My due date has changed to the 24th of March and we're team![]()
Hi All
Had my anatomy scan yesterday and bub looks awesomehave to go back next Tuesday as they couldn't get full shot of spine and feet but everything looks fine
We are teamwhich totally floored me as I had been certain the ultrasound tech would say girl. Hahaha
20 week scan in 4 hours yay. I think I'll be disappointed if I end up having another boy. My gut is saying girl, but I'm not sure if its because I want one so much or I know its a girl. With my son I knew he was a boy. I just had a feeling. So we'll see soon![]()
Having our 20 week scan on Monday and I am TERRIFIED.
So far everything has been ok but I still have this constant worry. :/ Trying my hardest to be excited though and we'll (hopefully!) find out if we are team pink or blue!
Was anyone else nervous for their 20 week scan?
Where do the cats sleep in your room? My son sleeps at his grandparents from time to time and when he was little the cat jumped in the travel cot with him and there is a sweet picture of them sleeping together. If the cats generally sleep in the same place, then a new place should be ok. If you don't want the cats over the baby's bed put tin foil around it prior to bringing baby home as for some odd reason cats hate the stuff. It stops scratching, spraying and going on them![]()