Back from scan and all is good. A very active little one with an official due date of 10 June. Next appointment not until 23 January now- ages away!!!xx
Back from scan and all is good. A very active little one with an official due date of 10 June. Next appointment not until 23 January now- ages away!!!xx
Ushindi - congrats - another wonderful step in the right direction! I have a question for you - you said your blood pressure had been rising - I noticed that my blood pressure has been higher than normal (just over the average, usually it's low) both times it was tested this pg. Is there a reason this can happen? Is it anything to worry about this early on?
Had my NT scan. All went really well. I won't have my bloods for two weeks but the scan was so good the geneticist is not worried. Heard the heartbeat, my babes hands open and close, the NT is perfect, 10 fingers and toes, 4 chambers to the heart (which typically you can't see this early), organs working properly, three layers to the cord, to sides of the brain with proper division, nasal and jaw bone - it's all there and the correct size, and measuring one week ahead. He said they only change the due date if dates are ahead by 9 days or more so sticking with June 4.
We will start telling friends this week and told extended family last night.
Had the scan and consult yesterday- everything is perfect and bub passed with flying colours!
I started calling my grandparents and cousins last night to tell them, it seems so surreal though. I haven't put on any weight at all but my body has changed shape a bit. I just want a bump now to prove it really is happening!
Its also funny that I have been wanting to shout it from rooftops since I poas, but now its hard to know what to do and who to tell. I don't really want to do a FB announcement as we all know how much it hurts if you are struggling with a loss or fertility problems.
How is everyone else feeling? its amazing we are all coming up to second tri! Woohoo!