Hi Aleeah, welcome and congrats
Wonder, great news on the test results. Are you planning on finding out the sex at all? We aren't going to find out, team yellow for me!
Krissy, glad your scan went well. I love seeing bub wave!
Pink passion, have you taken any photos of your bump? I feel like I'm big and round, especially at night, but it varies.
Ella, I think I read somewhere that most women start to show between 12 and 18 weeks, so there is no need for you to worry at all.
Ushindi, great to hear all is well and bub is even ahead of schedule!
AFM, we are packing up our house ready to move next monday, and last night I had a crazy pregnant lady meltdown because my suitcase, which I was going to pack some clothes in had a stick spot on top- I convinced myself it was rat pee (never mind I have never sen a rat anywhere near my current house) and freaked out at DH because he laughed at how irrational I was being. I realize now it was crazy, but its like a primal lizard brain takes over trying to protect this bub.
Anyone else have any silly stories or is it just me?!
Anyway, a week on from my 12 week scan and I have finally gotten around to posting some pics!