time to get pregnant. We had sex 8 times this month around the right time and it still didn't happen. It's just weird lol. Anyway, 2 months to go til our consult and then we are going to have IVF probably august or September :)
Sunshine-that is so true! We spend all that time trying not to get pregnant and then struggle when we actually want to. So messed up...your consult is getting close though! So exciting!
How are you ladies?

I'm great other being really emotional tonight. I have no clue why. I feel like when I first brought Zoey home.. Overwhelmed with everything.. like scared we will be broke and stressed about bills and I'm upset I didn't get Zoey's newborn pics done. She's growing up to fast and it breaks my heart! Im just blah feelin!
But Zoey is lovely! Slowly growing outta her newborn clothes. Growing girl! Will be 7 weeks on Friday.. Crazy how time files.

Hope you ladies are doing good.
Hawk :( Don't be stressed! I'm sure it will be just fine. I have those days now where I cry and get overwhelmed for no real reason, I'm sure I'll be a mess when the babies are here lol Don't beat yourself up for not getting newborn pics, I'm sure you at least have lots of pics of her that you guys and family/friends took. They don't have to be formal to be remembered :) And, she's still pretty tiny, you could do pics with her now. She's still technically a newborn! Not quite as squishy as she was, but not really plumped up yet either. She's adorable though, you kill me with all those big bows lol

We are good. Had an u/s today. Baby A is still breech, but baby B is head down. Hopefully baby A will flip so we won't be forced to do a c-section. They are measuring 3lbs 12oz and 3lbs and 13oz, somewhere in the 60th percentile. So, they are good sizes so far. We have 27 days til the average twin birth and 50 days until our scheduled c-section...time is flying by!
After baby hormones are no joke! I started back on birth control not long ago so I think that's why I was a mess.. hormones are everywhere. Lol.
You are right.. We have plenty of her when she was really squishy.. I'm waiting on her bloomers and headband to come in and we will be getting her pics done.. and I can't wait!! I love her big bows. She really don't have to many big big ones though. (;

Glad yall are doing good.. You're getting there! I can't wait to see them. Owh gosh i'm to excited. Lol
Good timing too jury you get summer off right?

Nothing exciting here..10weeks..just got back from vaca..waiting my nerve wracking 12 week visit..it's the one where I got all the bad news last time..I'm nervouse. . March 18th
Yes, I will have 3 months off with them before I have to go back to work. A benefit of being a teacher and of getting pregnant at just the right time lol

I'm sure your apt will be just fine :) How have you been feeling? Any ms or anything?
i get queezy-ish at one point or another at any given time each day..usually at night but I don't vom. boobs ache at night also, and I have an almost constant ache in my uterus, like its stretching out feeling.. if I don't eat I get weird feeling like low blood sugar. That's about it.

jury, your due date is like a minute away! Are you and dw all ready to rock and roll? I still think its so neat your having one of each! :)

dannixo, any news?
Your symptoms sound similar to what mine were except the nausea was pretty much constant lol
I know! I can't believe we are so close! We are using this month as the finishing up month. We got tax money so we are having our carpets cleaned and having a deep cleaning of the whole house since I'm too huge to do it myself now lol we are also finishing up buying the last few items we need and then we'll be ready! Hopefully they cooperate and wait until at least next month to make their appearance lol

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